It's bikini time. Britney Spears shows off hers right before pool time.

Aubrey O'Day got in the bikini spirit.

As did Tori Spelling. Although she did hers from a wheelchair.

Even Colin Farrell all the way in Ireland was impressed.

Catherine Zeta Jones looks pretty good for being married to Michael Douglas for so long.

The Beckhams go on vacation. That should be a reality show.

Drew Barrymore has decided it is going to be pajamas for the rest of the pregnancy.

Diane Kruger looks pretty good shooting that gun.

She has been wearing that hat for a week.

Benji madden and Eliza Doolittle canoodle.
Re: Britney's Head, What's going on with it?
ReplyDelete@ingrid Superstar - right??? How does she not have a better weave? She's on TV now! Extensions are such hell on your hair. She should just go with her natural wig.
ReplyDelete^^Thinking the same thing about Brit's head.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I'd hate to have a baby that young AND be prego. She's got more guts then me. lol
I'm not a doctor, but sometimes I wonder if Tori Spelling has Münchausen syndrome... it seems like she's always got something, from swine flu to whatever the hell she did to her ankle in that picture.
ReplyDeleteRe: Tory of course, not Brit about baby friends.
ReplyDeleteI love the Pygmalion reference, but who is is about? Who is the woman with Benji Madden?
ReplyDeleteEliza Doolittle is her stage name. She's a British singer iirc
DeleteHey, Drew's allowed to wear whatever she's comfortable in, and it looks as if she's wearing maternity jeans/denim leggings underneath it, so she hasn't gone whole-hog sloppy. (Says the woman who's seen both Pete Buck and Tom Petty onstage in PJ tops in the past...) When is she due, anyway? I'm thinking later this summer, so she's got to be getting pretty uncomfortable by now, poor woman.
ReplyDeleteDrew doesnt even look like our regular drew. Her whole face changed. Bet shes having a rough time, poor thing, she looks like she is in discomfort.
DeleteI take back the shitty comments I made about Brit Brit's body. Damn, she looks good. From the forehead down. Damn, gurl! Conditioner IS your friend!
ReplyDeleteBrit looks fantastic! And i see shes always with her boys. I wish her well. At keast her parents care about her- not like pimpin' mama lohan.
DeleteJoshua Jackson and Diane Kruger are seriously in my top 5 fav celebrity couples
ReplyDeleteBrit Brit...where did that forehead appear from????
ReplyDeleteHer bod looks amazing tho and her family looks so normal and happy...I hope it is.
I would watch a Beckhams reality show in a heartbeat, and I generally don't bother with reality shows.
ReplyDeleteI think they are all really into each ofher. Its delightful to see.
DeleteBritbrit's body is freeekin' amazing! But the hair.. It just hasn't come back since the crazydays.. But love here anyway!
ReplyDeleteI just adore the Beckhams. <3
Brit brit got new boobs?? And ya seriously y'all that hair HAS to go
ReplyDeleteHello Aubrey's boobs
ReplyDeleteCo-sign all the Brit hair comments. Actually, I barely notice her bikini body...can't get past the hair.
ReplyDeleteAnd look how big Harper is getting. What a doll.
@Hunter, I swear I was thinking the exact same thing.
ReplyDeleteKatie wasn't a waif back in Dawson's Creek or Batman Begins. Either she's been doing a steady diet of cocaine and lettuce or they photoshopped the hell out of her.
She looks horrid to me. Go eat a steak and come back with 10-15 more pounds.
ITA--No snark on a heavily pregnant lady's outfit, unless it like hootchie or EXTREMELY inappropriate for the event somehow. But Drew's on her own time. I think the top is cute. You know she's so hot right now, wherever she is-- Pregnant in Summer.
ReplyDeleteAnd Brit's body looks fan-f'ing-tastic. Working out is good for your mental health; hopefully she stays on her regimen.
I will never understand why a woman as wealthy as Britney Spears has the cheapest looking hair extensions. When I was broke in college my girlfriend used to do my hair. One time I let her practice with extensions. It was her first time and I walked out looking like Naomi Campbell circa the Freedom video. I didn't even need a wind machine...My hair was unbe-weave-able! No excuses Brit!!
ReplyDeleteI adore the Beckhams too, but that swashbuckler 'stache that David has been sporting is bringing my anxiety back. Curses!
