Friday, July 20, 2012

Katie Holmes Heads To Broadway

Showing everyone that if at first you don't succeed, try try again, Katie Holmes is headed to Broadway again. In 2008 she tried Broadway when she co-starred in All My Sons. In that one she was at the height of marriagedom to Tom Cruise and got blown off the stage by John Lithgow and Dianne Wiest. This play will have Katie living at home with her parents when her brother moves in with a missing wife and a lot of money. The thing about acting on stage is if you suck, people can see it right away. There are no second takes or 23 like in movies. Good for her for trying.


  1. Dianne Wiest is such a wonderful actress, I was watching edward scissorhands this weekend and I was so blown away by her! Oh and good for Katie, she's trying hard to make it in NYC.

  2. You go, Katie. Let the haters hate. Do what you love.

  3. Don't know when this pic was taken, but I love her blue dress here, especially the color.

    My glasses got blown off my face at a water park yesterday, so bear with me, please. Hopefully not too many typos :-).

    Of course, my smart kids took off their glasses and safely tucked them away before entering the water.

  4. @Frufra - I was thinking she looked especially pretty in this pic. And she's rocking the top knot! Go Katie Go!

  5. @dia - I almost added a bit about her hair. It being pulled up shows off her cute face.

    And now I've completed the transformation into my mother :-).

  6. Miley...take note. This is how you pull idea top knot.

  7. @Frufra - I'm sure your mother was awesome! Great minds think alike.

  8. Yes that's a great photo, and a play keeps her in New York

  9. Perhaps now that she is McGlib free, she can let her artistic talents flow and has a chance.

  10. @Frufra - I remember that moment.

    It happens.

  11. @dia, Em - let's just say I'm trying to take what's best about my mom, disregard the rest, and be the best me I can be:-).

    (Yes, I've watched a lot of Oprah.)

    Now, pull that hair out of your eyes, and do something productive, girls!!!

  12. @Frufra, I think I just woke up all my neighbors because I busted out laughing! My mom used to say that to me CONSTANTLY. She still tucks my hair behind my ear if I sit close to her. Going to visit her on Monday, btw.

    I woke up this morning to thunder and pouring rain (not my favorite) and turned on my laptop only to read about the shooting. So I needed a laugh today. THANK YOU.

  13. You are most welcome, lady. You've given me your fair share, too - always love to hear what you have to say :-).

    P.S. - please send some of that wonderful rain our way. We're roasting here in the Midwest! 106 yesterday here in OKC!!

  14. While she's in NYC why doesn't she get an acting coach? Some of the best are here and lawd knows she can afford and desperately needs one.

  15. Dumb question; how did Lithgow and Wiest "Blow her offstage"?

  16. She should go where she wants. If she does suck, the NY Broadway audience will let her know. They take no prisoners (one of the reasons I love NY). She might be great - who knows? She should at least try...

  17. @Cassidy Enty means their acting was better stronger than Katie's and she couldn't match their talents. So she got blown off the stage metaphorically speaking.

  18. I'm hoping that the Katie of 'Pieces of April' will reappear now that the Co$ have been washed out of her brain... perhaps this time around will be different.

  19. She is just beaming now isn't she?

    It's nice to see her look healthy and happy.

    Eh, broadway, it will either do well or close quickly.

  20. She doesn't look dead in the eyes in this photo. It suits her!
    It would be hard to hold your own against a Lithgow/Wiest combo.
    Frufra, it was like 108 in Bartlesville yesterday. Even the wind is so damn hot.

  21. Momster, you can appreciate this - we were at Frontier City yesterday!! At least there were no lines :-). And the water park was awesome, too.

  22. it doesn't matter if she can act--she'll sell a lot of tickets having her name on the marquee for curiosity sake.

    Hope it goes ok tho, good for her for giving it a shot.

  23. Well, she was ill-cast in All My Sons. And she has no formal acting training, which is not good. Prolly would have been better off starting out off-Broadway for her second try on the boards. But it's a comedy written by a television writer so it shouldn't be that challenging to play.

  24. She wouldn't even be on anyone's radar if it weren't for her crazy stupid CO$ marriage. Unlike Nicole, she can't act any character other than Joey.
    Hopefully they rewrote the script on her behalf.
    Sorry all, just sick of hearing about her. She knew what she was getting into. She's no 'hero' in my book.

  25. I don't think she's a hero, either. She's a famewhore who sold herself into marriage, hoping it would make her some huge celebrity. She had no probelm bringing an innocent child into that completely f@cked up situation.

    I hope her acting attempts fail miserably. She needs to take her ten million, or whatever her scrawny, greedy ass was worth, and go away from Hollywood and try to give her daughter something that resembles normal, as little as that's even possible now.

    I swear, someday Suri's going to marry Blanket. Freaky begets freaky.

  26. She looks very pretty in a top knot and in that shade of blue, but the neckline of that top is a tragedy. Not flattering at all.
