Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Wicked Witch Of The South

No one ever wants to work with this actress twice. Despite her being a very good actress, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has ever worked with her more than once. Directors? Not if they can help it. Actors? Not a chance unless they are contractually obligated to and even then one actor once went so far as to beg for the chance to get out of his contract before ultimately having to suck it up and film with the actress. Do you remember Meryl Streep's character in Devil Wears Prada? Multiply that by about a factor of ten. During one film which actually was filmed in the south, our actress ran through 25 assistants over the course of the filming. There was no one left to hire in the very small town where they were shooting so they told the actress that her new assistant used to be the assistant to Oprah and jumped at the chance to work for our actress. It wasn't true and in fact, the assistant had been judged incompetent a few weeks earlier, but the actress never even recognized her. You would think she would be one of those people who would say don't look at her, but she is fine with that. She likes to be looked at. She won't look at you or talk to you, but you can look all you want. Did I tell you that our actress is a nominee/winner of an Academy Award. Nothing is ever the fault of our actress. She forgets a line? Her co-star's fault or the director's fault or the lighting was bad or the food was bad or anything else other than she forgot. There is a reason she does not act very often anymore. She has run through all the good directors and with her price tag so high, that is generally who she works with are good people. They would just rather work with anyone else. There have been a couple of people who have called her out. One A list actor who worked with her had a shirt made up which he wore all day that said "I work with a b**ch." He wore it all day and the crew loved it, but the actress never even noticed. The same actor also said you could make him the highest paid actor ever in the history of the world and he would not work with her again. He gave himself an award for working with her.


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cheesegrater15 said...

Julia Roberts?

goheels83 said...

Julia Roberts?

jeffrey said...

Rease Witherspoon?

C-Bur said...

Julia for the win

C-Bur said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Reese Witherspoon

Glitter said...

I kept picturing Faye Dunaway while I was reading this.

whocaresnow12 said...

Julia Robert has directors and actors she's worked with multiple times and her assistants been with her from quite sometime.

I'd go with Faye Dunaway, but I doubt it's her. That woman is bat shit crazy and sends people running in the opposite direction just at the mention of her name.

msgirl said...

First thought was Reese. She's also from the south.

cheesegrater15 said...

I love that Dlisted is the third choice if you google "I work with a bitch tshirt". Nothing to do with the blind; just think it's funny. lol

pilly said...

First thought was Julia Roberts too. She tries to come across as all Earth Mother but I don't buy it. She shops at Bitch-R-Us

whocaresnow12 said...

Reese is actually a very sweet person and also has worked with the same people multiple times.

figgy said...

I'm thinking Julia too, but she's worked with several actors more than once. E.g., Richard Gere.

Or Reese Witherspoon. Like in Sweet Home Alabama (being in the south).

Regarding the high price tag, has to be one of those two. But if she's THAT terrible, doesn't it seem like this should be better known?

Karen said...

Nicole Kidman?

Julia Roberts has starred with many people more than once (Ocean's movies, Richard Gere and the whole Peter Marshall gang of supporting characters)

NYCGirl said...

Was thinking of Reese Witherspoon too. I thought I remembered a reveal about people not being "allowed" to look at Julia Roberts, which is what eliminated her for me.

Karen said...

Eh...I guess Nicole Kidman doesn't fit the "South" clue.

RenoBlondee said...

IDK, Reese still works alot though. Prob not her.
I hate that Sharon Stone is the new go to for all the bitch blinds, but maybe her?

commandeered said...

Reese recently filmed Mud (with Matthew McCon....)in a small town in Ark.

My vote goes to her

katie said...

It's not Julia. Long term loyal staff. Sounds like Gwyneth to me.

katie said...

It's not Julia. Long term loyal staff. Sounds like Gwyneth to me.

Karen said...

Renee Zellweger? I wonder if Hugh Grant and Colin Firth are contractually forced to do Bridget Jones sequels.

RenoBlondee said...

It says "There is a good reason she does not act very often anymore."

cheesegrater15 said...

What about Halle Berry?

luckylass said...

Julie Roberts has worked with Brad Pitt and George Clooney a few times. I think Tom Hanks too.

Comma Chaser said...

I'm going to go with Reese and Vince Vaughn as the A-List T-shirt guy. Four Christmases would be the movie set in question, I remember the movie was kinda funny but that the leads had no chemistry.

Someone Said said...

Renee Zellweger.

Steppy said...

Renee Zellweger?

I wonder if the guys from B Jones were contractually obligated to appear in sequels?

oatslass said...

Faye Done her Way for the win. I've worked with her. She's a total cow.

M said...

As much as I like her, Sandra Bullock? She's from the south, won an Oscar, made movies in the South & hasn't done much lately.

LeeKay said...

What about Sharon Stone?

eforest said...

Olympia Dukaki

Staple611 said...

I think it's probably Reese. I've always heard negative things about people working with her, and I think I recall that her and Vince wouldn't do any publicity together for Four Christmases.

Leslie said...

Jessica Lange - looonng history of this stuff.

Unknown said...

