Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Loves Them

For many years this B- list actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has managed to keep his love for cross dressers and transsexuals to himself. What I mean by that is back in the day it was sort of known that he enjoyed them, but then he decided that no one would take him seriously if they found out about his secret life and he had enough issues with women in his life that the last thing he needed was talk about him also enjoying lots of other things. Lately though, his girlfriend of a few years has encouraged him to explore and has been there with him and out actor has not only enjoyed threesomes with his girlfriend and transsexuals, but also has been dressing up himself and doing so on a regular basis. He even has taken some hormones to try and get some breasts. The problem is as much as he loves doing it, he is also afraid that if they get too noticeable he won't get any film roles. The other thing is, he has had so much plastic surgery that no matter what he does or how much makeup he wears, he really does not make the most attractive woman. But, he is happy. He says he feels more free than he ever has and that because he is free he has stopped drinking and doing other drugs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eddie Murphy is a known trannie chaser

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Mickey Rourke for sure. The effeminate way of sitting? The effeminate velvet/satin/blousie clothing? The little dog in the lap with the pinky raised? For sure Mickey.

  4. Replies
    1. I eliminated the award and actor part

  5. Eddie Murphy was my first thought, but I don't recall him having any drastic plastic surgery.

  6. Scratch that... Mickey Rourke is far more plausible.

  7. Definitely Mickey Rourke.

  8. Oooh even I knew this was Mickey Rourke and I suck at blinds. *pats self on back*

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Whoever this is - good for him.

  11. I could maybe see if Eddie had no facial hair how he could maybe pass as a lady but no way can Mickey Rourke ever pass for a female. So I'm thinking Mickey, esp since the man in the blind wants to be taken seriously.

  12. I like the Hugh Grant guess! He was caught with a tranny hooker once.

  13. Apparently Mickey Rourke has been with his pretty Russian girlfriend (model?) for 3 years. This would make sense.

  14. Good Lord, imagine Mickey Rourke as a woman. Terrifying.

  15. Bruce Jenner HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  16. Billy Bob Thornton!! 3 Oscar noms, 1 win for sling blade, plastic surgery, and he just seems the type!

  17. YES Mickey Rourke! Was it yesterday Enty posted a pic of him wearing a woman's blouse which was interesting enough but also carrying a clutch purse? That totally caught my eye.

  18. I didn't think of Mickey. Good work detectives!

  19. Mickey Rourke train, boarding here!

  20. I'm all for letting whatever freak flag fly that makes you feel good about yourself, isn't harming others, and is OK with your partner. You go, Mickey!

  21. Yeah, anything that makes him stop doing drugs and other bad shit can't be all bad. Good for him and his girlfriend for encouraging him.

  22. @Frufra - Exactly. Consenting adult activities with a partner who is in the know and encourages/participates. No problem.

  23. Am I the only one thinking that this is someone younger? THe whole taking hormones but worried that his breasts will get too big and he won't get any film roles makes me think we are looking for someone younger.

    Rourke already has manboobs at this point anyways..

  24. that wouldalso explain his hatred for women as evidenced by his brutality exposed in bi

  25. Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Mickey

    I agree, let your freak flag fly...isn't hurting anyone

  26. I dont think rourke deserves to be happy, if you recall his treatment of Carre Otis. as for his sexual leanings, who cares?

    1. Agreed. This guys a PIG, I wave my wand and disallow him any happiness ever. He belongs in a jail cell.

    2. Agreed. This guys a PIG, I wave my wand and disallow him any happiness ever. He belongs in a jail cell.

  27. I was thinking Eddie Murphy until the part about plastic surgery. Mickey for sure. Maybe he'll be a nicer person now that he's free to be himself.

  28. Thanks to BigMama I will have that dreadful song in my head the rest of the day! Hey Mickey,..... Hey Mickey!

  29. Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understand. You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.

    Mickey Rourke for sure. Good for him...sounds like he's much happier.

  30. My first thought was Hugh Grant, but the reference to plastic surgery would be more in line with Mickey, whose foray into that world has been frequent and not so kind.

  31. I thought of Mickey Roarke and I'm really bad at guessing these.

  32. I thought Val Kilmer but not sure if the clues fit.

  33. Wasn't Mickey the blind item who was horribly abusive to women but said it was all a part of his "method acting" bullshit?

  34. My first thought was Mickey too.

  35. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Robert patterson.

  36. M. I. C. K. E. Y. First time I've ever guessed one right!! This blind screams him. I'd seriously be surprised if it's not.

  37. If you want to get a taste of what Mickey Rourke would look like as a tranny, go rent a movie called Animal Factory. It's a prison movie (based on a fantastic book by Edward Bunker) and in it he plays the transexual cell mate of Edward Furlong. He pulls it off as if he's done it before.

  38. Oh Mickey your so fine your so fine you blow my mind! Not!

    But seriously. He was the first one to pop in my mind.

