Thursday, July 12, 2012

No One Wants Photos Of Kourtney Kardashian's Baby

I have never been a big fan of the whole baby photo thing in tabloids. Obviously at some point in time they sold really well so tabloids would pay big bucks. No one bought the Jessica Simpson baby cover on Kneepads. They paid about $800K for the photos, but probably would have been better off claiming Jennifer Aniston was pregnant and using a stock photo they didn't have to pay for. Kourtney Kardashian wants to sell her baby photos, but no one wants them. A few of the tabloids might give her $20K just to be nice, but what they should do is just give them away for free and show the world the family is not a bunch of money hungry leeches who want to exploit their children. They won't of course because a buck is a buck and Kris is going to need her 20% to spend extra time with her ex-lover. Life & Style paid before so maybe they will step up again.


  1. Replies
    1. OT- but I've got into the habit of asking my nephew if he wants me to share his photos on facebook or to family memebers. I figure, its his picture, he should decide. He's 7 and a total ham so he always says yes.

  2. Poor Kourtney. She's like a shitty, tacky, famewhore Lady Edith.

  3. PLEASE....let this be the beginning of the end of Kardashian-itis. Let them go back to wherever they came from for the love of God!

  4. Can we start the Kardashian-Free CDAN thing again? PLEASE?!

  5. Eventually the baby will be on TV, so there's no need to buy the baby photos. There is no way they will keep Penny out of the public eye - she's got to start earning her keep.

  6. Those poor kids don't stand a chance.

  7. But sadly, if it was Kim's baby, they'd pay.

  8. You shouldn't ask people to be something they're not, Enty. Of course they are money-hungry leeches.

  9. No one's gonna wanna buy the ice cream truck when you're handing out the popsicles for free. I'm sure the magazines realize that the small amount of people who do care about her baby can just wait another week or so and E! will have a whole boatload of photos on their website for people to see without having to buy a magazine.

  10. They only offered Halle Berry between $250,000-$300,000 so she passed and said she would never sell her baby's pictures...
    Who cares about the K-Clan ?

  11. Halle will show her boobies for more money though

  12. As I said yesterday, "WHO THE HELL CARES."

  13. Really, the family are the only ones who should be interested. Kris J has said she does all this business stuff to provide for her family. They're worth millions, possibly billions. When is it enough? I think it becomes a sickness after a while, like she cant stop.

  14. Better than giving away pics for free, she should've said she'd give 100% of the proceeds to charity. Rather than money-grubbing and trying to be glamorous, they need to start giving back - even if it is just for image-sake. They'd get what they crave, and people in need could get some aid.

  15. I’ve never really liked seeing baby pics in the tabs or online. To me, all babies look the same. But I really hope that this is the turning point whereby this revolting family’s 15 minutes of fame are up. One can but dream.

  16. Cause no one cares. Everyone also thinks Scott is a tool.

  17. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I could really care less about what her baby looks like.

    She already had one and whored those pictures out. No need to whore out the other ones.

  18. The baby probably has her own spin off show coming.

  19. This gives me a tiny flicker of hope that maybe - just maybe - the Kardashian's 15 minutes are up.

  20. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Also, nobody wants them because she already had one.

    Now, if Khloe or the cunt were to have one, they would be having offers up to Kris' ego.

  21. agree with @kelgela Kourtney is the most least interesting one. She can have 10 kids and who cares and her baby daddy is a mega douche too.

  22. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Hey, Vicki, I like Lady Edith! Lay off! Can you imagine what it must be like having that bitch Lady Mary as an older sister? Oy vey!

  23. Scott is so unintentionally funny, though. Just as with Will Ferrell, something about his face makes me laugh...but for different reasons.

    Wait, I know why: it's because Will Ferrell so excels at playing Scott Disick-like characters.

  24. @timebob - and sadly, she's the only one of them that went to college. Sure, she studied theatre, but that's more than either of her sisters can claim. Then again, that was before Kim's tape made their family so famous...

  25. Most people want to see celerity babies because they are usually the spawn of two genetically blessed people: e.g. Jolie-Pitts, Suri, Nahla Aubrey. Neither Kourtney or Scott Disick (the s is silent) can be called genetically blessed.

    As someone pointed out above, the tabloids would probably shell out for Kim (and Kanye's) baby. Like her or not, Kim is a pretty woman.

  26. Not sure why anyone is interested in celebrity babypictures. I know the families can see family resemblence, etc in them, and all babies are beautiful by definition, but seriously, the 1st 6 months or so, they all look alike. The only differences are race and how much hair.

    I like Lady Edith too - if Lady Mary were my sister I'd shoot her.

  27. Hey, I like Lady Edith, too! I was just making the comparison because they're both the least popular sister. Lady Mary reminds me so fucking much of my perfect bitch sister that sometimes I have to do deep-breathing exercises.

  28. I think it's kinda funny that a Kardashian named her baby after a unit of money (Penny).

    And Kim looks like a possum to me.

  29. Call me when they spill wine in the baby's eye, like Coco T's nephew.

  30. i love seeing celeb baby pix. REAL celebs, like the jolie-pitts, garner-affleck. if i see jessica simpson i notice, but if i see the spelling kids or the kardashian's (any of them) i avoid it. pimp momma kris will probably hate this poor child forever because of her ill-timed birth (mid cruise-holmes divorce). totally blew any chance of a cover that week.

  31. I don't mean to be dense, but does he mean when he says "Kneepads magazine?"

  32. kneepads = people magazine