I was thinking Halle Berry. It says the movie was being filmed in the South not that the actress is necessarily from there. Plus I've heard rumors about her not wanting crew members to look at her and this touches on that rumor.

Sparkwee said...

I'm guessing Jane Fonda

Stephanie Klassen said...

Charlize Theron. A friend worked with her, said she was a witch. And she's from SOUTH Africa.

Grey said...

Having met Renee Z a few times, I dont think this is her. She also gets coffee at the same Starbucks as me in NYC and is always nice to staff and super patient. Doesnt seem like her to me

boomom22 said...

I'm seeing that pretentious snotrag Ashley Judd, myself...but I don't know if she's been nominated/won an Academy and too lazy to look.

Ice Angel said...

Jane Fonda

farmgirl said...

I like the Renee Zellweger guess

ablake said...

Bullock was my guess (she's working on a movie now) but I could see Charlize being this one.

Busy Mama said...

I immediately thought - Halle Berry.

dia papaya said...

LiHo! Has she crashed yet?!?

I second @Vicki. I think it's Halle Berry, super bitch FTW. Wasn't Monsters Ball filmed in the south?

It's not Sandy B, she's a sweetie pie.

The Bitch Next Door said...

Sharon Stone for the win

Beth said...

I don't think this person is southern; she was just filming in the south.

I can imagine this being Halle Berry.

I still love the story about her from the Bond film, where she said she needed private time to center herself while in the water. Turned out she had to pee.

Mary said...

My thoughts went to Debra Winger.

Sparkwee said...

Just had a thought - Barbra Streisand?

The contractual obligations could be for the Meet The Fockers movies.

A list actor could be Dustin Hoffman?

Barbra recorded the song Ding Dong The Witch is Dead from Wizard of Oz. Enty could be referencing that in the title.

yodelay said...

Julia Roberts.

I can't think of anyone other than Gere that she's been in more than one movie, and the first movie may have been before she was so monsterous. The Ocean gang would have been contractually obligated, which is covered in the blind.

Unknown said...

I like the Debra Winger guess, but this screamed Ashley Judd to me.

ForSure said...

Wasn't Halle Berry the reveal for the actress who got angry when she found notices posted on set not to make eye contact with her?

I'm a bit stumped on this one.

Beth said...

Julia Roberts has been in several Steven Soderberg films that weren't Ocean's related.

I don't think it's Streisand. She has a bunch of assistants within her company. I don't think they'd need to recruit someone new to do that.

Redheat said...

Halle Berry was my first guess. She doesn't seem to work much anymore, and there have been stories coming out about her bat crap craziness. As another poster pointed out Monster Ball was filmed in the South.

sherri dee said...

What about Nicole Kidman?

She now lives in the South (Tennessee), has been nominated/won, and we haven't seen her on screen as much lately...

clatie said...

It's not Reese. I have several friends who have worked with her for years and have nothing but nice things to say. She's had them to her home, thrown them baby showers, given them gifts. It's not her.

dia papaya said...

Ashley Judd! I forgot all about her. She seems like a good candidate for this. Did her TV show get cancelled already?

Also like the Reese & Vince guess. I could totally see that happening.

Elizabeth said...

My dad worked in a position that put him in contact with Faye Dunaway. She really had a terrible terrible reputation. I would say it is definitely her except the timing of the assistant and working for Oprah. Has Faye Dunaway worked anytime recently? Would the times reasonably overlap? If so, then I would say Faye.

gonarin said...

I thought about Susan Sarandon- Oscar winner, rumored to be a huge b*tch, but I checked IMDB and she has a lot of projects lined up. The blind says she doesn't act very often anymore. I really thought this could be her!!!

Farm Girl Pink... said...

"I'm seeing that pretentious snotrag Ashley Judd..."

I agree. It is the first person I thought of too!

Now granted, Reece Witherspoon pissed Vince Vaughn off so bad during filming her refused to do any promotional work for Four Christmas'.

So this blind may not be her. But she still gets a gold star for being a B****!

AKA: difficult to work with... LOL!

caralw said...

Marisa Tomei? Won for My Cousin Vinny which took place in the South.

luckylass said...

I immediately thought Judd too, BUT shit (typo stays!) has no awards or nominations.

SusanB said...

I thought of Faye Dunaway after the first few sentances.

Ms Cool said...

I've sort of quit guessing blinds but whenever there is a major bitch one, my first thoughts always land on Julia Roberts.

DJane said...

Halle Berry, for sure

gonarin said...

Still on the Susan Sarandon train... Two of her well-known movies, The Client and Dead Man Walking, were filmed in the South...

Moosefan said...

Jessica Lange? Julia Roberts?

LemonX said...

Nicole Kidman

Unknown said...

Did anyone see Lainey's blind riddle today? I am CRUSHED.

sassyb said...

Diane lane.

luckylass said...

Halle has worked with Hugh Jackman in several movies: Swordfish and all those Xmen movies.

Susan said...

Julia Roberts has repeatedly worked with many people: Tom Hanks and Richard Gere most notably, and she was just in that Snow White-type movie. So, while a bitch, I don't think this is her.

I immediately thought Sharon Stone. I don't know why.

MISCH said...

