Thursday, July 05, 2012

US Weekly Takes Johnny Depp's Side

If you are a Johnny Depp fan and want to feel like Vanessa Paradis is evil and horrible for kicking Johnny Depp out in the street then US Weekly is your kind of place to go. They have pretty much taken sides and say that Vanessa treated Johnny like crap and that she was jealous of his success and that when he wasn't working she complained and that basically Johnny's entire life was Vanessa telling him how much he did everything wrong. This of course led to renewed drinking which is never a good thing with Johnny. US Weekly kind of glossed over the drinking, but Johnny and heavy drinking leads to some serious trashing of rooms and awful fights. It's like the Kate Moss years all over again. Yeah, you forgot they dated for ever. I wonder if she got more famous as a waif thin model or the waif thin model that was dating Johnny Depp forever. So, according to US, nothing is wrong with Johnny. He should be sainted for putting up with Vanessa for so long. Forget any of the cheating or anything like that. Johnny would only do those things because Vanessa was horrible to him which led him to drink and cheat.


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