Sunday, July 15, 2012

Scientology At Comic-Con

Here is what a reader of CDAN named Colleen had to say about her experience with COS at Comic-Con. Remember, DON'T ever give them your name or e-mail or any other contact information. Think of them like the people at the mall who want you to fill out a form to win a car. Know how much those people bother you? Multiple that by about ten and think about being hounded for 10 years.

I was at the booth next to [Scientology's] when my husband called me over to ask me why the name L. Ron Hubbard was so familiar. Thanks to Agent**it, I've spent the past two weeks doing nonstop reading about Co$ (Village Voice, Marty Rathbun, etc.) and naturally had to go look at why he was asking me. Turns out a "publishing company" set up a display of LRH's sci-fi books. It's a small table, but in a good trafficked area. There was a big display of LRH books and posters there. When I walked over, a VERY intense woman asked me, "Do you recognize this author?" I said I did. She then spoke the wonders of his "writings" & tried to convince me to buy some books. It was somewhat aggressive and very salesman. Generally exhibitors don't behave this way. My husband at one point tried to "save" me by loudly saying, "We have to go, we need to line up for our next panel right now!" She wasn't phased at all by this. Kept trying to convince me to buy his "writings" and tell me how great he was. When I again insisted that I had to go, she handed me an LRH propaganda booklet to look over if I wanted to know about all of his writings. I've been to the last 6 Comic-Cons and never seen this table. That by no means is proof they weren't there before, but I generally try to spend quality time in the book section of the Exhibit Hall and don't recall seeing it in previous years. Maybe my newfound knowledge made me more aware of it, but both my husband and I walked away feeling 100% like they were using their table to try to pick up new blood at SDCC & using LRH's sci-fi novels as a non-creepy method of luring people over.


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