It's not Renee Z....she's a honey

luckylass said...

@Lindsey - yep, I yes Jon Hamm is a cheating pig.

Cryscee said...

@FS - Yep that was her. For that reason, I don't think it's Halle Berry.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Angelina Jolie because of the part about not knowing lines. And she shot some terrible horror film in the south several years ago, I think.

Moose said...

I'm in the Sarandon camp as well - you notice how it never seems like people work with her twice?

Lizzie said...

Jessica Lang came to mind.

Moose said...

FYI - "The Client" was filmed in Clinton, Mississippi. Population, 25,000.

david91 said...

noooooo, i don't want to believe this about jon hamm:-(

BreeB714 said...

what about Halle Berry?

Sarah said...

@Lindsay- and why did it have to be with Kristen Wiig? Kill me.

Unknown said...

@Sarah.... I know. So now it is completely one in Hollywood is freaking faithful. And, they are all turds.

LaLa said...

Reese Witherspoon! Anyone ever read what Kevin Smith has to say about her? He calls her Grease Witherspoon. Movie down south? Sweet Home Alabama.

caralw said...

Where is the Jon Hamm stuff? If it's blind, how do we know it's him?

0_0 said...

Sally Field- winner for Norma Rae.
Filmed in Opelika, AL, pop. 9000 att he time.

If Ashley Judd was ever nominated, I could see this being her.

whocaresnow12 said...

Sarandon is a wonderful person. She acting less because she's spending a lot of time on charities and her ping pong club in NYC.

Halle Berry is a horrible person, but she's from Orange County.

Renee Z is amazing

Jessica Lange is on the same level of bitch as Faye Dunaway. I run away from projects she's on as well.

Unknown said...

Its on It's pretty obvious that it is Jon.

luckylass said...

@caralw - it is a blind from Laineygossip. If you are a regular reader of hers, all her blinds are pretty transparent. The one she posted today on her site is clearly Jon Hamm (again based on reading her comments everyday).

Sparkwee said...

I think this could be Barbra Streisand.

Prince of Tides was shot in Beaufort SC.

It would make sense for her to run through 25 assistants during that shoot because she was acting and directing the film.

Sue T. said...

I was looking at Faye Dunaway's IMDB page and she did a movie called "Midnight Bayou" that was filmed in Louisiana in 2009. That would fit with the Oprah-assistant timeframe. Jerry O'Connell was the star, and he strikes me as the sort of guy who would wear an "I work with a bitch" T-shirt.

Kitten Caboodle said...

I agree with Sparkwee, Babs was the first person that popped into my head.

Beth said...

Here's the Lainey blind:

He was the one we trusted who can’t actually be trusted. He used to be my answer to the question - is there anyone in Hollywood who DOESN’T cheat? Yes, I’d say, and excitedly too! Art does not imitate life! He’s faithful!

Well, no. He isn’t.

He hits on the young funny pretty ones at parties. Very typical behaviour - he loosens up with a few drinks and he turns into a pig; two of his more famous targets, both under 30, turned him down. He did however spend a few nights with a frequent co-star, over 30. They’ve worked together on major and minor projects. As for his long suffering partner? The woman we thought was the love of his life? Well, sometimes when he gets drunk and smears himself all over other ladies, she’s actually right there. She turns away. She pretends she doesn’t see. Which... kind of explains why she looks the way she does.

That said, it is a partnership. It’s not like she’s getting nothing out of it. He has used his influence to help her, certainly. Perhaps she’s decided it’s worth it.

An actor cheating on his partner is nothing new and doesn’t make for the most intriguing blind, sure. But like I said earlier, he was the one who was supposed to not be like the others. He’s the one who’s enjoyed almost unanimous popularity. And he turned out to be the cliché. I was surprised about this one. And very, very disappointed.

luckylass said...

I could see this is as Reese, but she has a fair amount of movies lined up.

At least we can eliminate:
Halle and Julia: worked with many of the same actors/directions

Ashely Judd: no award

whocaresnow12 said...

I'm sticking with Faye. I was forced to be her project manager for 6 month in post and she was such a nightmare the moment a job offer came, to work reality no less which I swore I'd never do, I jumped at the chance and within 3 days was finally Faye free. The only other person that made me want to flee a project so fast was Costner.

cheesegrater15 said...

God DAMMIT! That is Jon Hamm or I'm 5'10" and 130lbs.

Cookie said...

isn't this a repeat post? i know i've read this before & seems like it was Faye Dunaway or Jessica Lange

luckylass said...

@Lindsey and Sara: I didn;t thing the costar was Wiig. I thought it was a Man Men costar. Has he costarred with Wiig more than once?

Unknown said...

@Vicki... So disappointing, right?!!

Unknown said...

Minor roles such as SNL...he is a frequent SNL cameo.

Beth said...

I don't think this is Faye. She's been barely working for ages. It's not like she ran through a new generation of actors, directors and producers. I think her reputation precedes her at this point.

That said, I know someone who worked with her and said she was nightmare... and a cheap one to boot.

Beth said...

Wiig was also in Westfeldt's movie that recently came out -- the one that Hamm produced and had a supporting role in.

cheesegrater15 said...

