Kristen Stewart issued a public apology yesterday which said she was sorry to Robert Pattinson, but, no where in that statement does she say anything about being sorry for destroying a marriage or having sex with a married guy with kids. Granted it takes two to tango and Rupert Sanders is no doubt doing a whole lot of groveling in his own life right now, but if you were going to go ahead and do a mea culpa about cheating on Rob, then don't you think you would probably go ahead and at least mention the fact that you were sorry about being a homewrecker. Oh, and for being a bad actress. Maybe she isn't sorry for homewrecking. If she isn't sorry for it, then she did the right thing by not apologizing because you should never say you are sorry if you are not. Kristen called it a momentary indiscretion. Uh huh. Like it only happened that one time and that one time happened to be caught on camera. Meanwhile, someone else obviously thinks that casting two awful actors in one movie might make a positive has decided to cast Kristen and Alex Pettyfer together as leads in a movie called "Cali."
One article I read claimed she was "devistated" by the affair. I think that sums up her selfishness when it is the significant others that should own that title.
ReplyDeleteI think it's all a preplanned PR move - elaborate performance art, if you will.
ReplyDeletethat picture looked so staged
DeleteNow I'm not a Stewart fan, but cut the girl some slack. You know the saying "those who live in glass houses" She is a kid, and she made a stupid mistake. We don't exist nor are we privy to the inter workings of either of these relationships. All I can think, is thank God there wasn't this kind of focus on me when I messed up royally about 600 times from the age of 20-40.
ReplyDeleteWas it wrong? yes. He biggest mistake was to take it all public. Clam up, tell everyone NYOB, and make your apology's in private to those who deserve it.
She may take a career hit on this one, those twihards are diehard fans. Elizabeth Taylor managed to overcome the Eddie Fisher scandal and it a much less forgiving time, I'm sure Kristen will survive, hopefully a much wiser person.
I understand why she wouldn't want to mention them, she's focusing on Rob...well that's if their relationship is real?
ReplyDeleteI think this is a show, but the press tour for the last twilight will awkward to say the least...and I can't wait to watch!
ReplyDeleteITA Frufra. Wasn't there a blind reveal tha Pattinson wants to go public with another woman?
ReplyDeleteI feel like this really did happen (obv cause there's pics!) Only to drum up publicity for the new twilight movie that's coming out soon. Kstew figured out everyone knows about her asexuality (to each his own, nothing wrong with it)
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that annoys me is shes automatically the homewrecker and worse then the man. Hes the one that owes his family an apology. Thats just me hating that women will forever be more to blame for affairs. But Ive never seen one Twilight movie & really dont care about these people.
ReplyDeleteI'm still firmly in the "affair was real/relationship with Rob is fake/Summit is freaking out and trying to completely extinguish this before the movie comes out" camp.
ReplyDeleteTHe only PR move has been their relationship from the beginning..but it's hard enough to be in a fake relationship for that long. One of them was bound to slip up
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletewhile kristen's behavior isn't laudable, she is not the one who cheated on a spouse and children and who broke a vow. the director did. he is 17 or so years older than kristen is, he was her boss, and he was having sex with her. she didn't break up his marriage (if it is broken now) he did.
ReplyDeleteenty, you get all high and mighty about directors having sex with actresses in the blinds and how horrible it is and now you jump on the kristen stewart blame wagon. that to me is hypocritical of you.
I also want to ask the director, why weren't you thinking about your beautiful wife and 'heavenly' children while your zipper was being pulled down? too distracted? didn't realize that some smarter than average paparazzo was taking photos?
I look at those photos and he just seems like creepy old guy hitting on young woman to me. yuck.
Has anyone found Entys blind on this? Ive been searching but havent come up with anything. Because Enty is saying this was an ongoing affair, so thats not a set up and she cant be completely asexual, right?
ReplyDeleteGrey I like you theory. I don't know what to make of this mess. But your theory makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI am really having a hard time understanding this one…
ReplyDeleteA huge part of me thinks this is all planned. The getting caught on camera, the immediate release of “gossip” on People, the immediate apology to Rob. It's weird and forced and it just doesn’t feel right. But seriously, all the people they could have had her get “caught” with, why would they choose her married director? I don’t care if the wife was in on it or not, that’s just a terrible idea all the way around.
