Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Your Turn

I would have never believed a year ago that______________.


  1. heidi klum was hollow mom

  2. Tom and Katie would be divorced I figured it would take a few more years.

  3. Personally? That I'd no longer be speaking to my best friend of 15 years.
    Otherwise- LL is still among the living.

  4. Let me rephrase that, she is a hollow mom. I see her in a totally diffrent light now

  5. I'd go another year without getting la...I mean 'lovemaking'... >=[

  6. I'd still be exactly where I am. (I STILL don't know how it happened)

  7. They'd let me out of the clink.

    1. FSP-congrats! Try not to re-offend! Xxoo your next cellmate (think Shawshank;)

  8. I would be dating a much younger man.

  9. Katie Holmes would fucking ball on Tom Cruise!

    Melanie Griffith would ever remove her claw like grasp from her Antonio without it being from the grave.

  10. What's a hollow mom?

  11. ... I'd still be looking for a job.

    ... I'd have a boyfriend.

    ... my hair could get this long.

  12. "I would have never believed"

    ...has not been part of my vernacular for a decade or so...

  13. Katie Holmes would fucking ball on Tom Cruise!

    Melanie Griffith would ever remove her claw like grasp from her Antonio without it being from the grave.

  14. ... I would be In a serious relationship
    ... I would be living in Seattle
    ... I would be working for such a large, well known company

    The last year has been a whirlwind of change for me

  15. i'd still be unemployed

    1. Yo yo Ricktoo
      The job out there is there for you
      You just have to persevere and hang in there boo
      (Best rap I could come up w no notice;)
      Be strong!

  16. I'd have found my future husband as a voice on tv.

    Since I was introduced to CDaN on the New Years Day reveal, I'm trying so hard to think of the one thing that you guys shocked me the most with. All that comes to mind right now is that Sharon Stone isn't the nice charitable lady I thought she was. Ok you can stop laughing now jerks!

    Wait, remember the blind about the actor and his family who would poop all over hotel rooms and someone swore their friend said it was Sly Stallone? That plus the rumors about his son dying like a hoarder have me thinking but it's just sad. Maybe the first HMMMM post was the most shocking.

  17. I'd be going out and having guys in their 20's hit on me...and not believe how old I am.

  18. beautiful niece would no longer be with us.

  19. That I'd be working in this shitty ass firm I am right now...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. One year ago...
    That I'd take a week off to mourn the death of my mother and get fired promptly upon my return to work. And now ... I work for THE BEST company, doing less and making more!! Woohoo!

    To all who lament still looking--hang in there!

  22. Something called "bath salts" would turn people into face-eating zombies.

  23. I would leave UCLA after nearly 15 years to join their rivals at USC (and that it would come with a 25K raise).

    And more importantly, that my dad would still be fighting after 7 years on dialysis.

  24. Where to begin? I never would have believed that a CDaN Your Turn post would be the kick in the ass I needed to leave my husband. Many hugs and thanks to those of you who unknowingly helped me get the courage to realize how short and precious life is and I better grab my piece now.

    I never thought I'd find love again, and I have.

    I'm also surprised Katie left Tom!

    1. @mikey, I remember that seems like it wasn't that long ago. I guess that when you decide to take action, you are extremely efficient and effective! :)

  25. @Mikey, that makes me want to cry. I'm so glad you hung in there and took care of yourself. You seem like you're in such a better place now. xoxo - MIK

    All you CDAN types are pretty kickass in my book.

  26. That my husband and I could find and afford our dream house! Offer accepted yesterday :)

    We keep jumping up and down like five year olds. The one upside of the crap housing market, I suppose....we've lived in a cramped, very small house for almost five years now.

  27. Good luck to you mikey

  28. Awwww mikey, we all love a happy ending. May everyone on CDAN have a great future.....but keep away from face-eating crazies!

  29. That I'd be in a much better place financially, that I still would be a smoker and that I would have dramatically decreased my pot smoking. Oh, and that I would *still* be struggling with my weight loss. And, finally, that I would have a good, platonic relationship with my ex-husband.

  30. Whitney would be gone...

  31. I would start going to bed before midnight and waking up before 8am. Every night when I lay down and see it's 10:30/11, I just roll my eyes at myself.

  32. I ran a Half Marathon.

  33. yay @Reno! I remember that! Remember how bad you ached afterwards?

  34. I could spend 2 1/2 hours reading this effin' blog...

  35. Why I don't know who Hollow Mom is ?

  36. @yawnathon
    Congrats - YEA!!!!!!!!!!