Hamm's frequent co-star could be Kristen Wiig.

Kassandra said...

Okay, this is the progression of who I thought this blind might be about:

1. Julia Roberts (jury is still out on this, she supposedly has quite the bitch streak to her)

2. Reese Witherspoon (I don't think it's her)

3. Angelina Jolie

4. Sandra Bullock

I think there is a little clue at the beginning of the blind where it talks about Meryl Streep's character in "Devil Wears Prada." Maybe we should be looking for someone of Meryl's caliber and/or age range? In that case, Jessica Lange is a great guess as well.

luckylass said...

Are you freaking kidding me? I liked Wiig a lot more than him. Maybe that is why Lainey was questioning why she didn't girl crush on Wiig the way she does on Poehler and Fey. Dissappointing!

luckylass said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LeGrange said...


Not A Ninny said...

If this is Lange, Dunaway, Streisand, Winger, etc., it's a lame BI. None of them are famous enough anymore to warrant dish about being a diva.

It could be Kidman, the "south" clue meaning waaay south, like Southern Hemisphere.

Kassandra said...

RE: Lainey blind/Jon Hamm:

Could the over-30 co-star he's worked with on major and minor projects be Kristin Wiig? They've been at least 2 movies together, as well as SNL.

Smokey772 said...

I was thinking Reese as well with Luke Wilson being the actor who was contractually obliged to work with her in Legally Blonde 2. His role seemed minimal at most. I'm a bit lazy to look up all the directors but I see very little actors/cast that repeatedly work with her.

Sparkwee said...

Robert Redford on Barbra Streisand -

"Redford later described his experience of working with Barbra as “doing overtime in Dachau.” Barbie is a control freak."

AKM said...

"Charlize Theron. A friend worked with her, said she was a witch. And she's from SOUTH Africa."

I LIKE this guess.

Can't be Ashley Judd. 2 Golden Globe noms, but never nominated for an Oscar.

I don't mean to sound contentious, but that Lainey blind sounds amazingly vague. Not sure how everyone is ABSOLUTELY SURE that's it's Jon Hamm. Is there some hint in it that I'm just not getting?

Kassandra said...

Oops...i see everyone else already thought of Wiig. That's me...always late to the party.

caralw said...

Well, crap. Thanks for posting the blind. Disappointing.

LLSP said...

Charlize Theron was who i pictured reading this.....

Jessi said...

Oooh I so called this about Jon and Kristin! The SNL season finale my tweet... "I get the vibe Jon Hamm and Kristin Wigg are totally doing it!"

FrenchGirl said...

i dislike when Lainey changes sides on her favorites(i can't wait a riddle on Gosling:it would be epic) because how many times she wrote he was faithful and his girlfriend hadn't to worry about his faith because if Hamm's a serial cheater and as he's a party boy,it would be known since a long time

Grey said...

In regards to Lainey, is there ANY possibility that this is James McAvoy? She has been fawning all over him.

In regards to this blind, I think its a little too vague to pindown (Oscar nominee/winner who doesnt do much anymore and hardly works with the same people..ummmmm...ok)

But I have to ask, where is all the Julia Roberts gossip from her? Are there specific stories of her being a bitch? I feel like she always gets a bad rep for no reason.

Salon deWinchester said...

I totally thought this was the Goopster while reading it and was surprised that in 114 comments (so far) no one seems to have guessed her. Anyone want to chime in on why no one thinks Gwennyth? Or however she spells it, I'm too lazy to look it up.

Snickerbrains said...

How about the Goopster? She seems like a pill, won an Academy Award, doesn't work much anymore and part of Country Strong was filmed in small town Tennessee. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

Gwenyth and RDJ are like BFF. Why would he be friends with her outside of work if she was that terrible?

Plus, Glee asked her back...I see that as she was pleasant so they wanted to work with her numerous times.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

My first thought was Halle Berry and that's who I'm sticking with.

Off topic, I saw one of the James Patterson books they made into a movie over the wknd w Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd and I legit didn't recognize her. She used to be so pretty!!! Wtf?

Really Good Bread said...

Mira Sorvino?

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Also, in regards to her working multiple times w Jackman, obviously for xmen they'd be contractually obligated to work together again.

Not A Ninny said...

The Lainey BI is prolly false or slanted to suggest Hamm when it's someone else. Westerfeldt is successful in her own right and wouldn't have to put up with open sleazing by Jon. He, conversely, wouldn't even have a career in comedies if it wasn't for the ex-SNL Grrrl Pack, mainly Fey and Wiig. He's close with that crew and is not going to risk his career by sleazing on starlets. If he had a fling with Wiig on set, it was probably with the knowledge and consent of his honey.

In other words, Lamey hears the gossip that Hamm & Wiig hooked up, then a bit of dish that Hamm got a little friendly with some chicas at a party that Westerfeldt was at as well...exaggerates everything and, boom, there's your "blind item."

Think about it: Hamm has to have had tons of beautiful women throwing themselves at him. He has no need to hit on random tarts at a party.

luckylass said...

@SilverOnyx - what about Swordfish?

hunter said...

