Thursday, July 05, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Doesn't Look Like A Sex Maniac

You would never know it by looking at this used to be all movie actor who now is on a fairly hit television show but he is a sex crazed nympho. The thing is he only likes guys. he is one of those actors who has never actually bothered to come out and say he is gay, but everyone just kind of assumes he is. There have never been any girlfriends, but no one has ever just come out and asked him about his sexuality. On his show he plays a straight guy and the rest of his roles seem to be more asexual than anything else. One of his most proud sexual conquests was taking the virginity of this former A list tweener. He did it at a basketball game. He never stops talking about that story and how he had 15 minutes and made it happen. He never spoke to the tweener again. Our actor loves finding someone new and will strike whenever he can. At this point he considers his trailer boring as he has had so many guys in and out of it over the filming of his show and it has not even been on that long. The thing is our actor is very anal retentive and does not allow anyone he has sex with to come to his house. He doesn't really like having a boyfriend and prefers just random acts. He is not even that good looking but he can talk guys into anything. One time he took the date away from this A list movie actress he had co-starred with in a very big movie and then spent an hour in the bathroom and then our actor brought him back out and said, I'm through with him. He is all yours again.


  1. I have no idea who's on hit tv shows any more - counting on you guys to get this one!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Nellie
    The Piv is a great guess, but I really don't think it's him. My super hot Australian neighbor (female) in Santa Monica went out on one date with him, and when she didn't want to sleep with him he immediately had someone take her home (or put her in a cab. It's been a while and I think I was boozin' when she came home and told us)

    1. I've heard this A LOT about him! He's so involved in charities, but a creepy perve

  4. *COMPLETELY* OT - I love this site a million times more since i added the ad block plus extension on chrome. It's like a whole redesign!

  5. Also, I have no f'ing idea who this is.

    But Jon Cryer has been previously married so that knocks him out of the running. His situation with the last wife was pretty harrowing, IIRC.

  6. I am so sick of ads 'accidentally' popping up on a new window on my iphone when I unmistakably hit 'older posts.'

  7. I don't think it could be Piven. Enty says that you wouldn't know it from looking at him that he's a nympho. I totally can tell that from looking at the Piv.

    For some reason, I immediately thought Adam Scott, but if it's him, I'll cry, because that means that I have no chance with him. Sob.

  8. But does he mean no male relationships? He's the only one I can think of that everyone I know assumed he was gay. Hmm, who else?

  9. nevermind, i just noticed the part about no girlfriends.

  10. Oh, also, Adam Scott is married. And was in Party Down before Parks & Rec. So I doubt it's him. Phew.

  11. You'd never know Steve Buscemi was a nympho...

  12. Oooooooooooooooh I like the Buscemi guess.

  13. What about Kiefer Sutherland? Could be way off.

    1. Been married, and has a girlfriend now....but likes the boys. Especially very flamboyant ones. The things I have witnessed him do over the past 20 years are mind boggling

  14. @discoflux
    Hey lady! I think I just added the google chrome ad blocker (I am LAME with computer stuff) and it's asking for a donation. Is that normal?

  15. Steve's been married forever........

  16. Steve Buscemi is married.

  17. Ooooooo... I actually like the Buscemi guess.

  18. kevin spacey, mostly has done movies, but now in production on a tv show called house of cards

    1. He's had a very long term girlfriend. Like decades long. He keeps his private life so private and boring the paps don't bother following him, so it's easy to conclude he's gay.

    2. Kevin Spacey is gay. I used to work at a studio where he was filming a movie. It's not even a secret among people who know him, people just don't talk about it. He likes them young, too. (legal young)

  19. Dana! Get out of my head!

  20. Not Kiefer or Buscemi. Both have been/are married. To women.

  21. Buscemi is married....

  22. Spacey would be A-list no? And his show is not on the air yet.

  23. Replies
    1. I think you guessed it!

    2. Great guess!!! I'm with you!!!

  24. I wasn't asked for a donation. Go to the settings and choose "Extensions", then choose "Add Extensions" the Search for Adblock Plus. There is a free beta version. Once you add it, it's effective immediately and you'll see a little red stop sign with ABP on it in your address window.