I’m sure it won’t impact her career and I’m sure it will bring more press to the last movie, but why couldn’t she just get caught with someone who wasn’t married, yet equally as interesting, like Tom Cruise, or Liam Hemsworth!
@candicanee-I'm going to let you in on a little secret: not everything that happens in Hollywood is a blind item, and this guy/girl sure doesn't have all the inside info. Some true, some false, some taken from other sources, and some just so blatantly obvious because it was already in print froma magazine, book or interview.
ReplyDeleteThank you for explaining gossip to me. Now let me let you in on what I meant. Enty is clearly contridicting himself and Im curious to know what he said In the first blind. But thanks for the pointer, Illl take down my shrine to CDAN now.
DeleteI read somewhere that Kristen is composing a letter of apology to send directly to the director's wife. I have to agree with that, because doing it publicly could be perceived as an insincere PR move too.
ReplyDeleteHer statement included a sorry to anyone else she had hurt and I assumed that included the director's wife and kids. In these situations, I always wonder if the married man had the affair because of that specific person or was he looking to have an affair in general?
ReplyDeleteMojees -if it's pure PR, it's a long ass PR stint: 3 years. It either started or ended as a PR stunt. I'm going with ended.
ReplyDeleteBecause the twihards don't care about the Mrs. Just RPatt. And it's only the twihards that matter. Duh.
ReplyDeleteSo the blinds say they're not a real couple, that he likes boys, she likes girls, he likes other girls, she likes no one. Fine, aside from all that, she gets caught with Rupert's hand in the cookie jar.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm really wondering about is why she's gone to ridiculous lengths to keep her 3 year relationship with Rob under wraps, but she gets caught with him basically going down on her in a car in a parking lot.
It would have been incredibly tacky for her to name his wife or kids in her very public apology. You're so off on this Enty. Now tell us what the blind about this was!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you @annabella. She is 22: young and dumb. He should know better at 41.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, cheating sucks and getting caught in public - on the cover of a magazine no less - is quite the punishment. How embarrassing.
@annabella totally agree with you. It's been clear for some time now that multiple people write for this site and some of them are hard to stomach.
ReplyDeletePlanned PR stunt... seriously? I don't have that take at all from this. The guy has small children and an affair is destructive enough. Who would risk that kind of damage to his family to be in the middle of scandal?
ReplyDeletePeople never wanted Rob and Kristen to be real. If anything I think this situation has done a lot to disprove the possibility that their relationship is a PR stunt. She isn't that decent an actor.
Elizabeth Taylor this girl is not. I hope it sinks her career. The no name directors wasn't great to began with.
I think she's only sorry she got caught.
ReplyDeleteSure it takes two to tango but umm, you have NO IDEA what the director told her-hey we're having problems, we're not really together, she is leaving me, etc. Honestly, he's the one that was married and broke a vow, not Kristen. that is if her entire thing with Rob was real (which I still think it isn't) but good lord, she doesn't owe ANYONE a public apology. I'm not a KStew fan but this is so beyond absurd, I can't even deal.
ReplyDeleteShe did apologize to the family - in the right way. "...to everyone this has affected." It might have been insulting and even a further violation to specifically mention the wife and kids. I think she was forced to publicly apologize, but she doesn't owe anyone but Pattinson, the wife and kids an apology. It's really nobody's damn business what she does. It's like she's on "Jerry Springer" or something, and the audience is just booing her. And the slut shaming, judgement and hatred is unbelievable. I never got the hate for her, especially from adults. She's just a kid - my daughter's age.
ReplyDeleteThere are no homewreckers anymore ... now they're called victims
ReplyDeleteHee hee. Nice
DeleteI thought Enty was going to say she owed an apology to the Twihards, they're the ones whose lives will be ruined!