From Lainey's BI:

"She turns away. She pretends she doesn’t see. Which... kind of explains why she looks the way she does."

Lainey has previously pointed out that Jennifer can act quite clingy and needy with John Hamm on the red carpet and that Lainey felt it was unexpected given that she thought Jennifer should be more secure.

Perhaps that is what the "looks the way she does" comment is referring to.

Princess said...

Totally Reese. Vince Vaughn couldn't stand her, and others have commented she is a first class bitch. She's from Tennessee, and a few years ago she was in every other movie that came out. I can't even think of her last big movie now.

kcqueen said...

I'm not even a Jon Hamm fan and I knew it was him. I think that may be why I've never thought much of him- he totally gives me a douche vibe, and his girlfriend has doormat written all over her botoxed face.

As for todays blind- I immediately thought Nicole Kidman- that "south" thing could be Australia, but more likely the fact that she lives in TN.

Kassandra said...

How about Bette Midler? Hocus Pocus accounting for the witch reference.

FSP said...

Or the witch reference meaning Kidman in Bewitched.

Sherry said...

Holly Hunter FTW. From Conyers GA.

Otherwise Faye Dunaway is also a nightmare and I can totally see Babs but she's more of a singer who acts (in my eyes anyway).

Cathy said...

@FSP - Kidman was also in Practical Magic.

Privacy said...

Shirley MacLaine

Yeah, I got nothin

FrenchGirl said...

Julia R worked with Marshall,Soderberg,Gere,Pitt,Clooney several times

Reese Witherspoon is a great guess:Oscar woman,Luke Wilson could be the guy who had to work again with her,A list actor would be Vaughn (even if i saw many candids of him with the filming),the movie in South would be FASHION Victim but there is a HUGE trouble:she has the same make-up artists,she worked weveral times with the same assistants and she works much (1to 3 movies per year)

Mary said...

Just to continue for my Debra Winger push:

The blind mentions The Devil Wears Prada, which starred Anne Hathaway. Winger's role in Rachel Getting Married was as Hathaway's estranged mother. So it ties in.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Ashley Judd was in my mind as I was reading the item, but the Reese Witherspoon guess is solid. Vince Vaughn HATED her.

OT: Devastated by Lainey's blind about Jon Hamm, but ultimately knew his reputation was way too good to be true. Who do we think the 30+ costar is? I say Kristen Wiig.

kcqueen said...

I meant to add regarding the Lainey blind; Lainey's pretty good at peppering her other posts with clues about her "riddles", and yesterday's casual mention of never liking Kristen Wiig as much as Amy Poehler, or Tina Fey seemed odd at the time, but makes perfect sense now.

lostathome said...

How about Hilary Swank??

ChiefKeokuk said...

Definitely in the Jessica Lange camp on this one

Frufra said...

@whocares - love hearing bad stuff about Costner. He seems so insufferable to me. Ugh.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

OK caught up with comments, glad to see everyone else thinks it's Wiig, too.

To me, the big clue was co-star on major and minor products, I read that as film and SNL sketches.

@kcqueen I feel exactly the same. She's never been anywhere near as likeable (or talented, in fact) as Tina or Amy.

Danielle said...

I hate to say this, because I really like her but I thought about Kate Winslet the whole time while reading this. Even tho they're friends IRL, or pretend to be at lease, I was thinking Leo might be the one who hated to work with her and then was roped into it again with Revolutionary Road.

Trey said...

Regarding Lainey's blind, it's definitely Wiig. She's known for this sort of thing on-set.

Danielle said...

woah.. I meant least not lease! lol

crila16 said...

Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone or Reese Witherspoon.

Mhdz said...

This one should be fairly easy, especially since she's "a very good actress". That should narrow it down to what, 2 or 3? I really don't think Julia Roberts qualifies, plus she's worked with Soderberg a bunch.

Not sure why, but I kept thinking of Natalie Portman. I never got the vibe that she could be like that, but that's what kept popping into my head. I do think her Oscar was undeserved though.

Mhdz said...

Ok, I thought "of the South" was just a name and not implying that she was actually from the South.

Kassandra said...

Kidman is a good guess, but i'd kind of be surprised...she seems SO tuned in and concerned about her image and how she appears to the press, etc. i find it hard to believe that she'd be monumentally horrific to her assistants and think it wouldn't get back to the press and sully her image.

Now, i'd believe this about Halle Berry because she is pretty monstrous on other levels (her custody battle with her baby daddy and the lies she has told about him), plus her just all-around diva-ish behavior.

However, i think Halle's acting SUCKS and wouldn't be surprised that her talent (or lack thereof) is the major reason why she gets very little work, with her diva-bitch attitude being the icing on the cake.

I still am thinking Julia Roberts on this one. She is great friends with Oprah, and the blind talks about the incompetent assistant that was formerly with Oprah. PLUS, internet gossip was not big for much of Julia's career, so you can bet she got away with A LOT without it being reported/noticed by the public at large.

Mary Quite Contrary said...

Catherine. Zeta. Jones. Pow.

jane3113 said...