  25. Shit. Thanks spacecowboy.

  26. Dinklage is married, wife just had a baby.

  27. @ discoflux , PLEASE tell me this also will work on Kindle?

  28. Elijah Wood is a good guess!

  29. "anal retentive". ::snort:: yeah, I'm twelve...

  30. I keep thinking someone should be able to get this. A movie actor now on a fairly hit tv show who people assume is gay & was in a movie with an A list actress. I like Pelham123's guess of Elijah Woods, but I did see where he dated a female drummer for five years, & they broke up in 2010 which blows the clue of never having a girlfriend.

  31. Kevin Spacey

    A-list Actess whose date he stole: Sandra Bullock?

    Movie they co-starred in: A Time to Kill (they were two of the four top-billed)

  32. Tobey miguire, I'm I spelled that wrong

  33. Peter Dinklage is married, everyone knows Kevin Spacey is gay, and Elijah Woods is a great guess!

  34. Wow My phone gets on my nerves, Sorry for the sentence.

  35. Elijah Wood w/ Aaron Carter at a Lakers game. I've read this before somewhere.

  36. @Disco
    Holy cow - thanks so much!!! I wish I had this yesterday!!

    Toby is married with kid/kids

    Running out the door, but look forward to you guys cracking this one!!

  37. I have used Adblock for years...the only problem with it is you need to disable it if you are watching Hulu....otherwise Hulu makes you wait much longer than the normal amount of time that the ad would take before it starts playing the video.

  38. Tobey Maguire is married to the daughter of the head of Universal Studios.

  39. I do like the Elijah Wood guess. He lived with his sister for a while, and in his mother's guest house (according to IMDB). Girlfriends are not mentioned, but it could be something I missed. However, he was a voice on Tron (tv cartoon) before Wilfred. Don't know if that will count.

  40. Yes, Elijah Woods, whats his show? I realized, no matter what Jon Cryer's relationship status or history, the guys would have to be just fame whores to lust after him. Getting the impression this guy must be hot. I suppose Kevin Spacey would be considered hot to some guys. Cant see Elijah being that kind of glib prick. Oh this is never going to be revealed.
    OT: crap, forgot what I was going to ask!

  41. Also, when asked about Sam and Frodo's supposed gay relationship on LOTR, he believes it was more "asexual" which is the word used in this BI.

  42. Is it a current movie? What about Anthony Michael Hall? If the show Dead Zone counted and this is a vintage blind. Grasping at straws.

  43. The only thing about Elijah Wood is that he had a long term girlfriend and the press has asked him about his sexuality.

  44. @Agent**it - If you're running chrome as your browser on your kindle, it should work.

  45. Anthony Michael Hall has notoriously beat up ex-girlfriends so I'm going to say no on that one, too.

  46. Elijah Wood is a great guess. I was thinking maybe Matthew Perry but he's not currently a regular on a show.

  47. Not Wood: "he's not even that good looking but he can talk guys into anything." Wood is very pretty and always has been.

    I got nothin'.

  48. True, thats a good point. Battery, did not know. Topher Grace? Probably not, know he supposedly had a 'girlfriend' but lots of quiet speculation. I dont even watch tv anymore, but I really want to guess one after two years of failing!!!

  49. This is Elijah Woods and the twener is Aaron Carter. I think he took his virginity.

  50. I really don't want to think about Kevin Spacey deflowering a tweener. I need it to be someone else.

  51. He's not really good looking and his show has not been on that long...????

  52. @Discco, thanks. It worked. Thank God because we are going on vacation.

  53. this one is tricky. I initially thought Kiefer but Elijah is a good guess.

  54. Hahah, 'Elijah is very pretty.' PERFECT! He is. I love drawing his portrait.

  55. @Disco, ty ty ty for the detailed instructions. Took all of 10 seconds! Now to see if it works on the Kindle!
    As for the blind, I got nuttin'. Would hate to see Elijah act like a sex crazed nympho, though.

  56. @Discoflux - I put Adblocker on last week and was SO HAPPY again. I wasn't commenting for a little while because it made me so angry when I clicked "comments" and I'd get another tab opened up... not to mention some of them have music and are set to autoplay. Take note, Enty: NOT NICE.

