If you are a Johnny Depp fan and want to feel like Vanessa Paradis is evil and horrible for kicking Johnny Depp out in the street then US Weekly is your kind of place to go. They have pretty much taken sides and say that Vanessa treated Johnny like crap and that she was jealous of his success and that when he wasn't working she complained and that basically Johnny's entire life was Vanessa telling him how much he did everything wrong. This of course led to renewed drinking which is never a good thing with Johnny. US Weekly kind of glossed over the drinking, but Johnny and heavy drinking leads to some serious trashing of rooms and awful fights. It's like the Kate Moss years all over again. Yeah, you forgot they dated for ever. I wonder if she got more famous as a waif thin model or the waif thin model that was dating Johnny Depp forever. So, according to US, nothing is wrong with Johnny. He should be sainted for putting up with Vanessa for so long. Forget any of the cheating or anything like that. Johnny would only do those things because Vanessa was horrible to him which led him to drink and cheat.
I wonder if Johnny, Amber, Angie and Brad has a foursome. Out of the 4, I'd only sleep with amber and I'm straight. The rest are too smelly or skinny.
ReplyDeleteUS Weekly is no doubt hoping for an exclusive interview someday, and just might get it ;)
ReplyDeleteJohnny should put a stop to this crap..
ReplyDeleteLainey wrote this over a week ago...
also: Daily Mail no also used this shitty story
now not no (last sentence...)
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is Johnny has really surprised me with the way he's allowing Vanessa to get trashed, without admitting to what he did in the marriage.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Amber is the other woman, I think it's his publicist Robin Baum.
Like I stated before, Johnny Dipp could fall in cow pool and come out smelling like Chanel Number 5. This guy is golden. He has never looked bad in anything he has done by the press. Remember when he trashed a hotel room? Blamed on Kate Moss. Had some sort of meltdown: blamed on Winona Ryder. Drugging up with River Phoenix, who dies in front of his club, just an accident. Dipp is golden.
ReplyDeleteDepp's big buddies with Jann Wenner, who's the publisher of US Weekly, so of course they're on his side.
ReplyDeleteWhat Scylla said. Since the news that Johnny and Vanessa broke up, Lainey has been saying that Johnny is tight with Us Weekly's publisher, Jann Wenner. That's why they've taken his side and have made him look good.
ReplyDeleteDepp's big buddies with Jann Wenner, who's the publisher of US Weekly, so of course they're on his side.
ReplyDeleteLooking at that picture, how many of us would talk to him if he were sitting next to us at a bar? I just don't get why this guy is thought of as such an international sex symbol.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kittens, I don't get it either! He's a great actor, but I have never gotten the sex appeal. Now Alexander Skarsgard makes sense for international sex symbol. Omg! lol
ReplyDeleteWe can't have Jack Sparrow in a bad light now, he needs to open 100 million movies. Bash the bitch! (said the studio executive to US Weekly)
ReplyDeletePfff I am not buying Vanessa is the one to blame.. Bleh. There are two sides to every story (or more if u count in the Heard/Baum rumors) xD
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for Vicki Cupper's take.
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with these Celebs? How dare he cut down the mother of his children and throw her under the bus. I'm sure he's no angel. There's always 2 sides to every story and I'm sure he wasn't a piece of cake to live with...him and his ego.
ReplyDeleteHe's having a midlife crisis methinks. I also have to blame that on his horrible 1992 Seattle Grunge rock era wardrobe.
ReplyDeleteLainey says that the US Weekly owner is a very good friend of Johnnys. And she pointed out how unclassy it was for Johnny allow the mother of his children to be thrown under the bus like this.
ReplyDelete@Crila, I don't think he has said anything and I highly doubt he will. This is an American magazine and a friend of the actor's so it is not surprising that it would take his side and slam the European. I doubt US Weekly readers really know who she is, outside of being JD's wife.
ReplyDelete@Kitten, if I saw him in a bar, me and whoever I was with would be amusing ourselves by making fun of him. I'll start with the glasses.
