Thursday, July 26, 2012

TJ Jackson Appointed Temporary Guardian Of Michael Jackson's Kids

Yesterday, a court appointed TJ Jackson to be the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's kids. This is a great move because Katherine Jackson and the rest of the family have lost their minds. When I read this stuff it sounds like a really bad Disney movie. You know, the kind where you can see the plot coming from a mile away. Kids are happy and then the evil uncles and aunts come to town and their life becomes awful. Someone comes to save them but is thwarted by the pretend throne and then at the last minute the person who came to save them prevails. Pretty standard formula in a movie, but to see it in real life? Surreal. Didn't Rebbie and Janet used to be the normal ones in the family? When everyone else was out on the deep end drinking the LaToya Kool-Aid, those two were there to maintain calm. Now, they are the biggest instigators. I think Janet's financial situation must be way worse than she has ever led on before or she is being drugged too. There was a statement by one of the brothers who said that Rebbie had been keeping Katherine's phone for her and Katherine had said she gave up her phone when she went on "vacation." All I know is that the kids are way better off with someone other than Katherine in charge of them. The only downside is that wasn't TJ the first guy to, umm you know, with Kim Kardashian. Talk about escaping from evil. But, that is a whole other movie plot.


  1. No picture of TJs amazing eye brows? For shame enty!

  2. I really don't know anything about the Jacksons except that they're crazy, but I never really understood why MJ left his mom in charge of his kids. The only thing I'm surprised about is that this didn't happen sooner.

  3. What a clusterfuck

  4. She should be removed as guardian simply due to neglect or negligence. She was responsible for them and didn't tell them she was going on vacation. She cut off communication with them. I gave up my phone so I wouldn't be bothered. Blah blah blah. You are responsible for 3 minor children. If any of us pulled that crap, social services would have them in foster care right now.

  5. Every time i see those kids with their relatives, I think of Steve Martin's The Jerk.

  6. Did anyone catch the video (ABC has it) of Katherine reading her statement? Janet was behind her, following along word for word and had to point out to Katherine where she left off. WTF?

  7. Seaward, she probably guilted him into it.

    I really feel for those kids. They're going to need tons of therapy for their trust issues.

    1. OT did you see you got your Lindsay car crash yesterday?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Somethings going on that's for sure! Just hope everything turns out ok.

  10. I saw it Patty. It was more like a hostage reading a statement. ABC was informed that she wouldn't answer any questions. Why ABC went along with this, I'll never know (Randy was on Good Morning America - so he probably orchestrated the whole deal).

    Angel posted in yesterday's thread that last night HLN did a show on the whole sad, dirty saga. I wish I had seen it.

    Oh, and make no mistake, Randy is behind all of this. He has always been the lead troublemaker.

    1. @Surfer,

      I think Rebbie is the so called "mastermind" behind it, but that Randy & Jermaine & Rebbie are the 3 main people behind it; Randy & Jermaine being the enforcers. I used to think Rebbie was the only sane one. I'm disappointed in Janet, I can't believe she isn't more concerned about her reputation and popularity, if she's no longer going to pretend to care about the kids. She must really be quite broke to risk her future hollywood oportunities to engage in this sort of activity and bad press. Can they not all see how bad they look.

      When Katherine read her statement, Janet, Rebbie, Rebbie's daughter, Jermaine, & the marketing director for the AZ spa were all there surrounding her. How strange! I think they're taking advantage of her age, senility, & frailness, & she doesn't want to report her children & get them in trouble or they're fooling her of their intentions.

      I'm still uncertain about this TJ Jackson. His dad Tito, aborted the plot only after his son became involved. How do we know they don't have the same bad intentions but are just better at it, & better at fooling those children.

  11. Good God, I'm sorry but I find it funny as hell this backfired. Thank God they still have some family members they could trust. I think the only way to trust those devious siblings is to have them sign something saying they won't take a cent from the estate. I think Michael appointed his mother because she was probably his best ally growing up. I dont know what those kids dis to her, but o feel like she's been somehow brain washed. At this point if she's admitting she didn't want calls so she didn't keep her phone, that paints someone negligent. Your job is guardian of 3 minors. Guarding them does not include ignoring them to the point of not knowing where you are and why you arent speaking to them.

  12. I think Mama Jackson was chosen because He trusted her. Same for choosing Diana Ross as a backup. But I don't think he anticipated ever really needing either of them, so it never crossed his mind that as his Mama got elderly, she'd be vulnerable to the manipulations of those he sought to protect his children from.

  13. I really think Randy is doing this because out of all of them, he's been least profitable from being a Jackson. He only joined at the very, very end because they need a replacement for Jermaine. He's worse than La Toya. They need to do some variety show in Vegas (which no one will see now) and stop trying to leech off their brothers legacy. If michael thought they were deserving, he would have included him in either of his wills.

  14. I keep thinking what horrific people these kids biological mothers are. I can't even imagine signing over my kids and not giving a shit when I see what they are going through now. Surrounded by selfishness and greed. What a way to grow up.

