Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Suri Exception To Scientology

I have said it before, but I think it is worth repeating. If the settlement between Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes goes down as they are saying it is going down, then Tom Cruise is a hypocrite and the entire Scientology cult has one set of rules for everyone but Tom Cruise. Go read anything about Scientology, but especially things like exscientologykids.com which is run by Jenna Miscavige, the niece of David Miscavige who is the leader of COS. Go read just a few pages and tell me how Tom Cruise is allowed to see his kid and no one else is allowed to. Go read about how one member left COS and became an SP so that means no one can speak to them ever again. No family and no kids ever again. All you have to do is look at the last marriage Tom Cruise was in to show you how it works. Nicole Kidman left COS and has never seen Isabella and Connor again. Ever. They say they talk to her sometimes and it is Nicole's choice to not see them while Nicole says it is their choice. It is Scientology's choice. The settlement agreement that Katie and Tom signed says that Katie gets to live with Suri and that Tom gets generous visitation. That can't work. Did Katie leave COS? Then, Suri can't talk to her. Did Suri leave COS? Then Tom can't talk to Suri. All of the thousands of kids that have never been able to see one parent again and now Tom Cruise says it all doesn't apply to him. Lets see if he really sees Suri.


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