Penn State is having to pay the NCAA over $60M in fines. I think Victim #2 should sue Penn State for that amount of money and every victim should follow in his wake and do the same thing. If the school is willing to pay $60M to get to play football they should be willing to pay $60M to a child who was sexually assaulted on their school property and did nothing about it. How could you pay him any less? I will tell you why. Because even today, the people who run Penn State think football is way more important than Victim #2. Why do you think they tried so hard to avoid the death penalty? Because they get paid way more than the fine the NCAA issued to play football. They get almost $20M a year just from the football program alone. It is probably more. It is all about money.
The interesting thing here is that Penn State's insurer has said they are not going to cover Penn State because they had a duty to let them know about Sandusky and they never did. So, Penn State is going to have to sue their insurance company to try to get them to cover some of this. Otherwise, It is going to come out of the Penn State coffers and then everything will suffer except the football program. That new science building? Can't do it because Sandusky sexually assaulted kids and the school has to pay. Tuition going up 300%. Have to. Sandusky used the showers as his sexual playground and the school has to pay. I think the school should still play football and have to give every penny of it for the same number of years that they had Sandusky working for them. So, in about 20 or 30 years or however long it was, then the school can finally start to line their own pockets again.
Another Penn State post? Cue the trolls in 5...4...3...
ReplyDeleteSince I live in PA this ish is all over the news and I'm sick of it already. The voicemails that were released tho...soo weird! He told the kid he loved him!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see the words "death penalty," I think it's for Sandusky. Always takes me awhile to realize it's about the football program.
ReplyDeleteFeed him to the Amish.
ReplyDeleteIf only one person in management in all those years had the courage to do the right think and call the authorities, then the thousands of students who go to Penn State would not have to suffer for it now. They are the secondary victims of Sandusky.
ReplyDeleteI want some justice for the victims and then I don't want to hear about this again. I don't need any more evidence that Sandusky was a creep.
ReplyDeleteThis whole story makes me sick. Hope he rots in jail. I am sorry the students of this school have to suffer though.
ReplyDeleteF Penn State.
ReplyDeleteI think the gross Penn
ReplyDeleteState makes on football is 60 million a year. So taking out for expenses, they were fined 2 years or less of income profit. The scholarship denial and rules allowing players to bolt to other schools has really hurt them. This is the real punishment. They have to build their team practically from the ground up. And all the Paterno wins were taken from them. I agree with you that every child who was abused should file a civil suit, and be paid massive amounts. There are so many of them, that i t could put Penn out of business altogether. The next year should be interesting. I don't think any college football program will take sexual abuse lightly again.
Tooany higher ups knew what was going on and continued to turn away. Let them pay. They were as complacent as Joe.
ReplyDelete*too many
ReplyDeleteHey, I like the Amish !
ReplyDeleteI hate to feed the anger (well, not really or I wouldn't say this), but it IS really all about money. And that's so profoundly sad. But, even more tragic is that the quest for money and power is one of the oldest common threads that binds the human race together. Wow, I guess we'll never learn.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yeah, I'm a huge, rediculous optimist. But base human nature just is what it is. We have to light a candle to fight the darkness every single day.
ReplyDeleteI'll do my part by posting lots of puppy and kitty pics on my Facebook account :-).
Well said Enty, I agree totally!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm so glad that Enty has taken such a moral stance on Penn State when, according to him, child sexual abuse is rampant in Hollywood and nobody is doing anything about it (and probably actively covering up for people doing it). Good to know he and everyone else cares about those kids...
ReplyDeleteI never understood what's exciting or why college sports is anything. It seems to be only football. I remember in high school the football players got special treatment. Why does being an athlete mean u get into a really good college when ur probably not too smart? Why doesn't the USA just do series 1, 2, 3 teams with relegation and promotion? Where does college tie in? I was an athlete, not good enough for a scholarship but I know a little about other sports.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I hate the world. If you want to work at the highest level you have to sell a bit of your soul to be a part of the big corporation which is going to have some secret awful corrupt part that you either ignore or are shocked and appalled when you find out.
