Friday, July 27, 2012

Your Turn

What is a movie that everyone has seen except for you? For the longest time I had never seen Titanic. My mom made me watch it with her for her birthday present two years ago. I figured out pretty much right away that the ship was going to sink. I kept telling my mom that. She was not amused. I have only seen Avatar once and it was on an airplane. That blue takes a whole new dynamic on a five inch screen in turbulence. If you only see a movie on an airplane does it count? If you only land at an airport and don't leave, does that count as visiting that state or country? Can you tell that I am enjoying a few morning beverages? It's kind of an Olympic tradition. I tryo to drink for three weeks straight. Lots of endurance required.


  1. Casablanca. I keep meaning to watch it, I swear...

  2. Never seen Brokeback Mountain...or Scarface...

  3. I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. Or Avatar.

  4. I've never seen Craptanic all the way through.

    I've never seen The Dark Crystal, either. I know there are other "OMG you haven't that!" movies, but I can't think of any. Lol, I'm sure you guys will all have my answers.

  5. It's a Wonderful Life

  6. The Godfather (any)
    Rocky (any)
    The Goonies
    The Notebook

  7. The Boondock Saints.

  8. I've never seen E.T.! I'm going to see if I can avoid it my entire life.

  9. OOoooOOoo...No Harry Potter or Twatlight, either...

  10. all the StarWars movies. I saw the first 2 (in their released order) when I was a teenager and never watched the rest. My sons think that is my biggest sin.

  11. Love Actually. Everyone had seen it and raved about it.
    I finally started watching it about two months ago. Oh lord, it was awful. I could not continue wasting precious moments of my life, so I stopped about a third of the way through.
    Hugh Grant as Prime Minister?!?

  12. Anonymous10:07 AM


  13. Casablanca. Everyone keeps telling me how great it is but I have no desire to ever see it.

  14. How is it possible to not see It's a Wonderful Life? Isn't it on constantly from Thanksgiving until Boxing Day?

  15. pretty in pink
    breakfast club
    16 candles
    the terminator (but i love part 2)

  16. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Star Wars
    Those Charlie Brown movie specials on ABC.

  17. Goonies (I know, I'm a freak)

  18. Any Harry Potter
    Any Twilight (well, I tried to watch the first one on TV and got bored)
    Almost any Woody Allen

  19. @Jolene: Oh yah, me too on the Goonies!

  20. Avatar. But I'm not watching that on principle.

    @Jolene, Goonies is a terrible movie if you didn't initially watch it as a kid. I first saw it in my 20s and just hated it!!

  21. Same here with The Notebook.

  22. @ AuntJess - You've never seen
    "I'll have a coke?"

  23. I've vowed to never see Avatar. Ever.

    However, I also vowed to never see The English Patient. Then I did and I loved it. The horror! So much shame.

  24. Schindler's List. I know, I know. I want to, but I just don't know if I can handle it. The most affecting, emotionally real films always leave me gutted, sometimes for weeks afterward. I'm afraid of what that one will do to me.

  25. I’ve never seen any Twilight movies. Haven’t seen Avatar or Titanic. Never seen any of the Matrix movies. But I’ve been a massive cinema goer forever!

  26. Enty,
    I think your blind item re KS and the director might be somewhere on Facebook. May 2011 you had a problem with Blogger and posted Blind Items on Facebook. However, I can't go that far back on your Facebook page?? I don't know, I have retired from trying to locate i:)

  27. I've never seen ANY Star Wars movies and never will. Just on general principles. Never seen Avatar or the Goonies either, although if the right time, I'm willing to give the Goonies a try.

    As for Casablanca, it's my all time favorite movie - I've seen it dozens of times and cry at the end every time. It helps to see it in a quiet room with no distractions though.

  28. I didn't see Forrest Gump until 2 years ago....what an awesome movie!

  29. Forrest Gump. It looks stupid and features the U of bama rednecks, so that is two strikes against it.

  30. I haven't seen Avatar. Most horror type movies (like the Saw movies, or Final Destination) I have not, nor will I ever see. It seems like I'm the only one in my circle of friends who has such an aversion to graphic violence. Even if I know it's just special effects, it still comes across as gratuitous brutality, and it makes me sad for the characters.

  31. Star Wars...sounds so unappealing to me.

  32. Lots of these movies people are listing that I've seen and they haven't I'm just thinking "Meh, you're not missing much." Like Titanic, Avatar, 16 Candles, Final Destination etc. They weren't THAT good. I'm just waiting for someone to say they've never seen The Big Lebowski or Clueless and I WILL JUST DIE! I feel like a lot of these you aren't missing much :)

  33. Many movies I haven't seen. I'm not going to watch The Notebook, or Eat Pray Love, or the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, or anything like that. Nope. You can't make me, you can't make me*.

