Regis Philbin is not on television right now and that is probably a good thing. I have a feeling he would have got in trouble this week for his thoughts on the Penn State sanctions. Cameras caught up with Regis yesterday and asked him about the Penn State sanctions and Regis said it broke his heart to see the statue of Joe Paterno removed. So, Regis believes in protecting those who cover for child molesters? Thinks they should have statues? He also said the sanctions were excessive and overblown. He says they are punishing people who had nothing to do with it. I can see that point, but it also sends a message to every other school that they better not be covering anything up or you will get a whole lot worse punishment because you have been warned by this punishment. When schools get punished there is never anyone still there because all the coaches have usually been fired or have quit and all the players have moved on because the investigations take so long. So, with Regis' logic, no school should ever be punished for doing something wrong because everyone is not there anymore.
Penn State wasn't punished enough. Their endowment is over a billion dollars; they'll be fine. Nothing will be learned.
ReplyDeleteClearly he's gone senile. Hopefully he's got someone appointed as power of attorney.
ReplyDelete60 million dollars isn't enough to give those kids their lives back. Dumbass celebrities don't really need to put their two cents in if they don't have anything intelligent to say.
ReplyDeleteThe NCAA is trying to break the culture of football at Penn State. Agree with Vicki, Amber, Sarah
ReplyDeleteOld wealthy white guy is on old wealthy white guy team. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteITA to all above posts. Regis, you need to be quiet now. Imagine if this happened at your beloved Notre Dame..i dont think you'd be singing the same tune.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how he'd feel if it was his son that had been raped.
ReplyDeleteTime to put grandpa in a home.
ReplyDeleteThis is a typical mob-mentality post. Regis said his heart was broken because the Joe Paterno he knew for the first 60 years was not the man who came crumbling down in the last 6 months of his life. And he is not saying every school should not be punished. The team should not have been punished. The school should have been punished. It was authority figures and administrators who covered things up. Not the team. Punish those in charge. Force them to resign in shame. Shackle the school with a tremendous fine and punish those responsible. Not the kids who play football who played no part in any of this. You can easily punish the school without punishing an innocent team.
ReplyDelete@Tru Leigh, exactly. For some people, an incident needs to hit squarely where they live to really understand the implications of their reasoning.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't say the statue shouldn't be removed, he said it broke his heart to see it; it was only removed because of the Penn State molestation scandal, so, by extension, it can be inferred that this whole turn of events broke his heart as well--one would hope. I doubt he feels child molesters should be protected or have statues, either, but as old as he is, this situation is probably impossible to accurately process. I don't think he gets it.
ReplyDeleteRegis is a huge college football guy and he is looking at it from the team and current player's point of view. I get it.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with him--the school administration has to change and the only way that is going to happen is by taking the consequnces for their long history--it is going to be unpleasant and to some degree unfair to people who are currently there who had no involvement in these crimes.
I think it has to happen to stop this from ever happening again.
I understand his take on it but I disagree with it.
MadMarlin69 I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteBut sadly that is the nature of college football. The schools earn millions off of these kids and all the players have to show for it is a beat up body and highlights on a sports reel. Some make it to the big show, many do not.
I know many will not agree with what Regis said, but I do get the gist of it.
The message that is being sent, and that needs to be understood, is that when you turn a blind eye to child abuse, the ripple effects go on and on and on. Untold numbers of innocent people are hurt.
ReplyDeleteThe boys who were molested are not the only ones who are going to be affected by this; their partners, children, other family, may well suffer from what Sandusky did...and from what Paterno allowed to continue. The evil effects of this crime may well ripple on for decades.
So now the football team, and others in Penn State are being hurt. Right, exactly. This is just a symbol of the ripple effect going on with the victims. Maybe this will help people to Get. It.
Well said @figgy.
DeleteI agree the punishment was too harsh and it was hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteSee, that NCAA President has his cushy $1.6 million/year job soley because of football revenue and a basketball TV contract.
If he were really concerned about academics he would have pulled Penn State off TV.
Why didn't he do that?
It is quite clear.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't and wasn't a "culture of football" It is a culture of money.
And watching this weasel Emmert pretend to be some sort of moral guide is silly & obscene.
Simply put, success in LSU football is essential for the success of [LSU]."
-Mark Emmert, LSU Chancellor (1999)
Thank you Jay. I agree with you 100%.
DeleteExactly Jay. Ratings will be huge for PSU games because the world wants to see us fail.
