Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Matthew M and Camila Alves hit the London premiere of Magic Mike and show off the baby bump.
Also there were Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Tatum.
Rihanna has a few beers after her grandmother's funeral.
The outfit for the opening ceremonies of the US Olympic Team. Not sure about the berets. Plus, I feel like I'm looking at some recruiting poster for a cult.
Scarlett J's bodyguard stands by with the soap. Seriously, that is soap in his hand.
Slash finally got a star on the Walk Of Fame and
Charlie Sheen was not going to miss out on this one.
Tom Cruise gets a hug from someone on the set of his movie while
Katie, her mom, Suri and a host of bodyguards hit NYC.

Yay Slash!!! That's awesome :)
ReplyDeleteThaaaats Charlie? That looked like Jack Nicholson at first glance!! And in defense of ScarJo- he is supposed to protect her body..
ReplyDeleteThose Olympic team get-ups are a special kind of hideous...We're NOT #1 We're NOT #1!!!!
ReplyDeleteNot a fan of the double-breasted blazer on the Olympic team. Is that back in? Maybe I'm missing something.
ReplyDeleteI don't care how gorgeous and model-y Camilla Alves might be, that dress looks awful and trashy. If you saw that woman in a club in that dress, you would wince.
Ah, Slash. I love him. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI am openly jealous of women who can pump out babies with the ease that Camila seems to enjoy. I am so so lucky to have my two, but I would have loved to be a baby-makin machine like that girl.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I swear that little girl is blood-related to Tom Cruise one way or another. I just see him in her eyes! And I want a princess dress like hers with the flowy cape or whatever on the back. Sigh.
ReplyDelete@Frufra - I wouldn't mind having her hair! She should never, ever, ever cut it or dye it. I wish I never had!
ReplyDeleteIs it me or does Katie always seem to trying to hide a sly smirk lately.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you need a body guard out on a boat in the middle of the ocean? I get when they are walking around the sidewalks with the mere mortals, but you really need them hooked to your side on a boat?
The Olympic outfits...where do I begin. I feel like this pic should be followed by one of the Beaver, and Wally. However, the berets have been done, and don't be dissing a beret in front of an American Icon who is part of the Green Berets.
Did Xenu and David Miscaviage design the U.S. Olympic uniforms?
ReplyDeleteA sly smirk on Katie? I'm surprised she's not running down the street screaming "FREEEEDOM" Braveheart style all day long.
ReplyDeleteLOL @Jason Blue Eyes. The mental picture I just got of Katie in blue & white face paint. With a sword. Running down the streets of NYC.
ReplyDeleteWTF is up with those socks? Do they think female olympic athletes are on Toddlers and Tiaras?
ReplyDeleteNote to Rihanna: When your in a set of photos with Charlie Sheen and he looks healthier and more sober than you do - it's time to reassess some shit, girl.
ReplyDeleteBwahahaha! Word.
DeleteThose Olympic outfits look like the uniforms the Scientology sailors wear...WTF!?!
ReplyDeleteI feel the writer nailed the description of many of "The One's" followers whilst describing what they felt when they saw the pic of our Olympic team.
ReplyDeleteWell done!
I agree with Fufra... I think she looks Just Like Tom in that pic.
ReplyDeleteThe Olympic uniforms look like the French team's from 8 or 12 years ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd how does one get the job of soaping up ScarJo?
Just think, ScarJo gets to write off the salary of the soap-holdin' hunk as a business expense.
ReplyDeleteI hope Matthew has saved a lot of his money to put all those kids through school, he doesn't look well enough to work much more. Does Camila quit the bad stuff when she's pregnant?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, as said yesterday that guy with ScarJo looks sooooo 80's, and he's never more than two feet away from her.
Slash looks great, as always!
@Del Riser, you're right, Matthew looks very thin and wan there.
ReplyDeleteThat must be Tom's new girlfriend! Why, I can sense the chemistry from here!! That Tom, he sure is a ladies' man.
