Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Ricki Lake is back on television and seems pretty excited about it. It was either this or get pregnant again and make another baby movie.
Amber Rose goes back to her natural color. And kind of looks like Matt Damon from the side if Matt was a female who once went out with Kanye West.
Rose McGowan takes her usual walk to make sure she stays in the public eye.
Sarah Michelle Gellar shows off her love of fedoras. I'm pretty sure Freddie Prinze Jr is just a CGI creation at this point.
Tom Hanks like you have never seen him before.
David and Victoria Beckham take Harper out to lunch before David
plays some soccer with Michelle Obama.
Long time no see Whitney Port. Last night, Whitney and Audrina were at the same place for the first time in 2 years.
This is a new look for The Zooey. She is usually really modest.

That's a definite reveal (Rose).
ReplyDeleteTom looks like John Travolta.
Did I miss a pregnancy announcement for SMG? Or did I just forget about it bc I don't care?
ReplyDeleteAnd dammit, Enty, no more Amber Rose! She's nasty!
ReplyDeleteI guess that clears up a few things.
ReplyDeleteI love the Beckhams.
SMG! YAY! Reveal! Thanks, Enty!
ReplyDeleteSome reveals #2 and #4.
ReplyDeleteHanks does look like Travolta there.
SMG & Zooey reveals?
ReplyDeleteThe Rose McGowan reveal has happened like 2-3 times now, ha ha.
Dying over Tom Hanks' John Travolta look.
I think SMG, if I remember correctly, left GH in pretty spectacular fashion. I'm only 30, but I grew up reading rags and watching soaps with my mom LOL. So, I think it doesn't surprise me that SMG is a huge see you next tuesday.
ReplyDeleteWow that is a new look for Tom Hanks!!
ReplyDeleteRose has sex for papvphotos.
ReplyDeleteSMG is a bitchy diva.
Zooey fucked up her face with plastic surgery.
Lotsa reveals, unless I'm just reading too far into it.
Uhh that would be pap (space) photos.
DeleteAlso, I really hope Tom Hanks actually grew that facial hair and sideburns & he has to walk around like that until he's done filming.
ReplyDeleteVictoria Beckham looks like Kara Hayward in Moonrise Kingdom.
ReplyDeleteRicki Lake has had a wild career. Remember Mrs.Winterbourne? She had the clout to open a romantic comedy at one point!
If it was in focus, that pic of Zooey would be so beautiful
ReplyDeleteThe zooey reveal is about her singing....
ReplyDeleteI dont think she has fucked her face up with plastic surgery. She looks the same to me.
If it wasn't such a bitch to look back on my phone, I would go look up the picture of her from...what was it, the teen choice awards? Where her face is...not her face. + "this is a new look."
DeleteYep yep reveals for SMG and Zooey.
ReplyDeleteAfter that blind reveal I feel sorry for Rose, what a rotten life that she is now stuck in.
I'm very curious about Cloud Atlas, loved the book. But I can't remember Hanks' character! The doctor, but who else does he play in the movie, I can only vaguely remember the Halle Barry chapters I guess it was the least remarkable for me.
@Ingrid that's one of my favorite movies!! Ricki was good in it!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, if Tom Hanks can actually pull that whole vibe off in a movie and not just a still photo I'm all for him winning another Oscar.
ReplyDeleteThe Zooey and Katy Perry are the same person, so this photo isn't as racy as Enty seems to think. ;)
I have always had a place in my heart for Ricky Lake. I used to love her talk show when I was 12-14. Eh gads it's been that long!
ReplyDeleteThe beckhams looks fab! David looks so happy holding Harper.
I had a huge crush on Freddie Prinze Jr. Hot hot hot.
Amber, yes, SMG is preggers again.
ReplyDeleteAmber Rose looks quite masculine there. I've never understood the whole "she's a model!" thing. She's too big to be a model. She's a starf*cker with really, really bad taste in clothes. That's it.
That's a lot of leather and black for July, Rikki.
My goodness, Beckham knows how to dress. I can't stand all of the tats, but when he's wearing a suit, there is no one hotter. And Harper is adorable, as always. I don't like the high collar on Posh's dress, even though I tend to like her designs.
Why is Whitney Port being papped? Seriously, does anyone care about her? At all?
Tom Hanks looks like mid-90s George Michael there.
ReplyDeleteyeah, zooeys fallen prey to the lip enlarging epidemic currently sweeping through HW.
She's also done more but I can't pinpoint exactly what. Sad.
It could POSSIBLY be that she slightly refined the tip of her nose, but makeup/angles/lighting can change that. Her new lips probably just changed the look of her face.
ReplyDeleteTom Hanks looks like he *ATE* John Travolta.
ReplyDeleteLmao @ abby!
