Thursday, July 12, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH comedic actor in his early 40s – who plays a gay man on an award-winning sitcom – desperately wants to have a baby with his live-in girlfriend because he’s afraid of being an old dad? The guy has even given her an ultimatum: Get pregnant this year – or get out!


  1. Eric Stonestreet?

  2. Are there really that many early 40s straight, single actors playing gay men on award-winning sitcoms? Jesus, why didn't they just say "whose initials are..." and be done with it?

  3. Ha, Vicki, I thought the same. Eric Stonestreet.

  4. Eric Stonestreet -- not that one precludes the other but I thought he was also actively cheating on his girlfriend.

  5. Obviously it's Eric Stonestreet.

    Whom I LOOOOVE!! Shoot I'll have his baby...tho hubby might not like that idea...

    If anyone knows any stories about Eric, please tell us. I want to believe he's really nice and witty. Still so sad reading what @Em Cue Em said about Kristin Chenoweth, sigh.

  6. @Fijigrrl, he's got to get a baby somehow. He needs to leave his options open.

  7. I would have said...put a ring on my finger...then we'll talk baby.

  8. Anonymous8:16 AM

    This was easy. I thought of Eric Stonestreet before I finished the paragraph.

    What did @Em Cue Em say about Kristin Chenoweth?

  9. @Kari, check out the post about her accident. It's in the comments.

  10. This is old news. Stonestreet and his girlfriend have been broken up for at least a month.

  11. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I'm with Crila. No ring, no baby.

    Stonestreet was really funny at the celebrity softball game at the All-Star festivities.

  12. Anonymous9:05 AM

    @ Em Cue Em: Thanks. :)

  13. "who the heck is Eric Stonestreet" I thought to myself, but rather than asking, for a change I got off my lazy duff and Googled.

    OH! Cameron! LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM. Plays the part so well I had no idea he wasn't really gay.

  14. Ok, so this really isn't blind LOL!

  15. For the hell of it, can we think of ANY other 40-something straight men playing gay on a hit sitcom?

    "Oscar" on The Office? No idea on actor details...girlfiend or wife, or kids or no kids.

    Who else? Drawing a blank.

  16. Does anyone one else follow Eric Stonestreet on Twitter? It makes me laugh how butch he tweets and how opposite his real persona is from Cam WHO I LOVE!!!! I think the funniest sitcom stars are the opposite of the character in real life. Or take a bratty character and she's usually a saint in real life. But who else is gay on a sitcom but straight in real life? Is this from Etnty's Archives Sean Hayes? Don't you just love when we rack our brains and then the reveal is like, the cat fighting stars were Linda Evans and Joan Collins over John James. zzzzzz

  17. On to the Kristin Chenowith story that I skipped........

  18. Don't know who these person is, but I like the idea of a man with a biological clock. Men have them too, but we rarely hear about them.

  19. to late DAD. as it is you'll be 60 when the kid graduates from high school, and old enough to be the grandpa of his classmates.

  20. I'm an anti-Twitterite, but I do "like" him on Facebook.

    katsm, Sean Hayes really is gay.

  21. SEAN HAYES IS GAY??????????

  22. Linda Evans and Joan Collins were in a catfight over John James?

  23. @Me
    There are A LOT of men having children in their 40s. The guy can afford it.

    What would be a more "ideal" age to have a child? 30? 25? There is no "perfect age" to have kids.

  24. Is she trying NOT to get pregnant? Because IF they are both trying, how is it HER fault if she doesn't get pregnant in a year?

    Unless he's really saying, I want a child and I understand you aren't on the same page yet; let's make this our goal now and if you still aren't "ready" to try in a year I may have to move on, I find this kind out ultimatum very off-putting. If she's having difficulty conceiving, and his response is "Get pregnant or get out," option 2 looks good.

  25. doesn't matter to me. it says "he’s afraid of being an old dad", and he already will be.

  26. Sorta ot... but my fave story ever was ES on Conan (I believe) and he told the story of prepping for the audition and being super nervous. And then he talked to his mom who apparently has a flair for the dramatics, and he was like thats it! So Cam is inspired by his mom... thought it was kind of cute.

  27. What an adorable phobia, lol.
