Sunday, July 22, 2012

Today Is A Great Day For Kittens

I feel like this is a good day and weekend for some kitten love.


  1. My puppy does that....

  2. It is ALWAYS a good time for kitten love.

  3. Ok, kinda OT but forgive me.
    I'm not one who normally sees "signs from Above" ... but this is really beginning to worry me.
    I've recently started feeling the old "wow, a kitten would be fun, wow a kitten would really liven up Cleo, wow a kitten would save the world, etc " impulses, and I've successfully staved them off for the time being.
    But now everywhere I turn around, kittens! Sweet, adorable, gorgeous kittens.
    Just have to say that there are times I do *not* appreciate the Humor Divine.
    And I want a kitty kitty!

  4. Any day is a good day for a kitten attack!

  5. Hilarious! I am about to go pick up a mini cat who is 2 and looks almost identical to this kitten, same back marks above the eyebrows too. Her name is shelly. I have been reading a lot on co$ and seeing her and the name shelly tore at my heart strings. I can't wait to go pick my furry little girl up!

  6. thanks enty. something light and fun. love it when their bum wiggles just before the attack.

  7. FUnny, my friend Merlin. I was just thinking something similar and trying to decide if I'd share it here.

    My partner's favorite cat--we have four, and yes we're middle aged lesbians, what's your point?---didn't come home the night before last, which is unlike her. This cat suckles on my partner's neck to show her love--the two of them are very attached and for her not to come home--well, we knew something was wrong when we woke up. We'd smelled a skunk in the night, so we were afraid that she'd been in a fight with one--and that never ends well for little kitties.

    We spent four hours looking for her. My partner found big strikes of blood all over our patio furniture, but no tray. My partner was hysterical after that. Then I finally found her buried deep under our neighbor's bushes. She was alive, but her tail was three inches shorter than it had been the night before, and what was left was just a long bony mass of blood. In people, we call it a degloving injury.

    We took her to the emergency vet--it was 1pm on a Saturday--and she had what was left of her tail amputated last night.

    The vet said the cut was clean--i.e., not from a skunk or animal bite. It was either from a trap, or from the blades of a lawnmower (who runs one of those in the middle of the night?) or ??? We're afraid that there's some psychopath who is hurting cats in our neighborhood, so she is never going to see the outdoors again.

    Anyway--she's home now, and has become a manx kitty. We're so grateful that she's ok. And--seeing this video was wonderful for me. That is EXACTLY what she looked like as a kitten. It cheered me up to remember her when she was so little. And yes, it did seem like a little reminder from the universe that animals bring me so much joy--and that kittens make me laugh. But NO MORE CATS.

  8. Big streaks of blood, but no trail. DYAC.

  9. My husband (Big touch construction worker) and I use to sit on the living room floor and watch our cats (kittens) play with themselves and with our Dogs. We would spend hours laughing and trying to get pictures of them.

  10. We are fostering a new batch of kittens. Took them in yesterday. Three have bobtails like their mom, and two are smaller from another litter. They are shy and we are trying to socialize them so they're adoptable. Kittens are hilarious.

  11. My itty bitty kitty, all of seven weeks old, does the same thing--wags her little butt before she pounces. So damn cute. And yeah, she looks exactly like this one, same color, markings, etc. Amazing!

  12. @gladyskravitz..glad your kitty is going to be ok!!

  13. Thank you so much Enty! <3

  14. tgis is a video i wanted to share with you guys, its the CUTEST ive seen in a while
    its in russian launch pad Baikonur
    enjoy! :)

  15. * correct link sorry

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. ** OT, does anyone know how to hyperlink in blogger?
    ive tried Link text standart html syntax but blogger messes it up when I press 'post'
    thanks :)

  19. i love kittens. my parents had two black cats (considered bad luck in spain and sometimes are killed). both found in the forest behind their house at different times. one was feral one was sweet. the feral one, binky (deaths horse) laid down and died by the pond at 5 years of age 1 year ago. paisano, the 3 year old, went missing. never came back home around 3 months ago. we were all distraught. 3 weeks ago my mom hears mewing outside her door. another black kitten. 3 weeks of giving her cat formula she finally decided to come in the house. with my family it's always been when one animal dies (we've been through a lot of animals who were adopted just they showed up at our door. lost a dog 2 years ago too) another just shows up to take his or her place. we're thinking of naming her paisano too so my soon 3 year old won't know that the original disappeared. rant over. i'm just sad about losing all these cats and dogs.

  20. @gladys - so glad your story had a happy ending. I wasn't sure when I started reading, but you guys didn't give up on your baby :-).

    @Abaddon - doesn't qualify as a rant in my book - just pet love :-).

    And, who says Enty doesn't read comments? Thanks for listening, Ent!

  21. Thank you Enty.

  22. Thank you Susan B. and Frufra. I am so grateful we found her and that she's going to be ok. Right now her biggest trauma is that she can't cuddle our dog, who thinks that she is the cat's mother. But sometimes they get to playing, and that can't end well for a cat with an Elizabethan collar and no tail. So now they stare at each other forlornly through the pet fencing between rooms. It would be cute if it weren't kind of pathetic.