That's the first photo of Suri I've ever seen where I am seeing the Tammy in her.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only person who thinks maternity clothes should not be short or tight?! Seriously- even if you have a great body it looks trashy!
ReplyDeleteCan Slash's pants get any tighter? Looks like they are going to split.
I read at DListed that Gay Cruise is supposedly interested in the actress that is coming out (no pun intended) in the new movie he is at.
ReplyDeleteWhen Gay Cruise and Nicole were married they were supposedly trying to have kids. And if I remember correctly one of them could not produce them and I want to say it was TC that couldn't.
I wish someone would invent "Rihanna-Blocker." I am soooooooooooooooooooooo
ReplyDeletetired of seeing her everywhere.
If someone asked me what WASPs look like, I'd show them that picture of the Olympic uniforms. Chad, Thomas, Pepper and Kitty are going to do some yachting before heading to the club for dinner. Then they'll laugh at poor people when they drive home to their family's estates.
ReplyDeleteYou can keep those shirtless shots of ScarJo's bodyguard coming all summer long.
ReplyDeletebwahahaha Anita_mark.
ReplyDeleteI've always thought the rumor that Tom's cousin, William Mapother, was Suri's biological father was pretty interesting. She looks a lot like him.
ReplyDeleteDear Rihanna-
ReplyDeleteActual grief, pain and loss of a loved one does not require a photoshoot.
Sincerely, overyou
Wow who let Camilla leave the house like that!?
Cant' help it.. Scarlet looks fantastic!!
Agreed Suri looks like Tom but Sylvia is correct, from I recall the reason given for Tom and Nicole adopting was due to their not being able to conceive. At the time the reason was place on Nicole's inability to get pregnant, clearly that is false. So it does make one wonder.
ReplyDeleteThen again, it shouldn't matter, Suri is Tom's child for all intents and purposes no matter what. Hopefully his bad behavior with his and Nicoles kids will not be repeated, anyway you look at that, he failed his children by alienating them from Nicole.
Ooooh, Mrs. Slash. Did anybody see that Behind the Music thingy years ago with the rocker wives? She was was so cool, I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
ReplyDeleteI usually hate when someone keeps the same style year after year, but Slash can get away with it.
The U.S uniforms immediately brought Niedemeyer and Marmalard to mind. --- long time lurker, first time poster.
ReplyDeletecalifblondy, yes, Perla is a total badass! I kind of love her too!
ReplyDeleteah, fuck Rhianna. she is such an attention whoring loser.
ReplyDeleteDella, I agree with both of your posts: dislike tight/ill fitting maternity clothes, and thought Slash looks like he got down in that crouch for the photo, and will have to be very careful getting up. Maybe his wife is standing by to give him a hand!
ReplyDeleteThat's an awkward hug from TC. Angling his crotch away.
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not the only one who thinks Camilla looks trashy. I think it's the pose. And maybe with that dress she should have worn a slick ponytail.
While I'm not convinced that Tom is Suri's biological father, I also have doubts that Nicole Kidman was ever actually pregnant. Even Enty praised her when her second child was born via surrogate for not pretending this time around.
ReplyDeleteSo the US Olympic Committee decided to honor Dick Cavett this year? That uniform reminds me of the outfit Danny Noonan wore to the yacht club in Caddyshack.
ReplyDeleteIn agreement that Camila's dress looks tacky.
ReplyDeleteQuickly getting over all the Katie puctures.
Good for Slash! I've always been a fan.
Someone PLEASE help me figure out what 80's hunk Scar Jo's dude looks like. Is it MacGyver? My google searches are keeping me from getting stuff done :/
ReplyDeleteSlash looks like he is healthy. MMC...no. gives me the sads. He tweeted a picture taken of him in nov 2011 and the change in his looks and body is dramtic.
ReplyDeleteScarJo's 80's Hunk = David Hasselhoff on steroids minus the chest hair.
ReplyDeleteIs that a picture of the Official Olympic Outfit, or a recruitment ad for the US military or SeaOrg? I can't tell! All I know there's a whole lotta rich whitey and they look like they're one home-made bomb from the pocky-klipse.
