Monday, July 23, 2012

Madonna Uses Guns In Performances This Weekend

Despite the fact that Madonna has been warned by authorities, she has continued to have her dancers use pistols and guns on stage during her shows this summer. No one thought she would stop or listen, but everyone thought that at least this weekend in the wake of the Colorado shootings that she would show a little class or respect and stop. Nope. During shows in Scotland this weekend she kept right at it drawing boos from fans and condemnation from Mothers Against Guns.


  1. How else will she be controversial and relevant? Grandma hasn't had a good song in literally decades.

  2. why can't she go quietly...?

  3. Classy as always, Madonna.

  4. It's all part of the Quentin Tarantino school of 'cute' violence. Not saying he originated it, but he's a chief proponent. People with gun necklaces, gun T-shirts, gun tattoos. So edgy and daring and sexy, as long as the actual violence happens to other people.

  5. mags against madge! i'll make a tshirt

  6. How creative. She's finding new ways to annoy everyone.

  7. Which of her songs could possibly call for pistols? She is so fucking lame.

  8. Can we just say she's finally irrelevant and desperate? Nipple exposing (not even flashing it was intentional0, fake crying during a song, and using guns as props...Sad and pointless singer is sad and pointless...

  9. @Nutty, agreed! I'd put her ex-husband in that category also.

  10. My sister bought tix to this mess of a concert, and she dragging me with her when she comes to Seattle. I can't tell you how much I DON'T want to go, but I have been sufficiently brow beaten by my sis my whole life that I kinda just do what she tells me now to shut her up...

    1. C'mon, you go and report back to us!!!! Be like a reporter!!

  11. Anonymous10:49 AM

    how do guns have anything to do with her or her act? In the wake of the aurora shooting don't you think she might reconsider how it may come across, or that guns might not be so sexy right now? What the hell is she thinking? That she's edgy?

  12. Oh Madonna, Uz so edgy, F to all the H8-er's!

    Seriously wtf? So insenitive, what a twit.

  13. She's such an asshole.

  14. Why can't she just stick to making movies no one sees?

    Irrelevant hag.


    I know I posted this on another Grandmadonna (LOVE IT, Jennifer H!) thread, but it seems, for lack of a better word, relevant.

  16. I am glad it had become the general consensus this women is a hag. Seriously! Right after what just happened! Get over yourself lady, your old! You have children that age that you became famous! Don't you think it's about time to clock out and just go the way of the buffalo?

  17. God, she's a pathetic dickweed.

  18. I worshipped her in the 80s and 90s.
    Her daughter must just have a constant cringe going on. She's so nasty now.

  19. Yikes. Timing is everything.

    What an insensitive dumbass.

  20. I don't get it. Guns are heavily featured in fiction, films and stage shows all the time. Why is Madonna's show outrageous? Maybe the outrage is good. Guns shouldn't be so easily accessible, as made even more evident a few days ago. So now Batman costumes are outlawed in public, but gun laws remain unchanged. Making love naked on film is rated X, but guns and violence are PG13. People are hypocrites.

    1. I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the US -- a murder every day -- so bad that it's a city regularly featured on 48 Hours for the senseless and depraved nature of the crimes. I conceal carry. You'll take my gun out of my cold fucking hands. I'm depending on me, myself and I for protection. I wish someone had been armed to take that SOB out in Aurora -- now the taxpayers of Colorado are saddled with the cost of prosecuting, sheltering, feeding, clothing, and providing health care to his sorry ass. You must live in a gated community or be rich enough to afford personal security...must be nice to be one of the elite to afford such a lofty idealistic view on the world.

  21. Maybe her hearing aid is broken and she didn't hear about the awful massacre?

  22. Oh my God. As much as she's trying to be shocking - it's not shocking at all. It's disgusting & insensitive. What a twat.

  23. @Tara17 - this was in Scotland, a country where handguns are illegal since a lunatic went on a rampage and killed 16 schoolchildren and a teacher in 1996. It is generally considered here that using handguns as an amusing accessory are in poor taste.

    She was at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, on Saturday night, and I drove past on my way to the theatre (surprise guest was John Hodgson in the show I went to), and usually if there's a big act on at the stadium the traffic is a nightmare. On Saturday? Actually quieter than usual.

  24. Im with the majority. This gun crap was in very poor taste and offensive to humanity.
    Well, no one ever accused her of being tasteful. Ot, have u ever read or heard of her doing ANYTHING for any charity? I have not. And giving her leftover bullshit kaballah water to some street urchins does NOT count.