    That blows my mind. I'm so glad you are living the life you deserve to live

    I never would've believed we'd sell our business and my husband would take a risky but killer position up in L.A (4 hours of daily commute). So random

    Oh and WooHoo for those who found love this year. I'm a hopeless romatic :)

  37. That my brother in laws murder is still unsolvable. That the police and authorities still have not arrested the person/persons involved .

    1. Moosefan-So sorry for your loss. May you all be strong, find peace and resolution.

  38. That my child would be diagnosed with a life threatening disease and I would be diagnosed with Breast Cancer...Booo. There that was my pity party!!!

    On the celebrity front I would say the TomKat divorce...although we all knew it was coming we just didn't know when..

    1. Oh Canada-stay strong!!!

    2. That sounds so difficult! I wish you both a clean bill of health!

    3. That sounds so difficult! I wish you both a clean bill of health!

  39. That I would be laid off and unable to find work. Life takes a terrible turn sometimes. *sigh*

  40. Awww Billybob - I'm so very sorry. I can not begin to imagine.

  41. My father in law would still be among the living. He has one foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel, but he's still here. I would have bet A LOT of money against him; he'd laugh if I told him that.

  42. that we'd finally nail bin Laden

  43. Canada123 - I think that is a perfectly acceptable pitty party. I am so sorry.

  44. That instead of all of the exciting camping and Burning Man events I had planned this summer...that my dad would have multiple strokes at the age of 64 and I'd put my life on hold for 3 months to move into his home in a small Oklahoma town and try to help him recuperate.

    1. Sparklynan- may you find strength and know that you are doing such a wonderful thing for your dad. You are a gift!

  45. And everybody else - hang in there! A lot can change in a year. We get a fresh start every day; life's awesome like that.

    1. Frufra-love you love the attitude as no truer words have been spoken!

  46. .....that we would all come together as a family. All our life experiences have made us what we are....the good, bad and excrutiating. That we are all still here is a testament to the strength that dwells within each and every one of us. May everyone on CDAN experience good times in the future.

    1. Billybob-love the sentiment and still pulling for you and Angie to get back together!

  47. I never would have guessed Whitney would be gone either. Or real life zombies/bath salts craziness.

    Also that my life could be so relaxing. All I had to do was let go. Thanks God for LOVE and PEACE.

    You guys also make me smile, laugh you are my daily fix without the nasty side effects of possible death Thanks:-)

  48. ...that I wake up daily at 5 and run 3 miles.
    ...that I'll still live in this godforsaken place in the bible belt and not in Cali. :(
    ...that my beloved dog would be gone forever. (old age)I think of her every day :((((

  49. Thank you, Big Mama. There was a time when I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow each morning, just praying for time to pass and make the pain easier to bear. But the universe was a little kind to us in the shape of a beautiful little girl who is the image of her Mummy.....for that we are truly grateful as a family.

  50. Also what is the Heidi Klum thingy about? I'm dying to know all about hollow mom:-p

    I saw Jennifer Hudson before the taste standing with her family. She shushed me before I exclaimed loudly. We both fell out laughing.

    She looked so pretty, she grabbed me gave me a hug and told me she loved my hair. That was awesome!!

    She was so normal, people were walking past not even realizing who she was...lmao

  51. uberpooper said...

    One year ago...That I'd take a week off to mourn the death of my mother and get fired promptly upon my return to work.

    uberpooper - the exact same thing happened to me! My boss said his hand was forced, and that he suspected he would be next. Sure enough, one month later, he was let go.

  52. That I would still be unemployed. That Lindsay Lohan would still be alive. That anyone would think Mitt Romney is a viable candidate. That we still haven't attacked Iran. Maybe next week.

  53. ...I'd finally get the balls to go to college, and I'd actually do well.

    ...I'd be as depressed about turning 40 as I was.

  54. Surfer......

    Sue the bastards

  55. That I would still be alone.

    And good for you, @Mikey. Courage to find happiness is a rare thing.

  56. That my ex would get engaged and I'd still be single...

    That I'd have the balls to leave my old shitty company and find happiness with my new one...

    That I'd buy a car on my own without any financial assistance from my parents...

  57. I'd lose my job and be unemployed for close to a year, and counting.

  58. THIS is the best "your turn" ever!

    A year ago I never knew I'd care so much reading about what mostly faceless strangers have going on in their lives. I can actually say I'm enjoying this better than celebrity gossip (just right this second, don't worry Enty!)