    Enjoy your weekend, Enty! You're getting an early start! (Right there with you... after a week with my mom, I deserve refreshments).

    * I think that's a Brady Bunch reference.

  34. The Notebook. I'm sure by the time I do get around to watching it I'll be completely underwhelmed after so many years of build-up.

  35. Brokeback Mountain
    Boondock Saints
    Before Sunrise
    Before Sunset
    Alien movies...Yes, I NEVER have

    1. Is it an alphabetical thing? Have you seen Zoolander?

  36. The only parts of The Notebook I enjoyed were the Gosling/McAdams portions, and I think a lot of that has to do with their chemistry. I thought the rest of it (the Alzheimer's storyline), and the dialogue through its entirety was pure cheesy schlock.

  37. The Sound of Music

    Took me 10 years to see a Star Wars movie, and then it was on HBO. My husband is a huge SW fan and I think I've seen the 4, 5, and 6 about 800 times since. I think I know all the dialog to 4...

  38. I've never seen Titanic, Avatar or the Avengers. I'm so edgy and cool *eyeroll*.

    No, I'm poor and don't see movies much. I did go to TDKR, however.

  39. I have never seen Saving Private Ryan or Twilight.

  40. Taxi Driver and Casablanca.
    You guys are breaking my heart dissing some of my faves. :(

  41. The Kill Bill movies. For some reason I just had no desire.

  42. Wall Street. Which since I work in the finance industry is a big deal. People make references to it all the time.

    Just saw Caddyshack for the first time recently, and it lived up to the hype. Particularly the Rodney Dangerfield character.

    Have also not seen Star Wars, ET, any of the Indiana Jones movies. Don't like Spielberg movies in general.

  43. I've never seen Gone With The Wind, Casablanca and up until a 2 years ago had never watched the Godfather trilogy.

    The movie that you must see no matter what is Crazy Stupid Love. I don't care what kind of relationship your in or if your not in one, it needs to be seen!

  44. I haven never seen The God Father Series, Saturday Night Fever or Citizen Kane

  45. Too many to mention, all someone's favorites, I'm sure.

  46. @Montana, Saturday Night Fever is worth it. And Travolta is beautiful.

  47. Star Wars .. none of them
    Lord of the Rings .. none

  48. Anonymous10:50 AM

    the exorcist

  49. Harry Potter, Avatar.

  50. The Notebook
    Pretty much anything from the 80s. I missed the whole decade!
    I saw Disney's Pocahontas. Does that count as Avatar?

  51. Looking over other folks's lists, I also missed:
    Harry Potter
    Boondock Saints
    Schindler's List
    The Sound of Music (I'm starting to look anti-Semitic here)
    Wall Street
    The Godfather, and
    Bridget Jones. Whew.

  52. The Godfather and its sequels. And oh man, does it piss certain people in my life off that I refuse to watch it.

    Crash, too. Won't touch that one. Or Titanic. Or anything by Tarantino.

    Now I'm glancing at a list of movies everyone should see and, actually, I've seen a lot of them. How reassuring. (Mostly sarcasm.)

    I kept trying to watch Casablanca for years after I really started watching classic movies in earnest, but something would always happen - power going out, daylight savings shift so the VCR quit recording too soon, that sort of thing - so I thought I was just doomed to never see it, but I finally managed it a couple years ago. Victory! (And it was good, but I knew it would be.)

  53. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I watched the first Harry Potter movie, thought it sucked, and never watched any of the others. Never read the books, either. I've never seen any of The Godfather movies, Taxi Driver, or Citizen Kane. I have vowed to never, ever see Avatar.

  54. Sideways, Wedding Crashers, The Hangover, The Godfather and Schindler's List.


  55. I am sure there are lots, Beverly Hills Cop comes to mind and pretty much anything with Julia Roberts I refuse to see. I turned off Avatar because it was a crappy movie, I absolutely hated the characters.

  56. Oh, yeah? Sideways, Schindler's List, Taxi Driver and Harry Potter Movies.

  57. The Sound of Music. I really do want to see it, but some reason have yet too. I get all kinds of shrieks when I tell people I haven't seen it, almost like I've committed some cardinal sin on the steps of the Vatican.

    If you only see a movie on an airplane does it count? Only if you can remember it. If you land at an airport and don't leave, does that count as visiting the state or country? Yep, even if it was only for a brief moment. Drink up Enty!

