The abuse has finally caught up to Tara Reid. Tara has been hospitalized in Nice for acute pancreatitis. Apparently that is when you drink so much your body starts eating away at your pancreas. Tara will probably need a new liver now. I hope she gets better, but I think all of us could see this coming. You can't drink for as many years as she has been drinking at the rate she has been drinking and doing everything else to her body she has been doing and not expect any consequences.
Holy crap! She is so young, that is a lot of drinking....
ReplyDeletePancreatitis = alcoholic
ReplyDeleteShe's probably in alcohol withdrawal as well which is life threatening but the hospital will know the protocol to deal with that.
ReplyDeleteShe might become diabetic as well..Pancreas regulates insulin....which would just compound her issues...
ReplyDeleteI hope this is her wake-up call. Get your shit together Tara! I wonder who'll pay her hospital bill 😳
ReplyDeleteIt's France, so no bill. They have socialized health care.
DeleteSocialiased health sounds like something bad which is not. In Europe most countries provide free health care thankfully.
DeleteShe must drink from the minute she wakes up till bed time. Well, I wish her a speedy recovery and hope for a successful rehab.
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ReplyDeleteStuff like this always makes me sad. Hopefully Tara will recover and the incident will serve as a wake up call and she'll sort herself out. Regardless of who it is or what they've done I cannot bring myself to be snarky over health issues.
ReplyDeleteShe seems awfully young to have a disease of the pancreas. She must drink a LOT.
ReplyDeleteShe told the Twitterverse that she had food poisoning. She spelled it wrong :)
Well, hate to say it but this is Tara Reid and there will be no wake up call. She will be in the hospital for awhile, get a little better and then try to do what she likes. It won't be long before Enty reports that she's been found dead a la Whitney.
ReplyDeleteThe Cracken ain't that far behind.
Hopefully, this is what she needs to be wake-up call. Also, hopefully, it doesn't kill her (the NIH says that some cases can become life-threatening). Chances are it will turn out fine for her, though, she'll be out of the woods in a week. I do hope it's enough for her to have hit her bottom.
ReplyDeleteMy liver hurt every single day for seven months before i finally stopped drinking. I permanently damaged, and if i ever drink again, it will be because i'm ready to die.
I hope Tara stays straight this time. I REALLY hope her family shows up and helps confront her/get her into some longer term treatment.
I wish her the very best in getting better - both from the pancreatitis and her alcoholism.
Her hospital bills will be really low and affordable. Remember - Europe, higher taxes, affordable health care.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who was hospitalized in Italy when she was 5 months pregnant, stayed for a few days, tons of tests and made it out in perfect health. Her bill? $36.
Years ago in my restaurant days I worked with a guy who blew out his pancreas at around 24, 25 years old. When he stopped drinking, the restaurant saw a noticeable drop in bar receipts.
ReplyDeleteI think I heard later that he'd started drinking again, "in moderation," but like Kassandra said, once you've done that much damage to your pancreas there is no such thing as moderation. It's been 25 years since I saw the guy and I'm sure he's dead by now.
I've had pancreatitis from a bad reaction to Imuran. Now I didn't find it painful due to my history but normal people describe it as agony. Rather than diabetic, I ended up severly hypoglycemic for three years, imagine eating and literally having to lie on the kitchen floor before you passed out. She could go either way with the damage. I truly hope she gets good tough love from the nurses and that she wakes up looking at the I.V. and decides she doesn't want to do it again. For all her many problems she seems like a nice person, and I'd like her to see this as the dire warning it is.
ReplyDeleteI know she's a mess, but i've always thought Tara was a sweet person. I hope she gets well. And I seriously don't know how Lohan continues to be fine.
ReplyDeleteMari, that is the kind thing to say. I feel the same way. She seems like a nice enough person and is probably tortured by something, which started her finding solace in alcohol. Pancreatitis can be incredibly painful and if that is the case for Tara, I hope that the pain serves as a motivator to stay sober.
ReplyDeleteI think we've come to the same conclusion, for all of "she was completely blasted" stories, she's only ever hurt herself. I hope the pain cuts through the fog. There isn't a good outcome if you don't stop whatever it was that caused it. To be honest L, she may not really grasp what's happened yet. The best thing that could happen are some harsh truths from the nurses. Starting with Tara dear, your pancreas is digesting itself...
DeleteIf I was a "yacht girl," I might have to drink to deal with life every day. She's paying a heavy, heavy price for her lifestyle. Wake up call? Not when you have "food poisoning." Sad.
ReplyDeleteGeez...typo city. i meant to say "It's permanently damaged," not "I permanently damaged."