    I didn't donate, either, I just clicked the "no thanks" or whatever. I may go back and donate after seeing how nicely it works though.

  57. I just googled Elijah Wood Aaron Carter and this popped up...

  58. Looks are subjective because where some are calling Elijah good looking, I would consider him a troll thus the reason he was perfect for LOTR IMO.

    I think it is him.

  59. That Galecki guy from big bang theory? Or does roseanne cancel him out? The elijah wood possibility does make my perverse lotr heart go all aflutter though...

  60. I'm thinking Alan Cumming from the Good Wife...

  61. re: the Elijah Wood guess.. I recently saw him totally by accident on an episode of Punk'd or some show like that. Unaware that he was being filmed, he showed remarkable compassion for the man whose car he thought he had ruined, and freely admitted to the actor playing a policeman that he was at fault even though there's no way anyone would have known had he not said anything (or so he thought).

    I saw a genuinely decent person in him, and was frankly shocked that he managed to stay that way despite becoming a successful celeb.

    So, I can't picture this Blind being him, at all.

  62. Who says things like "He is all yours again"?

    Only in a super bad Lifetime movie does dialogue like this exist.

  63. Tell me again why this isnt Kevin Spacey?

  64. Hey everyone - I am new here but have been lurking for a very long time - I am on the Spacey train with this one.. I like the Wood (hehe) guess but he is too pretty and I cant picture him talking to a female costar like that..

  65. @EmEyeKay - Those were the last straw for me, too. Every time one would open a new window, it would either autoplay music or be a game site that was blocked by my company and i really didn't want my activity pinging blocked sites to IT every time i wanted to make or read a comment.

    And to everyone that just added it - YOU'RE WELCOME!

    Now, about the blind - Alan Cumming is openly gay and Johnny Galecki dated his co-star Kaley Cuoco.

  66. Everyone knows Alan is gay. I am liking either the Galecki suggestion or the Elijah Wood. I don't think he's all that good looking either. He was a cute kid though.

  67. I've wondered about Elijah for a long time, great guess! A guy that young that NEVER goes after hot female costars.... Gives me a pause.

  68. I think Alan Cumming and Spacey def have the personalities to come up with/say something like "He's all yours again", and I've never thought either of them were straight.

    I've never had an opinion of Elijah Wood, really, but he seems just kind of nice and meek/humble.

  69. @jetfuelgenius Alan Cumming is openly gay. He has a husband.

  70. Did I miss something? It says the actor has a tv show currently, Spacey has a show in pre production not running currently so that leaves him out.

    If this is Wood, I think the A list actress could have been Kate Winslet who starred with in Eternal Sunshine for a Spotless Mind.

  71. Also, not Topher Grace because he was television first and then movies.

  72. @Anotheramy, Right??

    Kevin Spacey is not that handsome, but I can see him having some remarkable powers of persuasion. He also doesn't look like a sex maniac (though neither does Wood). I could also see him saying that last line. A little trite, but if HE said it? Kevin Spacey can pull off anything.

  73. Alan Cumming is openly gay and Johnny Galecki dated his co-star Kaley Cuoco.

  74. @MontanaMarriott, FRICK. You're right.

    Back to the drawing board.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Don Cheadle has a live-in girlfriend.

  77. Didn't Alan C. just get married to a man? Seem to recall that.

    I think Elijah Wood is the best guess thus far.

  78. I remember seeing Elijah Wood on Ellen talk about how he bites his dirty fingernails, and how gross and dirty his hands were, and how it worked for hand closeups on LOTR. He also revealed that he bites his toenails. Somehow, I can't imagine an anal retentive person being that sloppy about hygiene. Sounds like Spacey.

  79. Kevin Spacey doesn't have a hit TV show, only one in production. Do the masses consider Elijah Wood to be that good looking? Wilfred's in it's second season, and his movie roles have been asexual.

  80. seriously i think i got it! i finally guessed something that hits most of the clues!

  81. although, while everyone knows spacey is gay, he is a super good guess. as is elijah. he is in that dog show now.

    but elijah is so so pretty... and spacey is super confident/sexy.