  58. I have never and will never see Avatar. Ever.

    1. Haha. I said that to one of my friends and she got so offended! "but you don't know what yor missing, it's a fantasy world"
      That's fine. I find our world really beautiful and would rather watch planet earth or something like that.

  59. Avatar
    Lord of the Rings trilogy
    Star Wars (any of them)
    the Godfather
    Wall Street
    American Psycho

    Wierd thing is that I am a freak for movies and have seen/own more than anyone that I know, yet I havent seen some of the most well known ones. I tried to watch the Lord of the Rings hella times, but kept falling asleep in the first 15 minutes.

  60. Gone with the Wind
    Whoever said they didn't see Fight Club.. OMG do it!! It will blow your mind especially if no one's ruined it for you yet. People were talking about Primal Fear on an earlier thread that's another must-see.. phenomenal! :)

  61. It's funny a lot of us havent seen some of the same things.

    No twilight
    I only saw some of the first Harry potter
    Brokeback Mountain
    I was forced to watch midnight in Paris, otherwise no woody Allen films.
    Friends with benefits.
    My list is long. There are A lot of new movies I haven't seen.

  62. Fight Club for sure. Don't know anything about the movie except for the whole 'Don't talk about fight club' line and that's it.

  63. I tried to watch the Notebook and I couldn't make it past 30 minutes. It's soooo schmaltzy.

  64. Never seen:
    Office Space

    I may make time for the last one, but otherwise I don't feel culturally deprived.

  65. Avatar, Harry Pooters (typo stays), Godfathers, Breakfast @ Tiffanys, LOTRs, Twilights, Gone w/ the Wind, Casablanca, probably so many more.
    To the people who haven't seen The Sound of Music: you are missing NOTHING. I passionately hate that movie. Our mutual hatred for it was one of the earliest bonding moments between my husband and me.

  66. By the way, regarding the Notebook's idea of romance, *my* idea of romance is privates Vasquez and Drake in Aliens.

  67. A bunch. I don't know what Boondock Saints is, but I haven't seen that either.

    Citizen Kane
    Godfather I, II, & III
    Schindler's List
    Annie Hall
    Taxi Driver
    The Shawshank Redemption
    The Lion King
    Pulp Fiction

  68. The Sound of Music. Seriously.

  69. The Hangover
    Any of the "Meet the.." movies.

  70. Gone With the Wind
    It's a Wonderful Life
    The Notebook
    Breakfast at Tiffany's

  71. I was watching IronMan (AGAIN!) last night with my teenage son, and realized I have never sat through any permutation of Batman or Spiderman with him. Not in the past, not in the future, not ever! That includes IronMan with friends, especially if one of those friends is ScarJo (vom!).

  72. The Graduate, 2001, It's a Wonderful Life, Singin' in the Rain, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Ben-Hur, Lawrence of Arabia... I seem to have avoided a lot of what are considered "the best movies of all time." Oh and I haven't seen Avatar either.

  73. Jurasic Park, Harry Potter movies, Avatar, all the ones that sound super dumb or too science fictiony! But of course my son dragged me to 2 of the stupid Jackass movies!!!! And they were horrible:)

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Star Wars, ET, Finding Nemo

  76. The Hangover
    Any of the Batman movies

    I didn't see The Sound of Music until I was 30. Don't get the fuss about that one.

  77. I never saw Harry Potter,Twilight(don't like occult themes) Avatar(too tree-hugging), any Star Trek(too nerdy), or any of the superhero(Batman, Thor, Iron Man, ,etc.)as I don't care for super hero themes, and I've never seen the really old ones like Casablanca, etc.either, don't like black and white.

  78. Oh I probably have seen all the classic black & white movies, You just can't beat 'em!!! I feel like I am Robert Osbornes best friend:)

  79. My husband's never seen Monty Python's Holy Grail. I can't believe I married him. (j/k)

  80. Austin Powers & Amerian Pie

  81. Never seen Ironman and now that it has been outsourced to China, I have no desire to see any of them.

  82. I'm with all the above that love the old black & white movies - I watch TCM a lot - especially love the old movies from the 1930s that were comedies or musicals. I think I lived then in a former life.

  83. TCM is the greatest! Whoever is responsible for it not going the AMC route (will be bitter forever about that, even if it did eventually bring me Mad Men,) they deserve a medal.

  84. No Harry Potter
    No Twilight
    No Slasher movie of any kind
    The Notebook
    No Woody Allen films
    Brokeback Mountain
    American Pie
    Gone With The Wind in it's entirety

  85. Anonymous2:19 PM

    To all those who haven't seen Avatar:

    I don't think you're missing ANYTHING. The only things worth watching in that movie are the visual effects. The entire (underwhelming) plot--including plot holes you could drive a semi through--can be summarized in three words: Dancing with Smurfs.

