Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Reader Photos Part Three



  1. Hello! I am #109!

  2. I want to drink with ANY man in sequins.

  3. I love the pics they are wonderful. #146 if I was brave I would love to get married that way. #102 was that for a photo shoot.

  4. Robot you are truly beautimous. As are all the others. Sunny: you got your work cut out for you here girl.

  5. why the fuck do i want to look at random peoples pictures? especially when they are so simple and boring.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Heeeeeey. #149 in Tennessee

  7. @Sherry thank you so much! Pleaseeeee tell me that is your dog!

  8. Sherry!

    Good to have you back, I've been wondering how you've been? Hope all ok your end.

  9. Biteme:
    I envy you - that bloke is hot! : )
    Presumably he's famous, but I don't recognise him. Would you mind enlightening me?

  10. Ok I'm all for the reader shots, they are awesome! But the posed professional shots kinda ruin it....

  11. Roxxx said...

    I envy you - that bloke is hot! : )
    Presumably he's famous, but I don't recognise him. Would you mind enlightening me?

    That is Dierks Bentley. He is a country singer. He played a festival not far from my house I got a meet and greet with him. Since I was a fan club member, we got a group shot and got to spend a few extra minutes with him. Very sweet. He does slight more traditional country music.

  12. Apparently a few of you have forgot the manners you were taught as a child. These are real people with real feelings. If you nothing nice to say, don't say anything. #growup

  13. That is me in #104!

  14. Thanks Biteme - now going to google him in 3, 2, 1....

  15. Me in #143 and now I got the kiddo off with his Dad I can start to get my drink on, happy 4th!

  16. I'm #146, the skiing bride. And yes, we really, legally, officially got married on skis, on the Continental Divide at about 12,000 ft. elevation, above the treeline, and skied all the way down to the base. It was fabulous, but my satin garter kept slipping down my leg because of the long underwear. That's a candid shot of me yanking it back up.

    I have really, really enjoyed looking at the reader photos. It's nice to see who I've been spending time with. I thought there would be a lot more men, though.



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