ReplyDeleteAlthough, both the former and latter statements are true lol
Insofar as 'needing a new liver now', I don't think that those people who have abused alcohol or drugs and destroyed their organs should ever be placed on any transplant list. This includes celebrities and politicians who have a rare knack of being magically transported to the head of these lists.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree and was going to say the same thing. It makes me so fucking angry that she could ever even be considered for a liver transplant, when there are people who didn't drink themselves into a constant stupor, who need a liver. In every picture of her lately she looks like a bag of trash.
DeleteYou know, my husband had pancreatitis a year and a half ago, and it was his wakeup call. He has been clean and sober from that day on. People use alcohol for many reasons and to judge from on high and say only those who are morally above reproach deserve help according to some subjective standard is mean-spirited and pretty crummy. Judge not...well, you know how the saying goes. We are all deserving of compassion, even through the anonymity of blog comments.
DeleteYou know, my husband had pancreatitis a year and a half ago, and it was his wakeup call. He has been clean and sober from that day on. People use alcohol for many reasons and to judge from on high and say only those who are morally above reproach deserve help according to some subjective standard is mean-spirited and pretty crummy. Judge not...well, you know how the saying goes. We are all deserving of compassion, even through the anonymity of blog comments.
DeleteYou know, my husband had pancreatitis a year and a half ago, and it was his wakeup call. He has been clean and sober from that day on. People use alcohol for many reasons and to judge from on high and say only those who are morally above reproach deserve help according to some subjective standard is mean-spirited and pretty crummy. Judge not...well, you know how the saying goes. We are all deserving of compassion, even through the anonymity of blog comments.
DeleteA girl I graduated high school with had the same thing happen to her in 2003. She was engaged to my cousin (now married - I'm from a small town, our trees don't have many branches). Starting from our freshman year in HS, the girl just drank herself into an oblivion every weekend. She was the youngest of three very attractive and popular girls. I remember being 14, and hearing about her losing her virginity to a 22 year old police officer who used to date her oldest sister.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, her drinking got worse and worse through HS and early in college, but no one cared because her house was THE place to be, party central, etc. In 2003 she was hospitalized with pancreatitis and kidney failure. She was told she could never, ever, EVER drink again. She spent an entire month there before she was released.
Since then, she's had a difficult time conceiving, has had two miscarriages (really late term), and her son (almost two) is disabled. I don't know if her past lifestyle is a contributing factor, but I know she's had a tough road since she sobered up. But, she is thankful to have survived, and her little boy truly is a blessing and a life saver for her.
Just finished reading the autobiography of Duff McKagen, who was the bassist for Guns ' n' Roses during its glory days, and the book starts with him suffering the exact same illness for the exact same reason. (After drinking 3-4 liters of vodka a day, he had 'cut back' to 10 bottles of wine a day). His pancreas exploded, and the acids from it gave him third degree burns on most of his other internal organs. He actually begged his doctors to kill him.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the shock of it all was enough to get him to turn his life around, and he has been (mostly) sober since. He became a chartered accountant, and is now a financial advisor to other rock stars. Good book.
Pancreatitis is extremely painful. I worked as a CNA and I recall every one of those patients as being in debilitating pain. I hope this is a blessing in disguise.
ReplyDeleteTara seemed to be in a good place during promotion of the American Pie installment, but she just stayed sober long enough to work and used the renewed interest to get back on the yaght circuit. I hope she turns it around.
One could ask if it's really fair for France's taxpayers to be paying for Tara Reid's decade of alcohol abuse. It may be free for her, but it doesn't mean it's free.
ReplyDeleteHoping that her will to live is stronger than her will to drink. A long hard road ahead....but it is doable.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I lament her alcoholism and drug addiction and horrifying plastic surgery (that horror movie stomach! omg), I still have a weird little crush on her. Isn't that strange. Of all the posters for Hollywood chemical dependency, she's the only one I really would open the door for at 3 in the morning. Embarrassing to confess.
ReplyDeleteposter childs, i meantersay
ReplyDeleteI have no sympathy for her, 99% of actors don't make it. She had a real shot of having a career and chose the party path and booze.
ReplyDeleteNo sympathy at all.
Like so many others, I really hope this is the slap upside the head w/a wet squirrel that shows her that she needs to quit drinking and clean up her act. She may be drinking, etc. due to a painful past, or she may simply be one of those people w/an innate tendency towards addiction; either way, she doesn't seem like a horrible person, and I hope she comes through this and makes some changes for the better.