ReplyDeletePublicity stunt....now they have a reason to 'break up' right after the final Twilight.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'm not sure what Kristen would get outta this besides no more contracted relationship....
whocaresnow12- Yeah, that’s what I am thinking too. I’ve always been on the “Maybe it’s a real thing” bandwagon, so maybe they started as a real couple. But this ending just doesn’t seem natural. The way it worked out seemed totally orcastrated (I know I’ve spelled this wrong) and planned. I feel totally uncomfortable just reading “I love him, I love him.” If it’s real, keep that shit private. It gives me the squirmies just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteBut I think Grey may be on to something. The affair with the director was probably very real and now Summit is shitting themselves.
Yeah not sure why she made a public apology. It's insincere and looks like she's asking fans for forgiveness. But maybe she did it cause Rpattz has cut her out since he found out? Not taking her calls or apologies? So in desperation she goes public? I dunno. The whole thing is fishy. Like it was planned or she was set up by the wife, a rival studio or Rpattz himself
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who works in Hollywood and suggested that Rubert Sanders gets around....
ReplyDeleteI also think this whole thing is strange, and I think maybe she was forced to do a public apology.
No one is ever faithful in Hollywood!
@ruby - I'm thinking that, too. It sounded like it was aimed at him.
ReplyDelete@zorbitor - "Homewrecker". Really? She is only 22, he is 41 and if anyone is going to be on the chopping block, it should be him. I'm really tired of people throwing stones at the woman in cases like this. He was certainly old enough to know better. She really isn't. Not at 22. Not when someone in a position of power either comes on to you or responds to your crush.
I still don't see why Enty hates Stewart so much. She's certainly very, very far from being a "bad actress" as he charges. In fact, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of twenty-something actors/actresses in Hollywood enjoying successful (thus far) careers who are far less talented than she is.
ReplyDeleteSecond, what about the stories appearing on this site (and others) about Pattinson's screwing other "Twilight" series starlets every chance he gets? That list supposedly includes Ashley Greene, whom he supposedly boinked in a Paris hotel room right next to Stewart's, so that she couldn't avoid the noise the two lovers were making. So, it's fine for him to screw around on her, but if she has a fling she's suddenly some kind of 21st century "Scarlet Woman"? I don't buy that. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Third, why would she apologize to Sanders, let alone his wife? Stewart made no vows to that woman, Sanders did, and if cheating occurred, that's on him, not on Stewart. Rupert Sanders is a grown man, older and therefore supposedly more mature than Stewart. He was the one who was married, not her, so the idea of her being responsible for his infidelity doesn't hold up.
Finally, and again, why is it that Enty, who usually claims to hate sites and people who go after celebrities simply because they exist and have had some success, have such a pathological hatred of Stewart? Did he make a pass at her at some point and get refused? Was he hoping for some professional legal business from her that she took elsewhere? Or is it that he can't stand the idea of a successful young woman who stands on her own two feet, lives her life her own way, and who usually doesn't give a particular damn what other people think about her?
What the director did is reprehensible, appalling, beyond selfish and disgusting. He should be getting the vast majority of the anger aimed at Kristen.
ReplyDeleteWhat Kristen did was stupid and incredibly selfish and wrong.
pretty sure he just alluded to her doing the same thing with the director of Cali
ReplyDeleteYes, totally disappointed in Kstew.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't more people outraged at him, you know, the husband and father who fucked around?
I would never blame KStew for the entire affair, this guy is obviously a douche, but I don’t like the “Shes 22, everyone makes mistakes at 22, she didn’t know any better.” I was 22 once, and I absolutely did tons of dumb shit, but I knew better then to mess with a married man. Even if he was totally blowing smoke up her ass about how horrible his relationship was yada yada yada. He should have been off limits, she should have known better.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit....she's just sorry she got caught...because well she's sooooo special.
ReplyDeleteJust came on to say what Mojees said. Precisely.
ReplyDeleteThis girl is not asexual. Sorry Enty don't buy that.
ReplyDeleteI'm perplexed as to how all this went down too.
None of it makes any sense. I just read her interview in elle magazine and she said she rented cars because she can't go anywhere in her mini cooper without being followed, yet she makes out with this guy in it. Also the apology is very awkward.
Who knows. And why do I care? Lol
She doesn't owe his wife an apology.