I've always loved JD. I think he is sexy and had him on my freebie list. But the way this split is happening, he is permantly off the list. Cheating is bad enough, but allowing the woman you were with for years (practically married) be trashed like this in the press is awful. His kids will read about all of this someday.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the staff PR Depp is working hard today. Old idiot man!
ReplyDeleteGreat way to alienate your kids, Johnny. I hope they don't read or hear about this. I've never respected people who trash their spouses especially if the couple has kids.
ReplyDeleteI think all the drug and alcohol abuse has finally caught up with him and his ruined brain is making bad choices. What a ding dong! I started boycotting him a few yrs ago bc he's just too weird and smelly now.
ReplyDeleteNow Mr. SkarsgÄrd on the other hand.... (right on @Stephanie). I heard from an actor friend of mine in NoLa that he is super nice and treated all the extras really well after the shoot. He's a classy guy!
He and Pitt are Always uglying themselves up. What a problem to have. I'd do'm both after a good old fashioned Karen Silkwood scrubdown.
ReplyDeleteI read this trash in the Daily Mail and I don't believe a word of it.
ReplyDeleteParadis is a far better actor then Depp. Every French film I have seen her in she captivates when on screen. Personally, I can't take my eyes off of her. Girl on a Bridge is one of my ALL time favorite films, ever. The woman is the craft. Whereas, Depp....he's merely a hollywood name at this point. His acting is atrocious.
I am not going to lie, love this man. However, wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and as much as it pains me....I don't blame Vanessa one bit. In fact, I hope she gets full custody of the kids and is able to move on to a very happy life in which to raise those kids. Having said that, I would giggle like a pre-teen at her first R rated movie if I found Johnny Depp seated next to me.
ReplyDelete@Henriette love the "Dipp", which will now be my new name for him. I used to absolutely love and practically worship this man, but he ruined it with his asinine remarks about commitment and marriage, now this garbage. He's not on my list anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm another one who never understood what anyone saw in him either.
ReplyDeleteJohnny Depp is another piece of shit who's been rewarded with a much better career than he actually deserves or worked for. If people actually knew how manipulative, self-glorifying and egocentric he actually is they wouldn't go see his dumb pirate movies so readily. I'm glad his latest are failing so maybe he'll start to fade away soon enough to a more appropriate status.
ReplyDeleteCount me in with those who never got Dipp. I think he looks dirty and he never wowed me with his acting abilities. Overrated and smelly to boot.
ReplyDeleteQuelle fuckin surprise.
ReplyDeleteIt's ALWAYS the woman's fault, after all. /s
That's the thing I can't stand the most about Dipp: he tries to play innocent about everything. He is so beyond passive-aggressive! He could have stopped US from trashing the mother of his children, but he didn't.
ReplyDeleteJohnny and Kate are the wallpaper on my phone.
ReplyDeleteAnd everytime I've bumped into her around France she was the one drunk off her ass and incoherent. Not so sure if it's him that's hitting the bottle again. Not by what I've seen.
ReplyDeleteI do not know about Vanessa, but if I had a big douche husband cheater, I would drink 24 hours. No stop !
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Depp does not drink alcohol, just water. *Laughter*
ReplyDeletemine too! im a kate-moss-fanatic
and LOVE that annie leibovitz photo
I am sure he is getting trashed majorly in the European press. She is a star there, especially France. I remember her song "Joe le taxi" or something when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteThey probably just broke up like any old couple but hd qn open relationship for a couple of years.
I realize there's a certain amount of irony posting this on a celebrity gossip site, but does anyone really read any of those tabloid magazines anymore and not realize the fix is in? First they'll "report" that Vanessa was a shrew, and a month later they'll "discover" that Johnny's a cheater, and a month after that someone's a drunk, the other's a drunk, they both supposedly have drug-infused sex parties while the kids raise themselves while they spend their fortune into oblivion, and so on and so forth until someone stars in the next blockbuster. Hey, whatever sells magazines.
ReplyDeleteLook, they are probably both to blame. He is giving her lots of cash and they probably have an agreement.
ReplyDeleteAs for her and her mother being bossy battleaxes, I knew that because my friend new that from one of the nannies. I am not on either team. Just saying.