Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sage Stallone Was A Drug Dealer

When police investigated the death of Sage Stallone, it was reported he died surrounded by prescription pain pills. It turns out those bottles could hold about 30,000 pills in them. Yep. No way he was taking them all for himself so Sage Stallone was dealing them according to police. He would crush Hydrocodone pills and sell them in that form. Police found no pills, but a lot of the crushed powder. Police say that Sage was not an addict because he was too heavy. I think that is kind of an assumption. Maybe he had stopped taking pills and gained weight and when he took them again he took his old dose and it was too much.


  1. Seems like he was in need of an income...why else deal?

  2. I've seen plenty of pill addicts who fattened up because they wouldn't get off their asses for months, even years.

  3. See? I knew there was something weird going on...

  4. hydrocodone doesn't act like meth, if anything i thought it made you sleepy. i have taken it for pain for years and i certainly haven't lost weight......unfortunately.

  5. I know a 6'4" man who weighs over 250, and he is addicted to pills. Great detective work, gentlemen.

  6. Opiods don't necessarily make you lose weight. In fact, the opposite in most cases. But, yeah...that's a lot.

  7. I didn't want to comment on this story yesterday (well, except for my profanity-laced tirade on a Casey Anthony/Jose Baez supporter) but it would make sense to me to hire a P.I for this case if you had the means. Sage had pill bottles that could hold almost 30,000 pills, but I didn't get the impression that they found TONS of white powder. As a parent I would want all the answers, in case this had something to do with a drug deal gone bad etc. I'm definitely not suggesting the LAPD would screw up the investigation, but I think I would want to feel I had some control in what's being looked into.

    Regardless, this is just a sad story from so many different perspectives. Ugh

  8. I guess they've never heard of coke bloat.

  9. I would be heartbroken if this was my son. I don't know any father that hopes their son grows up to be an overweight dope dealer.

  10. The idea that all addicts are skinny is so ridiculous I can't believet that someone in law enforcement actually said it out loud. I've known fat herion junkies, fat coke-heads, fat pill-poppers… In fact, sometimes the insatiable "hunger" that leads some people to abuse drugs also leads them to abuse food. Or sex or exercise or whatever.

  11. Anyway, when you're doing coke, lots of times there's drinking going on too. Alcohol can be fattening.

    Not all fat druggies are just potheads!

  12. What does one do with crushed vicodin, snort it? What kind of effect does that have?

  13. Didn't his mother get a very large settlement ? Why should he need to deal ? Wouldn't Sly have set up a trust for the kids ? This makes no sense to me.

  14. He wasn't an addict because he was too heavy?

    Is that Looney Tunes police logic? Is Daffy Duck on the case?

  15. @whocaresnow12, LOL!

    Since we've been playing morality police on a different thread, please allow me to say that one group of people I feel comfortable in calling morally objectionable is drug dealers.

    Unhappy people who then create unhappiness for others. And, in the case of coke and heroin dealers, create miserable and murderous conditions in the countries that grow and supply the stuff.

  16. I've known of wealthy kids dealing drugs. For kicks, I guess.

    I'll be glad when the story dies. I'm sick of seeing this photo.

  17. I'm willing to bet it's the "girlfriend" who was the dealer and he got sucked in. His colleagues have nothing but great things to say about him and they're shocked by what happened. He had his own film business and it was by all accounts successful. No one has come forward to say it wasn't. Sage was very low key and shy. He had a social anxiety. He wasn't keen on strangers. The stories from those who knew him don't match the way he was found, which is why the story is such a mystery. We shouldn't be rushing to judgement yet. Yes, a bad combination of drugs no doubt killed him, but what in the world were the circumstances that led to him doing a complete 180. I guarantee he wasn't into that stuff two years ago, maybe even a year ago. I'm interested to see who starts coming out of the woodwork.