    1. Her actions were fueled by money as well. I guess some people really can sell their souls for a nice payday. The worst is she could've been a good mother and still lived comfortably but she's part of the reason this is happening. but I guess she never fathomed Michael passing so early.

  15. While this whole scenario definitely makes me understand why Michael was so screwed up, I really wish that he had taken better care of himself so that something like this didn't happen.

    He obviously knew what vultures his family are, so messing about with so many pills, etc., clearly wasn't great judgment. I'm sure he never planned to die so soon and that he was addicted and all of the yes-men on his payroll helped him along, but it still makes me kind of angry that his addiction put his children in harms way. Just like any other addict with children.

  16. I used to love Janet, but now I don't know. Her actions in the last week have shocked me. I honestly thought she had more integrity and would have been the one to protect the kids. This family is disgusting.

  17. Where's LaToya? She can't stay away from a microphone and has been conspicuously missing.

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  19. yall should go read the statement prince put on his twitter i think it's @princemjjjaxon

    1. Im really glad those kids took to heart what their Dad was telling them all those years about his siblings. I'm sorry that even though he is passed, they're still trying to use him as a cash cow. I hope TJ gets permanent guardianship since it's clear Katherine can be easily manipulated.

  20. Even leaving the whole recent debacle aside, how is an 82 year old a proper guardian for three minor children? Yes, she has help, but still. MJ wanted nothing to do with his siblings for a reason. Now we see he had good reason. I hope these kids find some stability or they will all end up as sad stories in this blog.

    1. Thank you lambkin. That's what I thought too.

  21. I think Katherine's language that she "gave up her phone" is very telling that they did something to her, or really kidnapped her & withheld her phone & kept her away from computers & phones. Because who actually says they "gave up" their phone. It's strange wording. Most people would just power off their cell phone & put it in their purse or pocket if they don't want to take any calls. Or she could have said, "I asked Rebbie to hold my phone while I rested." Who says "gave up"? Sounds like surrender type words.

    1. Yeah you're right! "gave up" implies someone took it or was asking for it over and over until she "gave" in.

  22. @Unknown - though I don't doubt Rebbie is heavily involved, especially in this escape to Arizona, I still believe Randy is the architect of most, if not all of these actions.

    If I remember correctly, he was the one after Michael died, who started screaming about no will, then a fake will, then tried to have the executors thrown out. It's possible they're all in this and he's just the mouthpiece, but I still really believe that he is the one responsible for all this nonsense.

    1. i don't get what they hope to gain if the will is declared fake b/c the will before it also leaves them out of his fourtune so it's like um yeah nice try leechers now go get your job at the supermarket back! lol

  23. Where is LaToya.....did they kidnap her also ?
    She's has not said a word which makes me think something isn't right ...

    1. @Misch,

      I'm wondering if they did something to LaToya too, because even if she had "no comment," I'd think the media would have caught up withher in public or spoken to her or her rep on the phone by now, even if it's just for her to say that she has nothing to say.

  24. I want to hear from Latoya and the fact that she hasn't said anything is really strange to me.

  25. Who is TJ and why is he the best man for the job? He's Tito's son? Seems like they should of gone with an outsider.

    Prince, Paris, and Blanket better start learning how to read the balance sheet so they can keep track of their money. When does Prince turn 18? Or better can the be emancipated minors?

    1. When they were at the memorial concert, it was TJ tying shoes and making sure they had eaten, not Katherine. He's been there for them since day one, they trust him. He's married with kids of his own.

    2. prince will be 16 next feburary and you can definitely become emancipated at that age

  26. I loved LaToya on the Celebrity Apprentice.

    I think Michael truly loved his mother. I have always thought that all his plastic surgery was an attempt to look more like her and less like Joe. Seriously - check out some side-by-side photos of Michael and his mom.

    I'm not sure what is going on - it seems hard to believe that this whole group of people would just be in it for the money and not care about the children. But then again, they are related to Joe. What a mess.

  27. I'm also on board the "Where's LaToya" train. They locked her up to cuz she was gettin' bottom of this Scooby mystery.

  28. Crazy thought; what if this whole thing was a plot to get Katherine pulled as the guardian to put someone in place that would give them a piece of the allowance. I would hope TJ's not going to do that but I wouldn't put anything past a family situation where La Toya is coming off normal.

  29. All the questions about LaToya's conspicuous absence throughout all of this makes me wonder if she's been shunned by the family as a problematic black sheep.

  30. It seems LaToya was reached for comment and she wants to stay out of this mess. The world really has gone upside down.

    Now that Katherine has lost guardianship I read she is out about $72,000 a month. That will go to TJ now along with all the other perks of taking care of the kids, mansion, travel, vacations etc..

    So all that money Katherine has been funneling back to the her kids is now tapped out.

    I am honestly shocked if Janet is broke after all the money she has earned over the years. But she seems desperate so I believe this is a money grab for her also.

  31. @timebob, someone had a theory yesterday that Janet may have cooperated to get Randy and Jermaine an income of their own so they stop hitting her up for money.

    It's plausible.