I'm from PA, and while not a college football fan or a PSU alum myself, many of my close friends are. Patty above is absolutely right, that students are the secondary victims of Sandusky. As are the faculty and in fact a lot of the region of PA around the school. The sad fact is that there's no way this can't be about money, whether with the right or wrong intentions, because PSU for better or worse drives a very large part of the regional economy.
ReplyDeleteThere was never going to be any good outcome from this, and there never will be. For anyone. If the school pays out massive amounts to every victim, and is bankrupted, then it becomes a huge loss leader for the regional economy, hurting many more people who had nothing to do with football, coverups, Sandusky, etc. Paying hundreds of millions to the victims doesn't unmolest them or or make what Sandusky did go away. Forgetting that there was a quality academic institution and putting football first was the heart of this problem. Overpenalizing the school to the point that academics suffer just perpetuates the problem from a different source. On the other hand, being too lenient with penalties trivializes the crimes and the victims. Hopefully all schools, large or small can take step back and realize that no sports program is bigger or should be bigger than the academic programs that the other 98% of the student body is a part of and which was the original purpose of the school's founding.
Isn't Sandusky getting sued too? Sandusky is getting a pension from the PA state too. If I was a PA resident, I would make so felons could not receive pensions for this kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteI saw on the news today that Sandusky's wife was quoted as saying that she still loves her husband very much. I'm sure she loved his paycheck even more.
ReplyDeleteHenriette- as a PA citizen I was livid when i found out that he was still receiving his pension (5k a MONTH!!) but apparently PA lawmakers have said its unlikely to cut off his pension entirely because violent crimes or sexual abuse convictions aren't considered grounds for eliminating pensions (PA ACT 140-only extortion and bribery by a public employee are grounds for a pension dismissal)
ReplyDelete@ Henriette, I agree with you, but that's not just a PA thing. OJ Simpson is still able to collect his 300K annual NFL pension and no one can touch it, even if his daughter is blowing through it while he's in jail.
ReplyDeleteThey get almost $20M a year just from the football program alone. It is probably more.
ReplyDeletePSU's football revenue is approximately $75 million per year.
think the school should still play football and have to give every penny of it for the same number of years that they had Sandusky working for them. So, in about 20 or 30 years or however long it was
ReplyDeleteWhat a silly & ridiculous thing to say.
Amen SpaceCowboy. The students and alumni who had absolutely NOTHING to do with the molestation suffer. As do the small business owners, professors, etc that live and work in Happy Valley.
ReplyDeleteDottie sandusky released a statement saying she still loves jerry and that's not the man behind bars. She's part of it too. Smh
ReplyDeleteExcept, Ashlea, we all have a responsibility to protect children. We ALL do. The current students and alumni, the small business owners, the faculty and staff at Penn State and at all colleges and universities have a responsibility to protect children from this and every sort of abuse. Maybe this is a way to ensure everyone does think about their actions or LACK of action and their ramifications.
ReplyDeleteI have sympathy for them, I do, but we as a society need to do more. We have to protect those who cannot protect themselves. This is more important than money.
I totally agree. The collateral damage is a shame, but its ridiculous to say that civil lawsuits don't unmolest you. Actions=consequences. That's life. Trickle down economics...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteevery time I see this sick f*&k's face I just want to do the American History X curb stomp to it.
ReplyDeleteyes.....I too can be sick.
//what's this with the trolls?
Serial killers destroy families. Psychopaths destroy societies. It's happened all through history. Sanduskys wife is a part of this and should also do some jail time like the priest who was covering for the pedophile priests. All in due time. I think lots of money will change hands and I think many more people are going to jail.
ReplyDelete^^ agree.
ReplyDeleteCan someone please explain to me why Michael Jackson paid numerous young boy's families off for diddling with them, is an icon still.