ReplyDeleteIt broke my heart to see the statue removed also, but I understand it was necessary.
Research project for everyone -- look up the origins of "WE ARE PENN STATE." It's a cool story.
Next we'll hear Johnny Depp apologizing for JoePa and the rest of the schmucks up there who had any involvement...
ReplyDeleteCelebs say all kinds of shit because some dumbass puts a microphone in front of them.
If people with mikes would stop asking their opinions, we'd stop hearing dip-shit answers like this one...
I also love how America has turned into a society where if you don't whole heartedly embrace every possible "punishment" and vile word against Penn State, you're for pedophiles.
ReplyDeleteWhy, it is almost as if society is dumbed down to the point where emotion trumps reason or something.
Regis Philbin is irrelevant.
ReplyDelete^^ This
ReplyDeleteWhy, it is almost as if society is dumbed down to the point where emotion trumps reason or something.
ReplyDeleteActions have consequences. A less severe punishment is not a deterrent. This sends a message: "If you care about the future of your school, you will not remain silent on this issue if it's happening where you are."
This sort of thing should not ever be swept under the rug again. It has nothing to do with emotion trumping reason.
Of course, I'm of the opinion that universities should be focused on funding learning, not playing sports, but what do I know? :-/
The only way to break the culture of college football is to somehow eliminate the hundreds of millions of dollars it brings in. And since every school, not just Penn State, wants the money, nothing will change.
ReplyDeleteThe NCAA did overstep its boundaries. Not because PSU shouldn't have been punished. But because this is a legal matter, IMO. What about all the legal problems that have happened before at colleges? Lawrence Phillips beating up girls at Nebraska. The murder coverup at Baylor. The thought-of rape with the lacrosse team at Duke. The Univ of Virginia lacrosse player killed by her BF, another UVA lacrosse member.
The NCAA has set a dangerous precedent. Are they planning on coming down with punishment for every criminal action their member and student-athletes? If so, why? If not, why not?
What the NCAA goes well beyond Penn State. And frankly, I don't trust them to get it right. The punishment against PSU was fair. The rationale for it has opened a Pandora's box that is going to bite them later on.
The statue needs to be melted down immediately and in public if possible. The artist Angelo de Maria should demand this. Let the healing begin.
Actions have consequences. A less severe punishment is not a deterrent
ReplyDeleteWhat silly bullshit.
Yes, because a $30 million dollar fine wouldn't have been a "deterrent" at all!
And, the prosecution of 2 senior level leaders, their firing, the firing of the President, and Paterno along with 6+ months of negative publicity are certainly not deterrents!
Only this fine!
Thank you for vindicating everything I said.
This sort of thing should not ever be swept under the rug again. It has nothing to do with emotion trumping reason.
ReplyDeleteYou saying such things is exactly the triumph of emotion over reason.
Pretending that normal people, the new leaderhip at the univerity and the students & community don't understand things like this shouldn't be "swept under the rug" absent a huge fine and scholarship losses, is silly & ridiculous.
If we believe the blinds on this site, that child molesting regularly occurs in the entertainment industry and has for generations - then yes, I think Regis is pretty okay with people who cover it up.
ReplyDeleteSomeone at some point thought it was fine to sweep it under the rug, and keep it there for a long while, because they thought they'd never get caught or thought there would be no punishment. Establishing such a precedent for punishment when representatives of an establishment of higher learning break the trust they have with those under their watch is entirely reasonable. Saying the entire university is staffed with pedophiles would be unreasonable and emotional. You'll notice I did not do anything of the sort.
ReplyDeleteHumour me. What would your 'reasonable' response be, then?
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me who gave the NCAA the authority to lay $60 million dollar fines? I mean, two guys standing on a stage saying "of course we can" really isn't persuasive.
ReplyDeleteFurther, did you know they are doing "corrections" to the Freeh report? I mean, 6 days after it was released they are correcting factual & spelling errors.
Did you know this report wasn't supposed to be relased until after the perjury trials of Curley & Schultz? Why was it relased now?
Due process I guess is irrelevant when the mob takes over.
@Ashlea - thank YOU.
mob mentality? how...why? where?
ReplyDeletemaybe look up what that means before deciding it is happening here.
He's a dinosaur. He thinks like a dinosaur. I'm glad the good ol' boy ways are dying off.
ReplyDeleteyou bring up what is for me, the question that is both the most important and the one we may never get answered.