ReplyDeleteBtw, I was never a Britney fan (too sexy too young), and was disappointed when she had kids so early. But since her struggles began, I'm so happy now that she has them. Notice the only time she really looks relaxed & happy is with her kids. Thank god she's got a reason to get out of bed every day and stay on her meds for.
ReplyDeleteBritney has shitty taste, and is cheap, which is why her hair looks shitty even though she has money.
ReplyDeleteAubrey is disgusting. *shudders*
Did anyone see that VH1 show with the stylist who was doing the Aubrey o'Day shoot? She was trying to de-whore her, and I guess the fix didn't take.
ReplyDeleteI see nothing wrong with wearing the same hat for a week! Or even the whole summer.
ReplyDeleteBrit's bod is slammin. I'm jelly.
ReplyDeleteFirst thought was dayum! Brit Brit's bod looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteBootie alert for Victoria...Hated it!
@sherry that dog is too cute. I want ur doggy!
DeleteI am sooooo glad to see Britney looking fit, healthy and happy. The kids seem happy too, which is great. I am very fond of her.
ReplyDeleteThey certainly can't make fun of Britney for being fat now. She could rock the cover of "Shape" magazine. She looks happy and healthy. Good for her.
ReplyDeleteBrit body is looking tight ya'll! The hair well maybe she was in a fight.
ReplyDeleteI love vic and becks! I think tori has to use the wheelchair because her puss is so heavy from all dem babies! Better her than me! Colin i still would anytime!
Say what you will about Becks and Posh...they make some gorgeous babies.
ReplyDeletewow, brit's bod is looking awesome. good for her.
ReplyDeletei looked at drew and thought, what a great idea. she looks comfortable and that means a lot during pregnancy. wish i'd thought of it. her top isn't sloppy and its clean, has a collar. i like it.
^^ "de-whore", bahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteDamn, Pacey looks good.
ReplyDeleteEliza Doolittle is the daughter of Frances Ruffelle, the original Eponine in Les Miz, and one of the original directors of the show, John Caird, who I believe was married to someone else at the time.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Brit is the answer to an old blind about the, celebrity that is going bald.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Brit is the answer to an old blind about the, celebrity that is going bald.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Brit is the answer to an old blind about the, celebrity that is going bald.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Brit is the answer to an old blind about the, celebrity that is going bald.
ReplyDeletedrew....with the money you have about this, go directly to target, hit the maternity section-anything from there would be better than that! C'MON NOW!
ReplyDeleteOT but.... I just got out of the theater. Went to watch Magic Mike...
ReplyDeleteThe girl that plays his love interest looked high as hell the whole move. I can't remember her name but damn...the whole time I was thinking, "This girl is high as hell."
Britney looks great! And her kids look happy and so does she. Nice to see.
ReplyDeleteThe beige-bootie trend MUST die. And with fringe? Oh Posh...
ReplyDeleteI love how the oldest Beckham son is holding hands with his Mum.
ReplyDeleteThe Beckhams make a lovely family, but when your twelve-year-old weighs significantly more than you do, maybe it's time for a sandwich. Or three.
ReplyDelete@Patty said...
ReplyDelete"Co-sign all the Brit hair comments. Actually, I barely notice her bikini body...can't get past the hair."
You are a heterosexual woman.
@Tatyana And suddenly u get why I don't understand why her hair matters
Delete(freaking old cracked iPhone!)
Aubrey O'Day was so cute and had so much charisma when she first came onto the scene. Then she went all Post-Mottolla-Mariah and lost her appeal.
ReplyDeleteDrew looks like any other pregnant woman walking around in the heat trying to stay comfortable.
ReplyDeletePosh's arms and legs look normal to me. maybe she isn't as skinny as she used to be.
Aubrey if you are going to wear a heinous swimming outfit (can't even call it a swimsuit really), just OWN it and quit trying to cover up with some ugly towel. You wore it in public, either go change clothes or commit to it because you look pathetic covering up your ass with that towel that looks like it's hospital issue.