Saturday, July 07, 2012

Justin Bieber Pulled Over For Speeding

Forgive me, but this first part is for people who live in Los Angeles. Justin Bieber was pulled over for speeding on the 101. The police clocked him at 80. The guy who called police said Justin was going 100. He was pulled over coming from Calabasas. In the morning. Yeah, that means rush hour. Coming towards Los Angeles. Does he get a special traffic lane because I can't imagine even coming near the speed limit on a morning going that direction. Apparently he was weaving in and out of traffic while being chased by paps. WTF is so special about Justin that he needs to be chased by four paps? I understand you want to get a photo of him, but what kind of photo are you going to get while he is driving? After he was given a ticket, he called 911 to have the paps pulled over. Everyone was pulled over and the paps were warned. Justin has not been driving long and I would hate to see something happen to him because then someone would probably name some award after him and people would say he was the next Buddy Holly or Richie Valens. So, please keep the paps away from him and let him have a nice long life playing cruise ships.


  1. 10 calls made reporting his crazy driving. Why not pull over quickly and stop----what are they paps gonna do then?? Stop on the freeway and jump out in traffic???

    This kid has been acting crazy around paps lately---running after one recently.

    Is he heading for a crash and burn?

  2. I didn't know that Big Wheels went that fast.

    Like I said yesterday, he's trying so hard to make us all think that he's black. This stunt, in his mind, earns him some street cred. Justin, all this does is reaffirm that you're a spoiled little punk.

  3. Just what the world needs...yet another entitled, snot-nosed little brat driving around like a maniac, putting other lives in danger and walking away...err...driving away with a slap on the wrist. Fucking punk ass.

  4. He should have pulled over, called the police and told them he was being chased. Like Joymama said. Too young to make good decisions, let alone at 80 on the freeway in rush hour.

  5. Given the amount of money they make, why not hire a driver? Oh, well. He's a snooty brat, but what 18 year old isn't? I don't wish him ill, so I hope he is managing his money for the day the gravy train stops. Judging by the look of that car, I doubt it.

  6. First of all, Buddy Holly (and to a lesser extent Richie Valens) should never be mentioned in the same breath as that punk-ass bitch and it wouldn't happen.

    Some idiot teenager in Quebec was recently arrested because he was doing upwards of 200km/h and recorded all of it. He was weaving in and out of traffic, including driving on the shoulder. Dumbfuck posted it to Youtube because of course what they were doing was the height of awesome.

    Where was I? Oh right, Beiber sucks. I have to go outside and yell at young people to get off my lawn.

  7. Still don't understand how that car is legal, especially in a sunny state like CA. Wouldn't it be awful to follow? It's like a mirror on wheels!

  8. A thick teen with a high performance car that looks like it’d be hard to see=big trouble. Who’ll he kill?

  9. Some no-talent spoiled brat who dresses like a 10-year-old needs to have his license revoked.

  10. Geez guys, tell us how you really feel!

  11. I guess he thought he could disappear by reflecting everything, like the alien in Predator? lol

  12. This is enough for deportation right? RIGHT!!??

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    @timebob Seriously. Send his ass back. I'll take Celine over this little bitch any day.

  14. I call BS on this one. If he was able to get up to 60mph at that time of the day then I'd be shocked. Now, of you told me 10 people called complaining of the reflection off that cr then I'd totally buy it.

  15. There was almost no traffic at all on the L.A. freeways during Thursday and Friday morning rush hours. I believe a lot of people took those days as vacation days so they'd have a five-day holiday. So it would have been very easy for him to do 80 mph. Guess "Enty" doesn't drive the freeways or he'd know that.

  16. In that part of the 101 there's always traffic. Actually, until you get past Calabasas N. on the 101 you're in traffic 7 days a week. I was out that way early this morning and couldn't get over 50 between NoHo and Calabasas. It's just like being on the 405.

  17. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hahahaha he got a ticket but the paps didn't.

