Mariah Carey & Carrie Underwood Star In New Version Of Musical Chairs
I have said it before and I will say it again. I think it is a really bad idea for producers of talent shows to blow a ton of money on the judges. That is not what made American Idol or its ilk successful in the first place. All this judge hiring is simply an elongated version of stunt casting which you see every sweeps period in television. A guest star to really make you watch. Watching one episode of the slutty pumpkin is not the same though as an entire season of Mariah Carey and Carrie Underwood each getting paid $17M simply because you don't think your show is good enough to stand on its own. For that kind of money, Mariah and Carrie should perform two songs each week and the contestants should sing in the background and at the end of each episode, someone is randomly picked to go home in an elaborate game of musical chairs. The music played will be samples of Mariah & Carrie's greatest hits and Mariah and Carrie will be used to judge how nimble or quick the contestants are at getting to a chair when the music stops. Ryan will still be the announcer, but Randy will be converted to a DJ and will be known from now on as DJRJ.