  82. Can't be Piven, for one he got his starred as Ellen's cousin on Ellen and he is a notorious womanizing asshole as Enty has shown time and time again via several BI's and nasty comments about the Piv.

  83. Great suggestions everyone! I feel like this is an older person. While Elijah may in fact be gay, I like Kevin Spacey more for this. I suspect he has a seriously dark side hiding within. I also think he's super talented and would be kinda sad if it really was him.

  84. "Trevor and Hayden are not the first to share in Aaron. That honor goes to none other than Elijah Wood and who seduced Aaron way back after the premire of "two towers" back in 2002. It was after a Lakers game. Back then Aaron was a "Grade A virgin veal prize". Anyway, Elijah Wood and his gay friend lured Aaron into a rented SUV during a Lakers game where he was seduced and de-flowered by Elijah Wood first. There are before and after pics of the two of them at the game, before shows Elijah Wood and a fresh-faced Aaron sitting courtside behind the Lakers bench. they are having a good time. Then at half-time they dissappear, only to return during the third quarter. Then it is obvious and clear that Aaron has been thro some rough sex-play, his blonde haired is mussed, his Lakers jersey is disheveled and kind of hanging off his bare shoulder, he has a glazed look in his eyes, and obvious "love bites" are on his neck (hickies). Also, dried "cream-like" material is present on his blushing cheeks and chin. Maybe a slight bruising around his bare upper arms and what appears to be "rope-burns" on his wrists? (Elijah Wood is known for his kinky tendencies."


  85. Galecki CLAIMS to have dated his co-star. They only admitted it AFTER they (supposedly) broke up and no one ever actually saw them out together. Could be pure fiction.

  86. Can't be Piven. I went to college with someone who dated him for a few months (a girl). He's a pig but he is straight.

    I actually think this is Elijah Wood with Wilfred as the tv show

  87. I'm on the Elijah W. train -- woo woo!

  88. I got nothin' on this blind. I like the Elijah guess best I think.

  89. MAtthew Perry is dating Lizzy Caplan.

  90. Oh, Enty, priceless:

    "our actor is very anal retentive "

  91. "On his show he plays a straight guy and the rest of his roles seem to be more asexual than anything else."

    Elijah's role on Wilfred is asexual also. The whole premise of the show revolves around his relationship with a dog named Wilfred, nothing else.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      @Angel, you've never watched the show. He's in love / obsessed with his female next door neighbor.

      This BI has to be Elijah Woods...although I'm surprised.

  92. Like FSP said, google Elijah Wood Aaron Carter and see what you get. The Lakers story is right there. This is EW.

  93. Where does Betty White fit into all of this??

  94. Oh, looks like Montana posted the same thing I just did :-).

  95. Do you really think Elijah would?

  96. That article comes from a gay website which provides nothing to collaborate the story. I Google searched and couldn't find a word about it anywhere else.

  97. If he "never stops talking about" it, I'm surprised no one has heard it.

  98. I saw that Johnny Galecki was in "Hancock" with Charlize, but he started on tv. "Big Bang" isn't his first TV rodeo. Elijah Wood supposedly broke up with a girlfriend of five years due to commitment issues. That blows the blind, but maybe "there have never been any girlfriends" is there to make it less obvious.

  99. I've never seen Elijah Wood in anything so can't say on him but Kevin Spacey has been photographed with men on his lap, possibly kissing some guy in the LA hills, etc. I think it's generally accepted he's gay, no speculation needed.

  100. I dated Keifer. Trust me, its not him.
    We're missing someone. Hmmmmmmm...

  101. Hey guys, long time reader via, first time poster. I admittedly have only been coming here directly since all the Himmmm stuff but I'm permanently hooked and have been coming everyday for since then. I love it here. Yesterday was the best 4th of July ever. I'm ridiculously shy so it's taken me a while to actually post. I just wanted to add my vote for Elijah Wood. I 100% think this is him. He fits pretty damn well and I think it was pretty clear from yesterday's reveals that Enty's omits/changes some of the info. I have always liked Elijah a lot. I don't want to think that, according to that link, a 20 year old Elijah "deflowered" a 15 year old Aaorn Carter but stranger/grosser things have happened, especially in Hollywood.

