Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More Nick Offerman

I love when Nick Offerman reads Tweets of young female celebrities on Conan.

But, if you are high or wasted or thinking about smoking bath salts, watch this video instead.


  1. Are....are those pink things melting penises?

  2. My kids really enjoyed that cat video...and then I read Vicki's comment and I wonder just what I let them watch!

  3. Rebecca Black is a "celebrity"? What a sad, sad world we live in!

  4. I don't know what to say about the cat thing. Nick is brilliant, as usual.

  5. You're damn right, Conan, what the hell is he building in there? I can tell you it's not a playhouse for the children. And you wouldn't believe what Mr. stitches saw...

  6. Fuck me in the eye if Rebecca freaking Black is considered a young female celebrity worthy of being mocked on Conon. sigh.

    Also, it'd be funnier IMO if Nick just read the tweets without explanation at first. So it'd be more personalized- like they're coming from him. Saying who it is and that they tweeted something then saying it isnt that funny.

  7. I love Nick! I know he has his own website where he sells his creations, but it would be cool if at the end of the tweet-reading he'd have a table or something to show for it.

  8. ^^ I'm just here to say that @Comma Chaser's comment wins.

  9. On the drill press he's drilling what looks like rail sockets using a Forstner bit, which is somewhat advanced woodworking.

    In the first shot he's just hammering together two bits of scrap for show.

  10. What the holy hell was that?

    Oh, and Rebecca Black is a "celebrity"? I weep for humanity.

  11. could not be bothered watching that 30 second before the clip of nick offerman.

  12. After the Nick Offerman video, there are other video choices (at least for me). There is an absolutely hilarious one with Denis Leary telling a story about flying on the same plane as the Kardashians and feeling superior to them until he embarasses himself in front of them.
