Thursday, July 12, 2012

Woman Keeps Dead Boyfriend For 18 Months Because She Was Lonely

Usually when you hear about someone who has kept a dead body in their house for the past 18 months, it is not something that makes you really feel sorry for them. It is usually someone who has a few more buried out in the backyard and even more where they used to live. 72 year old Linda Chase lives in Jackson, Michigan and says her boyfriend died about 18 months ago. Police discovered his mummified remains this week. Ms. Chase says she kept him clean and changed his clothes and had him propped up in the chair next to hers so he could watch NASCAR with her and other television because she was lonely and didn't have anyone else. Ms. Chase is not going to face any charges for keeping him in the house but will probably go to jail for cashing all of his benefit checks.


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