Wednesday, July 18, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH super-famous young star was recently spotted making a late-night drugstore run for condoms, booze and a disposable camera? The 22-year-old actress is supposedly dating her equally famous film co-star, but he was nowhere in sight.


  1. Big deal. He could have been home lubing up.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Trashy cyrus for the win

  3. Who buys a disposable camera in 2012?

    1. My thoughts exactly. What the hell.

  4. I hope the lube is for some bum play cause no 22yr old should be that dry down there! And I googled, emma stone is 24.

  5. I would say Emma, too, but she is almost 24. is 22 in a month. Nicolas Hoult isn't as famous as her, though.

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Kristen Stewart is 22 for the win!

  7. I'm going with KStew, just because it would make sense for her people to leak something like this after Enty's July 4th reveal.

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Kristen Stewart is 22 for the win!

  9. Who takes sex pictures with film that has to be developed? I feel like that was implied, but you'd at least take them on your phone if you didn't have your digital.

  10. I thought Kristin.

  11. @anita
    Ha ha! Sounds like a typical Saturday night around my house

  12. Maybe it's a joke for someone. A random customer brought the owner of the coffeeshop I go to a box of Magnums and a Blow Pop a couple weekends ago LOL.

  13. I thought there was a blind item reveal recently that Kristen Stewart was asexual and Rob has sex with other girls and she just keeps it quiet. Something about that she's worried that his cheating would become public and she'd have to breakup with him to appear normal...Am I making that up?

    If that was a real blind reveal than I don't think Kristen would be buying that stuff.

  14. This is a blind? What next? Which superhot 25 year old up and comer was seen working out at his gym? Which 40something tv star was seen putting change in the parking meter?

    Good lord.

  15. My first thought was KStew.

    Condoms are a surprise. Supposedly she's asexual. Disposable camera is a surprise, what with iPhones and all.

    Booze, of course, is obvious. She needs to get drunk to have sex with RPatz.

  16. maybe she was being a pal and was buying them for RPatz...and his lady friend of the moment.

  17. they make disposable digital cameras for $20 at CVS. Still weird but at least it's not film. Wait, actually I think it's smart bc it's less traceable and you can't hack it

  18. Emma Watson is 22 and dating her costar from Perks of Being a Wallflower.

    I just can't see Kristen Stewart doing this! She's just seems so awkward and easily embarrassed... I feel like she'd be humiliated buying that stuff by herself.

  19. I think the NE pulled this one out of their history book. A disposable camera? For what? - and who will develop the film? Great way for the world to see your private pics when some drugstore processes them and makes a copy for..oh, I don't know...say...the National Enquirer? Are they still paying for photos? Nah, this one has to be really old.

  20. Oh wait, I think I just saw Emma has moved on from that bf. That's what I get for posting before googling!

  21. Kstew. National enquirer blinds are always obvious

  22. Kristen Stewart buying condoms? I'm sorry, but it's like trying to imagine Rosie O'Donnell or Ellen Degeneres having sex with a man, it just doesn't compute.

  23. the disposable camera reference makes me doubt this. in this day and age why go through the trouble of taking photos and having to have them professionally developed, risk of having them leaked, when you could just use your phone!?

  24. I love the disposable camera. Are they role playing the 90s?

  25. K Stew is the only one that fits. Sounds made up though.

  26. On board with the K Stew guess. Not that I can see her buying (or using, haha) condoms. Maybe the disposable camera was for a 90's themed party? Didn't Katy Perry have one last weekend? Kstew & Rpatz hang out with her and that Shannon Woodward girl (who was at the 90's party) from time to time.

  27. @katsmo0711: That explains that!

  28. maybe they wanted the thrill of taking naughty photographs without the risk of them becoming public? they could always burn the camera or something afterwards. just a guess.

  29. "Roleplaying the 90s"--ded with the laughter, here.

  30. "I love the disposable camera. Are they role playing the 90s?"

    No kidding.

    Made-up NE B.S.

  31. What about Jennifer Lawrence?

  32. Sorry, lady, when you're a celebrity the NE, as Paul Rudd said in Wanderlust 'is gonna get it up alll in your vaaaahhhjjjjjj." Try online condom shopping! :) *share my tip!*

  33. Unless this is from 2002 I call BS on this.

  34. I don't understand why the purchase of condoms or booze by a 22 y.o. needs to be a blind...

    Then again, I don't make a habit of clutching my pearls over things like adult women having sex.

  35. I immediately thought Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.

  36. That "super-famous young star" needs to hire an assistant.

  37. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Didn't you just post a BI that said Kristen was asexual?

  38. At least they are using protection. Also, you can buy disposable digital cameras now.

  39. Just because you buy stuff at the same time doesn't mean you use it at the same time.

    I do my food shopping weekly but I don't eat it all on the same day!

  40. Jennifer Lawrence comes to mind!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. You guys, it's an Aziz Ansari joke. He did a whole bit about that a while back. He/she is probably playing it out as a prank on the public.

    Search for Aziz Ansari Blank CD's on YouTube. This link might work:

  43. Holy shit Vicki Cupper so fucking hilarious I want to marry you right now and have gossip blog comment posting babies.

  44. Also Kristen Stewart needs to be in a Monk-style detective show where she's too shy and awkward to do any of the real legwork, which is actually done by her spunky personal assistant. The P.A. always solves the crime at the end but Detective Stewart usually blunders into being at the right place at the right time, so everyone thinks she solved the crime!



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