I looked up highest paid actresses because it said the actress makes a lot. Jodie Foster commands $10 million a film and doesn't work much.

RE: The Hamm rumor. Don't buy it. Don't see any young lady turning him down after he hits on them.

Not A Ninny said...

Sheesh, you people! You know that a lot of the BI's on other sites are fake or highly exaggerated. Westerfeldt is a beautiful woman and a Yale grad. Hamm was lucky to be with her before his fame from Mad Men. Botoxed face? Seriously?

Why would Westerfeldt cast Wiig and Hamm as an oversexed couple in her own film, Friends With Kids, if she didn't trust them?

Cait said...

Were it not for the Oscar note, I'd say it was Andie MacDowell. She filmed a movie here in New Orleans recently and EVERYONE I know who worked on set hated her with the fire of 1,000 suns.

VeeBee said...

If this was Kate Winslet my soul would be crushed. I heart her so hard! Same for Charlize. I choose to believe that both of my super-secret-celebrity-girlfriends are totally chill peeps who are nice to everyone.

I'm gonna go with Reese. She plays uptight control-freaks a little TOO well. (Remember Election?!?!)

Hanane said...

I'd say Eva Mendes

Veech said...

Whomever gave himself an award for working with this hellish actress might be my new hero- that was hilarious!

Kassandra said...

@ B Profane: maybe it was Jennifer's way of being ironic or indirectly telling the Jon and Kristin she knew what they were up to (or down to).

Actually, i thought of Jodie Foster as well. She was all over the place for awhile, she's a critically acclaimed actress, but she hasn't worked in oh so long (i'm not counting the recent film she did with Mel Gibson).

Jodie is definitely a possibility.

vega said...

I was going to guess Kate Hudson (with "The Skeleton Key" being the movie from the South) until I remembered that it was about a "very good actress".

BlueDahlia77 said...

It doesn't say the actress is from the South, just that she was filming in the South.

I say Nicole Kidman. She hardly ever works with the same people twice and Cold Mountain filmed in the South.

RustyJ said...

As much as I have heard that5 Ashley Judd is a bitch to the "little" people in her life, she must be nice to the celebs. She has worked with Morgan Freeman 4 or 5 times, so I don't think this blind is about her.

I would go with Reese.

Kassandra said...

Nicole Kidman can't have been TOO bad to work with...she and Ewan McGregor allegedly ended up having an affair on set of Moulin Rouge, the (alleged) result of which was her pregnancy that she eventually miscarried.

I like to think of Ewan McGregor as a good judge of character.

I like to think of Ewan McGregor period.

JC said...

I was thinking Sally Field for this?

Laura said...

The assistant never worked with Oprah, they just TOLD the actress that the assistant had worked with Oprah.

I think it's Reese.

msgirl said...

Even after all the comments, still think this is Reese.

As for the Lainey blind, eh, I wouldn't start thinking it's Hamm or that this is gospel truth. And it's not like I'm a huge fan of his and coming to his defense, I don't watch Mad Men.

Not A Ninny said...

Jodie has to be picky about scripts now. It's not worth her while to take a chance on a bad script or director just to keep working. 'Sides, she could recruit an army of lesbian PA's who would worship her.

It's Reese. She hasn't worked with the same director more than once in the past ten years, and some of them have been pretty famous. The A-list actor could be Jack Nicholson or Robert Pattinson, who are both more A-list than Vaughn. She's from the South and Mud, Water for Elephants and Walk the Line were all shot in the South. It's her.

Unknown said...

Nicole Kidman. This sounds exactly like her.

Brenda L said...


lazyday603 said...

If I'm reading the comments correctly it sounds like the consensus answer is every movie star of the last 40 years who happens to be female. I'm going to go with that guess too. Unless it's Shirley Maclaine. That puts it beyond the 40 year cutoff.

Not A Ninny said...

Reese has worked with Alexander Payne, James L. Brooks, Mira Nair and a bunch of other established directors...once each. Of her next four films in the pipeline, two are being helmed by first-time directors.

Katie said...

Every time Reese comes up as the guess for a biatch in a blind, there are posters who swoop in and say "nope - not her. She's actually verrrrry sweet."

Really? Let's here some actual info to back that up, then. Because everything I've ever heard is that she's a megabiatch.

Also, after reading this little piece, I have become skeptical of paid celebrity PR people with lots of fake accounts who troll online gossip blogs' comments to defend or promote their clients.

whocaresnow12 said...

He's horrendous, not close to the worst person I've worked with (those always seem to be the executives), but he's gross and disgusting.

As for the BI that everyone thinks is Jon Hamm, it's not. We are close to his best friend and I've spents a bit of time with him professionally and personally. He is the real deal. And no, not everyone in this business cheat, does drugs, is an alcoholic or has a thing for strippers. Of all the film & TV sets I've been on (approx 50 projects from production to post) there was only one time something like that ever happened. Now, out in bars and clubs I've seen quite a bit, but it was always from whom you expected.

Autumn said...

My first thought was Reese. She works that whole Southern Belle thing a lot.

Plus aside from that lame-looking movie where she dates the 2 guys & had Chelsea Handler in it *can't think of the name* and Water for Elephants...she hasn't done much lately. Nothing huge anyways. Neither of those movies were big successes.

