If you are a parent and your child gets beaten as badly as Rihanna was and then you tell me later that the person who did the beating is perfect for your child I am going to worry about you and what your priorities are in life. Rihanna's dad gave an interview an in it says that Chris Brown has matured and that the couple are perfect for each other and that everyone should just forget about the beating and the two should get together again. Huh? This guy cannot be serious. He probably gets paid by Chris Brown every month to say something good about Chris. Did he ever say anything bad about Chris? What dad would say that?
Well no wonder she's so fucked up. She's practically a Lohan, the poor thing.
ReplyDeleteI see where she gets her fivehead from.
ReplyDeleteI think it is common knowledge that her father sells stories about her to the media. I don't think he is on her Christmas card list anymore.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we can even begin to imagine what her childhood was like if this sperm donor is so flippant about his daughter's face being caved in.
ReplyDeleteGood frickin' grief, her own family doesn't have her back on this?? No wonder she keeps going back to that jack@ss. He ranks pretty high up there as a candidate for Worst Parent of All Time.
ReplyDeleteWhat Thea said.
ReplyDeleteIn high school, I had an abusive boyfriend. When my dad found out, I was scared he (my dad) was going to kill him. That's what your dad is supposed to want to do.
Anybody besides me get a Jaden Smith vibe from the kid on the right?
ReplyDeleteIdiot dad, indeed.
@ comma yep, I went there too ;)
Delete@anita_mark I was thinking the same thing. A drunk football player kicked in my door one night when I was in college. I wasn't hurt or anything but it was all I could do to convince my dad not to drive 3 hrs in the middle of the night to lay the smack down on the kid. Even today, with his continually deteriorating back problem, if anyone ever laid a hand on me, he'd find the strength from somewhere to make sure it never happened to me again. That's what dads are supposed to do.
ReplyDeleteIf this was in my family, there would be no problem couse the guy would've ceased to exist for a long time now.
ReplyDeleteI want to believe that people can and do change for the better, but how can he know where Chris's head is at when he lives in Barbados and never sees him.
ReplyDeletewait...was this in a blind recently?
ReplyDelete@comma chaser - yes!
I have 3 daughters. Not near boyfriend years, heck they don't even know what cooties are. However I do know that I would never be okay with anyone hitting my babies or any type of abuse for that matter. My husband? Just consider him automatically going to prison if it ever happened.
ReplyDeleteLol, I just can't
ReplyDeleteMy abusive alcoholic of a father seemed to think my abusive alcoholic college boyfriend was perfect for me too, I think its because they were basically the same person! Fathers are supposed to take care of their children and protect them, sadly some do not. Do I still date people with alcohol or anger issues? NO!!! I learned the hard way, but I learned.
ReplyDeleteI feel no sympathy for her.
ReplyDeleteShe's stupid enough to go back to him.
Didn't this guy beat on her mom, too? I read that somewhere.
ReplyDeleteWhat???? It's so sad that RiRi is surrounded by people who care more about the money and fame, than they do about her. So sad.
ReplyDeleteI could see my father saying such a thing but my four brothers would ahem sort the little tw@t out.
ReplyDeleteHer father is a woman beater and a drug addict. This is the type of parent you cut out of your like for good.
ReplyDeleteGood for you @rejectedcarebear!
ReplyDeleteAbusers aren't born they are made. Victims are made too. No one asks to be in this kind of relationship. The whole cycle is really sad. I hope RiRi wakes up before something really bad happens.
@rejected - you beat me (no pun intended) to it, but was going to say the same thing. While not an alcoholic, my dad could have given a shit about who I dated - hell, he never even asked any questions when, as a 16 year old, I went out with some twenty-something guy who picked me up at a theme park. He even came in the house and shook my dad's hand.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, I was much wilder than the guy - I think I shocked him by getting extremely loaded at a party I took him to. Thank God he wasn't a serial killer or something.
Anywhoo, point is that some men are just shitty fathers. I try to be thankful for all of it, instead of being bitter about the negligence and indifference, because I learned what I DIDN'T want in a spouse/father to my kids. And my life is pretty awesome now :-).
Every girl (and boy) who has an awesome dad in their life should be very, very grateful.
This guy, Michael Lohan, and Beyonce's father need to get together and go bowling sometime.
ReplyDelete"I feel no sympathy for her.