ReplyDeleteThe cheating husband owes his beautiful wife an apology.
The "opportunity" presented herself and the cheater stepped over the line.
Her apology is FAKE! It was given to calm down the weird obsessed fans.
ITA @Hannah. Why is it always the "evil" woman's fault when the woman steps out? If it wasn't with her it would have been with someone else.
DeleteOoops meant - when the MAN steps out.
DeleteSheesh must get coffee!
If I'm a single man or woman, I'm not going to flirt with a married man.
DeleteI would say the opposite if she was married and he was single.
I agree. I think it was a dumb move on her part (if real). Marrieds should be off limits. But if he was inclined to step out on his wife and family, he was going to find a willing partner somewhere. She was dumb to go there. Although, I've never had a high opinion of her so this is not really a surprise.
DeleteShe has no reason to apologize to the wife and children. HE was the one that was supposed to be committed to his family. He is in the wrong! Just as much as she is with Rob...
ReplyDeleteIt takes two to tangle yes, but for some reason this poor girl is getting the short end of the stick! This is a much older married man with a little power! I am pretty sure the wife would not want any communication with KS, as I am sure she is probably in a rage when she thinks about her!! Her husband is a first class asshole!!! He is married, therefore, he needs to be faithful and not take advantage of young girls!!!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agree with MOJEES. Sorry, a mistake is forgetting to lock your door at night or forgetting to buy milk at the grocery store, a mistake is not cheating, and especially not cheating with a married man! In my opinion, I think this douche should be blamed too because he seems like a skeeze. But, she is the famous one and should have known better, so that is why she is getting the most hate. And I miss Ted too RSTEW, last night he tweeted some cryptic message about how everything we were reading about #Robsten was "arranged"
ReplyDelete...the cheating photos all look staged, the apology is very bizarre, Calling BS on this whole thing. I think it's all a huge publicity stunt to cover up someone's sexuality...!
ReplyDelete@Robert - why should she apologize to the wife? - because the wife is extremely hurt by Kristen's actions (and yes, her husband's) and as a human being she should feel badly about her part in that hurt, even if she doesn't know her well. It's like saying, it's ok to steal if I don't know the person. We should try to go through life doing the least amount harm we can and feeling badly for the harm we do participate in....that is, if we want to be a decent human being, imo
ReplyDeleteShe DID apologize to everyone hurt-she doesn't need to do so publicly. And the point about her being 22 is-well, we all make mistakes when we're 22. Thank God we're not having a million ppl we don't know commenting about it on the internet! It's like no one in the whole world ever screwed up! Plus, the inner workings of other people's lives and relationships (yes, yes, we're on a gossip website, so kind of a moot point) is something that MOST people will never know unless they're in it. Damn, I can'at believe this whole thing has me defending KStew. I actually seem to like her now-but agree with the oddness. This is a girl who has gone to EXTREME lengths to hide her private life and has a known disdain for the paps. It's weird.
ReplyDeleteWHoever said it above is correct..There is NO way that this is a PR stunt because it completely damaged the wife and kids. Lainey screengrabbed a few things from the wife's twitter before they were all taken down.
ReplyDeleteI dont think you go to that level to possibly embarrass or destroy a family for PR sake.
I always believe that the simplest answer is the most obvious.
Why has Kstew & RobPat been so secretive about their relationship for 3 years? Because they dont have one. Why are they rarely photographed? Because they aren't in a relationship. They are friends. The relationship is just easily exaggerated by the tabloids.
It's all concocted for the insane Twihard fans to dream about their fairy tale romance. They were always going to "break up" after the last movie, after Summit has raked in all the money they could.
Problem is, you fake a relationship for the tabloids for 3 years and you're bound to get caught.
Kstew screwed up, got caught, and Summit is freaking out and doing massive damage control before the movie comes out because they are only concerned about $$$
I find the theory that their relationship is fake than the fact that this cheating scandal is a PR stunt.
Why possibly alienate Twihard fans?
Why make fans possiby turn against Kristen?
Why involve an innocent wife and kids?
If they were gonna fake a scandal it would have been with an unmarried man...not with this guy.