Not to mention , she just screams "wretch" to me. She just doesn't seem like a nice person.

whocaresnow12 said...

He's horrendous, not close to the worst person I've worked with (those always seem to be the executives), but he's gross and disgusting.

As for the BI that everyone thinks is Jon Hamm, it's not. We are close to his best friend and I've spents a bit of time with him professionally and personally. He is the real deal. And no, not everyone in this business cheat, does drugs, is an alcoholic or has a thing for strippers. Of all the film & TV sets I've been on (approx 50 projects from production to post) there was only one time something like that ever happened. Now, out in bars and clubs I've seen quite a bit, but it was always from whom you expected.

FSP said...

@Lila - That was a nice read.

Unknown said...

It is Halle Berry, it is no secret Jessica Lange is a cunt. That BI was already revealed (where she complained because a director had a bigger room than her and she would not leave the lobby until she got his room).

The clue is the Oprah thing, if you told her "she used to work for Oprah but wanted a chance to work for you" she would buy it. Halle worships Oprah like a diety...PS Oprah is an absolute cunt too. Have you ever seen that Oprah bedhind the scenes show? those producers have fear in their eyes!

whocaresnow12 said...

Back in the day when I was 19 I worked for a PR firm where the client roster was stacked with A and B listers. The crap that PR people have to put up with from clients was horrendous. God forbid the damn firm just get magazine subscriptions. Instead they'd send the poor intern and receptionist to a bad part of town to a news stand to pick up about 20 magazines and rags. One day the intern didn't pick up something like US Weekly because it hadn't been delivered. As it turned out that was the day that the C-list actress wife of an A-list comic actor happened to be photographed the background. She called at 6pm, a good 8 hours after she had gotten the list of trades she was profiled in that day and screamed and yelled that this rag mag wasn't on the list. They made the intern go back to get the magazine and when he returned, because the client demanded it, he was fired.

Working in PR completely blows and takes a special kind of person to do the job. I think at one point I was smoking 1 1/2 packs a day in my office to deal with the stress.

whocaresnow12 said...

And I stand behind Teese being a great person. I've worked with her off and on since 1999

misspoppypants said...

There are just too many bitches to choose from. I would like to wear that tshirt to my job.

libby said...

My guess is Reese. I've seen her inner bitch slip out in longer interviews, where she makes comments that making movies is hard for her, because she's always on time, always ready, etc--and 'no one else' ever is. Sounds like protesting too much.

She named her production company "Type A" and used to make fun of her own uptight-ness a lot. Now she's too uptight to even admit it.
VV would totally get a shirt like that, too. So Reese is my first & only guess.

dia papaya said...

So it's down to Halle or Reese?

After watching Reese in Election, I refused to ever watch her in anything again. I felt she was a truly evil person inside. Maybe she's just a fab actress, but as someone else mentioned I think she plays uptight bitch a little too well.

Halle is just plain crazy and would be the devil to be around. I suspect vast mood swings and drama ALL. DAY. LONG.

I was a temp at Harpo several years ago. It was a very Devils Wear Prada experience. I ran as fast as I could.

Tru Leigh said...

Betty White!

Seriously, there are so many likely guesses, and so many stories, it could be any number of women in Hollywood.

Julia is good because I heard playing a witch in this last movie of hers was type casting.

Jessica Lange has a reputation, too.

Kassandra said...

ROFL @misspoppypants - hilarious

I could have also used that t-shirt at a job with a major corporation i had about 3 years ago. the department i worked in (legal, believe it or not) was chock-full of the worst, most back-stabbiest bitches I have ever had the misfortune to meet. The turnover rate for paralegals and admins was through the roof.

I ended up in rehab, with that job being one of the major contributors. After completing rehab, then making the (not-so) hard decision to leave the job, i wrote one of those "Jerry Maguire" type manifestos to the HR department, who had encouraged me to whistleblow on the problems there, then did nothing to solve the problems.

the only small comfort i have is knowing that eventually one of the main characters to cause the lions-share of the problems was forced to go elsewhere. However, this was well after i manifesto-ed and left town.

lzahart said...

I can't see how this blind is not definitely about a Southern actress. When it says "was actually filmed in the South" that is the tell. So to me that 100% eliminates anyone who is not Southern.

So we have: Renee Z., Sandra B., Julia R., and Reese W. as being the only people who could possibly fit this bill, right? Sally Fields does not command high salaries in movies at this point.

I remember reading that when Reese was filming either Sweet Home Alabama or Walk the Line something about her having her brother as her assistant. That always seemed weird to me. Otherwise default to Julia sorry she is a well-documented byatch.

dia papaya said...

OK - truly evil is a bit harsh. But I got the not nice vibe in a big way. Maybe she grew up?

@whocares - thanks for all the insider scoop. I don't know how you worked forever in PR. It is just the worst.

lzahart said...

so yeah also not Halle Berry she is not Southern. Batsh*t just not Southern b*tshit.

Yndy said...

Nope. I'm still on Julia Roberts.

