Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

The first photo to ever be uploaded to the internet in 1992. The next one was probably porn. Anyway, the four women are reuniting this summer to take an anniversary photo.
Chris O'Donnell gets his wet suit on while filming NCIS.
LL Cool J gets??? while filming NCIS.
Another red carpet for Diane Kruger and a bored looking Joshua Jackson.
Dianna Agron was at the same event.
Donald Trump paid for the bagpipe guys to follow him for every hole at his new golf course.
Rachel Roy and Freida Pinto.
How slim did Kathy Najimy get? I barely recognize her.


Ingrid Superstar said...

What a minute, that first photo ever uploaded wasn't from Monty Python, or something typically dorky? I call bullshit!

LL Cool J has a 24 hour head shaver.

djphob said...

I like Najimy fat. Yet I worry that's as bad as saying the opposite.

Redheat said...

Have all the stylist left LA for vacation? Diane, honey what are you wearing, same goes for Dianna, you're young not middle aged for godsake.

LOL I'm sorry I love LL, but that picture is the definition of contradiction.

Sass71 said...

LL is getting his head buffed!

Del Riser said...

I like Diane K.'s outfit if the main color on top had been a lighter more summery color.

Dianna Agron should not have put her thumbs in her pockets...and what 's with all the big pockets anyway?

Raymonda said...

No, that was apparently the first one. It was a promo for a girl group that also worked at CERN, the nuclear research centre in Switzerland and a guy working there sent it to Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the internet so he could test upgrades that would allow images to be transferred.

And even back then it had been 'photoshopped' to put the plain blue background in.

BTW Ingrid, I love your Britta avatar.

Six Seasons and a Movie

Topper Madison said...

I don't know who Diana Argon is, but she looks like a real live Barbie doll--complete with the Barbie expression.

Sylvia said...

I saw Kathy N. in some comedy show which at the time I didn't realize it was her.

Brenda L said...

I'm assuming Al Gore is the one who uploaded the pic since he invented the internets.

Anonymous said...

Sad news to pass along....Lennox was put down this morning :( RIP little buddy.

discoflux said...

The rare Diane Kruger Fashion Flop. Joshua Jackson looks as hot as ever, though. I love you Pacey Witter!

.robert said...

Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J are the lamest tough guys ever.

BitterBlondin said...

I don't think Joshua J looks bored... on the contrary he always looks happy standing next to Diane!

Another Josh said...

Forget the second picture, the FIRST picture uploaded to the internet looks like porn.

Anonymous said...

That was the first picture uploaded to the World Wide Web. The internet was around before the WWW.

Redheat said...

@looziana - I saw the update on Facebook, I just don't get it. RIP Lennox.

Danielle said...

*meaness spoiler*
Why is Diane wearing a shower curtain with a blazer on top?

msgirl said...

looziana and redheat - I know, I saw it too. My heart of breaking, I will be haunted for weeks. Such a sweet sweet dog.

Krab said...

Sigh. That might have been the first photo uploaded to the World Wide Web, but was NOT the first uploaded to the Internet. I was uploading pictures before 1992.

Kassandra said...

Wow - Diane Kruger is entering Skeletor territory.

Too skinny...she probably is one of those people that forgets to eat when she is on a publicity campaign (which, judging from the amount of photos i've seen of her lately, she MUST BE).

Diane - please take care of yourself and eat something.

Unknown said...

That guys face with LL is priceless.

Jennifer H. said...

I'm surprised Chris O'Donnel's wet suit doesn't have built-in abs, nipples, and a cod piece.

Moonmaid said...

OK, no hating on Chris O'Donnell. He has gone from dweeby to extremely attractive in middle age. He is actually my alternate universe husband. He also has a bunch of kids and has been married to the same woman for a while. Me gusta.

Moonmaid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Popnursing said...

@ JenniferH - tee hee. /snort

nunaurbiz said...

I think Joshua Jackson looks like he's saying:

"Polka dots! All I see are polka dots! Polkadotpolkadotpolkadotpolk...."

nunaurbiz said...


I was chagrined the one blind I wanted revealed July 4 wasn't, but maybe it's coming true after all ;-)

Seachica said...

Here to say what syko already said. The Internet was around long before the world wide web. I started on it in 1988!

Seachica said...

Which blind was that, Nuna? Interesting about Antonio and Melanie, though I'm not really surprised. I'm shocked they lasted for so long

nunaurbiz said...

It was one about a celeb husband who cheats and I forget who everyone else was guessing, but after discussing it with co-workers, I suggested it was Antonio. If I have time, I'll try to dig it up.

Sunny said...

Me gusta tambien :)

Hazeldazel said...

the real question is... does the world really need a shirt with a built-in cape?


Alicia said...


Alicia said...

Is it just me or does dianna agron look completely cracked out?

hunter said...

Najimy + lapband surgery = this photo

kj said...

Both Diane and Joshua look way too thin. They are hiding it in their clothes.

goddess. said...

Kellan Lutz refers to himself in the 3rd person? Is that a clue for the June 25th blind item?

Jesse D said...

@loosiana and @redheat and @msgirl what a waste of life! Completely unnecessary and cruel. BSL Legislation is complete bullsh1t, doesn't work and should not be legal.

warmislandsun said...

Rachel and Frieda look like they are dating.

warmislandsun said...

Oh, and that grandma in the photo with the bagpipers looks really angry.

MnGddess said...

What does Diane Kruger do besides go to fashion shows and events? I can only recall 3 movies she's been in, and they came out a while ago.

Oops - maybe four.

juicy said...

blogger sucks.
tl;dr version - mauled by "scary" breed dog at 9, 21 yrs later still scarred (mentally and physically) by attack, yet am still considering rescuing said "scary" breed dog from shelter once mr juicy and i move into our new place. know why? because reasonable people realize it isn't the breed, it is the dog itself. admittingly it has taken a long time to be fully comfortable around certain breeds, still not completely, but these creatures of god just crave love. i'm full of it to give :)

juicy said...

^^^ in re:to lennox story... not just a random weirdo's thoughts! :P

The Black Cat said...

Juicy, that's really wonderful that you have overcome your fear enough to want to live with a dog. may I suggest you get one for yourself and one for Mr Juicy? I find they keep one another company when they are left alone.

juicy said...

Two might be a lot more work than I anticipate, I've only had to raise an ankle-biter in my adult years (the love of my life btw), but who knows what the future will bring.

Jessi said...

For Diane to be so darn skinny, Im jealous she is always so darn happy, I get hangry after 3 hours of no food. But I guess having that cutie on your arm might do that.

punkindj said...

Why are Diane and Joshua on any and every red carpet event. I feel like that is no a new career for them.

Mari said...

Magnolia, Redheat do I know you from the #LennoxArmy on Twitter? Say Hi, I'm @BranLwyd.
They made a mistake, Lennox will be the catalyst to fight BSL.
Diane looks lovely but does seem thinner, and I being a Lady Love LL. :)

AKM said...

"OK, no hating on Chris O'Donnell. He has gone from dweeby to extremely attractive in middle age."

Oh dear Lord, PLEASE tell me that 42 isn't ACTUALLY considered middle-aged...

Lori said...

42 is definitely middle aged (40-60), but that's not a bad thing...

iknowpeople said...

First met Chris O'Donnell years ago, Saw him again this Spring. Very nice guy. Still very grounded and Midwestern friendly.


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