Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kristen Stewart Affair Went On For Months

Kristen Stewart has been trying to spin this whole affair story as one that was just a one time thing and there was never sex and it was harmless. Not so says Rupert Sanders' brother-in-law who says the affair lasted for months. In my blind item, which I need to dig out, Kristen had sex with Rupert before even getting the part. Of course it went on during the shooting and then it took a break and started up again when they went on the press tour which is when they got busted. The brother-in-law said it continued on through the post production period, but I don't know about that. They might have hooked up during that period, but she was busy on other things and it would have been infrequent hookups.


  1. We need to see that Blind Enty!

  2. She may have royally f-ed up a lot of future opportunities. Or she'll be a future Jolie type haha

  3. Wasn't around when this whole thing broke last week, so I'm still confused as to why she needed to make that statement. Is this just PR for the last movie?

    Whatever the case, I'm sure both Rob and Kristen are relieved that this is over. I've never bought them as a couple.

  4. Yeah I could see her as a Jolie type bc she has all that sex appeal.... lol

  5. So we need to find out when the movie was filmed and then search this site for blinds before that time frame. I'm on my blackberry and it crashes when I open more than 1 window. C'mon detectives..detect!

  6. The movie was filmed September 2011-December 2011.

    I can't wait to see what the crazy twitards do to her for hurting their imaginary boyfriend.

  7. I know cheating is bad blah blah blah, but this makes me like her more. She's more relatable now. She's dumb and in her 20's. I know I did some hilariously awful things in my 20's.

  8. I feel like Ashley, Kellan and Nikki are having a party right now singing "ding dong the witch is dead"

    The way Kristen goes on about what a burden fame is I think she was acting on some self sabotage behavior and is now regretting it.

    November is now going to be a lot of fun. I hope the crazy cat lady fans shun her hard. She hurt your boyfriend ladies! kill her!!! muuahahaha

  9. Enty seems to know ALLOT about KStew's sex life or as I thought lack of it.

  10. although i don't agree with cheating at all, i feel like for kristen this is blown into something so huge. i thought everyone in agreement that her and robs relationship was a fake pr thing? and rupert was the married with children one. everyone is stoning her while they should be casting blame at the older, married, father who took it into his own hands to ruin his life.

  11. oh Rupert will pay, Snow White was his first big feature. He just fucked up his reputation and good luck in keeping Snow White 2.

    With Kristen it is so much easier becuase she acted so put upon being uber famous for one role and creating a faux relationship to keep the fame going and getting everyone to buy more more more.

    I think it is all wonderful.

  12. What's the deal...did the blind in question get deleted?

  13. If you are gonna cheat (which I don't condone) at least cheat up and not down. But then again, guys just see a willing hole and jump on in. Very few times have I seen guys who have cheated with girls who are hotter than their SO.

  14. I think it's the blind that was about an actress who got a big part because of sleeping with the director. Some people guessed Amanda Siegfried but the timing was a bit off.

    Remember Kristin had that b/f Antonio when shooting began for TW.

    But this conflicts with the reveal that she is asexual. Enty should address that.

    1. Yep. All those BI's were fake then. Just llike kstew/rparz relationship. Smh

  15. @Timebob - Snow White 2? Does she come back as the Terminator or something?

  16. I don't think Rupert's reputation will suffer at all. There are many in Hollywood who do this sort of thing on the regular and don't suffer for it. Think of all the pedo's that florish in Hollywood. How do they get away with that? No, Rupert will be just fine careerwise. His marriage will be another story.

    Meanwhile, I can't help but laugh at all the news reports and especially the Entertainment shows going on about how heartbroken Rob is - the jig is up, we all know (well, most of us) that this relationship was a sham for PR, nothing more.

  17. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Starlet-Director affair, tale as old as cinema.

  18. I think if you are an average looking or even not-so-good looking guy, but want to sleep with some of the most beautiful and/or famous starlets in Hollywood, become a director! (Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Brent Rattner, etc, etc, etc). I think because of how some of us were raised, we women tend to get turned on when a guy takes charge and tells them what to do.

    I'm sort of getting tired of this story already. I don't know if Pattinson and Stewart were a real couple or not at this point. I'm thinking most of the crap coming out about stars is BS, anyway.