- Hard to find on the Internet these days, but during the filming of Hook, it was rumored that Spielberg, Robin Williams and the crew referred to her as "Tinkerb**ch" & Spielberg swore he'd never work with her again. (Both Dustin Hoffman & Robin Williams reputedly hated working with her, but I can see Williams wearing that shirt, not Hoffman.)

- She was just the 'wicked queen' in Mirror Mirror, the Snow White movie.

- Rose to major prominence in Steel Magnolias (she plays a lot of Southern-belle roles) and

- She was in Prêt-à-Porter (about Fashion industry like Prada) and her next movie out? "August: Osage County" costarring none other than Meryl Streep.

I really want to like Julia - she seems to work so hard at her job and as a mom... so I'm going to pretend this isn't about her. But seriously, that's a lot of coincidence.

Not A Ninny said...

So whocaresnow, did you look Reese in the eye on set or in post?

123xyz said...

Nicole Kidman for the win. She lives in the south. The last few movies she's made have been made in Louisiana and Tennessee. She's had several stories of being mean on sets in the past. She doesn't work as much as she use to. She says it's because she's got kids now but then she jumps and works on every crap movie offered to her. Sean Penn hated working with her. Jack Black hated working with her. Both called her out. Baz Lehrmann won't ever work with her again and has said so.

KK said...

Katherine Heigl? She's been called out for being a huge B

KK said...

Katherine Heigl? She's been called out for being a huge B

Snautrag said...

First thought I had about the Lainey blind was actually Pierce Brosnan.

g.strathmore said...

Wasn't Reese suspected as for one of the blinds as being a closet racist. She supposedly refuses to work with black actors or something. Does anyone else remember that blind?

CanadianMiss said...

Halle Berry? I seem to remember a BI about her being on a movie where no one would look at her. Her answer was something like "ok, who put up the signs to not look at me? Funny joke, take them down!" then she got everyone drinks or something.
I sure havent seen her in much, lately. Plus didn't she win for Monsters Ball?
Contractually obligated says franchise, that being X-Men...

astrogirl said...

Nicole has done two movies for Baz already, it's not her fault the script for Australia was hideous, dont think it's her.

rummer said...

Kidman. Wasn't she the actress who refused to associate with anyone after her movies fail? Theron, Witherspoon, and Roberts are all good guesses. This Halle Berry business is a bit of a stretch. She's been around 20 years and doesn't have a reputation for be difficult on set.
It's Kidman, and I blame Tom Cruise "the Controller " for sucking out her soul and ruining a perfectly talented actress. Bastard.

123xyz said...

Astrogirl, after the 2nd film Baz said he would never work with Kidman again.

poovey-tunt said...

I am highly skeptical about the Lainey blind being Hamm and/or true at all, because in all the years since Mad Men debuted, everything we've ever heard about the man is that he is absolutely the salt of the earth. Not that I think he's without fault, but I feel like we would have been hearing tales of his cheating long ago if it were true.

However, the belief that it can't be true because his girlfriend is smart and beautiful and talented, so obviously he would never cheat is RIDICULOUS. As is the assumption that she would never turn a blind eye. It happens ALL THE TIME, as anyone who is interested enough in gossip to hang out here should know full well. No matter how accomplished and intelligent someone may be, it doesn't mean that that their relationship is magically safe, nor does it necessarily mean that they wouldn't be the sort to stand by their man (or woman, as the case may be) after infidelities.

heathercicle said...

Halle or Nicole Kidman maybe?

Reese has done more than one episode of After Lately, and a ton of movies so you cant really say she 'doesn't act very often any more.'

rummer said...

How did everyone conclude it's Jon Ham? Not that I care if it's him. I just don't get it; what's his appeal? I don't get him or George Clooney. As long as the answer isn't Mark Ruffalo. You can have your Hamm Clooneys, I'll take Ruffalo.

Unknown said...

Lol on the PR, I did PR for a network show and we had post taped some thanks yous from the cast and one producer. Well they left the producer out of the edit they played on the entertainment show and he wanted me fired. Luckily when I saw the airing I called the EP and told him "this guy is going to want my head." He told me not to worry, We had a meeting and it was me the producer and EP. The EP turned to the producer and said "why do you want him fired?" he replied that I did not have the shows best interests at heart. He said "give me an example." The procuder stammered and started to talk and the EP said "is this about them cutting your on air thank you last night from ET, Jesus christ what is he supposed to about that call and demand they run it?" Needless to say I kept my job. When the producer left, I told the EP, "you will never be cut from ET" he looked me dead in the eye and said "you are fucking fired if I am."

astrogirl said...

123xyz but surely he would have ditched her after Moulin Rouge if she was that bad. I did think of Cold Mountain when reading the clue about the remote location so maybe you're right.

Bubbles said...

Halle Berry is from Orange County, Ohio, now?

And besides her issues with Gabriel, and their general foolishness, what diva-ish behavior has she exhibited. I'm sure he's done just as much shit to push her buttons as she's done to push his. He's no more innocent than she is.

And how in God's name can it not be Goopster because RDJ is friends with her? He's a decent human being and a talented actor, but not quite GOD.

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