Which is: why were these obviously intelligent & successful men sure word would never get it?
I mean, it was a massive gamble to assume that if they were clearly told Sandusky was having sex with a boy that they could not report it to Child Welfare and merely take his keys away and tell him not to bring 2nd Mile kids to campus.
So, the leads me to wonder, what did the McQueary guy really say to them? How did the "it was horseplay" message get so garbled?
Either they DID have clear molestation suspucions and ignored them, or they concluded it wasn't clear what was happening in that shower and they were fearful of legal reprisals in accussing Sandusky of crimes and made a very bad judgement in response.
I think the a sad part of this story is the acutal truth regarding a "cover up" will never be known.
Regis, so sorry your heart is broken over JoPa's statue.
ReplyDeleteSo what happened to your heart over the children who were allowed to be raped because he ran interference for his friend?
ReplyDeletethis punishment would be appropriate if Sandusky were still on the coaching staff and Paterno et. al, covered it up.
Since it is "Unprecedented" it really is hard to say if it is enough or too much.
To me, given how harmful it is to the former & current players, it seems like piling on.
Had Regis cheered on the tearing down of the statue, would any of you said he's irrelevant? Or is he only so when you disagree with him?
ReplyDeleteThe mob mentality is quite apparent.
If you can't see that, I'm sorry.
That would be a YOU problem.
M: He's pretty much always irrelevant to me.
ReplyDeleteJay: It's amazing what levels of denial people are capable of achieving when they don't want to believe something is happening. They tend to grasp whatever explanation is offered to them, no matter how ridiculous it is upon scrutiny, because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.
I hope anyone else involved in covering this up is prosecuted and jailed. I also hope (obviously) it never happens again.
Jay, I get what you're saying.
ReplyDeleteMy interpretation of the unprecedented nature of the sanctions is that they were intended to send a two part message: 1. the NCAA does not condone and will not tolerate this type of behavior, and 2. know that there will be severe consequences if anyone is stupid enough to let it happen again.
Under the circumstances, I think they did what they needed to do, to comes as close as humanly possible to nipping the problem in the bud.
Jay, which story do you mean? Because the sad part of the story to me, is what happened to a bunch of innocent children.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to assume that we're thinking of the same thing.
"So, with Regis' logic, no school should ever be punished for doing something wrong because everyone is not there anymore."
ReplyDeleteEveryone has been, or will be, punished including at the very least being fired. But punishing kids who were still pre-school when Sandusky was caught is ridiculous.
The NCAA is supposed to enforce academic violations. Like @Jay said, their sanctions can offer a slippery slope.
ReplyDeleteI should say I think an awful outcome of the "investigation" and "penalty" phase is that we don't know the actual truthful details of what happened.
The molestation is tragic and I've thought from the beginning that if Sandusky had any honor he would have written a letter of apology and hung himself.
BTW: The lawyer of one of the VICTIMS stated that his client felt the sanctions EXCESSIVE. The victim felt like he - and others - should have been part of the discussion.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Another way the NCAA sucks.
ReplyDeleteI get you what you're saying.
It is tough to know what sanctions are appropriate in what is the biggest scandal we've ever seen since there is no guidance.
I just find it tough to swallow coming from Emmertt since nobody is going to confuse LSU with Yale.
I think the NCAA is corrupt and they need a more independent oversight body - if that were somehow possible.
What happened to those boys is just so overwhelmingly sickening, that it is hard to believe that Regis weeps for a statue and some sanctions. I'll bet there is plenty of guilt to go around. Those boys were being raped in public over a span of at least 15 years. You think we know about all the people who knew? no way. Mob mentality? What do you think kept everyone quiet in that sick culture anyway?
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about how the NCAA has overstepped their boundaries. Schools have been punished for far less vile things i.e. exchanging autographs/memorabilia for tattoos, etc. If the NCAA sat back and said, "WELP. It's not up to us!" how would that go over? I can't remember specifically what for, but the $60M fine was a calculation based on some sort of revenues (or something - don't have time to go look this up). They didn't arbitrarily pick a # out of the air and go, Ahhhh yes...that sounds like a good idea!
ReplyDeleteMy biggest hope in all of this is that those who are proven to have covered this up are severely punished. How anyone can sleep at night knowing they willfully aided a monster in destroying the futures of youths before they even had a chance to understand what was happening blows my mind. And all for a little glory.