  25. I'm for the right to bear arms.

    Especially in light of what happened in Aurora, this is not in the least entertaining, she has jumped the shark, and it should bite her in the ass!

  26. I'm with tara17. Turn on your TV right now and you will most definitley see someone get shot by a gun. If people are outraged by any depiction of guns in the media, don't pick and choose just the people you dislike while ignoring the others.

  27. Guns in the context if telling a story in movie ir show different than deliberatly choosing guns as a prop for your songs.

  28. I could care less if the twat uses guns, flashes her nasy grandma tittays, or whatever else she does on stage. Point is, it was the timing in the wake of tragedy. She has absolutely no class and seems a horrid human being with so little empathy for the "little people" who have made her what she is that it literally makes me sick.

  29. yeah, she got the headlines and attention she wanted, that's a win in her book.

  30. Nothing sets me over the edge more than turning on the television and seeing the violence on shows like CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, etc. And they're on all day long. I don't like any of those shows, I find the depict violence in an almost pornographic kind of way. But let's not see sex or nudity, that is wrong!

    I know there's a hate for Madonna and I get it but she's only 54 so we can stop with the hearing aid and other geriatric jokes.

  31. I see Tara's point, but guns on tv are different than guns at a live show. When you see a gun on tv, you know that a bullet will not make its way through your tv screen and kill you. When a gun is used at a live event, there is the actual fear that it could kill you. Not like you would expect Madonna to actually shoot people, but accidents do happen, so there is still some fear in your mind when you are in close vicinity to a gun.

  32. I see Tara's point, but guns on tv are different than guns at a live show. When you see a gun on tv, you know that a bullet will not make its way through your tv screen and kill you. When a gun is used at a live event, there is the actual fear that it could kill you. Not like you would expect Madonna to actually shoot people, but accidents do happen, so there is still some fear in your mind when you are in close vicinity to a gun.

  33. so sick of her and her botox'd face and digusting muscly arms. Her attitude stinks, she thinks she is God. I cannot stand her another second. So disrespectful

  34. I think the geriactric jokes come from the fact she is trying way to hard to be young. She seems so old because she tries so hard to be young and hip. While, to me, she seems way older than the classy likes of Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep, or Diane Keaton who are aging gracefully.

    It's kind of like if you went to a strip club and saw a 54 year old. There is an expiration date and she is long past sour.

  35. Years ago, Madonna claimed that to be a fan of hers, you would get an entire worldview. Decades passed. We're still waiting.

  36. Leave it be, Madonna. You're going to crap all over your icon status doing this pathetic schtick.

  37. OMG - ChrissyBuns, I SO FEEL YOU. I am in the same god damn situation. My older sister had her midlife crisis and while drugged up after her tummy tuck and boob job, she decided to buy million dollar Madonna tickets. So me and my sisters and a gaggle of gays are going to see this trick. While I am looking forward to getting my champagne on in a limo with some fun peeps and all, I am so FUCKING ANNOYED that I have to pay almost $400 for this ticket to see this hag and her stupid guns and bizarre muscles and fake accent. I mean, I get it. It's MADONNA. I liken it to seeing Elvis Presley or the Beatles or Sinatra. It's like a total experience. Although, I would SO MUCH RATHER actually see Elvis or the Beatles or Sinatra. Sigh. I'm just going to focus on what I'm wearing. And what I'm drinking. Bitch better not get into her totally ridiculous political statements either.

    As for the guns - I totally support artists' rights and free speech. It just seems like it's in poor taste, I suppose. And it's of course Madonna making a totally tragic situation all about Madonna. Gag.

  38. @Munch, I don't think Madonna is selling tickets like she once did. For her stop in Copenhagen they were advertising all over the place - even on bus shelters. Back in the day, her concerts sold out immediately.

    @DelRiser, just read a good article saying the scariest thing about this most recent shooter was not his gun, but his full body armor. Ie, the arms any good citizen might have been bearing would have been useless against him. Body armor is not illegal and can be found on eBay.

  39. @Munch, I didn't realise re: the social outlook of guns on stage in Edinburgh. I'm in Canada, and in my province, we still vividly remember a gun massacre from some women-hater that happened in 1989. Sill our tv shows and films continue to portray lots of gun action. @Cathy, I expect any gun used in a stage or film context to be bullet-free. Without amo, a gun is just a prop (it can be used to hit people, but so can my bedside lamp, or my pen). Of course if any loaded gun was being pointed anywhere around me, I would freak out and hit the ground/get out as fast as I could! But I still expect a stage show to be free of bullets. I'm willing to bet it's actually a strict rule.