ReplyDeleteI agree, it looks like Zooey got some work on her face. I don't like her! I know I'm one of the few but she gets on my nerves with her hipster vibe and her whisper-esque singing voice.
The dress! The shoes! The hubby! That picture has me envying Vix Beckham in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteWoah those pics on huffpost look like Zooey's had her eyes, nose AND lips done. WHY??
ReplyDeleteSo... Amber is white? That's really weird I always thought she was mixed race for some reason.
HARPER! she is so precious.
ReplyDeletePlease make Amber Rose go away and never come back. Thankyouverymuch.
ReplyDeleteI don't I caught the reveals on 2 and 4.
ReplyDeleteHelp a brother out?
Yeah, which blind is SMG the top suspect for, please? [I need a g.d. spreadsheet - I swear, I don't know how some of you people keep this all straight!!! pants off to you all :) ]
ReplyDeleteRicki Lake looks like the daughter on Pawn Stars.
ReplyDelete#4 today? It would help you keep them straight if you read them. Or if you can't remember one you read today then I think you're doomed. ;)
Oh my god no way... that's Amber Rose?! She looks like a young River Phoenix (from his Stand By Me day). Crazy.
ReplyDeleteWhat did Zooey do to her face?!
ReplyDeleteTom Hanks needs to watch out for that son of his, creepy.
ReplyDeleteAmber Rose looks like one of the Pre-Cogs from Minority Report.
ReplyDeleteWhen Did Zooey get..Those!?
I don't get Zooey's purse. Is she a 70 year old Manhattan socialite?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you @rejectedcarebear. She is one of those people who just grates on my nerves. I hope she's at 14:59.
Harper is SO adorable!
ReplyDelete*facepalm* I like to read posts in the order they were posted so I hadn't gotten to the "Four for Friday" yet - duh! Thanks for being gentle despite my doofiness :)
Looking forward to seeing "Cloud Atlas."
ReplyDeleteI love how Becks is looking at his daughter. He seems to be a great dad.
Zooey def got some new boobies too!
ReplyDeleteI thought Tom Hanks was Ice T.
ReplyDeleteZooey is leaning over, of course her bewbs ( this spelling makes me laugh ) look bigger!
ReplyDeletezooey has new lips, nose, and i guess new boobs.
ReplyDeletePut me on the list for thinking Tom looks like John Travolta in that pic. And David is a sport to be out and about during the Olympics even though he isn't in them. I'd probably sit home and pout. ha.
ReplyDeleteDavid's looking hot again! David's looking hot again!!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought the Tom Hanks picture was Ice-T, as well.
ReplyDeleteHave we ever determined why we need to refer to her as "The Zooey" instead of just calling her by her damn name?
ReplyDeleteI find Zooey's whole bullshit contrived persona to be a joke which is part of the reason I'm laughing so hard at her new Hollywood face. Good lord, she's as big a twat as the rest of 'em, maybe even more so for pretending she's not.
ReplyDeleteI think Zooey had fillers along with the nose job and lip plumping. They've changed the basic shape of her face. So tragic.
ReplyDeleteThis is called a push-up bra, lipstick and an unusual angle for her, and "jealousy" for a few readers here.
ReplyDeleteIf Zooey Deschanel had extensive surgery, it would have been before she started to shoot "The New Girl", as it's much more problematic to keep the illusion when she plays the same character on TV every week. People remember how she looked like three months ago, they wouldn't be at ease if she has a completely different face now.
They had a different issue in "The Office", when they changed Michael Scott's hairstyle between the shortened season one and season two. Originally, Scott had his hair combed on the back, with lots of gel to hold them together, so you could see part of his skin. Then he had a more relaxed haircut on other seasons. So, people suspect he had hair implants during the summer break.
But his hair looked exactly the same as in "The 40-year-old Virgin", which was released during this summer break but was actually shot before the first season of "The Office".
jeezus Christ Angela, you are like a freaking hairline inspector genius...and it was 5am.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine anyone as gorgeous as Zooey having anything done.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, Beckham always looks sharp. He always seems keen to be around elected officials and royalty...do you Brits think he is keen to get an MBE or knighthood?
ReplyDeleteBecks is football royalty AND has that suave, star personna that makes people happy to be around him. Plus, all the elected officials and British Royalty are soccer fans (ok I'm American IT'S SOCCER) so of course they will be happy to associate with him.
ReplyDeleteLol that "associate" popped into my head just now. Soccer was originally called Something Something Association Football" when it was invented in the UK. Then they shortened it to "soccer" which we took but they then changed it to football. And we had invented American football in that time so it would have been too confusing to change. Football makes more sense, but I'm American dammit!
@cincinnatikate It was 5am in Los Angeles, but 1 or 2pm in Paris, where I live. And I don't know why I wrote "skin" instead of "scalp".