Robert Pattinson Moves Out
I think three days is about enough to discuss one person cheating in Hollywood. I mean when Tiger cheated with 46 people and Jesse James 38 or whatever it was, even that got kind of boring after a few days. The only fun was seeing photos of the different people and wondering what on earth they were thinking. I think what would make this whole Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart thing more fun is if Ted Casablanca had a way to report live from outside the house they once shared. Apparently Rob has now moved out. Ted could be out there waiting to talk to anyone and interviewing everyone and just talking to himself. I think Funny Or Die should give the guy a call and do some kind of parody video.
What this is going to do of course is now allow the tabloids to talk about the couple every week until the last installment of Twilight premieres later this year. After that, no one will really care. I don't think they are quite at the level where we are going to care who they are dating unless the person they are dating is someone we care about.