  102. Cheadle is a good guess!

  103. Oops! I meant Aaron. Typical, my first post and I misspell a name!

  104. Elijah? He is pretty. I would like to see this nympho-ness... firsthand. If he is into women, that is... lol

  105. I'm jumping on this Elijah Wood/Aaron Carter bandwagon.

  106. @Ima Guillotine, ok.. however, besides what I've already said, Elijah has very Euro-attractive features, unless perhaps his short stature is the reason for the "not even that good looking" assessment.

  107. We shouldn't have to install an ad blocker just to view this site. This is the only site that causes popups and actual websites with autoplay to start.

    Stop it, or you will lose people. Stop with the ads, you allegedly anonymous entlawyer.

  108. Don Cheadle has had the same girlfriend for about 20 years, not him.

  109. It is Elijah Woods, I have seen him at the Abbey a few times with guys and he was not being straight or pretending. I have heard the Aaron Carter story a few times as well. The A list actress was Liv Tyler - movie was the LOTR trilogy.

  110. Found this Four for Friday from March 30, 2007:

    1. This B list movie actor who used to always be in A list movies but now, not so much has often been rumored to be gay. Everyone just kind of assumes it. What you maybe didn't know is that this actor doesn't like relationships because of the potential for getting caught. He also is very germaphobic so he specializes in one type of relationship. Most, if not all of the time, the only men he finds interesting or an attraction to, are those who are virgins. He likes to be their first.

    The answers were all Kevin Spacey, and there are some interesting stories about Kevin in the thread.

  111. Didn't even realize Elijah was on a TV show. Never heard of Wilfred? Is it doing well? If so, then it must be him. Never thought of him as a nympho, but I do notice he never has girlfriends. I'm assuming the guy who lost his virginity to him is Zac Efron.

  112. The only thing about the Kevin Spacey guess is that he's not on a TV show.

  113. I guess Elijah is the best guess, especially with having a tv show.

    Totally OT, Ted Casablanca leaving his Awful Truth! Who will we turn to for really oddball lingo now? And will he ever reveal Toothy Tile?

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Googled Elijah wood and anal retentive and this was the first thing that came up, it's regarding his role on Wilfred, "Elijah Wood is perfect as Ryan Newman; a meek, timid, anal retentive young man..."

  116. and yet another spelling error on my part

  117. EW stars in a film that premiered at Cannes called....wait for it...Maniac.

  118. Don't forget that cate blanchett was in the LOTR too.

  119. Kevin or Elijah? How to choose?

    @unknown - very interesting point. I am being swayed back back to Elijah.

    @selectivesoul - please do tell, had the HUGEST Keifer 80s crush. Maybe a little still now.

  120. Spacey's show hasn't even aired yet and it's not TV it's Netflix. And he has been asked about his sexuality before. And I don't care if he is gay I am in love with him.

  121. Have no clue about Wood, but I think Spacey fit's here. The "deflowering a virgin" then not speaking to him again is an asshole move. And the "he's all yours" might work for Alexis Carrington on a soap, but in real life it is sleazy and boorish. I have not heard one nice thing said about Spacey, so he fits the attitude of the guy in the blind, so I am going with him.

  122. @Basil
    Now you have me off EW and back on KS for bringing up the "deflowering a virgin". American Beauty? The rose petals? AGGGHHH!! I can't stop checking my e-mai for everybody's updates!!!!

  123. I have been looking for the supposed photo evidence of Elijah Wood and Aaron Carter at the lakers game, but to no avail. However, that story is circulating pretty freely on the internet since 2006 so I'm on the Elijah train. I like him. He's cute.

  124. Kevin Spacey is gay. He's also played a womanizer more than once (that's not "asexual"). EW TOTALLY fits the asexual thing.

    Side note: a few years back, I walked into a liquor store in Silverlake, where he was throwing a fit at the counter because he'd forgotten his ID (or was he even OLD enough to buy booze? I never cared to find out).