  59. That I'd fall in love with a single mother.

  60. Lol I called heidi a hollow mom cause she's heartless and cold. A robot has more emotions than she does. Lainey revealed that she's the mom who acts like a doting mom when in reality she pencils them into her planner just to "spend time" with them. I always thought she was the unlucky in love type but now I see it was well deserved.

  61. I am so sorry for those that have lost loved ones.

    Much happiness and may the year continue to get better for everyone.

  62. Thanks so much @EmEyeKay!
    Yes, I do remember, like it was yesterday! :)

  63. I am still sitting at this crappy job and still posting comments during my crappy work day......

    I need a life!!!

  64. Anonymous11:37 AM

    ... that my brother would still be crashing in my guest room.

    ... that my much-loved chiweenie would have a stroke and pass away at the age of three.

    ... that my mom's health would go downhill so quickly and dramatically.

    ... that I'd be dealing with new, serious health issues myself.

    ... that I'd still be fat after my gastric surgery was aborted.

    Everyone who is dealing with drama in your lives, please remember, you aren't alone! The CDaN family may squabble and fuss, but most of us are supportive of one another, just like (most) real families!

  65. @Texhan
    What happened with your gastric bypass? Are you going to try again?
    My big sister got one and she is so very happy with it. She's maintaining wonderfully for 4 years now.
    Sorry about your mom and dog!

  66. That my health would be so bad that I'd have to quit my job.

    And I didn't expect LL to be alive & actually "working."

  67. That my health would take such a bad turn and I would spend so much time in the hospital, missing Halloween, weddings, my husbands life saving and officer of the year award ceremony, just to name a few.
    That my great grandmother and 2 first cousins would die from overdoses.
    That my father is still alive after all his addictions took over completely.
    That I would not be speaking to my sister and also a half sister.
    And that I would get royally screwed over by someone who was supposed to be my best friend.

    1. Didn't word that right, my grandmother had a heart attack, not an overdose.

  68. canada123-
    So sorry to hear about what you're going through. I wish you strength, love and happiness. Best of luck to you.

  69. Wow what an interesting read, makes you want to cry, laugh, and feel grateful for everything you have. Sorry to those who have experienced loss, or are going through difficult times. Been there, done that...but you're not alone.

    I would never have believed a year ago that...I'd still be in a loveless relationship with no desire for anything more. I'm numb.

    1. Redheat- we are in the same boat so grab a life preserver and maybe we can both agree to rock it!

  70. I never thought I would have 2 children under 2 years! My first turned 2 on Sunday and my second turned 3 months on Monday! My life is crazy but I love them both so much :)

  71. I would have met the love of my life and found that he feels the same way.....but doesn't want a relationship with me because I'm his best friend. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!

  72. That I would get rear ended 3 months after back fusion surgery and now have neck fusion surgery scheduled for next month. That I would still be in so much pain and suffering and wasting my life stuck in my house.
    Glad for my CADN addiction, although it is a commitment to read all the comments, but fun.

    1. Hang in there Opie...sending you good vibes!!!!!

  73. These are really interesting to read!

    That Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas would divorce. Truly shocked me.

    On a personal note, that I would take my grown son to get his medical marijuana card.

  74. Besides still being unemployed 3 years now. My grandma would be gone less than 2 months ago.

    1. Lizjaxe girl---you hang in there!!! Sorry about your g-ma though and sending you positive thoughts!!!!

  75. My in-laws would actually affect my health so badly or that, because of this, my husband has finally banned them from our lives (after 30 years). Starting the long fight back to healthy.

  76. To all you wonderful folks who have suffered loved ones loss, job loss, love lost, know that you are loved here and things change. Grief fades, jobs are found, and love blooms anew.

    I never would have believed a year ago that I've stuck to my resolution to be a better, happier person.

  77. @Susan Thanks it's been tough. She has never been really healthy. Grandp is taking ok, he is in a nursing home. But Instillmtake him to his doctor's appointments and get whatever he needs.

  78. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hi, Reno. I went in for a lap band in February. They put in the scopes, but then my surgeon couldn't see my stomach because my liver was more than twice normal size, covering the stomach completely, and inflamed. He had to pull out the scopes and call off the surgery, and I went on an anti-inflammatory regimen. I'm kind of stuck, because the only way I can have the surgery is if I can get my liver to shrink, and the only way to shrink it, really, is to lose weight. So I'm in a catch 22. It sucks.

    I'm so glad for your sister! People think that having gastric surgery is the "easy" way to lose weight, but it really isn't. It's a tool, that's it. You still have to exercise and eat right. If you don't, the surgery won't help at all. Good for her!