He's an idiot.
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ReplyDeleteESPN is reporting that had Penn State not agreed to the sanctions imposed, it would have gotten an unprecedented 4-year death penalty. I wish that had happened instead.
@missmade, punishing just those directly involved in the coverup only addresses half the problem, leaving The Culture that enabled the coverup to succeed intact. Mike McQueary for example, the initial whisteblower in this case, didn't bring the abuse to police attention when those in charge at the university did nothing.
ReplyDeleteThis was a horribly written post.Please.
ReplyDeleteMy brother and his family live in the "Happy Valley" and this sucks balls for everyone in the entire town, trust me. No, we don't all think if you apologize or symp/empathize for JoePa or the rest, that you are condoning pedophilia and child rape.
ReplyDeleteBut the systemic blind-eye toward such filth must begin to be stopped somewhere.
Catholic Church--YOU ARE ON NOTICE NOW!
An habitual DUI recipient here plowed drunk into a car killing 4 kids, AFTER two previous DUIs and got an 88-year sentence. Everyone is still freaked over the "too-harsh" sentence, but if you do the crime--or you willingly abet the crime--you do the friggin' time. Simple as that.
"Success with Honor." Riiiggghhhttt. What utter BS, JoePa. Fuck you!
Catholic Church--YOU ARE ON NOTICE NOW!
ReplyDeleteI thought it, you said it.
Agreed! Was wondering how and when this would trickle down to The Church.
Delete@Angel: I think McQuery did the bare minimum. I also think it's fucked the campus cops did nothing.
ReplyDeleteRead this EVERYONE.
IMO this more closely relates what people in Happy Valley feel and think.
You know who I think should get fired? Social services. They dropped the ball - BIG TIME. It is their job to not fuck up.
But alas, I haven't seen any pitchforks & fires in front of there office.
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ReplyDelete@missmade, yes.. and the consequences of what happened aren't all that unusual, sad to say - a few bad eggs ruining things for everyone, once again.
ReplyDeleteAgree with @car54. I understand what Regis is saying, but I don't agree. This isn't just a punishment/warning for Penn State, it's a lesson for all college sports. It must resound for generations.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe for one second that Regis Philbin doesn't care about the children who were victimized or that he endorses pedophilia. He didn't say anything like that or that implies that. That *is* ridiculous, mob mentality bullshit.
Fuck off back to Notre Dame Reeg!
ReplyDeletemissmade--very good article. It's sad that (to quote) "law enforcement and child welfare officials were ill equipped and not sufficiently trained to adequately recognize and handle adolescent sexual abuse"--and it makes me wonder why a statement like this seems to be true so much of the time in cases like this. I would bet dollars to donuts the phrase "budget cuts" would be bandied about in that conversation.
ReplyDeleteI would also bet that the children involved that were questioned did not answer completely truthfully, either out of shame or intimidation. Without that necessary training or preparation by the investigators...
Social services also interviewed Sandusky's adopted son, Matt, when prompted by the birth mother regarding strange behavior.
ReplyDeleteThat SS employee also found the allegations meritless.
On the last day of the trial, Matt admitted to being molested for years.
Those people should all be fired, and the state should be share in the $60 mill fine. As well as governor Corbett, who was the state's AG at the time and ALSO found no wrong doing.
You see, this is more than just JoePa being a dick. It is about a psychopath who is a great liar & left a trail of destruction.
Well said missmade
Delete$60 million is the approximate amount of one year of football revenue at PSU. That's how the NCAA arrived at that figure.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the NCAA is punishing the innocent players at all. It has arranged for players to transfer without penalty if they wish and will allow their new schools to award scholarships to the transferred players even though that will exceed the maximum number of scholarships normally allowed. If the players choose to remain at PSU after all of this, well, that's their choice. They deal with the repercussions.
PSU should take this opportunity to start an institute on child abuse. Become THE institution that researchs this issue and teach others how to recognize the signs, how to provide adequate survivor support, ways to change the system, etc.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a great service for everyone. Use this tragedy to learn and grow and help prevent future kids from being hurt.
Dia papaya - agree. Although not every psychopath is a child molester, every child molester IS a psychopath. Recognizing signs of psychopathy can protect children. The molesters have so many similarities. The secrets, the power trip, inappropriate comments, just so much. More education is needed.