  18. When I first heard about the Detectives saying he was too heavy to be a pill user, I shook my head in disbelief about how little they know. I've known tons of people who messed around with Percocet, Vicodin, Oxy etc and the majority of them were heavyset. A good friend of mine OD'd on pain pills years ago, and she was about 400 lbs. When I think of a meth user or crackhead then yeah, they are likely thin, but pain pills don't turn you into a twig.

  19. Yeah, these guys are detectives? I known people who have had pill addictions and OD'd and they were all bloated up and pale--Great police work gentlemen.

    @ Sunny I'll have to go read your post from yesterday re: the Baez/Anthony supporter. I almost took the time to set them straight, but just can't with those people.

  20. Didn't someone say the drugs were from another country? So I thought it was a bulk personal purchase, not dealing.

  21. Smoking crushed hydrocodone pills has no benefit. Mixing it with weed can make you very, very ill.

  22. Dealing is also a way to get sex. People will do all kinds of things for three X or an 8-ball of coke or meth that they wouldn't do for the comparable cash amount.

  23. oh my goodness yes no way a big guy could be using... because Rush Limbaugh was so petite when he was on the hillbilly heroin and Artie Lange practically wasting away to nothing...same with John Belushi and Chris Farley.

  24. For the record, I doubt he was a drug dealer. He was far too busy with his job to be able to deal. He loved his work more than anything.

    Also, I have been hurt and had a gazillion pill bottles around, but I rarely used the pills because that many pain killers seems excessive to me.

  25. I don't get how the police would conclude that he wasn't a drug addict because he was heavy. Chris Farley was severely overweight when he died and he was a heavy drug user.

  26. @MISCH snorting pills will give you a quicker and more intense high. That's what my dad who is 5'11 and probably 250+ does. And he takes at least 20 hydrocodone a day so no pills don't make you skinny.

  27. this is the drug of choice at our high school. the kids get it from their parents medicine cabinet and sell them for $15 each. lately, we've had break-ins in our neighborhood and this is the thing they want. they look for money and jewlery, but the medicine cabinets are cleaned out.

  28. The LA Times is saying that he had sixty 500-count pill bottles empty in his room, the kind that you only get wholesale for pharmacies. These were probably diverted by criminals somewhere between the manufacturer and a legitimate destination. Even Rush Limbaugh would have trouble downing this many pills. Also, accessing thirty thousand pills would be difficult without some serious major drug-dealer connections. Drug dealer or not, he was participating in high-stakes opioid trafficking.

  29. Anyone who thinks you can't be large with an opiate addiction... please google Jerry Garcia circa "Black Blob" years. Pretty much after the late 70's.

  30. I work in a prison and know for a fact that their are an equal amount of fat drug addicts as there are skinny ones. Just as with anything else, peoples bodies react differently to things.

  31. jerry garcia was a heroin addict (and I think he may of done speedballs), and he was heavy.

  32. I'm not sure why people are unclear on the drugs and weight thing. You get thin if your caloric intake falls below your caloric need based on activity and metabolism. You gain weight if your "calories in" exceed what you burn. Thus, a junkie who lies on a sofa and smokes cigarettes and never eats for months or years while puking and having the runs will get thin. A junkie who is high-functioning will be normal or heavy, depending on diet.

    A cocaine or meth user will tend not to eat. Eating is miserably unpleasant by day 2 or 3 or a binge, and you don't feel hungry. Meanwhile, you're burning thousands of calories because of hyped-up metabolism, so the body goes into the fat stores and even into the muscle tissue for nutrition. So many meth users get thin -- but not all. Some eat. Some are "high-functioning" people who can do meth, drink a sports drink, choke down some food (my friends and I used to buy four or five hamburgers at a time and eat them when we realized we hadn't eaten for days). If a meth freak eats, drinks liquids, showers and grooms well, they look fairly normal (cough Ryan Seacrest cough) and no one would know.

    This is gonna sound a lot like the "guns don't kill people" thing, but drugs don't make people skinny. Caloric deficits make people skinny! (That could be the new bumper sticker for the substance abuse community.)