    Thanks re: my mom and doggy. Mom had cancer surgery in January, and developed two embolisms afterward. She also now has problems with her kidneys, iron, and potassium. She's been in the hospital three times since the surgery and uses an oxygen tank now. It's a disaster.

    The doggy was a total shock. It happened very suddenly and was over quickly. She started walking unsteadily at 9:30 one evening, I took her to the emergency vet at 10:15, and she passed away at 5:30 am. It was horrible. But, I have two completely crazy pomeranians now who've really helped me, although I still miss her very much. My pets are my babies.

    Thanks again! And congrats on the half marathon -- I wouldn't make it 50 yards!

  79. Anonymous12:20 PM

    My husband's best friend of 20+ years turned out to be a junkie (unbeknown to either of us)......and that my dog would have cancer (he's only 5).

  80. ... I would have a boyfriend :)

  81. Tks everyone:) At least I have this awesome site to come to everyday (for years now just a longtime lurker since I kept forgetting my gmail password all of the time!!! Never take anything in life for granted and live it to the fullest!!!

  82. @redheat - you need to talk to Mikey! :(

  83. that I would lose my dad to pancreatic cancer :-(

  84. This is the best "your turn" ever. I don't have anything profound to contribute, but I offer my warmest thoughts to those of you suffering loss and heartache.

    This really IS a great community here.

  85. I would have the courage/stupidity to move alone from the UK to Orange County

  86. that I would still be fucking unemployed. But after reading this, it seems pretty trivial. Sorry to all of you who have suffered losses.

  87. Aww Susan - thanks! Hugs to you guys - CDANers are the best!

    And timebob - so sorry. Lost my grandfather to that horrid disease years ago. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.

  88. ...that I would still be unemployed and living back at my mom's. With my two children. *sigh*

  89. Anonymous1:24 PM

    that I'd lose my best friend (more like a brother) to an overdose and find him dead in bed. I also never thought I'd lose my dog so suddenly. Took him in for a nail trimming, ended up putting him to sleep because of undiscovered stomach problems...

  90. Hey @Sarah! I'm moving from where I grew up near NYC to England next year. How do you like it here? What are the biggest differences?

  91. @ Moosefan , brutal experience, will pray (however you define prayer) that justice is done.

  92. @Texshan
    You are so right about the surgery. My sister works out most days of the week and watches her diet and portions.
    So sorry to hear about your liver. Sending you good thoughts to shrink that sucker down!
    Also so sorry about your doggie and mom.

    So sorry for all of you CDANer's losses and misfortunes!!!!!!!!!!
    We are a crazy good, close community here. So happy to be a part of this wonderful group!

    I start college for the first time ever tomorrow too. Wish me luck!

  93. sister in law and I would be speaking again and getting along great.

  94. That Pete Dougherty would outlive Amy Winehouse.

  95. That a month before my 56th birthday, that this decidedly non-athletic body would run and complete a Spartan Sprint.

  96. That I would have a hysterectomy and be OK about not having children.

  97. There are a lot of intense answers here!
    Mine is that I would be spending half my time living in a tiny one bedroom apartment in the middle of downtown Vancouver, BC.

  98. That we would finally have a beautiful baby (girl) after losing 4 babies in a row during pregnancy. And that life could get so crazy after having a child and trying to juggle work, etc. So worth it, of course. Or that my mom would be diagnosed with cancer again and headed in for another stem cell transplant.

    I hope everyone dealing with difficult situations and health issues sees a light at the end of the tunnel very soon!

  99. My heart goes out to each and every one of you who have experienced loss in the past year, whether it be a loved one or a job. Congratulations to those of you who found love and happiness.
    What was the question again?

  100. that you still think i write this fucking blog.

  101. That I would pull up stakes and move to California.

  102. lol I <3 you jax, you have no idea how many days you have made for me.

  103. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Thanks, Reno! And good luck with college -- I hope you enjoy it!

  104. II'm only now reading the comments. So pleased for all those that are in better places than they were a year ago, and sorry for those that have had or are having a tough time - wishing you strength and sending love.

    @katsm0711 so far so good, thank you. I moved in November and am really enjoying it although I miss my family and friends and find the time difference hard (but have learned to live with it - not much choice!). Other than that the only things I really miss are chocolate and squash (juice). The weather is better here though!
    Best advice I have is to join Meet-up and push yourself to go to as many things as possible. I have met some really great people through it.
    The language is more different than you think but it works in my favour as a conversation starter.
    The only thing I am upset about is that the accent has yet to bring me the men I was promised it would!
    Where are you moving to? Happy to give some help off here if it would be helpful. Moving countries is a major learning experience.