  39. I love a good earworm

  40. A blind wasn't necessary to expose Mickey Rourke for the woman beater that he is, it's been known for years.

  41. My first thought was Mickey Rourke, but I love the Billy Bob guess and I seriously hope this is him! *L*

  42. I've heard Christopher Lambert has a thing for transvestites, he's not an Oscar winner though.

  43. Mickey Rourke was my first thought...

  44. Wow, Mickey makes a hideous man(at this point in his life). I can only imagine him being a woman:-(

  45. I'm all for letting whatever freak flag fly that makes you feel good about yourself, isn't harming others, and is OK with your partner.


    If this 'secret life' fueled his booze and drug habit, perhaps it contributed to his anger issues, too. Not to excuse any sort of abuse, but explain.

  46. I agree with others. In most cases, I'd say good for you and yay that you found a supportive partner. But after the Mickey Rourke blind? Ugh, no way, I just hope his penis falls off.

  47. You taking your "blind items" from Carre Otis's biography again?

  48. Hugh Grant's hooker was a standard factory issued female hooker. It was Eddie Murphy who was busted with the transvestite hooker.

  49. mickey definitely has some moobs:


  50. @Stanley Roper- I forgot about that one. He was fantastic, too. For the rest of you, it was a small part, and he played a prison tranny, very muscular/tough with a gravel voice, do-rag, eye makeup and serious manicure. His mannerisms were both super-femme and white trash tough. Couldn't take your eyes off him, he works best in small doses.

    But the character was in no way passing for female. Like someone who'd hang out at a Baltimore waterfront bar.

  51. Here's the clip:

  52. I don't think Hugh Grant has had a girlfriend for that long in a while.

  53. @mwynn13 - That was disturbing.

  54. I think this is Billy Bob.

  55. I'm leaning towards Billy Boob too.

  56. Just to be a contrarian asshole, I'm going to say Hugh Grant. But yeah, Mickey is looking pretty darn guilty here. But then again, who really cares? Let your freak flag fly, brother. We'll still love your movies.

  57. Maybe Mickey'll be less of an asshole now,

  58. whenever there is a blind about cross dressing i think Kelsey Grammer but i don't think he's had that much work done.

  59. I say good for him. He's not hurting anyone, his girlfriend is aware and supportive.

  60. Enty there you go showing your transphobic bias again against transwomen. Stephen Beatty is a trans man, but you tweet about a "trans man" who had surgery to look like Britney Spears? If Chaz Bono and Stephen Beatty are trans man, how in the hell is a trans woman a trans man.

  61. That was no transphobic bias. The point was how he THINKS he looks like Britney but.... there's no amount of money in the world for that guy. Plus, anyone who has plastic surgery to look like a celebrity deserves to be talked about in whatever way we see fit.

  62. It is transphobic bias if he can address a Stephen Beatty and Chaz Bono as trans men and obviously a trans woman isn't a transgendered man, but a transgendered woman.
    And if he has no problem respecting trans men, then why can't trans women get respected and identified as who they are. Point being that trans women transition to women, trans men transition to men.

    I'm fully aware of trans phobia when I hear it and see it thank you very much!

  63. having been married to someone who decided this is who he IS, but forgot to tell me, i have a couple of comments. i will try and be nice, which frankly is difficult because it reminds me of a very unpleasant period in my life.

    it seems that this predilection is an all or nothing thing. a little "taste" of dressing up leads to support meetigs and then bars etc. my point being, i don't think a person truely drawn to it can fight it once they start. they go deeper and deeper. hopefully they won't care, because there isn't enough money in the world to cover these tracks forever. in many ways its like an addiction because they don't seem to be able to stop behavior (no matter th cost or risk).

    i think its abnormal. typical sexual behavior does not create a need for more sexual behavior. desire yes, need (like an addict) no.

  64. Its kind of funny that folks are saying Good for Mickey, when just a few weeks ago he was being damned to hell for the way he abused Carrie Otis.

  65. first person i thought of was mickey rourk also......but i am wondering if the "he has had so much plastic surgery..." part is why we are all thinking of him.
    the pic of him linked to above was taken in 2009 when he was pumped up for 'the wrestler'.....and i hardly think he would have been cross dressing then with a beard and mustache. and i think 'after what he did to carre otis' comments were a little odd.....her book would not have sold more than 10 copies if she had not said a bunch of bad crap about her time with mickey rourk. and also, didn't she say that he was restraining her from using heroin when the 'abuse' happened? perhaps he has abused women....but i would not take into much account the word of a former addict who cannot sell her autobiography unless she bases most of the book on her ralationship with a famous actor.
    having said that, whoever this is i am happy for them and hope that the time is not far off when he will be able to be open with his preferred lifestyle without having to worry if it will offend movie goers.

  66. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Who cares?

    Consenting adults and all that.

  67. First thought was Eddie Murphy but I don't think he's had a lot plastic surgery or gf of severals years. Surgery sounds like Mikey Rourke.

  68. I know this is NOT him but I saw a picture of Jesse Metcalf or whatever from Dallas and Desperate Housewives and he's sporting quite the rack, his moobs are bigger than mine :(

  69. You GUYS, do you seriously think Mickey Rourke is a B- actor? No WAAAAY. At one point, yes, but not now.

  70. It's gotta be Eddie.
