Monday, July 30, 2012

OJ Says Oprah Is Responsible For Him Being In Jail

Hey, did you know Oprah robbed people? Fenced for people? No, and no, but OJ Simpson is convinced that he is in jail at least partially because of Oprah. After OJ killed Ron Goldman & Nicole Simpson, Oprah would only allow people who were anti-OJ to appear on the air. If you were going to say anything nice about OJ, then she was not going to let you speak. OJ says that when he got arrested for armed robbery it was all that negative focus that Oprah had accumulated over the years that got him sentenced to 33 years in jail. Apparently Oprah wants to do an interview with OJ from jail and he turned her down. Oprah wants him to confess to the killings right there on Oprah.


  1. THANK YOU OPRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. She's trying real hard to rinse the Kardashian out if her mouth.

  3. Oprah is the reason I had to drop out of college. I don't know how but she was behind it, for sure.

    1. Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh @carebear. Great way to start The Mondays!

      I'm pretty sure that's Oprah's fault too ;)

  4. And I think she had something to do with Phelps finishing 4th in his first race over the weekend.

  5. Jennifer H - hahaha love it!

  6. Ok, all you experts, what do you call someone like OJ, who can never ever assume responsibility for their own actions - sociopath, psychopath, narcissist, what?

    It's clearly something along those lines - amazing that after society has smacked him down and called his bluff, he is still shifting blame. I guess Sandusky's got the same sickness, eh?

    1. Based on what i've learned from BD Wong on L&O: SVU, and the dictionary, Id say he's a psychopath. No empathy, doesn't learn from mistakes, etc.
      *I am NOT an expert!

    2. Frufra - check out article The Psychopath: A New Subspecies of Homo Sapien
      The article has lots of citations.

      Go Oprah!! Except for the Monday thing...........

  7. I just read an interesting book by some PI that apparently has tons of accolades and respect in his prior occupation as a detective. I think his name is William Dear. Anyhow, he has a plausible theory as to why OJ's son Jason committed the murders. With that being said, he says OJ was most likely at the scene of the crime soon after it was committed so he is complicit as an accessory. Just one point of interest is the fact that thr morning OJ was informed of Nicole's murder he immediately hired a defense atty for Jason that specialized in death penalty cases but did not hire kne for himself until the police named him a suspect. THe catch is that Jason was never a suspect and was NEVER even questioned about the crime until the civil case years later.

    There are tons of interesting facts about the case that he substantiates with official documents, medical records, etc that may not convince you OJ didn't do it, but will DEF open you up the the possibility that Jason may be involved more than Oj ever was.

    1. Thank you for bringing this up. I took a fingerprint class way back when, and the instructor was called in at one point on the case. She did mention that it was most likely OJs son who actually committed the acts. So much for confidentiality;-)

    2. I always wondered about the son. I don't remember his age at the time (20's?) but wondered if he might've been having an affair with Nicole. Funny how he's never been questioned.

    3. From what I had heard, the son may have had some developmental delays.

  8. Huh, lite, I'll have to check that out. Thanks!

  9. Yeah lite, super interesting. As for oprah, whom i cant stand, perhaps she is redeemed in my eyes, lol
    Oj so far up his own ass, he may never see daylight again!!!
    Oprah wants oj to confess on her show? Who is she now- nancy grace? Lol

  10. Granted I never got to finish my schooling for psychology (thanks O!) But I'd say OJ is a classic sociopath. He shows no remorse nor does he take any responsibilty for his actions. If his son did it or if he did it, he caused this to happen regardless.

  11. I always felt his sentencing for this was excessive. Those witnesses against him were extremely shady. I feel he should have gotten just a few years.

    Yes, I feel he killed Nicole & Ron - but we do not do retroactive or karmic sentencing in this country for other crimes we feel people got away with. That is a dangerous, very slippery slope for our justice system and I feel like this judge started the slide down it.

    I may not like or care about OJ, but I do like and care about the principles of our justice system.

  12. @frufra - I have a name for that, it is called "Lindsat Lohan"

  13. @Frufra - I believe he's a sociopath. Narcissism is a characteristic of sociopaths. Also lack of remorse.

  14. Also, being anti-OJ is the only thing on which I will ever commend Oprah.

  15. I googled that theory after you mentioned it and a guy from the village voice practically destroyed everything regarding his Jason Simpson theory. Tony Ortega wrote it if you feel like looking it up.

    Apparently the investigator took part of an alien autopsy and repackaged the while Jason Simpson thing into two different books. Interesting to consider alternative theories, but something tells me this guy is full of it.

    And I'd agree oj was over sentenced and it was more than likely a retribution for him getting off for murder. However, I'm glad he's in jail and in jail as long as he is.