ReplyDeleteShe's stupid enough to go back to him."
Please go here, and let some education enter your brain, and let some compassion enter your heart...
I am so goddamn sick of people blaming the victims here. I said it yesterday and I'll say it again: it needs to STOP.
That man should not have reproduced .
ReplyDeleteHe knows her better than we do. Perhaps Brown is the best she'll ever do in her entire lifetime.
ReplyDeleteDown to her belly button cleavage and she is wearing a cross on a necklace? Makes you wonder where she keeps her Rosary beads...
ReplyDeleteAnd this is the kinda "father" I can hear saying for this photo--"you better show more titty like I told you to, girl."
ReplyDeleteThis makes my stomach churn but you are probably right *sigh*
Delete@Frufra: I hear you. I have an asshole Dad too. I dated jerky men for a long time until I realized I needed to break the cycle. I'm married to an amazing man and we have four amazing daughters. (I sounded like Katie Holmes there LOL.) As much as I hate my father, I am grateful to him for teaching me what not to do as a parent.
ReplyDelete@chopchop - virtual high five for breaking the cycle!! Yay us!
ReplyDeleteJust curious - are your parents still together? Mine are, and it is quite the challenge maintaining that relationship in a manner that's healthy for me and my kids. My boys are learning some lessons in how not to act along the way, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you found yourself and good man and have your amazing girls (you cracked me up with your Katie nod)
I think I misunderstood one of your posts to me previously. I thought your parents were just super conservative, not that your Dad wasn't really there for you. Sorry for the time I said "Thank God for awesome parents". My bad! But I love that you now have such a wonderful family of your own :)
When I was 17 I was in a very abusive (physically and emotionally) relationship. My dad saw the black eye and bite mark on me and flipped out. He and my uncles took the idiot out for a 'drive' to the mountains. They had a pliers and a hammer.
ReplyDeleteNothing actually happened except for a good scare but needless to say I never saw him again except for the blubbering tearful snotty apology they made him give me.
I learned then that my dad will always have my back.
My husband is the same with our daughters. They are confident and strong because of it. My eldest girl stopped hanging out with her best friend because she said Rihanna probably deserved what Chris Brown gave her.
I feel bad for Rihanna. There doesn't seem to be many people in her corner.
@Sunny - oh my gosh, no need to be sorry! You are so wonderful and thoughtful - I would never take something like that the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteYou have no way of knowing my backstory, and trust me, if you met my parents, you'd assume they were upstanding folks. It's one of those "but he's a pillar of the community" sorts of secrets, if you know what I mean.
And aside from their faults, they did give me a place to land when I needed it, and have supported me to the best of their abilities (emotionally, I mean) over the years. Very few people are all good or all bad, I guess.
Some people turn to the entertainment industry to find the love and respect they never had at home but with certain parents there is never an escape from the hell you were raised in b/c they will always find a way to make a dollar off of you and keep themselves in the spotlight while riding your coattails. The media is just as responsible for giving this piece of shit a microphone as he is for being a complete waste of space on earth.
ReplyDeleteLet us go to Deathwatch 2012. Her dad is clearly and A-hole or a poor judge of character.
ReplyDeletewhat kind of father suggests their child goes back to an abusive partner?
ReplyDeleteNice. I agree with those who have said no wonder she is so messed up.
@Frufra: My dad & mom divorced 15 years ago, when I was in college. That was the turning point for me. I was dating a guy who was emotionally abusive and just like my father. Then my dad left my mom after 25 years of marriage & kind of fell off the deep end and I woke up & realized I didn't WANT a man just like my father. So I dumped the asshole, dropped my toxic dad from my life, and met my now husband. My mom & I are closer than ever. We still sometimes break down remembering the bad times with my dad but more often than not, we laugh at how pathetic a loser he is today and how lucky we are to be rid of him. :-)
ReplyDeleteHugs to you, Frufra. It's funny how many of us here have so much in common. I feel like if we all got together, there would be so much laughter & fun, almost like we'd known each other for years.
He is exactly like Chris, beating her down and then saying it's normal. Of course he wouldn't see anything wrong with it, because he's cut from the same cloth, of course she'd be comfortable with this kind of personality type. Of course she's self destructive, because the ones who are supposed to love her the very most are saying that abuse and destruction is okay for her. This could get very very ugly, and she's basically set up for a lifetime of pain and substance abuse. Grrrreat.