ReplyDelete@foredellcastle: I understand why you feel that way, but the problem is that when you start saying "if you did A, then you can't have B" is that it's just the beginning of a very slippery slope. If former alcoholics/drug addicts don't deserve a new liver, then who's to say that someone who smoked or is fat doesn't deserve a new heart, or someone who worked as a pyrotechnician doesn't deserve skin grafts for burns, or...there's always a way to blame someone for being sick or hurt if you really want to push it, but bad things don't always happen because someone deserves them, and we need to all remind ourselves that sometimes Shit Happens (or, as Melville more poetically called it, the "universal thump"), and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop it, so we need to be compassionate towards the suffering because one day that could be us or ours in that boat. (What we really need, of course, is more organ donors, so sign the back of your driver's license, damn it! Or, as a bumper sticker I saw once said "Don't take your organs to Heaven--Heaven knows we need them here!")
Everyone's talking like she's a kid who's made a mistake.
ReplyDeleteShe's 36 years old and a whore. At what point do you just say, "Well, this is your life."
In some ways, I think I love her because she's a 36 yr old good-timin' whore. All the more my shame!
ReplyDeleteWow! If she's thirty six years old and her pancreas is shutting down now, I can only imagine how far she has to go to get well. She doesn't seem like she's really hit rock bottom, and how is she going to make any money if she faces herself and what she does for a living? I've never heard of a sober yacht girl, so we'll see. There's hope for her yet. I pray she gets and accepts the help.
ReplyDeleteI think she'll accept help if it was offered to her and if she was serious about it. She's a hard party girl but she's not an attention seeker about it the way Lindsay is. Lindsay has to party to get attention. Tara just parties to - well to party. I think she can get away from that life if she really wanted.
ReplyDelete@ Nutty_Flavor , read the same book. Surprisingly, a good read.
ReplyDeleteNot all people with pancreatitis are alcoholics. I have had it multiple times and it's from issues with my gall bladder and an ErCP I had. It's the most painful thing ever. It feels like a sword cuts into your stomach area. I also rarely dink
ReplyDeleteA family member had a similar situation happen to him...Pancreatitis which resulted in diabetes and the loss of the lower part of his right leg. Later on, he developed liver and pancreatic cancer. This all happened in the span of 4 years, of course he was in his late 60's when this happened. Point being she is WAY too young for this to start happening to her, she must have been drinking like a sailor on leave all day, every day. Demons are a bitch to try and drink away, poor girl.
ReplyDeleteYes Amy, there are other causes of pancreatitis than alcohol, but excessive alcohol is #1. You can get it from gallbladder disease, liver issues and high triglycerides for example.
ReplyDeleteThis is the start of the end for Tara. Acute pancreatitis leads to recurrent episodes if she doesn't clean up. Then she can burn out her pancreas and liver and end up with chronic excruciating pain and normal labs which makes you look like a drug seeker. Hello Oxy addiction next.
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ReplyDelete@SashaJames2, I live in a country with "free" health care. I also pay 60% income taxes plus 25% sales tax on everything I buy. The tax on new cars is 180% - ie, buy a $20,000 car, pay $50,000.
ReplyDeleteUniversal public health care may be a very good thing, but it is in no way free.
I was flipping by Van Wilder last night and was struck by how young and fresh she was in that movie, I hope she has a good support system that helps her through this. As some of you guys already said, that yacht girl lifestyle has to be hard on her.
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ReplyDeleteI'm with Amy on this. One of my dear friends suffers from this, and she's not a drinker. Her first occurance happened while she was undergoing IVF treatement. Her doctor at the time said it was coincidental (as if he would say otherwise).
ReplyDeleteThis was almost twenty years ago, and to this day, she still has attacks that put her in the hospital. Alcohol may be the primary cause, but it's not always the only one.
I got sick a few years ago with what turned out to be Pancreatitis. The first thing the doctor asked me was if I was a heavy/binge drinker. I can't drink a drop due to killer migraines, so that wasn't the cause in my case. However, Tara has been partying her ass off for years. I put her in the "Waste of Air" category with Lilo. These entitled bitches will never stop. I'm sure Tara's people will say it was brought on by "exhaustion"..I hope these bitches fall off a cliff...
ReplyDeleteNutty, where do you live?
ReplyDeleteLast pictures I saw of her, she looked terrible. She looked sick. I hope she's made enough money from the yachts to retire now, because I don't think a sober party girl is much in demand. And she will kill herself if she goes on like this. Hope she can sober up.
ReplyDelete@Denise - I'm an American, but I live in Denmark. I've certainly benefitted from the Danish taxes I pay - I had a baby a few years ago and never had to pay a thing or fill out any forms. I got almost a year of maternity leave with pay, and then excellent subsidized day care afterwards.