  105. That my husband got a great paying job in his field, 1200 miles away from home and I finally got out of my home town.

  106. @Sarah, I just moved to a new city too! Does meet-up really work? What activities on it do you do?

  107. That My older son would stumble across child porn in my roomates room . Not a yr ago but this past weekend, now I'm practically homeless and praying that nothing happened to my younger child

  108. @fedwaymom oh goodness. I hope things work out for you all.

    @Maggie yes, I have met some great people through it :-) I've gone for groups based on age rather than on very specific activities so we've done a range of things including Taco Tuesdays, hiking and trampolining. I also tend to go for mixed groups as the women only ones I attended have seemed to be mainly married women who have quite different lifestyles and interests to me.
    At the meet-ups I made friends that I hang out with outside of the organized events, and through them I met their friends etc.
    The best thing to do is do a few searches and look at the profiles of the people in the groups that catch your eye, to see whether they are your 'type' of people. When you've chosen some that catch your eye go to a few different events, some of them are bound to click with you. Everyone is there for the same purpose so it's a great way to make friends.
    Good luck in your new city.

  109. How did I miss this today?

    You are never alone on CDaN! I am so happy I stopped lurking and starting interacting with the group. My little sis turned me on to CDaN after my dad died in 2009. Glad for the laughs and loves here.

    Me - Never thought I'd own a business. Something in me snapped after years of working for other abusive assholes. If they could do it, I sure as hell could do it. And that I would own my intuitive side and come out of the psychic closet.

    I don't know how to respond to everyone. But sending you all love, happiness, joy, and a clear path to your truth. The hard times just make the good things that much sweeter :) Love you, Dia

    1. Dia - me too! I never considered or even wanted to own my own business. But a friend of mine started one & one day I just thought to myself - hey, he's not any smarter than I am. If he can do it, I can do it. I did and it was successful!

  110. @ Amy in MI

    You deserve better. That is the lamest excuse and makes me think the guy is geigh.

    As for me, I would never have thought I'd rob a bank and get away with it. ;-)

  111. that I would marry the most incredible woman and be crazy happy for 5 months and then get a phone call that my 21 yr old son was in a car accident (hit a tree, he was in the back drugs one else hurt), go to the hospital and have him die in my arms...never in my life would have ever thought that would happen...

  112. That I'd be making 3x what I was making at this time last year, when only 3 years ago I was out of work and riding a bicycle. God bless America, it ain't ever over 'til it's over.

    That Lindsey Lohan would still be alive.

  113. That I would loss my husband of 26 years in a motorcycle accident.

    That 6 months later I would loss my mother.

    That I would have to move out of my dream home after 23 years.

    That I would go to church on week days.

  114. Lindsay Lohan would still be alive, and working.

  115. I'm going to copy Ricki: That I would still be unemployed.

  116. I'm sorry for those of you who have had tragedies. :(

  117. My sympathies and/or condolensces on your losses, and congrats on your successes as well. I guess a year ago (hell a month ago) i had no idea i'd be dealing with my uncle's suicide, which is stalled right where it was a few weeks ago when i "shared "... still no way to positively id and issue death certificate. The beat goes on.

  118. I would be out of a writing career but Teresa Guidice and Bethenny Frankel would be NYT bestselling "authors".

  119. Anonymous8:46 AM

    You are never alone on CDaN!

    Except when you are.

    I wish everyone well wishes and good luck, but let's not pretend that everyone is on equal ground around here.

  120. That I would be almost done with college and have an amazing internship that I love. Also that I would finally be in a healthy and life changing fantastic incredible relationship.

  121. Oh my god @Pilotss I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words.

  122. Sometimes this site blows my mind with the endearing posts its blogger elicits and the readers provide.

    Quickly, and i know i'm overlooking people who have touched me: Green Wave Girl and Lauren: SO glad you had the courage to make a change and SO happy it's worked out well; @mikey: You Go Girl! We're all behind you and are so happy you've moved on and found happiness; Seaward: How have you changed your sleep patterns? [This is something i really need to know how to do although i think in my case it's impossible]; Saffron: <<>>, i live in a godforsaken place, also and have lost my 'heart' dog; Redheat: Please connect to mikey; Texshan: You're in Houston [i think] so i'm glad you're in M.D. Anderson territory and in a health related field; you're so intelligent so i'm hopeful for your future -- You've got the knowledge and resources to help your search in dealing with your future. And i know how hard/impossible it is to say good bye to our four-legged babies. I, too, knew early on that i wasn't a candidate to be a good mother and have served as an aunt to several children.

    Night, all!
