Monday, July 23, 2012

Today's Blind Items

This A list R&B singer has always shown he can and is an a-hole, but even with his past track record this might have brought him to new levels of a-holiness. His now former girlfriend is telling everyone that for the past year she was forced to watch the singer have sex with at least one person a night if she wanted to stay with him. She put up with it because he would pay her and give her gifts and she always thought he loved her. In addition to this demeaning activity, he would also make her have sex with his friends because he was not always up for having sex with her. With other people yes, but not always her. I hope you see where I am going with this. When he couldn't perform with her he would yell and scream at her and blame her. He tried to not hit her. Most of the time.


  1. Does that line give it away?

  2. Did he and Karrueche break up? If so, then definitely Chris Brown.

  3. Chris Brown.

    Even Ray Charles could see the answer to this BI. =)

  4. ...errr, last line.

  5. "I hope you see where I'm going with this" is implying the guy was sleeping with other men?

    Every person the subject of the BI is said to cheating with is gender neutral.

  6. Yep. Definitely Easy Breezy, I wonder if there are males included with those she had to watch him sleep with.

  7. Chris Brown...this is too easy! Plus everyone seems to think he is with Rhianna in St Tropez now..

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The fact that you keep riding on Chris Brown 5+ years later makes me think you wish YOU had the balls to put an abusive bitch in her place instead of being a scared little bitch-made male yourself.

    Get over it.

    1. Oh, hey there, Chris, how ya' doin'? So you dispute that this BI is about you?

    2. This is a joke right?

    3. We have a troll. Were you BobbaFett3 a few days ago?

  9. Is this even a blind?

  10. And it was 3 years ago Mike, not 5+

  11. Why do women put up with that shit?

  12. Is Chris Brown A-list? I was thinking Kanye...

    1. I would say he is. He sweeps at award shows to this day.

  13. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Sorry, but I have zero sympathy for this chick. She let herself be used in exchange for money and presents. She's a ho.

  14. Totally Chris Brown.

  15. Why am I the only one thinking Kanye? xD

    (Chris Brown is an asshole though, completely agree, but for some reason Kanye was the first one I thought of)

    1. Kanye is def too much of a whining attention whore to share his woman.

    2. Kanye is GAY I doubt he cares too much and has been accused of hitting two of his exes.

  16. Oh nevermind, saw the hitting-sentence. Then I am also on the CB train xD

  17. None of these people rate my interest.

  18. Chris and Karrueche broke up last week (or the week before) and she was dating that chick Draya while with him. He was also plagued with bi rumors after that producer ousted him and Chris' relationship by releasing a few twitter DM's between the two of them. So the gender nuetral switcharoo is most def part of the repertoire. Chris is such an ass. With that being said, his relationship follies sound like the drug addled rockstars exploits of the 80's. I'm sure, as with Rhianna, Chris is battling his own cocaine demons.

  19. co-sign w Texshan; tried to muster up some sympathy for this chick but came up short. Don't even care who the guy is - apparently he got what he paid for...

  20. Kanye is not an R&B singer. He is a rapper. They are two different types of music.

  21. Chris Brown, Chris Brown
    He's a clown, that Chris Brown
    He's gonna get caught
    Just you wait and see
    (Why is everybody always pickin' on me?)

  22. Mike Jones.....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  23. Well...wasn't this easy?

  24. I thought 50 cent who I know is a rapper but Enty has also called Nicki Minaj & Kanye r&b before. Chris brown makes sense though, but also cant feel too much sympathy for the girl on this one.

  25. Doubling up with Texshan and Pop. Apparently she left her self esteem at the door to be a starfucker and collect all those fabulous prizes. Do. Not. Feel. For Her.

  26. But doesn't CB have a tattoo of Kae?

  27. @parissucksliterally Don't feed the trolls! :)

  28. i'm awful at these. my first thought was r kelly. until i got to the last line. r kelly ever violent?

  29. attn: Mike person...

    we've been "harping" on Ike Turner for beating Tina for going on 50 years now...

    so i think you've got some waiting to do before you go "why you still pickin on me?"

  30. How about we all agree to stop calling Chris Brown an asshole at the exact moment that he stops actually being an asshole. Fair enough?

  31. This sounds like Chris, but he & Karreuche are still together and were just candidly photographed by a fan in the private section of a France airport right after he was in St. Tropez.

  32. He needs to donate $1M to the USO,then his flaws will be overlooked just like Charlie.

  33. Enty had me at "a-hole". Chris Brown, of course!

  34. I was thinking Kanye or even Diddy, Brown is up there too.

  35. Am I the only one thinking: Someone who chanced upon the sight of his mother having sex with someone and was forced to watch, and who wants to force a submissive partner to experience his degradation, but with him in the "master" position?