ReplyDeleteI'll be curious to see if, in addition to going after Penn State, the victims go agaist the Paterno estate and the other who covered it up personally. These guys are all rich and it seems to me if they are found guilty of covering it up, it might make them personally liable as well.
ReplyDelete@Naomi - I understand EXACTLY what you're saying - yesterday, when I read the comments about that whole Jackson family mess, I saw many who referred to "poor Michael" - while he may have done the best he could with his kids, he still a lot of bad with other people's kids. Let's don't forget that.
@sassyyankee - The town should not suffer for the excesses of others. Some cashier at the local gas station should lose their job just because of Sandusky? They didn't know the kids, they didn't know this was happening, why should they suffer?
ReplyDeleteBTW, a kid is being molested RIGHT NOW in the town in which you live. It's your responsibility to protect that kid...
I want to go on record and say that I never believe Michael Jackson touched those kids. I think because of his lack of a childhood he was a grown manchild and thought he was just playing with the kids but I don't think he touched them. I think he paid them just to make it stop because it was embarrassing. I wasn't even a fan until after he died and rumors surfaced that he lived with lupus which explained most of his odd behavior. I have lupus so I look at his career with this painful disease as inspiring. Maybe he had something else but I don't think we'll even know exactly and I'm choosing to believe it.
ReplyDelete^^^ This! Thanks Katsm0711
ReplyDeleteFACT: A good portion of money from the Penn State football program supports lesser know sports like soccer, lacrosse, running teams.
ReplyDeleteAlso fact: When you move to Happy Valley you must sign a release that you know about the molestation and that you agree to cover it up. It's right there in fine print at the bottom of your lease agreement.
@ katsme - agreed!
ReplyDelete@katsm0711 ITA. I'm not convinced MJ was guilty either.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Penn State, the students can go somewhere else.
I think Sandusky's wife needs to be held liable as well. I hope the victims sue Sandusky so he and his wife have nothing left.
Penn State has a 1.8 billion dollar endowment - I think they're gonna weather the storm.
ReplyDeleteThe charges shouldn't have stopped where they did- if not criminally, I hope that at least in a civil court sick fvcks like Dottie Sandusky are made to pay where it will hurt them the most- ie: in her pockets.
ReplyDeleteSo many culpable people turned a blind eye in the name of $$, specifically, football $$. Time to pay up.
I just sit and wonder how many other schools have things like this going on? So sad. But they should've done the right thing and fired this evil scum and sent him to jail a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteLiz, that's a really good point. The exact same thing is going on in Hollywood, and the system is just as involved in covering it up.
ReplyDeleteAn insurance carrier most likely will NOT pay a penny in a situation like this...the policy would clearly exclude illegal acts such as this from being covered. Liability coverage (which is utilized when a lawsuit is filed against you) protects the insured from a lawsuit resulting from their own negligence. If someone trips and falls at my house and they sue me for leaving the hose in the driveway, my policy will cover that. However, if I have a trampoline, and someone bounces off and breaks their neck - not covered, it's specifically excluded.
ReplyDeleteWhat typically happens, at least in Florida, is a garnishment on wages (max of 30%) for the rest of your life, in addition to whatever your liability coverage pays.
I remember in the OJ case, because he was found not guilty, nothing was awarded. The Goldman and Brown families then filed a civil suit, in which OJ was found guilty. By then, he'd formed an LLC to protect his assets, and placed quite a bit into his minor children's care. So the best the court could do was award the families a portion of the kid's inheritance. But, in Florida (where OJ claimed residency) the statue of limitations runs out in 20 years...so if OJ didn't kick the bucket in 20 years, the families got zilch.
Sorry for the long post, the insurance agent in me tends to ramble.
ReplyDeleteOJ is a little different though. His pension comes from the NFL NOT the state he resides in.
If I was a PA resident, I would try to find a way to change the state law about pensions. Since Sandusky is actually collecting from the taxpayer. There should be some provision about not collecting if involved in a violent crime.
I forgot to mention, I think the victims are suing Penn State primarily because it is easier to sue than Sandusky in many ways.