    1. It was pretty good reading. However, the fact that he only used the early results of Bill Dear's investigation and first book that was never published to debate makes me a bit wary. Tony's biggest contention with Bill's finding lie in the blood evidence. In his latest book he had the blood tested and all of it that matched up with OJ contained EDTA (I think that was what it was called) which is only found in blood after it is placed into a vial and it is on record that OJ's blood left the lab with Vannater (in his pocket no less) and came up missing. His issue with timeline was one of the few moments when Bill makes it clear that OJ coming after the fact was pure speculation as opposed to everything else he tries to back up with official documents with experts in each field. As I said before, if Tony was trying to dismantle Bill's findings early on in his investigation yet does not mention any new evidence regarding the blood, buying Jason's car, gaining access to Jason's storage unit with rather unsettling papers authored by him, which are all things Bill presented 11 yrs later supporting his theory, than that makes me question whether or not Tony would be able to shoot him down again.

      IDK. Either way, the book makes for an interesting read and will def make you look at the case differently.

    2. *i meant that it was documented that some of his blood went missing after it was drawn. Not all of it. lol! I'm typing from my phone. I tend not to proofread before i send. I'm too lazy to scroll on this little screen.

    3. Tony also states that one of the investigators said Jason was a suspect at some point yet Bill presents in his book an official document by the district atty or someone in the LAPD (I can't remember) that Jason was never looked into. They just took Johnnie Cochran's press conference statement regarding Jason's whereabouts the night of the murder which proved to be wrong based on Jasons deposition years later in the civil trial. His timecard was even forged the night of the murder.

  16. I knew y'all would know.

    And Silver, I'm going to check out that Tony Ortega article.

  17. First off, Oprah is all about ratings and saving her network. This would be a huge "get" for her. And Jennifer H - in case you didn't know, or have forgotten - your theory about "washing the Kardashians out of her mouth" is wrong - their father, Robert Kardashian, was OJ's best friend.

    And I'm with Cecilia on this about the sentencing. A major part of OJ's sentence had to do with having a gun while robbing these guys - OJ never held a gun in the room. It was the other guys who had guns. Yet the judge let the other guys off on that charge. I remember at the time thinking that was so bizarre - but she was determined to put him away.

  18. Frufra and others, For what it's worth, the psychiatrists and psychologists are changing all of the personality disorder definitions for 2013, and they are being pretty open about what changes they're discussing. The APA has a website with, for instance, the revisions to personality disorders (which are going to be dimensionalized rather than being discreet, oh the jargon) -- Anyway, it's kind of interesting if you are interested in law enforcement, nursing, counseling, psych stuff in general. Here's the personality disorder stuff, all the PDs are clickable for definition and links to the current DSM-IV guidelines plus the planned DSM5 definitions:

  19. @Barton, I am definitely interested in that info. Family member was diagnosed as borderline MPD . Still can't get a handle on any of it. Thanks for the link.

  20. Thanks, Barton. I am also very interested. How can I google doctor my loved ones without the most current info??

  21. He, as well as Lohan, has an external locus of control. Everything happens to him. He never makes things happen.

    The headline kills me.

  22. The question is which one of them has the bigger ego?

  23. Oprah better watch her back...because if OJ ever escapes...he's going to do the same thing to her as he did to Nicole and Ron.

  24. Thanks Barton! Cool stuff!

    I blame the Big O for everything too! She's the reason I never took afternoon classes and brought a Suze Oreman book! That b*tch!

  25. @shaq, if true , then in this climate his son probably would be classified as mentally ill ,and therefore is not really responsible for anything.

  26. Thanks @Barton! Good info.

  27. Great link Barton!

  28. Good job Oprah! Now go deal with that VanderSloot guy.

  29. is a good resource site:)

  30. You guys are sooooooo informative. I love that I can honestly find new things to surf the net for. Thanks, guys!

  31. If OJ is truly a sociopath,I don't think he would have "taken the rap" for his son. Plus it would have made better sense for his son to take his own rap, as OJ made a whole lot of money before the fiasco.

  32. Shut up OJ. No one cares about your ass-except for those that see you in the group shower.
    Now, GTFOH.

  33. If you're on Facebook check out Fishead and Psychopaths Rule the World. They're always posting interesting articles.

  34. I don't think OJ would take the blame if his son did it either. OJ is just bored and looking to stir up peoples interest in him again. Looks like it worked.

  35. vincent bugliosi, the manson prosecutor wrote an excellent book about the OJ trial. the only reason OJ ever walked was the incompetence of the prosecution team. the blood evidence alone should have convicted him. OJ's blood at the scene, nicole's blood in his room, and a host of other evidence was plenty sufficient for conviction. they blew it, plus a jury that wouldn't have convicted him if Nicole had been brought in on a gurney and gotten up and said "he did it" did the trick. I sleep well knowing he's in jail no matter the reason.