  125. But...but....Elijah Wood is DREAMY! His eyes are amazing. That being said, I'm with this guess.

  126. I saw Spacey perform as Bobby Darin at the Stardust several years ago. He damn near did the whole show singing to the most beautiful blonde boy I've ever seen.

    I'd call him a twink, but that would imply he was over 18. I'm 90% sure this kid wasn't.

  127. I remember Elijah dating a female so I looked it up and it said he was with Pamela Racine for 5 years before it ended in 2010.

  128. Hmmm, I don't know if I am on the Elijah Wood train. He dated one of the (female) members of Gogol Bordello for a long time and would always come to town with her for a few days whenever they were in town.

  129. @!Wonderama! If if I had a sex change I still would be to old for Spacey I'm 29. But in my head he is straight and we are happy together.

  130. Here's the part that keeps tripping me up: "he is one of those actors who has never actually bothered to come out and say he is gay, but everyone just kind of assumes he is."

    So, former movie now tv actors everyone sort of assumes are gay...

  131. Since it say's it hasn't been on that long does that mean it's something like Newsroom which is airing now but they have finished shooting. Or a show that has been on for 2 years?

  132. @thenaughtyvicar Spacey and Wood still do films as well so do they still count?

  133. @ I_Dis_Woman - brilliant.

  134. EW was in a realtionship with Franka potente a few years ago. I think they were together for a year, maybe two and I remeber seeing pictures of them together. Between that and the drummer I really don't think it's him.

  135. @pjh Spade's show has been on for like 6 years. He always is dating models, has a daughter with one.

  136. @lizjaxe, presumably the latter, but something can still be a hit and be in its first season, which would equal not on that long. Kevin Spacey's Netflix TV series hasn't even begun shooting yet, so this really should eliminate him, as this actor brought dudes to his trailer on the set. I still am with the Elijah Wood guess.

    David Spade likes women. Strippers, Playmates, the like. Not him.

  137. @MontanaMarriott - that same blog has Keanu Reeves and Alan Cumming getting married in Auburn, Massachusetts by Mayor Gavin McLoud.


  138. @spacecowboy78 I dont' thinks it's Spacey either but he has already started shooting the show for awhile now.

    Elijah has had girlfriends.

    I'm trying to think of shows in the last 2 years that are somewhat hits with movie stars in them. Not coming up with much.

  139. It could be either Spacey or Wood. They both fit the blind perfectly in every way, except in the ways they do not. Elijah had a girlfriend and Spacey is in TV pre-production (and also did some HBO movie), but not currently. So if Enty's fudgin', then it all fits perfectly.

    I guess just almost anyone can fit. It could be the Piv if Enty really means women and not men. If he changed that one thing, to throw us off, it fits perfectly except for how it doesn't. Or something.

    Yeah, it's Betty White. That tramp.

  140. And may I say, EVERYONE knows Kevin Spacey is not just gay but a big ole chicken hawk. He likes 'em young!

  141. why the FUCK would anyone brag about fucking Aaron Carter??

    next guess....

  142. @jax My thoughts exactly. I never heard that rumor until today.

  143. @Agent**It - Thank you.
    I think the fact that it's kind of hard, for me anyway, to imagine Elijah this way helps to show that it is in fact Elijah. Like Enty says "He Doesn't Look Like A Sex Maniac" "You would never know... but he is a sex crazed nympho." Can you say that about Kevin Spacey?

  144. Elijah has had girlfriends! He was publicly dating Franka Potente.

  145. I know EW and no way is this him. He's a very good guy and really, really sweet to fans who approach him.

    This blind may be recycling the post from the gayinfosource, but it's not an accurate story.

    Spacey on the other hand is well known for liking young, fresh meat.

  146. @Jax - Couldn't agree more. Supposedly this was in 2002 when Aaron a little less gross but the fact that he was only 15 takes it from being "just wrong" to just being WRONG.