  19. Bah! Sucky grammar.

  20. ITA msgirl, guess she isn't a lesbian afterall?!?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I am surprised this is still a story and the reputation of KS is taking the heat and not the older married man! He should get more blame in my opinion. As for Rob, who knows?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Oh yea...and she should have known better to see a married man and he seems like a perv, I know she is over 18 but come on really?

    I'm getting the vibe that this is all normal in Hollywood and that it is not a big thing with the wives and husbands who cheat!

    Maybe that is why the entertainment shows are all over it...just for "us normal people", who do think it is wrong.

  25. I still can't believe she had an affair with a man.

  26. So KS was familiar with Rupert befor getting the part? Or she had sex for the part?

  27. Why is this such a huge story? Actress sleeps with director is a tale as old as time. And it's not as if KS has a goody goody image to uphold ala Meg Ryan. Also, who hasn't done stupid shit when you are 20? Or even older for that matter.

    This is probably the best thing that could happen for his wife though. Now everyone knows who the hell she is, so she will probably get more roles now.

  28. I really don't care about any of it.

  29. In every photo of her with director guy, she looks way more into him than she ever did with Sparkles.

  30. Anonymous12:18 PM

    If enty is saying that she slept with him before the movie and that the cheating went on for a while, then does that not cancel out all the stuff he previously said about her being asexual? Something is off about this story. enty's blind about her being asexual is from what, May... But yet he wants us to believe she's been having an affair with this guy for some time. Ok, Enty. You need to explain yourself because you want us to believe one thing now but you are writing blind items saying the opposite

  31. Guys....I understood that blind to mean that Kristen and Rob's relationship was asexual, not that she was completely asexual. She felt secure in the relationship but didn't have to have sex with him.

  32. 1). The affair was not one time thing, the way they'd like to spin it. There are pictures, for godssakes!!!!
    2) why on earth wld they release PUBLIC statements about a private matter and
    3)statements that extoll the cheated partner as their raison d'etre. Clearly not. And
    4) stfu already and mend your fences in PRIVATE!!!!!!!

  33. Yes Brenda, I agree. Their relationship was asexual and Kristin liked it because they are friends and she felt safe with him (heck I would too).

    Enty's blinds are only as good as the sources he gets them from. If they contradict from time to time, it's because he's getting info from different places. I can understand the conflicting info about KStew from Lesbian to Bisexual to Asexual to Casting Couch affair. Consider the person in question and her time in the public spotlight. In hollyweird, this seems plausible.

  34. Asexual doesn't mean can't or won't have sex, it's a lack of interest in sex. If you're an actor and want to get a big part, I can imagine one could "just deal with it" and "act" the sexy part. Asexual also doesn't preclude love or affection, which Ms. Stewart could felt for both Rob Pattinson and that director fellow. Human nature is complex and multidimensional, in which case Enty's blinds can all be accurate. I also agree, BTW, that the timing seems to indicate self-destructiveness on Ms. Stewart's part.

  35. Cheating is inexcusable at any age. I can' t give her a pass just because she is in her 20s.

  36. hmmm i'm doubtful that enty really has a blind about this

  37. Long time reader and comment lurker. I just went through the blinds from December 1, 2010- October 1,2011 and the only one that I saw that came even a little close to describing the situation was this one:

    However, it is from August 2011 when filming was about to begin in London.

    Kristen was rumored to have been offered the role in March of 2011, but I think it wasn't confirmed until sometime in April maybe?

    Also, I don't think anyone would describe Kristen as talking endlessly about Rob, unless it is supposed to mean in private?

    Also, I'm not sure that enty describes Kristen as always A list?

  38. @Patty, she didn't cheat. Her relationship was a PR stunt. Her director cheated. He should get all of the heat.

  39. Nobody can find the blind about KS and the dunce head having an affair prior to July 2012.

  40. Why are we talking about this again? Didnt Courtney Stodden stick her ass out and pout her lips or something?

  41. I can't believe I'm saying this on a gossip site, but who cares? Why is this news?

  42. Found a blind that could be them if u use your imagination a lot xD
    Clueless would be the director's wife, but that also means she has been plotting to reveal the affair since september last year, which I doubt. And the other woman is a co-star of the cheater, but the director isn't in SWATH himself. Ah well, that's the only thing I could find. I scanned through all the blinds, and I can 100% sure say that there is no blind on KStew on this website, fitting the timeline -.-

    Today's Blind Items - Clueless
    Clueless might want to get a clue. It turns out that her husband must have decided he enjoyed the attention of other females because now he has found company in the arms of his most recent co-star. He is not very shy about displaying his affections for the co-star either. I think Clueless just lives in a world of her own where she could not imagine he would cheat.