They are both equally guilty and they both owe the wife an apology and possibly a large cash settlement for her pain and suffering. I don't believe in blaming the other woman for everything in these cases, but to say that she just made a stupid mistake because she is young is a bit naive. She's old enough to know the difference. Don't sleep with married men. If you do, you are a bad person. And if you are a married man, don't put your dick in other people. If you do, you are a bad person. They probably deserve each other.
ReplyDeleteHaving said all that, I kind of feel like this is all so sudden and quick, it really feels like it's a fake story. I'm hoping it will be the cause of the disappearance of K-Stew out of the spotlight.
I was only 22 a few short years ago, but even as young as I was, I knew that sleeping with a married man was wrong. She isn't some young innocent newbie actress who doesn't know how shit goes down. She fudged up and got caught, now she wants to save face. She and the director are at fault. They BOTH should have known better.
ReplyDeleteed: I find the theory that their relationship is fake FAR MORE likely than the fact that this cheating scandal is a PR stunt.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the typos, typing on an iphone is difficult :-p
THANK YOU for calling her out as a bad actress. She stinks. And I have NEVER understood the appeal of this smug little girl who tromps around with a sullen look on her face as though she is soooo sick of being famous. Tired. Of. Her.
ReplyDeleteWhen a married person sleeps with someone not his/her spouse, they are the ones breaking a wedding vow. I doubt very much she raped him & left him no choice.
ReplyDeleteEven Enty is sexist. If a woman is with a married man, shes a home wrecker. If a man is with a married woman, shes a home wrecker. Somehow its always the womans fault. Apparently men cant control their urges.
ReplyDeleteThere is an AMA on Reddit by a female PI. She is hired by women who suspect their men of cheating. She was threatened, called a man trapper and told she should be raped and killed for destroying families.
Her male co worker did an AMA and got a mailbox full of congratulations for the awesome job he is doing.
How is it possible that she did all that work to keep her "fake" relationship a secret (one that could only help her career) -- leaving in separate cars, denying everything, etc -- and then does literally nothing to hide a "relationship" that can only hurt her career and everyone involved? They were together in her very recognizable car, and the second the rumors came out she admitted to them. It just seems fishy.
ReplyDelete@cc423- I was just going to post an almost identical comment to yours! She really is a sullen little b1tch who can’t act to save her life. I hate these franchises, huge pay for shitty acting. Stewart was on Graham Norton’s show a couple of months ago and she couldn’t be bothered to comb her hair before going on TV. Too much money and no humility at all, but that’s showbiz!
ReplyDeleteI much prefer world cinema, the acting’s much better and I feel much more invested in the characters.
I saw that episode billybob. She was such an ungrateful little brat! Graham tries really hard to make it fun and she just kept rolling her eyes. What a waste!
DeleteWhile I don't argue this was perhaps a complete set up by someone who knew what was happening, if KStew's PR team drummed this up, they need to reevaulate their career choices as no one in their right mind would pick a married w/kids man.
ReplyDeleteI always thought she was bi/lesbian, to be honest. And, yes I absolutely fault him more than her, but she is 22 and has presumably learned right from wrong by now.
However, b/c this is a gossip site, I shall have a bit of fun with this one via conspiracy theories:
1. Total set up, Rob's free, KStew puts asexual/lesbian rumors to rest, people know who Liberty Ross is now b/c despite her website's best efforts (http://www.libertyross.com/EN/) it didn't take before, Rupert can now be associated with other big budget movie asshole directors
2. It's the Scientologist!!! TomKat is yesterday's news and the media has stopped attacking that cult to appease the almost as scary Twihard cult. Maybe Rupert and Stew wandered into Travolta's secret spot and the photog was really one of Xenu's spies.
I co-sign with Maja. Yes, Rupert is a prick and disgusting and he cheated on his wife. But KStew knew what she was doing. She's 22, not 12.
ReplyDeleteWe've been reading forever about stars who have sex for parts and directors who prey on actors/actresses for sex. Did you really think they were all single when this happened? When it comes to sex in this town, morality doesn't play a part, it's more of a commodity. That's his choice. That's her choice. They just happened to get caught. It only sucks for the wives/husbands who aren't in on the "deal". They learn to live it with like the rest or they leave. Most stay for the lifestyle though.