DeleteI will say, regarding "innocent players," all the players who were hard workers on and off the field from 1998-2011 who really were trying to be good students and athletes who got THEIR hard-earned wins vacated does suck for them. It wasn't just JoePa's wins erased, but theirs, too.
ReplyDeleteBut again--this punishment had to have far-reaching ripples for it TO NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN (based on rape or any other crime).
@Jay - boy are your panties in a wad over this. Imagine your panties being in a wad because they were ripped off right before being sodomized by someone who was supposed to be protecting you.
ReplyDelete@Missmade - that story is an indication of social services EVERYWHERE in this country. The funding of these programs is down to almost nil now. So, let's maybe look at that, shall we?
This is a message to institutions that needed to be made. Like it or not. It will affect many people who had nothing to do with it. You gotta break some eggs....
And as for Regis - whatever, old man. Way to try to keep yourself relevant.
@Jay - boy are your panties in a wad over this. Imagine your panties being in a wad because they were ripped off right before being sodomized by someone who was supposed to be protecting you.
ReplyDeleteAgain, thank you for vindicating everything I said.
Amber, NCAA bylaws are specifically written where receiving gifts or cash while on scholarship is prohibited.
ReplyDeleteThey have no such bylaws regarding criminal cases.
Again, Penn State deserved to be punished. And within the law, they have been. Sandusky will die in prison. Spanier, Schulz, and Curley lost their jobs and face criminal charges. The school will be sued out the yin-yang. Only Paterno escaped by virtue of dying, but his legacy is destroyed.
The NCAA will now have to answer for every criminal action on one of its campuses. You can argue that they should. But they haven't in the past. And while they insist this is an extreme situation requiring extreme action, I don't think they'll get off that easy.
Another rage-baiting post draws predictably and easily enraged lemmings with reading comprehension issues.
ReplyDeletePoor old Regis. He says his heart is broken and everyone gathers around to throw shit at him. He didn't say that he wants to protect child molestation enablers and give them statues. That was just suggested. He didn't say that schools that harbor molesters and enable their disgusting activites should not be fined. That was just suggested.
Pavlov would be proud.
The people I feel sorry for here, other than the molested kids obviously, is everyone, including but not limited to athletes, who paid good money for a Penn State diploma. Now seriously devalued.
He's like a walking corpse. It's 1940 in his mind. No one should heed his words.
ReplyDeletejust sayin'
Oh Regis...I never liked you anyway.
ReplyDeleteOf course the sanctions weren't enough. And thanks, Regis, for ensuring that I won't eat for the next day or so.
The ideal sanctions would have been ones which hit those who knew about the abuse, or should have known; or who contributed to the culture that allowed them to be covered up.
ReplyDeleteI believe that at least some of those people still face potential civil and criminal legal action, and to me those will be the sanctions that are most just. Hopefully the system will do what its supposed to do.
But in my mind punishing the innocent is just as bad as not punishing the guilty, or maybe even worse. Kids who joined the program in the last couple years almost certainly did not know about the abuse, were in no position to report it or prevent it, yet they may be bearing the brunt of these sanctions in that they are the ones who will never go to a bowl game, some will be the ones who lose their scholarship, etc. How is that right?!? How did the athletic system decide that they were the ones who should pay the price for all this? That's just messed up.
And while I don't know the details on how the $60 million dollar fine is supposed to work, I have a sinking suspicion that years from now we'll find out that the money came from anywhere and everywhere except the athletic budget. Probably its all the non-athletes will get less financial aid, more crowded classrooms, crappier dorms, less books in the library. Again, all mostly hitting people who were young kids when the abuse happened and in no position to know or prevent.
In the end it was specific individuals who chose to cover up the abuse. Target those people, charge them with crimes, take their assets to help compensate the victims. But leave the innocent scapegoats out of it.
I'm not sure how many college football fans read this site....not that you have to be a fan of any sport to be appalled at what has transpired at Penn State but here's my fairly informed (and long) take.
ReplyDeleteThe NCAA drastically overstepped its bounds and it's 102 year old history of operations. Had they really cared they would have sanctioned Spanier, Curley, and Schultz instead of just the University and Paterno. They didn't because, in Emmert's words, they wanted to extend due process to the individuals. The same due process the players and fans at Penn State were not given.
The statue absolutely had to be taken down.
The bowl ban was necessary.
The wins being vacated was appropriate, if not necessary.
The $60 million fine was so inspired in it's design it must have been accidental to have come from Emmert and co. It is also the only sanction that will achieve anything positive.