  147. @dia papaya I'll be honest! We didn't date very long! We met through my friend who helped run the USA Roping Team. Kiefer and his stunt double for the Cowboy Way were a roping team. He sucked but he gave so much money to the group they let him play.
    I met him when I was living in Oklahoma City. We hung out a night and he asked me to go horse back riding with him. SUPER nice guy, but has a lot of demons. This was 3 years after Julia dumped him for his best friend and he was still not over her-she was the love of his life. He drank straight Jack Daniels, all the time-even in the morning. He has a ranch in New Mexico and my family lives there so thats why we were able to stay together as long as we did. I was 19 when we met in 1994 -I told him I was 21 and of course it wasn't an issue since no one got carded at bars hanging out with him.
    He is sexy, funny, likes magic tricks ;) and one hell of a kisser-thats all I will say!

  148. Anonymous1:18 PM

    F. Murray Abraham

  149. I don't know why people keep saying it's Elijah, I'm not a gossip expert like many of you and even I have seen pix of him with his ex-girlfriend. He's always seemed very sweet to me as well. Not him.

    Could be Spacey, with the TV line being fudged a little.


  150. Anonymous1:19 PM

    F. Murray Abraham

  151. @Robert78704, thank you. How lucky you are to personally know Elijah. I saw him on that Punk'd show and it was so obvious what a kind and gentle soul he is, but it's dificult to convey that with just words.

  152. I'm on the Spacey train because of the "everyone just assumes he's gay" part. Everyone DOES assume Kevin Spacey is gay, while few people assume Elijah Wood is gay. Additionally, Spacey has never made any announcements or done interviews talking about his gayness, so I think he fits.

  153. LOL, Ciao.

    lizjaxe, even though Spacey is gay, he has been known to have occasional random hookups with women, at least in the past, so it's not 100% impossible you might still get lucky some day. :)

    selectivesoul, thanks for the story! I am a big fan of Kiefer, and I'm sorry that he struggles with alcohol. He is an RDJ type rather than a Lohan type - takes responsibility for his actions.

  154. Anyone know how to block the ads on an iPad? I have my pop up blocker on, but it doesn't work for this site for some reason

  155. Although Elijah Wood is a great guess, I don’t think it’s him. Besides he’s too pretty, he might not be the hottest actor but he is better than “not even that good looking”. Kevin Spacey is a better guess and fit. Yes, Enty does smidge the facts about the blinds…maybe Spacey’s show is assumed to be a hit?

    By the way the blind reads, I think the actor is older than Elijah. Maybe someone like Jeremy Renner, he was a make-up artist!

    Just to be different my official guess is Adam Goldberg. He’s always playing very awkward characters and I can easily see him as being anal. I know he dated Christina Ricci and Natasha Lyonne, but I think they are beards. Christina dated Michael Stipe for crying out loud!

  156. Go to the settings and choose "Extensions", then choose "Add Extensions" the Search for Adblock Plus. There is a free beta version. Once you add it, it's effective immediately and you'll see a little red stop sign with ABP on it in your address window.

    Save this and pass it along.

  157. @Moonshki You made my day.

  158. I´d say Wentworth Miller, but he doesn´t fit the "all movies one current hit TV show" thing...

  159. Matthew Perry...just sayin'

  160. I just want to state for the record that as long as no one is being taken advantage of, and everyone involved is consenting and mature, people shouldn't be defined by what they do sexually. I have known plenty of amazing people who also happened to be slutty. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

  161. I know I'm late, but this screamed Elijah Wood to me from the first few lines..

  162. this makes me want to barf. mean and hurtful. what a douche.

  163. This is definitely jeff daniels, sad but true.

  164. Tweener was anna pacquin

  165. Oh, it's Elijah Wood with Aaron Carter as the tweener. That was pretty well-documented at the time. I would love to know which A list actress had her date borrowed by Elijah, though!

  166. man i hope it's not Elijah Woods, i don't care that he's having sex with everyone, but the blind makes him seem like a class A asshole.