ReplyDeleteoh oh...Suri is almost smiling in that picture. That's a good sign!
ReplyDeleteI just saw Magic Mike, and McMatthew scared me with his gauntness. I know he's supposedly losing weight to play an '80s AIDS patient, but I can't imagine he was already getting thin for it back when Magic Mike filmed.
ReplyDeleteHa ha!! Seriously though, for God knows what reason it's driving me insane. I should be packing to go see my friend and instead I'm googling all the 80's television action stars. STILL!!
@Kassandra, he reminds me of Rowdy Roddy Piper circa John Carpenter's They Live.
ReplyDelete@Sunny & Kassandra :-)
Delete*without the mullet, of course.
ReplyDeleteLove how happy Slash looks, and does anyone think Scarjo is putting that bodyguard front and center for the apps for a reason? She has to know what it looks like! And i haven't looked, but weren't MMC and Camila popular guesses about the couple that were way messed up on drugs blind? Hope the baby will be ok...
ReplyDelete@lazyday - That's what I thought! It's a Caddyshack homage!!!!
ReplyDeleteI want my bodyguard to carry my soap....and use it on me. And I want him to look EXACTLY like that.
ReplyDeletegotta chime in to say scarlett's body is bangin'... she seems to have lost some up top, but still has normal curves like the rest of us. as for her bodyguard.. ever happen to think maybe it has something to do w all the sci tom cruise etc stuff to come out, how she was originally selected... now all of a sudden a round-the-clock bodyguard.. anyone following her to make sure she doesn't spill?just a random hunch.
ReplyDeletesuri DOES look like tom, but she's still at an age where she hasn't grown into her looks. she's cute as a doll though. love her and her seemingly stubborness and style :)
aaaand agreed on trashy maternity clothes.
oh. one more thing. about a year behind on shitty rom-coms, finally watched The Vow last night. Channing Tatum, while not my type (i'm more of a vincent cassel, eric bana, jon hamm type) is now officially on my list... i mean, after magic mike, how is he not :)
guys, if you think the us olympic team designs are bad check out spain's:
How many of you saw Magic Mike?! I was so 'target audience' for this one. Yeah, Channing is gorgeous (and I was bored when he was not on screen) but I lovvve the way he dances, not the stripping but the actual hip hop. Wowwwww. Anyway, am I the only one who thought Matthew M. was too effem and should stop pushing out his abs like he has a baby bump? Hes a total turn off to me now. Just curious.
ReplyDeleteYeah, MM is very gaunt. When I first saw the previews I thought his head looked like a marshmallow on top of a toothpick. Even his coloring looked sick. And yeah, pull down your dress, its one thing to show off your bump, but we dont want to see your coo.
ReplyDeleteI just read the bio from Andrew Morton, and for what its worth this is what I 'learned' (read): Nic and Tom's first attempt was an ectopic pregnancy that could have killed her. The book made her sound like she was out with a bunch of men and rubbing Tom's face in it that last year so Im not sure why she was 'so surprised' when he dumped her. Tom apparently also was understood to have forced her to do the Others to shame her because she was so much like the uncaring mother. BTW, this was not a pro-Tom biography at all. It seemed pretty objective in that Tom's words and actions really didnt need editorializing. Anyway, so he auditions all these girls for a fake part and Katie was his last choice, chosen it is suspected because she stated in an interview a few months before that she wanted to marry him. Huh. Im sure you all know that but it makes me wonder how quickly she realized he'd manipulated her...and she was missing for 17 days when she went on that sham audition. Supposedly he chose Sofia and Penelope because of their ties to countries that opposed Scientology. Can you imagine being pregnant with Tom's kid (or its representative) and watch him say that psychotic crap about CO$ and Brooke Sheilds from off the stage? If that wasnt the moment of truth I wonder when she realized what shed done. I would have shat my pants. The president of a Human Right's organization called for him to "jump up on a milk crate and look Brooke in the eye and apologize." HAHAHA milk crate. Anyway, just some notes from the unauthorized bio.