    Beginning of October:
    #4 - Remember Clueless? Turns out she is getting a clue and also it turns out her significant other may not have been immune to the charms of the other actress.

  43. Or this one:

    TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011
    Today's Blind Items
    This out B list television and movie actress just cannot resist cheating on her significant other. At this point, she does not even care who it is, or if she gets caught. She is confident her significant other will not leave her. She is kind of turning into the female version of Jeremy Piven.

    Goes hand in hand with the claim that KStew is sure Rpatz will take her back. But only problem is Kstew only did 2/3 tv-appearances, so wouldn't call her a tv-actress.

  44. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I'm not trying to start anything but over the last few years the blinds on this site have made most of us believe kristen is a-sexual. at any point enty could have informed us otherwise but he led us along in believing that, but now all of this has come out we are being led to think the total opposite. does this not lead anybody else to question the legitimacy of some of these blinds and maybe even enty himself? don't get me wrong i'm a big fan of the site and believe quite a lot of what gets revealed/said here but kristen being a-sexual was one of the few things everyone agreed on here.

  45. I went through the old blinds too and came up with nada other than the asexual one. I think the "clueless" blind is about Jon Hamm and his long time girlfriend Jennifer Westfield.

    I think the other one ( was about Anne Hathaway, given the time. But we could have been wrong.

    Enty, help us out with this please.

  46. I really wonder of she's ted's Charlotte "chuck" finger dingle now. Rooney mara never made sense to me. I guess we will never know!

  47. So? What if it was? This is one of the sites which posted one or more blinds about Pattinson banging as many of the other "Twilight" female stars as he could talk into it. Sounds like he hasn't been monogamous, so why should she be held to a different standard? There was another blind here that nearly everyone guessed was Stewart/Pattinson which stated that she's never been anything more than his "beard" all along (or he was hers), the fact that they apparently shared a house notwithstanding. If that's true, then there was never any serious commitment to monogamy on either side.

  48. CDAN was sold. The blogger is a different person now. The whole thing is now a charade for website hits and ad money. The tone, language, blinds, posts - everything about this site has changed. Who knows who "Enty" was before, but it isn't Enty now.

    Also, ain't no way Kristen Stewart had to sleep with a no-name director to get a part, a director who is lucky enough himself to land a first movie with KStew and Charlize Theron. No way.

    And just because I'm in a btchy mood, there is this. Every non-anonymous gossip blogger (i.e. the real ones) out there have sworn up and down that the KStew and RPatz relationship is for real.

    And I am not even a TwiHard.

  49. Anddddd rumor has it Nikki Reed is the main info-supplier for Twilight-blinds. Don't ask me why/how etc, no idea.
    This could explain why most of the rumors are completely weird and don't add up. Someone just trying to make them look bad.

  50. Is there any evidence CDAN was sold? I haven't heard anything about it before

  51. @Lila - As a very long time reader, I tend to agree, but I enjoy the gossip here and the commenters. It is my guilty pleasure.

    I DO NOT ENJOY THE POPUPS I GET ON MY IPAD! I have the appropriate blockers on my computer, but can't figure it out for the iPad.

    Even though this post claims that she was sleeping with the director before she got the part, doesn't mean she slept with him to get the part.

  52. Another gossip site is saying the affair is staged, so KS can damage-control her image as a) lesbian, or b) asexual.

  53. @uberhooper; but now she is known as a ho and homewrecker, think anyone would rather be seen as a lez/asexual.

  54. That's a great idea a role call on your favorite gossip does :-) I'm mediatakeout,bossip,celebitchy,crazydaysandnights,blindgossip,tmz,dlisted in that order. Every blue moon concreteloop.

  55. I'm trying to remember the blind item about the director and starlet and everyone thought it was Rooney Mara and the director for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...but I can't remember the specifics. Enty revealed that it was actually Rooney and Daniel Craig that were having the affair so it makes me think it was really Stewart and Sanders...



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