    1. Intricate! Like your style.

      Possibly when his mother was post la petite morte, she made him don an apron, dust, and cook her some eggs.

  36. I am with Texshan, Pop, and Sherry.
    If you don't like it...leave. if you can't leave on your own then find someone to help you.

  37. How can anyone think he isn't abusive? I saw him on a award show before all of that happened with Rihanna. My 1st thought--- wife beater and I'm not talking about the shirt. He looks very angry. He seriously needs counseling and medication.

  38. Diddy/Kanye are NOT r&b singers.....Chris BRown for at elast teh last 2 weeks I have heard all kinds of rumors swirling he and Karruche broke up. No sightings of he and Karruche as in teh past when rumors swirled, so I am thinking this is him. Plus when it comes to a-holes, he pops first unless we are talking Tyrese, who I recall having heard he is a-holeish. I go with Chris Brown for the win though.

    1. @Jessie,

      Not true about no sightings of Chris Brown & Karreuche, there is a photo of them together in France from just yesterday.

  39. I would agree with Chris Brown because of the clues, but he and Karreuche were just photographed together in France.

  40. Hey why everyone think this is Breezy! this could also be P diddy... but yeah it sounds like breezy

  41. Definitely Chris Brown!

  42. I immediately thought Chris Brown as well, but there are definitely others that this blind could be. Enty has specifically referred to 50 Cent as an a-hole before and we all know Diddy is a total douchebag. Also, he had a blind item a year or so ago about a singer/rapper that most guessed as Wyclef, but was revealed as Jay Z. I can't speak for others, but I don't think of Jay Z as a singer. Just throwing that out there that the R&B singer might not be truly accurate.

  43. Miiikkkkee JOooooooonnneeeesss!

  44. i LOVE how anyone black in the music industry is automatically lumped together as a rapper/singer despite the fact that these are two COMPLETELY different things. Chris Brown is an RnB singer who dabbles in dance music. Yes he has rapped a a verse or two in his career but that is not how he sells his records. By that standard alone Prince could be considered a rapper.

  45. Staying with someone freely for presents isn't going to garner sympathy. An abusive relationship is different but this just sounds like she thought it was worth the trade off of sleeping with other men and watching him sleep with other people.

  46. So who's going around telling everyone she's a whore? I've got no sympathy for this bitch, if she didn't like her working conditions she should of quit!

  47. Wow, CDaN is sure not what it used to be. The comments are so bad these days, from so many people, they're becoming unreadable.

  48. Martyn something..he was the dude that released the twitter dms from CB about him fucking Chris. I think he beats women because he cannot handle being gay.

  49. The A-hole makes me think Kanye - rewind to the president being caught on tape saying "because he's an a-hole". I'm going back to that Amber chick. The R&B is throwing me off - I'd consider Kanye hip hop. But when I google Kanye and R&B, it comes up that he's hit some of those charts too...

    1. Just because the artist has a few crossover hits doesn't make him that genre of artist. Guns and Roses made the pop charts but they are still a rock band. If you ask anybody that listens to primarily rap music Kanye is a rapper/producer and Chris Brown is an RnB singer who features hip hop and dance music on his albums. If Chris Brown is a rapper than that makes MAry J. Blige one as well.

  50. Just curious, name a popular Chris Brown song for me please. I only know about him because of his fists and I saw him dance on Tosh.o's table once. I forgot his name too. TIA.

  51. Just curious, name a popular Chris Brown song for me please. I only know about him because of his fists and I saw him dance on Tosh.o's table once. I forgot his name too. TIA.

    1. @misspoppypants I'd say his most popular is "Forever". It was prominently featured in Jim and Pam's wedding on the Office (thanks to a meme) and was played a lot on the radio. I used to love it, but those were different times. ;)

  52. Chris Brown. This was so easy even I got it. And I suck at Blind Items :)

  53. I agree with you Kady Kat. Good screen name too!

  54. Mamasaid, you and I are on the exact same page. Chris B. is a little TOO easy. Usher is a known swinger, into his threesomes. Although there's no record/rumor of him being physically abusive, he's been known to be verbally abusive, even to his mother. CB/Karueche were just spotted together in France. The writer here has referred to both CB and Usher as assholes. My bet's on Usher.
    And yes, R Kelly is known to be abusive...and he doesn't have to pee on me for me to figure that out.

  55. yeah remember when he was fucking a singer named Martyn and they were having it out on twitter. oh chris brown