ReplyDeleteI can remember doing STUPID SHIT at 22.
ReplyDeleteShe bonked him
She didn't kill anyone
I don't think people are slut shaming at all. Nobody thinks this guy's actions are remotely okay. The issue is.... who knew his name 3 days ago? I sure didn't. That's why nobody's addressing him.
ReplyDeleteShe's a total hypocrite for being so stand offish with the media about her personal life and then find herself in one of the biggest cheating scandals in a long time. Guess what Kristen? We don't give a rats ass about your personal life. Who would want to relate to someone who makes such morally questionable decisions.
Women who sleep with married men should be shamed because its freckin' wrong. It doesn't take the blame off the man.It's all right to say you know what...that was a slut move you just made because it was.
I dont care how old you are or if you are male or female. Right is right and wrong is wrong. A 22-year-old womand AND a 41-year-old man should know that sleeping with a married person is wrong. If you do it, it's your choice. Don't blame your age or your relationship with your spouse. I don't get people saying young people make stupid mistakes and using that as an excuse for inexcusable behavior.
ReplyDeleteWhen does that become irrelevant? Cheating on a college exam? (Don't expel me, I'm young and stupid.) Not filing a tax return? (Don't fine me, I'm young and made a mistake!) Sleeping with your sister's boyfriend? (Don't hate me, I'm young! It was a mistake!) Robbing a liquor store? (Don't arrest me, I'm young! I don't know better!) At what point is the offense egregious enough that people don't use that excuse?
People, take responsibility for your own actions! That's one thing I'm trying to impress upon my kids. And yes, it's tough, but it's also important! And, frankly, it's super-cute when a 6-year-old says "Mommy, I'm taking responsibility for my actions. I pushed my brother." Even when you know they're just trying to come clean before their brother tells on them.
So many of these posts are assuming that KStew knew he was married. If a guy wants to do you, he isn't going to be honest about his marital status, folks. He will say that he is single, or that his relationship is on the rocks and they are separated. Unless his wife shows up on the set, you have nothing to go by but the guy's word. A 22 year old will probably assume he's telling the truth, especially if it helps her get cast or get more screen time.
ReplyDeleteMost women don't actively say "I'm going to bang married guys". They do it because the guy is telling her a bag of lies to get her to sleep with him. And yes, roles can be reversed here too.
Put the blame in the right place. Her blame is cheating on her BF (if he really was that). His blame is cheating on his wife and kids.
his wife was on set she played her mom in the movie : /
DeleteThis apology was for the twitards, plain and simple. Also she's not a freaking kid! She's a 22 year old grown woman, she knows what's right and wrong. The director is more at fault cause his loyalty is to his wife but Kristen knew he was married, and she chose to still be with him. Let's not make excuses here or try to lessen her blame.
ReplyDelete@Seachica - the director's wife played KStew's mother in that Snow White movie. So yeah, I think she knew he was married.
ReplyDeleteI was a pretty responsible 22-year-old and nowhere near as worldly as Kristen is so I don't give her an age pass AT ALL.
Also, I certainly don't give the douche director a pass just because I think Kristen did something wrong. Why do people here have to think that blaming her is saying what he did is ok or that the majority of the responsibility doesn't lie with him? The two thoughts don't have to be exclusive of each other.
I don't get the hate for Kristen at all. I am not a Twilight fan (though I've seen the movies) and I think she was good in The Runaways (great, actually) and the Krakauer/Chris McCandliss one (where he goes to Alaska, can't remember name.)
ReplyDeleteGive the kid a break. She was a child actor; she could be doing a whole lot worse right now. Why get so worked up about a kid who, though sullen, seems to stay out of trouble and not seek the limelight? Save your venom for the married man.
first off- what wife would agree to being humilaited for a s tupid fucking movie press? NONE.
ReplyDeleteSecond "she's young and dumb!" get fucking real, at 22 I knew that fucking married dudes was WRONG, stop making excuses for her.