  40. LOL @Susan...I tried to get her to go see My Morning Jacket with me, and she said 'hell to the naw', but I have to go see Madonna with her?!? Time for baby sissy to start standing up for herself! lol!

  41. $400 for Grandmadonna?!? Hells No!

    She better be throwing diamonds in the audience or letting you play with her boytoys. Something. Sheesh!

  42. Yes, guns are part of the first act of her show. This has been known since about May when photos of her rehearsals were released. The first act is labeled "Transgression" and is about violence. Hell, the second and third songs are called "Revolver" and "Gang Bang", respectively. At the end of the act there is a video interlude showing a funeral procession. There is a point to the guns in her show and she doesn't have to explain it to you or remove the guns from her show 'cause some moms don't like it. And if you don't like it, you don't have to buy tickets to her show.

    And seriously, why is Madonna's use of guns more controversial than anyone else's? She gets shit only because she is Madonna and shitting on Madonna always gets headlines and corresponding hate for her. It's fine to not like her music and imagery, but when assholes wrap up it in words like "Granny" and "hag", it just shows the Madonna hate is only about sexism, misogyny, and ageism.

  43. I think we have a fan...

  44. This is such a lame complaint and I'm not even a Madonna fan. Pretending to piss yourselves over a prop at a concert. Like, oh noess, it's a gunnnn. Gun bad. Hulk angry. Outrage!!!Eleventy!!! Wouldn't it be so much easier to just be honest with yourself and admit that tearing down celebrities and mocking them is something that gets you wet and Madonna is a high value target of opportunity?

  45. Well said, @camembert. Even if they're much older, Paul McCartney, David Bowie, and Mick Jagger aren't receiving the level of "grandpa" hate Madonna is getting (maybe they are, I'm no forum expert, but I doubt they get such hate and comments). Personally being around 40, I like the fact that Madonna is still kickin it on stage.

  46. I don't think Vadge is selling as well as she use to. It would seem her ticket sales are down compared to previous tours.

    I always thought her whole gun thing was a dig at her ex, Ritchie. They did get married in Scotland.

  47. She is so tacky, skanky, low class and nothing but a crude tasteless old whore.

  48. Not here to comment on her choice of props, just wanted to say I'm sick of GrandMA-donna.

    Her attempts at being cool are beyond desperate and boring. BOOOORRRRRRINNNGG!

  49. First time poster here, I have to disagree. I was at the (full) show on Saturday- there were no boos during this act. Madonnas tours especially focus on the theatrical side and they tell a story- within the transgression segment with songs such as Revolver and Gang Bang, which focus on violent themes, she was simply acting out a performance.
    The Dunblane shooting was tragic yet most people are able to seperate between real life, inexcusible violence and fictional.
    Secondly (sorry for the rant!) I will never understand the sheer hatred Madonna attracts because she refuses to conform to societys expectations regarding women of a certain age. Yet her contemporaries including Jagger and even Grace Jones- get away with no criticism! Its ageist, sexist and disgusting. Plus, the woman has a good 30 odd years on me yet I know if I had a body that good, it would be getting flaunted! :)

  50. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Purchased Madonna tix when they went on sale, now proud to say I sold them. She's become a joke. A bad joke.

  51. @ARobb55 So how long have you worked for GrandMadonna?

    I keed.

  52. THANK YOU Arobb55,camembert, and tara17!!!!!!!!!!

    Fuck off with that Madonnna is old and needs to sit down and be quiet shit!

    Was her use of guns after Colorado shootings tacky? Somewhat. But I think she was doing a theatrical performance that had been rehearsed and going on for months before the shootings (and likely months after). To imagine and vehemently castigate EVERYONE IN THE WORLD who deigns to use guns as a type of theatrical prop/message simply because in one town in one instance a group of people were killed (however completely and utterly tragic it may be and it was, no arguing that) is dumb. She was in an entirely different country, let alone continent and was performing a show costing millions of dollars to produce and dozens upon dozens of performers. She could not feasibly create an entirely new show if this was a main part of her act.

    So lets everybody chill out- stop the ageism and misogyny/sexism and keep our outrage for the person really responsible for it all- that crazy motherfucker with evil eyes and clown hair who shot and hurt so many people in the first place.

  53. But when MIA flipped the bird is the word, Madonna's dainty virtues were in an uproar. Oh, how easy it is to forget the arbitrary line that you have drawn when dementia has set in. I used to dig her decades ago, let go of the dream.

  54. @Jasmine, I have never liked Madonna but I do agree your with post.

    I always think of Madonna as a "performance artist".Just more "antics" than art.Don't know why people even bother to discuss her any more.