  32. Welp, if they did hush up LaToya, I can promise you they didn't drag her to Canyon Ranch... maybe have her hidden at a 'moter lodge' off of miracle Mile (Tucson folks will laugh at that! LOL)

    Hey compared to the rest of the money grubbing Jacksons, if TJ's only fault is dating Kim K.. thats okay in my book.

  33. This is interesting. Price Jackson is joining Paris in making the facts of this case public:

    "Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I’m really angry and hurt."

    "For this whole time, they denied us contact to our grandmother. If you continue with your lies I will continue with the truth.”

    "As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways."

  34. Angel - it seems Prince has since pulled his tweet. The only way you can see it is if you Google it and click on cached.

  35. hmmm surfer, I wonder what that means? This family is frustrating to figure out, but I exclude Michael's kids from that statement. I'm guessing he did it on advice from his attorney for a good reason that will eventually become clear.

  36. LaToya complained after the Oprah interview with the kids, so I can definitely seeing the others trying to keep her quiet. She is wacko, but she tells the truth and that's the last thing the rest of them want.

  37. Now that Michael is gone I'm sure they are all hitting Janet up for cash , this might be a desperate attempt by her to get them of her back.

  38. She gave up her phone because she's used to being controlled and abused by Joe, who taught his children well. Someone pointed out on another site that Janet is overdressed for Arizona summer weather, with shades, a wig, a hat, long sleeves and dark pants and heavy shoes. What would a shrink say about that?

  39. These kids are not the shrinking violets that their father was. They have some gumption and some guts and I don't think they are going to put up with any shit from his money grabbing sibs.

  40. Hope somebody in that family gets an education . Talk about greed and laziness.Wow.

  41. I think it's disturbing that both LaToya AND Joe are missing in action. You know ol' Joe would have been right up in the middle of this if he could have.

  42. Oh Janet - you were doing so well, until you decided to turn your tour into a sex show. No one wants to see that! You should have kept to singing and dancing. Damn you!!

  43. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Maybe Latoya knew that this is going to blow up in their faces and is going to look like the 'good' aunt that didn't get involved in this. So that when the kids get the money, they will be more willing to help her out with money.

    If Michael trusted TJ, and the kids trust him, then he will be the best choice for guardianship. Michael knew to tell his kids who to trust and who not to trust.

  44. I found this. It's from Prince's official Twitter account, except it's on his TwitLonger page. I don't use Twitter so I don't understand what that is, but anyhoo... here's what he says:

    I would first like to start off this tweet by thanking the fans that have always stood by me and my family, my dad really appreciated your support and I still treasure it to this day. As I am sure everyone is well aware of the events that have been going on. I have been holding off on backing up my sister and her tweets avidly because I was waiting for the time to reveal my side. As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways. Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I’m really angry and hurt. The following image is of a group chat I had started to several family members. This group text message I had started was replied to but they didn’t know that I could see the responses. For this whole time, they denied us contact to our grandmother. “If you continue with your lies I will continue with the truth”

  45. Michael Jackson didn't have many good choices, did he? He probably also thought he would still be alive.

    His mother may have been well intentioned, but she couldn't stop Joe back in the day. Against all of her children + Joe, she is overmatched.

  46. I can't believe Grandma, loving Grandma left the home for a vacation and didn't say good-bye or let the kids know she was leaving. She obviously doesn't care about them or their feelings. They are a means to a paycheck and while she is kind to them when she's there, the money is what matters. I don't think she's going to convince a judge enough to get them back. She's under the She was cruel to the children for over 11 days and didn't care or call even when reading prepared statements, that's all a judge needs to know.

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  48. Katherine Jackson reminds me he old Mrs Birdie in that novel Rain Main by John Grisham

  49. Maybe Katherine's always allowed herself to be pulled away from supervising the children in her life. She's used to being taken "for a ride" or to "see the kids perform" -- someplace far away. Maybe that's how Joe got to abuse those boys and Janet was secretly married for a stretch. BTW, how one minute the senior sibs were in Ariz. and then back in L.A.? What was so important *all* of them had to go back? And isn't that expensive? They really want control of that money, don't they?

  50. I think Mrs.Jackson is ill (some sort of dementia/stroke) and her children are taking advantage of that. It is all about money but I believe Grandma may be ill. So hope one of the grandkids will get educated.

  51. @surfer, on the off chance that you return to this thread, those original Twitter comments Prince posted were removed because his account was hacked. You can read about it here:

  52. So sad that these children don't have what they really need-- a MOM , thanks Michael for phucking that way up...

  53. So sad that these children don't have what they really need-- a MOM , thanks Michael for phucking that way up...

  54. I wonder if Janet is in it because she's tired of paying for the loser Jacksons lives...perhaps she figures if she gets them some of her brother's money she doesn't have to support them anymore...

  55. Thanks Angel. I heard that.

    I really feel for those kids - no matter Michael's flaws, he really did love them, and I think, was a very good father.

    I just hope they have (or find in the future) people who can see beyond the $$$ and love them for who they are.