ReplyDeleteozzyinch - I don't think it was a blind. I think this is a rerun!
ReplyDeleteBarton are you joking? Abusive alcoholic dad, abusive boyfriend doesnt reflect on Rhianna's worth. People who are abused do not know what 'normal' looks or feels like. Until she has affirming, healthy people around her or seeks therapy, she may repeat the cycle because that is all she knows. But a drunk father not being able to see his own kid's worth will never be her fault. It's not a truth about her. It's a truth about them.
ReplyDelete@chopchop - ITA - we have a great little community here - I love it! Many birds of a feather, and sharing is so therapeutic.
ReplyDeleteI spent a lot of my life wishing my parents would split up, but they are too locked into the abuser/victim cycle, and one of them leaving would mean answering questions about why. They are experts at hiding in plain sight - the truth only seeps around the edges of their public personas once in a while.
I think that is one of the main reasons I love blind items so much - people being revealed for who they really are. One of my siblings and I have discussed this - we love the public unmasking of liars.
I absolutely don't get how Chris brown can not be forgiven he was an 18 year old kid, who made a terrible mistake and he has tried hard to redeem that and yet even though Rihanna has moved on America has refused to. On the other hand, is Charlie sheen who even though in his 40s, keeps on making the same terrible mistakes but keeps on getting forgiven. Double standards comes to mind.
ReplyDeleteAnd cancer is perfect for everybody.
ReplyDeleteHow I hate evil abusive men. With the heat of a million binary stars...
Rihanna, I am perfect for you. CALL ME.
ReplyDeleteI would be so good to you.
misspoppypants, THANK YOU. Well said.
ReplyDeleteShe does PLENTY without a man around. She has worth without a man around. WOMEN HAVE WORTH ON THEIR OWN.
"the best she'll do" is to REMAIN SINGLE and free of abusive men.
They're not "mistakes", SashaJames. They're REPEATED and DELIBERATE abuses.
ReplyDeleteThere is NO defense for any of them.
@sashajames - Charlie Sheen can hurt himself all he wants to. It's sad and tragic, but if he wants to drink himself into oblivion or snort lines of coke til the end of his days, fine. It's sad for his family and friends, but he's truly hurting himself.
ReplyDeleteChris Brown beat another person, a female, and has shown no remorse for the action. He's been nothing but an entitled punk since then, ripping his shirt and breaking windows when he didn't like Robin Roberts questions on GMA.
Charlie Sheen may be a wreck, but he didn't destroy the green room at 30 rock.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you said, but there have been reports of Charlie being abusive (hookers and Brooke's Aspen incident for instance). I think Charlie is a disgusting pig, but I think I would hate him even more if I had seen PHOTOS of the aftermath. Probably why we have such much extra venom for Chris Brown
@Sunny - I forgot about the Aspen thing. I wonder how much of that was related to both of them using? Not placing blame in either direction, because you don't assault someone no matter what, but drugs and alcohol and irrational thought are a bad combo.
ReplyDeleteWhen Charlie Sheen attacked Brooke in Aspen, Brooke's mother defended Charlie and said that Brooke had brought on the abuse, and that overall Charlie was good for her.
ReplyDeleteIf I or my sisters suffered some kind of abuse, I think my mother's first comment would be "What did you do (to provoke it)?"
It's sad, but sometimes parents are not good at having their children's best interests at heart. Maybe they are caught up in protecting the image of everything being all right.
i'm sure daddy LOVES chris brown cuz he's an abuse asshat just like him.
ReplyDeleteIf I had a daughter that got beaten within an inch of her life like RiRi was and the law did squat, sorry... There'd be a shovel, a hammer and a patch of ground in the mountains filled with asshat and the world would be a better place. Warnings nothing, there are too many women that die from stalker SO's... If the authorities prove it, sux for me but my daughter would be safe, so what? But hey, they gotta prove it first...
I agree with Fufra! Not everyone gets a great dad. My father falls in the slime category. It looks like Rhianna's does too. She really should seek a good therapist.
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ReplyDeleteA father like that explains a lot about why she is the way she is.
ReplyDeleteI hope something happens for her to help her understand she doesn't need "love" from men like these 2.
Whoa. No wonder she goes back. Sad.