Third and last, she is a homewrecking whore who is only guilty and sorry because she got caught. If there were no photos this shit would have carried on forever. I love him! what bullshit, did you love him well old dude was chowing down on you in the back of a mini cooper?
Geez louise. I need to check out of this thread-the point that people were making is that the vitriol directed at Kristen Stewart seems disproportionate to the indiscretion. She has to pay for this on a very public stage-I think that what I've been reading has been a lot of projecting on our parts.
ReplyDeletewow, jax. I usually agree with you, but no way can I call KStew a "homewrecking whore". HE wrecked his home, not her. She didn't force him into cheating on his wife. And KStew has slept with one person that we know of - hardly a whore.
ReplyDeleteNot sure why there is so much KStew hate on here today. She slept with her director. We don't know the full story. Maybe the director has an open relationship. Maybe his wife likes to watch. Those are all very real possibilities in LaLaLand.
Yeah, at 22 I knew that sleeping with married dudes was wrong. BUT I probably did it anyway. I did lots of stuff at 22 that I knew was wrong but I was driven by hormones to do anyway. I bet you did too. Smoke pot? We all know that's illegal, but lots of us do it. Get drunk and drive home? VERY wrong but many of us have foolishly done it at 22. So stop being so nasty about KStew sleeping with a married guy and breaking up the family (which, BTW, do we have any sign that it actually *has* broken up his family?). HE cheated on his family, NOT her.
@rtsew...I miss Ted too! I miss the Bitch Backs and the Friday Blind Vices. He tended to get chastised over here but I was personally a fan.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I DID NOT DARE venture into his comment boards. Those peeps were lunatics!
ReplyDeleteThis is HollyWeird though. Perhaps they have an open marriage. It wouldn't be the first couple in the entertainment industry to do so. Even so, all parties are expected to be discrete (unless you are Tilda S.).
ReplyDeleteThere was no discretion here and I can't wrap my head around that. Makes me think PR set up, but who knows.
Ugh, but I really think she is an overrated actress. Adventureland was just on TV - she is the same character over and over again.
Whatever. She's not the one who is married with kids.
ReplyDeleteI'm the first to admit that I screwed up at 22, A LOT. I did TONS of stupid shit, but it typically would only affect me. I don’t think *most* people are attacking her; I think most people are just saying you can’t use "She's only 22" as an excuse. I’m pretty confident everyone on here would agree that the director is a total douche bag, that’s why he’s not really being discussed. And as far as the open marriage thing, I’d assume it’s not an open marriage or else the director would probably not have issued and apology. But then again, what the hell do I know? I’m just somebody commenting on a gossip blog.
ReplyDeleteEnty, so where is your blind that you were referring to regarding this?
ReplyDeleteHas anybody located it?
Well, I really don't care too much about the scandal. What I do care about is there are a lot of kids that had delusional stars in their eyes about this "relationship". Normally I find that kind of thing cute, but the Twihard phenomena has gotten way out of hand. It is sad but some of those crazies needed to be brought back to reality.
ReplyDeleteThat blind wasn't that long ago...wonder if it got deleted.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way in hell this was planned or a publicity stunt for the new Twilight. Rob and Kristen's relationship? Sure, I believe that that's been BS all along. But having the STAR of your movie get caught having an affair with a married man?? That is a PR nightmare, not a stunt they orchestrated themselves. You don't want your star to look THAT bad, no matter how much publicity it may garner. I just can't believe that. But what do I know...
ReplyDeleteAccording to Lainey, Us Weekly notified Kristen's people before they released the photos (which happens often), so that's why they immediately released a statement. They had a day to think about it.
No, it didn't get deleted, it just can't be found:)
ReplyDeletefyi Ted tweeted that this whole scandal is 100% pre-planned and scripted. Not sure how the director's wife and kids fit into it...
ReplyDeleteYou never know what could have happened. The director could have tried to have sex with Kristen, they got photgraphed and it snowballed into this. Because you know that Hwood directors always try to have sex with the star of the show.
ReplyDeleteThen, summit found out, and its now a PR move for the movie, and it gets a chance for Rob and Kristen to break up and Rob to go public with the person he's been seeing on the side.