ReplyDeleteBut the taxes are absolutely crushing. And prices are very high here - food costs about 3 times as much as it does in the US, and basic clothing up to 5 times as much. (Socks, for some reason, are obscenely expensive.) I have a good job and a decent income, but it's very, very difficult to save money for a rainy day. And we almost never dine out - perhaps once a month.
I got waylaid with acute pancreatitis about eight years ago.
ReplyDeleteIt was by far the worst pain I have ever experienced. I haven't given birth (I once heard a female nurse addressing the male patient in the cubicle next door, "On a scale of 1 to 10, with childbirth being 10, how do you rank your pain?" His response was hilariously profane).
I screamed for two days. I am a shy person, who would normally die if someone in my condo so much as heard me fart.
I screamed for two days solid.
I threatened to kill my doctor on the second day. He had to shoot me up with so much morphine that I became senseless in about twelve minutes - and when you're injecting morphine directly, the patient should ideally feel no pain almost immediately.
Pancreatitis is very dangerous. I can't find a source right now, but when I had it, it had a 20% short-term mortality rate.
I don't know if Tara's AP was caused by booze or gallstones, but she's been pictured absolutely wasted-looking in several pics over the last few weeks.
There's no need to call her a "yacht girl." I know what you mean. She's a troubled girl/now middle-aged woman and always has been troubled. If you know of her being mean, post it.
I wish her well.
My best friend died from acute pancreatitis two years ago. He was 31. In his early twenties, he drank very heavily for a couple years (despite my urging him to slow down) and went to the hospital with pancreatitis in 2005. He only had a 50/50 chance of survival, and was told he couldn't drink ever again.
ReplyDeleteHe did well for years. He stopped smoking, started to get in shape, was eating better- and started to drink socially. And within two months he was dead.
Very sad for Tara, but with her lifestyle, I was amazed this didn't happen years earlier. One can only hope this turns her life around. But probably not with her life as it is.
Pancreatitis does not always come from being an Alcoholic. It's incredibly painful, and can kill you. We all need a little more kindness these days. I hope she has the support she needs to get through this. I was very lucky to have wonderful friends and family to get me through. I will always be grateful.
ReplyDeletepancreatitis does not necessarily equal alcoholic.
ReplyDeletemaybe a near death experience will snap her out of it permanently. hopefully her pancreas comes out functioning fine, or else she will be checking her blood sugar often and doing insulin injections for the rest of her life. this wont be easy. hopefully she has a good support system.
Her latest tweet:
ReplyDeleteTara Reid @TaraReid
"By the way to all you hayers I lobe my adidas track sits when you are going on the small boat to the big one it protects u from getting wet!"
ReplyDeleteWow. Someone should commit her immediately. She sounds sloshed and I can't understand how she would do that to herself so quickly.
Tara, get to intensely-medically-supervised rehab STAT. I won't feel a bit good if you die in the next week in horrible agony. And you won't either.
She's probably loaded to the gills with morphine for pain so that tweet doesn't surprise me.
ReplyDeleteYes, she's likely at fault for her situation but we all do stupid things. Sometimes those stupid things have bad consequences.
She seems like a nice girl, who may very well have demons she tries to keep quiet. Unlike some (Lilo, I'm talking to you) she doesn't seem to do things to hurt other people.
I wish her well and hope she recovers (and is able to learn and make hard decisions about the trajectory of her life).
LOL - well so much for those wishing that this is her wake-up call:
ReplyDeleteTara Reid @TaraReid
"Don't worry everyone I'm all good and heathy I got a seafood poisening and hurt my back on the jetski but I'm all better thanks for caring!"
ummm... yeahhhhh... sure, you just ate a bad oyster on that yacht honey, just like you had "exhaustion" before. okie dokes, whatever you say.
Can we start a pool for how long this dumb-bunny lasts? I got 8 weeks.
Wow, where is the human compassion for her, she must be a very tormented soul inside to be doing this to herself. I feel bad for her.
ReplyDeleteWhere is her husband in all of this? She's married, right?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately if she has no one to keep her from tweeting that crap, I doubt she has anyone to count on for real support. Sad.
ReplyDeletePoor Tara. I wish her well.
ReplyDeleteWasn't there a blnd a while back (not revealed, alas) about a former yacht girl who was rescued by someone powerful in Hollywood and restored to her career? Despite everything TR has presumably done to contribute/cause her current predicament, I still can't help but wish someone would step in and help her out. She clearly doesn't have any family or friends willing to do this for her. Sad all around.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like there are just some people that cannot be helped. So incredibly sad, both for Tara and her family and (real)friends. Tara honey you've GOT to at least try.