  55. @nutty_flavor, so I guess I should save up for body armor instead.

  56. @Jasmine
    How come if anyone criticizes Vadge it's "ageism or sexism" to you? Sure, some of the posts have been about Vadge's age, but a lot were about her being insensitive.

    The world is far more gray than you give it credit for being.

  57. @The. Have you considered the fact that maybe your city has a lot of senseless crimes is because your citizens are allowed to carry conceal?

    Bored criminal types walking around town hiding guns on their person, sounds like a recipe for trouble.

  58. PS if you had been in the cinema with your gun and had been prepared to take action it still would not have helped.

    He was wearing body armor.

  59. Like I said above, she's only 54. Bono is 52, Prince is 54 and Bruce Springsteen is 62. No one is calling them grandpa and making other age-related comments. Angry comments at Madonna almost always include or are about her age. Why? Comments above included her having a hearing aid or having dementia. And does being a grandmother you have to pack it all in and take up knitting and bingo?

  60. @The I wonder why you reside there? I apologize if circumstances force you to stay, such as you can't up and start walking. We may all soon be living in such a city in the future anywhere in North America, so I do understand the need to defend one's territory. Still right now, I'd prefer to make such weapons unaccessible to petulant idiots focused on causing pain because they feel unnoticed. And of course no human on earth should feel desperate and unnoticed. No one deserves that.It seems no social improvement has occured in the past 20yrs, compared to previous decades.

  61. @anita_Mark, because she's a pompous ass who acts like she's still in her "Like a Virgin" days (except now she has a British accent). If she wasn't trying so hard to act young the insults wouldn't all be "ageist". But that's just my observation.

    And if I could have young buff man candy following me around the world, I'd prob be a pompous ass too.

    On the gun issue, I agree with @Jasmine about $$$ and such.

  62. Interesting remarks from Ice T :

  63. I dunno - I think the difference between Springsteen, Jagger, et al, and Madonna is more that the gents don't seem to be trying so hard. Watching Springsteen doesn't make you wince or cringe, and you don't get that desperation vibe that madonna sometimes gives off.

  64. Can we please separate comments about her tackiness from nasty ageism? There are plenty of older performers who can kick ass on stage. Madonna is a desperate has-been, but it isn't because of her age, it's because she's trying way too hard.

  65. Listen, Madonna gets the hate and the snark not because we are ageist (I am 43 fer chrissakes) but because she's so so so try-hard. It's just... tacky and lame and frankly, I'm embarrassed for her.

    Just rock on Madonna, stop flashing yer junk and pretending your still 23. If you make good music, we'll listen but all this other crap makes you a joke and we'll call you names.

    (And perhaps saying a few kind words about the tragedy in Colorado before commencing your act that features guns, would have been nice.)

  66. Meh, I've never liked Madonna. Only thing I've ever liked was that performance of la isla Bonita that she did with Gogol Bordello years ago. And only because of Gogol, NOT her.

  67. Like a Prayer and Ray of Light are my favorite Madonna songs. I notice this thread seems mostly about ageism now, including the responses stating it's not about ageism.

  68. @Chachi, I totally disagree, please consider the clothes, hair, accessories and makeup Jagger, Elton, Springsteen, Tyler adorn themselves with. And picture the same items, even the basic tight torn jeans, scarfs, etc. on a female rocker.

  69. @tara17 Doesn't Tina Turner still rock the ultra mini's? As she should, her legs are still better than most chicklings. And I've def heard Macca referred to as a peepaw on gossip blogs before. Springsteen has never changed his image and has an ass that warrents tight jeans. Elton might not get picked on for his age, but he def gets hits for his weight and others things.

    Madonna rubs people the wrong way and they go for her weakness. It seems obvious she's desperate to stay young and relevant. But then again if she showed up rocking Khakis and a twin set, well that would be worse.

  70. Madonna has always been about the show. How could she do a live show if she didn't have the costume changes and dancing, etc? It's what she does and can still do. I wish she wouldn't do the cheap things, like flashing her nipple but whatever. She puts on a show.

    Honestly, I've never been a big fan, I hate more songs than I like of hers, I just think people hate her no matter what and that's great but the first thing most people attack is her age.

    @Tara, I've been liking everything you've been saying but I have to ask you to remove Springsteen from your above post. He wears black jeans and a black t-shirt or white shirt when he performs. No scarves (except for that bit in the 80s) or accessories. Now here's some smilies so I don't seem like a bitch :) :) :) :)

  71. About as offensive as that horrible "superstar" song in all of those Bravo promos...

  72. I just wish I could find that mish mosh someone made on youtube a few years ago (not sure what the kids call it, when they mix stuff) of the chick from Grey Garden's in her leotard dancing in her foyer (with a flag) mixed to Vadge's "Hung Up." Because, never has there ever been a comparison that is so true.