All of those penalties should have been self imposed by Penn State with final approval from the NCAA. At the very least PSU should have been able to respond to the NCAA instead of being threatened with a worse and completely excessive punishment.
The loss of scholarships was piling on. It was done as a power play by Emmert with the backing of University Presidents that resent the reality that major sports largely fund their universities. That is not a Penn State problem. It's an American collegiate problem, if it's a problem at all. After all we are capitalists and typically those with money have power in capitalist environments.
Emmert's biggest concern is that the major football schools are heading in the direction of withdrawing from the NCAA. This was a status move, and one that will ultimately backfire on him.
For now 40 deserving student athletes will now not receive scholarships over the next 4 years because there are less available scholarships. Due to a punishment for a crime that had no effect on competitive balance without the benefit of due process.
The NCAA and Presidents can claim they care about student athletes but their actions continue to show otherwise.
I agree that the sanctions were largely meant to be a deterrent to other universities moving forward, but is that really justice when the people being punished are innocent? And is it the job of the NCAA to seek justice?
I say no on both counts.
he's entilted to his opinion. but he is in a class where money and postition buffer him from anything he doesn't like. even though the sex abuse went on for years and years, HE HIMSELF didn't see it; so it doesn' exist. he likes the memories of the joe p that is the hero, and he doesn't want to consider anything different. if is grandchild were to be molested it would suddenly be "real" to him. otherwise, he'll never change.
ReplyDeleteit's like dick chaney and gay marriage. no, no no! until his daughter is gay and wants to be married. until it hits hme, it isn't real to these people.
Well isn't this interesting:
ReplyDeletea friend of mine — a top-notch lawyer and former federal prosecutor — has carefully reviewed the Freeh Report. He concludes that the Report does not establish wrongdoing by Joe Paterno.
But I'm sure he's just some enabler.
There you go, bringing class into it. So Regis is supposed to have known about the sex molestation at his alma mater? Really? REALLY? Is Regis saying it didn't occur? Details, details. Or is that just something you want to believe?
ReplyDeleteAnd brace for this reality: the currently known evidence against Paterno is very weak tea. Whether or not Paterno knew about the allegations, they were still allegations and were being investigated - what was he supposed to do? What could he legally do? The initial investigations found nothing.
Oh, but the Madame Defarges of the world, the raging mob of sanctimony, ie., YOU, feel the need to burn a witch. Preferably a rich one, apparently. Does it even occur to you that just this sort of herdlike emptyheaded groupthink is what led to the gross injustice that occurred at Penn State in the first place?
Sorry, Jay. You got there first.
ReplyDeletethat dissection is absolutely devastating to the Paterno "cover up" meme.
Enty certainly likes to incite discussion lately.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to pretend I have any idea of how fair or not these sanctions are. But, imagine the backlash the NCAA would have received if they gave them a slap on the wrist.
@Amartel, "What could he legally due?" ummm, report it to the authorities like he is legally obligated to do. Seems clear from all reports he never did.
ReplyDeleteKaizer, do you read? English? The authorities were already investigating at the time when he may, or may not, have been advised of the allegations. And there's no evidence that he withheld from the authorities. What "reports" are you referring to? Newspaper reports repeating the conventional consensus bullshit? Try reading the link in Jay's comment.
ReplyDeletePenn Stat alumnus here says that Regis should shut the fuck up and can go fuck himself.
ReplyDeleteYes sometimes I do read English. I've yet to read in ENGLISH anywhere that says he reported the allegations to the proper authorities. If you have info available, that shows otherwise please share it. I always like being fully informed and you seem to be much wiser than everyone here. So, please share.
ReplyDeleteIf you could also answer these questions for me too:
Did he really say he didn't want to ruin everyone’s weekend when McQ told him about the shower incident?
Did he let Sandusky around his own kids/grandkids?
Why didn't the media ever talk/ cover the "profile" of his victims?
What about the racial incidences that Paterno was so dismissive of back in the 2000s?
Also, PLEASE explain to me why you care more about preserving the legacy of a football coach. Instead of trying to understand how the system failed to protect innocent young men.
But please explain it in American English and sensible terms, as I have had both a mild form of dyslexia and have had 2 glasses of wine with dinner.
damn that Prosecco...last comment for @Amartel
ReplyDeleteHow would he feel if those were his kids who were molested and the powers that be turned their heads and scooted it under the rug?