ReplyDeleteShould I be feeling bad for reading this while drinking a big-ass glass of wine?
ReplyDelete^ nope, because then I'd have to.
ReplyDeleteI saw her once in Manhattan Beach. It was Sunday around 1:00 pm and she was in the car next to me. She had the top down so I got a real good look at her. The poor girl was such a mess. She stared at me for a bit and it was obvious she was in terrible shape. She had that "been boozing/drugging/etc all night and why the fuck am I here?" look on her face. I hope she can turn her life around if she gets better.
ReplyDeleteI'd be a drunk if I was a prostitute too. Doesn't matter if you're doing it on a yacht for lots of $$, jewels, etc., you're still a whore. I don't care what anyone says, that's got to be soul destroying. Poor thing, my heart goes out to her....
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine her drink sh*ts? That's a lot of TP.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a public service announcement for people who think going to a country that has universal health care means you will get it to, YOU NEED INSURANCE. Canada has universal health care and I don't pay for services directly but I pay for it through taxes so I deserve it. Visitors to this country need insurance otherwise they are paying for everything. So please, don't think you can go to Europe and receive all hospital services for free. Citizens pay taxes for that service, tourists don't. Hence the need for Blue Cross, etc.
ReplyDeleteI had a friend die from Pancreatis. Her condition was caused by anorexia, which could be what happened in Tara's case and compounded by Tara's drinking. Nobody deserves to die like this, in pain and having to take enough medication (like emzyemes to process food intake) to sink a battleship. I hope Tara makes the correct choices this time and chooses life. Tara will be in my prayers tonight.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants to picture what pancreatitis pain feels like, remember those magician tricks where they slice a sword through someone and split them in half? It feels like that sword is on the top half of your stomach, right under the rib cage, and someones moving it.
ReplyDeleteDilaudid is my saving grace when this happens.. I usually am admitted, NPO and Dilaudid IVP q 2h. Takes about 3-5 days to get out of hospital, depending on what the lipase levels are. I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy
Nutty Flavor, thank you for your posts. I get so annoyed when I hear people talking about how Europe, Canada, etc. have "free" health care. People, NOTHING in life is free! Believe me, Europeans pay for their health care through very, very high taxes. It costs a LOT to live in Europe -- for instance, it costs 90% more, on average, to live in Norway than it does to live in the USA. My family in The Netherlands is amazed at how little things cost when they come to visit -- and I'm outraged at how expensive things are when I go over there. So yeah, while they may not receive huge medical bills, they do receive shocking bills from the taxman.
ReplyDeleteI live in the UK and thus get free healthcare - sure we pay for it from income tax (I think I pay 20% tax of my annual salary) but at the end of the day I never saw that money to begin with so I don't miss it. I live within my means and will be forever grateful for universal healthcare here - have had a few hell years of health problems for me and my family and there would be no way we could have afforded medical bills if we lived in the States - I could barely afford car insurances when I had it.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to Tara though, she seemed nice on Celeb BB last year.
@Nutty_Flavor: as a tax payer in Italy I am happy my taxes help pay health care for anyone who might need it. Heck I am quite proud of it.
ReplyDeleteNow if only we could get our politicians to stop stealing tax money... That would be really great!!!
Tara is still insisting (on her twitter account) that she had a jet-ski accident and not to believe everything reported. No longer jet ski accident PLUS food poisoning, just the jet ski accident now.
ReplyDeleteI really hope she makes it through this...her denial may end up being fatal.
Something similar happened to a drinking buddy friend of my husband's - his spleen exploded and he nearly died. Was in a coma for 2 months. This was 10 years after my husband stopped drinking.
ReplyDeleteYou have to drink A LOT for a LONG TIME to get that level of pancreatitis from alcohol. It is common for 50 year old men who have been drinking all their lives, not young people. My brother has pancreatis because of a genetic disorder, and the doctors have given him very grim pronosis. He can never drink again, alcohol is toxic to the pancreas. And once the pancreas is damaged, it is scarred forever. It does not heal itself and there are no transplants for that organ. If it is removed, the patient can expect to live another 10 years, tops. It is a very serious condition and is life-threatening and eventually fatal. I hope this a wakeup call for this girl, but I highly doubt it will be. She will not live to see old age.
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ReplyDeleteTreatment, inpatient, NOW, Tara. Please, take care... I'm thinking healing thoughts for her. Taradise was kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, I always thought she'd be a sweet person...