Thursday, July 05, 2012

Pregnancy News

The Hollywood babies just don't stop. Apparently not only is Claire Danes pregnant with her first baby, but Camila Alves and Matthew M are expecting their third. So, does this mean it was a shotgun wedding? They pretty much have had kids back to back to back now. Just 17 more and they can catch up with the Duggars. I know it is a pretty lofty goal, but you have to have something to shoot for and Matthew is a competitive guy so you never know. Maybe he is just going to for 11 for a football team. As for Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy, their pregnancy could have something to do with the skipping they were both doing down the street the other day. Not often you see a couple skipping outside of watching a Disney movie and singing about chimney sweepers.


  1. Doesn't T-rex have enough kids?

  2. Surely you have a shirtless MM picture you could've used instead. Post those before his body is ravaged by too many pregnancies.

  3. That must have been some pre-nup....

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I am blonde and sleep deprived. Who is T rex

  5. Matthem McConaughey = The Texas T-Rex. Named so because of his freakishly short arms.

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    And I though We just revealed CD and her husband were taking a breaking

  7. How far along is Camilla? I'm thinking they could be the BI druggie couple expecting a baby from a few months back. Guess Claire and her hubby are patching things up.

    1. I thought that was revealed as Uma Thurman.

    2. I'd buy that. Who is her significant other?

  8. I think the baby from that blind will be born soon.

  9. Aren't they the popular guess for a couple where the woman convinced the man (who made his career being shirtless in movies) to do drugs with her? They looked pretty ragged and their pupils pinned in some magazine photos recently. If that is true, I really hope she doesn't do drugs during her pregnancy.

  10. Toothy Tile, I'm convinced.

  11. Actually, I guess not!

    Update 5/11/12 Ted has eliminated: Matthew McConaughey

  12. I used to love MM but he looks terrible lately.

  13. well they do make gorgeous children.

    Good for them.

  14. Noooo! I just saw him in Magic Mike and my eye balls are scarred for life. His greasy, greasy, slime ball of a character was played just a little too well to not represent the real T-Rex inside. And something unkind has happened to his face. I cringed every time he was on screen. Vom!

    Idiocracy is happening!

  15. I used to adore MM but now every time I see him I think about the T-Rex in "Meet the Robinsons" - "I have a big head, and little arms..."

  16. Jeez, Enty, a third child is not excessive by most people's standards. Your Duggar/football team jokes are kind of pointless.

  17. A friend in Austin says that MM has been doing a film about an AIDS patient, hence the weight loss.

  18. @sunny he looks like he has it ! But he's been knocking canny up regularly so I doubt it.

  19. If Matthew M is doing a film about an AIDs patient that would almost be good news to me. It's not like I'm a huge fan of his so if I can notice the huge difference in his face, skin and eyes, it must be stark. I started thinking he has some sort of blood disorder or worse. They could be the druggie blind too and that would be really sad if they are and she's pregnant.

    Some people's looks don't improve when they lose weight and Matthew M is one of them.

  20. matthew m looks terrible in this pic:

  21. I'm just going to ride out this skinny phase and hope that he becomes hot again. Short arms or not, I love him and all of his air headed beauty.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. That's a gorgeous story about Claire and Hugh.

    Wow, Claire Danes and Anna Paquin both pregnant. I'm old.

  24. I, too, am having a Hollywood produced baby. Much like the lady who got pregnant while watching 3D porn, I was spontaneously impregnated while watching Magic Mike. I am declining to name the father at this time, but his name rhymes with Ho and he growls like a wolf.

  25. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Well good for them!! Nothing fixes a broken marriage better than a BABY! Bahaha

  26. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Durf..., my response is to Claire Daines'sss pregnancy. Could care less about these 2 weirdos