  23. thanks frufra. we do love our pets. and they love us back much more. :) and it breaks my heart to remember how many we have lost over the years.

  24. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Gladys, who the fark would have traps out in a residential neighborhood?! I'd post signs around warning people about it if I were you. I'm glad your little furbaby is going to be OK.

    Thanks for the kitty love, Enty. While it's always a good time for kittens, this has been an especially bad week. We needed it!

  25. Hugs and KITTENS! Thx Enty!!!

  26. The cat I had growing up stayed in our home because she fell in love with my stepdad. One day, my mom calls in hysterics because after following meowing sounds outside, she found our indoor/outdoor kitty in a trap set out for groundhogs or something by our neighbor! Stupid freaking assholes thought this was entirely appropriate in our residential neighborhood. Luckily, my kitty suffered only a broken paw for which the neighbors paid the vet bill.

  27. Anonymous3:34 PM

    That is horrible, Lady!

    Frankly, I don't understand why people are allowed to sell and buy traps that maim/kill. I'd outlaw them if I were Queen of the World.

  28. We have raccoons around here. And rats because we're by the river. If some idiot neighbor without animals set a trap for those animals, it's possible our kitty got her tail caught in that trap and had to take off all her kitty tail skin to get away. The idea makes me sick.

    On the other hand, the idea that there might be a psychopath maiming cats in our neighborhood makes me even crazier. The cat went out at 9 pm and I don't think anyone was mowing their lawn then. So I don't know what to think, but I'm just glad she came back to us and is going to be ok.

    We did tell our immediate neighbors about the situation. They were as puzzled as us--no lawnmower sounds that night that they could remember.

    By the way, Beta, I liked the prairie dog video! Cute.

  29. The guy dressed up like Darth Vader playing bagpipes on a unicycle is even funnier. That's one of the clips that comes up after the pouncing kitten.

  30. The sun just went into Leo so good timing indeed.

  31. Thanks, Enty. I'm in Denver, the coverage of the shooting has been relentless, and, well, this was just what I needed right now.

  32. @Gladys: Oh, my God! Your poor kitty! I'm glad she's going to be OK (well, as OK as she can be w/out a tail), but that's awful--give her lots of skritches from her Auntie Robin in Boston, will you?

    @Abbadon: That's the one problem w/pets...they just don't live as long as we do. :-( They bring us so much love and joy in the meantime, though (OK, along w/driving us crazy...), that they're worth it in the end.

    And yes, Enty, it's always a good time for kitties, but this weekend especially, so thanks--we all needed this!

  33. I've had two cats get amputated tails, and both managed quite well without them (although one had slightly worse balance). One, when I was a teenager at home, was run over by a car, which crushed her tail and it was amputated when it began to get gangrene. She lived 18 years, about 12-13 years after the injury. She was never a cuddly cat; she liked her space, before and after the accident. My parents continued to let her go outside at will. As an adult, I NEVER let my cats roam outdoors [my advice all around], but my first cat (on my own) got a cancerous tumor on his tail, so it had to be amputated as well. He lived about 5 years past the first cancer diagnosis. He seemed much sweeter after the amputation, maybe because he knew I'd saved him (again), or maybe because I coddled him knowing I'd almost lost him.
    Gladys, after some adjustment, and time to heal, your cat should be fine without a tail.

  34. Robin and others, I always think that seeing a pet from birth to kitten/puppy to adult to senior citizen states is a good way for us to learn how to deal with life and death. When a pet dies, it really is an experience of death as real and as moving as the death of a human. It's a reminder that human beings are "objects that come into existence and pass out of existence" just like a kitty. All the more reason to love kitties!

  35. On a less philosophical note, I love it when cats do the little butt-wiggle thing when they're about to pounce.

  36. What a cutie! :)

    I recognise that bum wiggle! That's when I know my Bengal's about to pounce.

  37. Yup, that butt wiggle before the jump! Cutest thing ever :)

    My baby Sherlock got seriously injured by something (or someone, I'll never know...) when day when I was out. A 2x2 inch chunk of her belly tore open. I couldn't look at it when the vet did the inspection (I still feel a failure as a mother and ashamed at myself for not being able to look), but thankfully the emergency vet was able to save her. This was when she was 2, now she's 7. Ever since then, I have not allowed her outside, and will never allow any of our cats outside. Especially since where we live now there are stories of coyotes killing dogs and such... I guess I do carry her outside and plant pet grass for her.

    We almost adopted another cat last week, but talked it over and decided two dogs and two cats was enough, especially when we're hoping for a human addition soon. Not fair to bring a new cat in when we can't give it as much attention as it deserves.

  38. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Cutie cute cutie.

  39. Cute baby!

    @GladysKravitz - Your poor kitty! I'm so glad you found her.

  40. D'awwwww! :3

    I love kittens!!1!

    I had a kitten who did that to me (I was lying in bed) and opened up my lip. Blood everywhere. I had to get 3 stitches. Was I mad, for even one second? Nope. Wanted to take him with me to the ER so they could see the culprit, tho... :P