  18. I drive that route from Sherman Oaks to South Central LA weekdays for work. As iheartjacksparrow mentioned, traffic was nonexistent yesterday. My 20 mile drive took 20 minutes yesterday. Normally it takes 45-50.

  19. I don't have a comment on the speeding, but what I do have a comment on is the mirrored car.

    Am I the only one who saw that CHIPs episode where the girl got slammed because she became blinded by the truck carrying the mirrors!!!!!!! -and then Ponch got her a pickle when she was in the hospital. Not sure why.

    But how does that car not impede other's vision when driving? I'm serious.

  20. His car has a chrome wrap. They come in different colors etc. You can also get patterned wraps, decals etc. I think it costs like 2k, lasts between 3-8 years and can be pulled off whenever without damaging paint.

  21. Anonymous2:52 PM

    80 mph is my average speed on the 101 (as is most normal people), unless there is bumper-to-bumper traffic. You can definitely do that in some parts during rush hour; it only clogs in certain places, like when it merges with 405 and 134.

  22. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Someone should tell the little dumbass that if you want to maintain some semblance of anonymity when not performing, you don't drive a one-of-a-kind car that can be recognized from miles away. I really hope he is the next Buddy Holly because that means the little bitch will be dead soon.

    1. Wooow. I hate a lot of celebs but I wouldn't wish them dead. Even Linds. Yikes.

  23. I don't wanna be a token Bieber supporter (tokin', sure!) but I was an idiot asshole until--oh--age 22? He's an annoying brat but you'd think he was Mel Gibson. He's yet to really piss me off beyond acting like an obnoxious kid.

    I've never understood the sheer contempt.

  24. @djphob - you must be new here....welcome! ;-)

  25. timebob, let's hope so!
    Brenda Love: Ha!

  26. I drove from Agoura to West L.A. on Thursday at FOUR FORTY FIVE PM and made it home in 40 minutes. ZERO traffic this week. It rocked.

    give it up, know it all! :)

  27. The local news I heard that day was a city councilman (or someone in local government) called 911 to report a car driving at LEAST 100 mph. Also noted in the report was that Justin B. was driving on the shoulder. The guy being interviewed said that even if Justin had slowed down to 80 mph, which is what he was ticketed for, he was still driving recklessly and should have been arrested on the spot.

  28. The best part of the story is one of the people who called was Dennis Zine, City Councilman and former cop. He said if he was on patrol he would have thrown him in jail.

    If you think celebs don't get a free ride in LA, you are wrong.

  29. As califblondy said, he was driving on the shoulder. That's how he was going faster than the rest of the traffic. Uber-douche.

  30. @Omama
    I never saw that ChiPs episode, but it made me laugh anyway :)

  31. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Success is going to little Bieber's head. I just saw something about him saying he was better than that British boy group and he cut off several interviews because of something they've asked him. Some sane person on his team (if there is anyone) needs to bring him back down to earth and let him know he's not going to be famous forever. Take a look at the Jonas Bros, JB. If he keeps going like this, by the time he turns 21, he's going to crash and burn and end up dead or in rehab.

  32. No comment on Bieber, as I'm sure I (like others who have chimed in) also drove like an asshole when I was that age. In fact, my insurance premium can vouch for that, up until the accidents fell off a few years ago. ;)

    I just love hearing everyone else's traffic/commute stories. I only drive three miles to work, on a four lane, and because I'm from such a tiny town originally (two red lights) I think traffic is gawdawful. Like, DO NOT get stuck in the right lane by Dunkin' Donuts awful. I can't imagine having to drive on a real major road. Kudos to you all.

  33. @djphob said...
    I don't wanna be a token Bieber supporter (tokin', sure!) but I was an idiot asshole until--oh--age 22? He's an annoying brat but you'd think he was Mel Gibson. He's yet to really piss me off beyond acting like an obnoxious kid.

    I've never understood the sheer contempt"

    Easy to get, he looks like a girl in most commenters' eye, and they have nothing but contempt for other women.
