Khloe Kardashian An X Factor Hosting Finalist
Hey you. yes you. The person who just finished reading this sentence. You want to be the host of X factor? You can be. No hosting experience required. Basically The X Factor has lowered itself so far in an attempt to get ratings that Khloe Kardashian is an X Factor hosting finalist. And her hosting experience consists of? Absolutely nothing. Nada. Perhaps some acting? Nope. She does have time in front of a camera, but that's about it. X Factor is showing that it is not about the competition, it is about the ratings and Simon Cowell will do anything or hire anyone to get his ratings up even if the show is crap. To prove that he is going out and talking about hiring a Kardashian to be the host of X Factor. Yes, basically the same job that Ryan Seacrest holds. We all might find Ryan annoying, but, and it is a very big but, he knows what he is doing and he does it very well. If you don't think he does it well, then find someone who has never hosted anything and let them host an episode of American Idol and see which one is smoother. I swear to you that if Khloe Kardashian hosts X Factor, I will never watch an episode. As much as I want to see Britney-isms all season, I will watch them on YouTube. I won't watch X factor if Khloe hosts. I won't write about it. I won't talk about it. This will be an X-Factor wasteland.**