  86. I still haven't seen Avatar. Don't have much interest in seeing it either.

  87. I am very proud of the fact that I have never seen a single Rocky movie or Godfather movie.

  88. --Star Wars trilogy
    --Close Encounters of the Third Kind
    --Alien series
    --National Lampoon's Vacation series
    --The Goonies
    --Harry Potter series
    --Twilight series
    --Godfather series
    --Rocky series
    --40-year-old Virgin
    --The Hangover
    --X-Men series
    --Most of the Batman films
    --Most of Tom Cruise's movies

  89. Oh so many. Top Gun (or any Tom Cruise film), ET, any Harry Potter, Avatar, any Mission Impossible, any Men in Black, any Toy Story, Finding Nemo, any Rocky/Rambo, any James Bond other than the Daniel Craig ones.

  90. The Hangover 1 and 2
    The Dark Knight
    Star Wars Episode 1, 2 & 3

  91. Avatar - Don't care to see
    Harry Potter - Want to see
    Godfather - Want to see
    Scarface - Want to see
    Dirty Dancing - Don't care to see
    Ghost - Don't care to see

    I'm sure there are more.

  92. I haven't watched any Harry Potter or Twilight movies. I also have not seen Avatar. Or The Notebook (although I have a fairly newfound crush on Gosling, so I might have to sit through it, even though it looks like an epic piece of garbage).

  93. All of the Rambo movies as well as anything with Charles Bronson

  94. Soooooooooo many (I never seem to like mainstream flicks so I usually stay away). But here's a few....Avatar, all the Harry Potter flicks, Hangover II (as one was a HUGE disappointment), Bridesmaids (or whatever it was called) many more, but I just don't even know the names, Mission Impossibles, Juno. I'm sure if I check out everyone's comments, I'd find more.

  95. I had never seen Anchorman until month ago.

  96. Believe it or not - Titanic. I know he's a good actor, but Leo holds zero appeal for me.

  97. I envy those of you who haven't seen The Sound Of Music.

    Watching that is slightly more preferable than stabbing myself in the face. HATE THAT MOVIE.

  98. I've never seen a Harry Potter movie.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. I have a motto: If it takes place in space, get it out of my face. Soooooo, pretty much every space movie (except Space Balls)

    I think I was the last person on earth to see The Sixth Sense. I was on a redeye to London, and when the "revelation" came I did that weird "huhhhhhhh!" inhale noise that your Mom makes when you startle her. I woke up half the flight!

  101. I haven't seen Avatar - too long for me

  102. It's A Wonderful Life. Growing up, we never watched it because my mother hated it, and now it's sort of become a tradition to run screaming from the room when it's aired endlessly from November to January.

  103. @Chilie - I drink my morning coffee out of an Initech mug!

  104. ET, Ghost, Goonies, Twilight movies.

    I watched Avatar after it had been out on DVD for a while and I have to admit I enjoyed it.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. I think I have the same kit. A tiny Swingline stapler, and a jump-to-conclusions mat were also included...*L*

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Anything Star wars or Lord of the Rings... and many, many more...

  109. @angel---seriously, I LOVE the sound of music. I know almost every line (it's sad). And I equally LOVE the Baroness Schrader AND her wardrobe. She was FAB.

    But I must admit, many of these "mainstream" films my kids have tried to get me to watch, like Twilght. However it was my youngest who was like 8 at the time, and I didn't make it more than five mins in before I was like, later gater. Same with Little Miss Sunshine...hated it. Lord of the Rings, I never saw, I have no desire for such flicks. Legally Blonds, Final Destinations, The Ring, all that crap...I cannot watch. My kids do, and I try (just to participate) but I always need to excuse myself. I think I may have ADD when it comes to sitting through crap.

  110. lastly, I love Scarface and really any older Pacino film. Because seriously, he was so flipping HOT.....the boy melts me Everywhere. I'm sorry and I don't mean to be gross but it is true. I think Pacino circa early 1980's = hottest man ever (And Justice For All, Godfather I and II, Panic in Needle Park era). Cheese -n- cracka's he does it for me.

  111. Ok (I lied, this will be my last input) Sea of Love too but he was on the cusp for me at that point.

  112. I've seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean movies but not any of the others. Same with Harry Potter. Nothing there that made me want to venture farther.

    I haven't seen Avatar and probably won't. Cameron has gotten too smug for me.

  113. Rocky or Rambo
    Tons of older movies on the AFI list but I'm trying to make my way through it.
    I want an Office Space kit!!