  73. HA! I found the video. And might I add, it's far better then the vadge.

  74. I'm still mad about what she said about the hydrangeas.

    I almost bought tickets to see her with my Atlanta girlfriends, but a) it was sold out and b) the tickets were, like Susan said, a million dollars.

    She has been doing eyeroll worthy things like this for years, so not a big surprise.

  75. I know I'm returning a bit late back to this party but I would just like to say that I do not try to tear down Madonna due to her age. And I don't think that her age is everybody's issue on this thread, at least from what I've read. I thought she was fantastic at the Super Bowl and if you got it, work it. Who cares if you're 19, 29 or 99? I just think much of her antics are a cry for desperation and that's what annoys me because she is MADONNA. She doesn't need all of these shenanigans to stay relevant. I'm sure the show will have its moments that are interesting. I wish I saw her back in the 90s or when Ray of Light came out because that tour looked amazing. I think I'm a cranky pants about this because it's a lot of money because my crazy ass rich sister bought like front-row seats and I'd rather be spending that money on well, anything else. But it's all in the name of sisterly bonding, so I suppose it will be worth it. (Aren't I SO the diplomatic middle sister? Ha.)

    Quite honestly, I'm not interested in any of her new tunes, and I'm hoping this show goes down in the vein of Bon Jovi in that all of the songs are from the glory days. But, I know that's a pipe dream. It's going to be all her forgettable songs that were just released.

  76. I saw her in Sydney on her Girlie Show tour. It was the first concert that offered Gold Circle tickets which were $300 and I remember a big hoo ha in the press at the time about the price. It was worth it. The catwalk was one metre away from me I could almost reach out and touch her.

    The show was like a cross between cabaret and a circus, all colour and amazing costumes, sexy dancers, it was when she was at her peak and i was mesmerized for the whole performance.

    I think its awesome that she is still performing; I wouldn't go mainly because it would never live up to the Madonna that I have already seen.

  77. @astrogirl
    Ha ha! We jokingly call the "mappa Tazzy" a hoo ha here sometimes. Go back and re-read that sentence! :)

  78. Ha ha we Aussies seem to use a lot of words in contexts that make you guys laugh.

    Like getting pissed which for us is a good thing :)

    or that we only wear thongs on our feet.

  79. @astrogirl
    I'm more laughing at myself because it's a very immature word here . Hoo ha. *fit of giggles*
    I have been to Australia a couple times and I was best friends with an Aussie for 12 years. My liver has finally forgiven me :)

  80. I have been to LA i think about 8 times Sunny, I have a few friends there who work in the film industry and I must say it wasn't my liver that used to thank me when I came home.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. @Susan: you're awesome for going to the concert and paying for your own ticket. I've known people to get the expensive seats and they said it was worth it. Granted, it was several years ago. Personally, I would of had my sister pay for it if she can afford it. I hate going to events when I'm not in the mood. It ruins my experience.

    @the rest: ahhh ageism. Her age stands out because she's desperate. I don't hear remarks so much about other female performers because they are aging gracefully and are still performing without being desperate. Anyway, I know that being fit/in shape is supposed to equate to youth and such. However, just because you can fit into a pair of hotpants or a bikini doesn't mean you should wear them.

  83. So despite comments saying its not about her age- she still gets called desperate, grandmadonna etc and jokes about hearing aids. Hilarious. I didnt realise as soon as a woman hit 50 she better get those twin sets and pearls out. Tbh this alleged controversy wont harm her at all, shes been through worse and survived it.

  84. @astrogirl
    I think from your comment I offended you. I'm so sorry - that was not my intent. I was the lushiest of the lushes in the decade I was traveling, and I just had a helluva time in Oz. That's all I was saying. Well, that and my friend was super fun and wild :)

  85. @the that dude would have shot your face off before you or anyone else realized wtf was going on.

    Sorry America, you can't spend over a hundred years steeped in gun culture then expect it all to be wiped clean the next day after a horrific crime like this.

  86. @Sunny not at all. I was being cheeky. ;)

  87. @astrogirl
    Ok phew! I read your comment pre-caffeine and I thought Shit! I may have just insulted you twice. My shout if you're ever in San Diego :) Cheeky monkey . . .

  88. Has anyone seen the photo of her doing some party recently sitting on a chair with her legs open - it is on celebitchy. The posters were hilarious. The photo is just disgusting but the comments are fabulous...