We all know Kristen doesn't really like the spotlight, so this hit to her career is probably what she wants/need for her to go back into obscurity.
It could also be that the director and his wife were already heading for divorce.
ReplyDeleteHaha. In a sane world, the headline would be the married family man cheating on his model/actress wife.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Kristen's apology the first confirmation of a romantic relationship with Robert that she's ever given?
There's something else here. It's in the vein of PR but there's something else there.
ReplyDeleteI rarely comment here so hello. :)
I'm commenting also because it's bugging me a bit. It just seems like a manipulation of some sort.
One that I don't really care about but some do. I'm suffering second hand embarrassment at some of my friend's comments regarding this.
I hope his wife gets everything.
ReplyDeleteFaux romance, faux affair. This is so steeped in PR only a 13 year old idiot in bumfuck middle America would believe any of this shit to be true.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the message?
KS: Cast me in more mainstream leads, I'm feminine, I have sex, I fuck guys. Maybe I will fuck for parts. (yeah, right but hey keep that dream alive if that's what you dream about)
RS: Hire me, I'm a household name now, I fucked Kristen Stewart, you know, the one you all thought was a lesbian. Did I mention that I married a model?!
RP: Oh thank god, now I can openly date and fuck the chicks that I've already been dating and fucking. Fuck Twilight and Bella, I'm so over that shit!
Nailed it...
DeleteI am with Robert on this one.
ReplyDeleteshe's so unemotional and "nothing". i can't believe she would have the passion to carry to an affair. not believable. have to go with PR move.
ReplyDeleteYoung, as in inexperienced....
ReplyDeleteI love how Enty seems all outraged about this.
ReplyDeleteThree weeks ago you were posting the Kristen Stewart was asexual.
Now you're slagging her for being too sexual.
One of these two articles is therefore a lie.
@ CandiCanee @whocaresnow12
ReplyDeleteI think you are both saying the same thing. 'Whocares'.. is being sarcastic about Enty (at least, that's the way I read it).
I gave up looking. People swear they remember it. The black background doesn't help much when you are reading old BI's!
I looked at the pics posted on Dlisted. When do we start discussing the semantics of this whole mess?
ReplyDelete1) You only mess around in cars when you're too poor to pay for a hotel room. Nobody knows who he is, so he gets the room and she shows up at his door half hour later.
2) Everyone knows the front seats are reserved for making out and a little bit of fondling. Who the hell goes downtown when you have a console, gearshift and bucket seats to deal with, That’s what the BACKSEAT IS FOR!!!
Finally, I find it highly suspicious that the Awful Truth ends just before this comes out, just saying.
TUESDAY, MAY 08, 2012
ReplyDeleteToday's Blind Items -
This is the asexual blind w/Rob cheating . Nothing about her and the director in the blind.
Can't find anything about the "earlier" post that Enty referred to
This is all too PR-ish. I suppose it drums up drama for the fading popularity of the Twilight saga. It definitely got people's attention. And it draws curiosity for the sequel to the Snow White&Huntsman movie.
ReplyDeleteI get the fact that it may not hurt and and might help their careers...Kristen gets more adult roles and Rob gets the female groupies drumming up business for his movies. But who in their right mind would want to be seen as a cheater/ and the cheated on? Sure it will eventually be forgotten, but its a bitter taste right now.
I do need to point out how all of the pictures can NOT be telling the story they are supposed to portray. I saw the picture posted [here] was taken from a video clip and Charlize Theron was actually sitting between them at this cast dinner and Kristen was looking at her.You can see the top of her head above Rupert's. I just can't reconcile that damn strange as hell apology. Thats more bizarre than anything.
she doesn't need to apologize to his wife and kids. she is only responsible for her relationships. Not his, the guy made the choice to have sex with her.
ReplyDeleteIt's massive BS.
ReplyDeleteWhat utter nonsense. She owes nothing to the directors wife. It is not her place to keep the marriage vows but HIS. The only person who needs to grovel to the wife is the husband. This home wrecker moniker only seems to apply to women and it allows a misogynistic society to absolve men of any blame when they stray.