  167. Entry couldn't remember that Gwenyth was on Glee for the blind item about her so we are supposed to believe he knows about Kevin Spacey's future Netflix show?
    Sorry not buying it

    This is a rehasing of the EW/carter rumor. I'm also surprised no one has brought up Dominc Monaghan who was rumoured to be in a relationship with Elijah for yeArs

  168. Just to clarify--I don't know if EW is gay, but I'm certain he's not this kind of douche.

  169. My one tidbit contributing to the KS is gay - '94? '95? Heck, it could've been '96. He saw my guy friend's work at a show in Savannah while shooting Midnight....bought up almost the entire show, if not all of it. Ended up flying him up to NYC, wining, dining him, introducing him to people. My friend was so gorgeous and came out as bisexual shortly after the NYC trip, broke up with his longtern girlfriend and had a relationship w/ KS. KS was careful but he did meet us once, acted like hey, this is me, I'm just as normal as you. FWIW

  170. So borrowed boyfriend must be one of Kirsten Dunst's exes right? No idea which one, but she dated a lot of models/pretty boys and rockstars.

  171. I'm onboard with the Kevin Spacey guess

    A List Actress: Sandra Bullock
    Her date: Ryan Gosling

  172. @hothotheat
    Great guess and PLEASE GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  173. Elijah is just too nice to act this way.

    We're looking for someone more like Seth McFarlane.

  174. Asexual actor on a Tv show who costarred with A list actress in a very big movie. The guy from modern family? The larger gay man, Eric something? He was in Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz?

  175. @yawnathon
    Holy smokes!

    @selective soul
    Great story too!! My husband and I were the biggest 24 nerds. We didn't discover it until it came out on DVD, and when I was pregnant with my first there were times we'd watch 4 episodes in a day. He's fantastic, and sorry to hear about his struggles with alcohol first hand. When I was drinking WAY too heavily, I think the thing I always used to justify was "Whelp, it's not like I'm boozin' in the morning". (Which then always reminds me of that part in Spanglish where Cloris Leachman gets yelled out by Tea Leoni for drinking her mondo glass of Chard in the morning. The look on Cloris' face when the clock ticked to noon was priceless. TANGENT!!)

  176. What if the wording is a little off? Because I don't think Enty has ever described Liv Tyler as A List so the movie can't be LOTR, but I don't think Eternal Sunshine is considered a very big movie. So what if the actor that he hooked up with is the one who co-starred with the actress in a very big movie? I still think the actor in question is Elijah Wood and the A-List actress is Kate Winslet, but I think the date who co-starred with Kate in a very big movie (both in blockbuster terms and in title) is Leo DiCaprio in Titanic.

  177. Anonymous5:25 PM

    To the person who thought it was Jeff Daniels - he's been married to his high school sweetheart for over 30 years.

  178. If it is Spacey would it really be Sandra/Ryan for the hook up? A Time to Kill was not a really big hit, I don't think.

  179. Elijah Woods - Liv Tyler was actress date was Charlie Hunnam, was during on the the LOTR movies or after the third one. I cannot rememeber time lines. Yes EW is very polite and sweet to fans, Enty did say you would never suspect he is a fully crazed Nympho. I too have seen him at the Abbey. As to who would brag about Aaron Carter - this was pre meth faced days when he just turned legal.Sweet as he appears to be dude has a dark side.

  180. Thanks for sharing @selectivesoul! I forgot about that love triangle drama. Poor guy! So glad you were there to soothe his broken heart ;)

  181. @lizjaxe, A Time to Kill was huge when it came out. I remember because I wanted to see it so badly, but my parents wouldn't let their 13-year old see an R-rated movie (so I read the book instead--and have seen the movie since then).

    I don't know what movie to compare it to, but Matthew McConaughey was suddenly an A-list actor after that performance.

  182. @*karen* Ok thanks. I knew it was a hit on DVD wasn't sure about Box Office. Love the film, only thing Matthew has done that I can stand him in.

  183. It's so obliviously Elijah Wood! Wilfred just came back with its second season. It's on like episode 3 or 4. The thing that really stood out to me was the
    "anal retentive" comment. Wilfred is about a dog and dogs have sex... (fill in the blank).

  184. I too searched for the photo and couldn't find it. Not sold on the E.W. guess and Kevin Spacey is out for me. Just seems a bit older and he looks like a nympho and (as someone said earlier) a chicken hawk.

    E.W. comes across nice and it has been mentioned he publicly had a girlfriend. If you re-read the blind it seems as though nothing ever has been reported publicly.

    What about Chance Crawford or Paul Wesley?

    Wish this one would be reveled but I know unless the guy comes out we are going to get "Nuthin"
