Tuesday, July 10, 2012

John Edwards Didn't Bother Getting Elizabeth A Tombstone

Apparently when Elizabeth Edwards died she wanted a tombstone with a quote on it from the Leonard Cohen song Anthem. Seems like a simple request. Too bad John Edwards couldn't be troubled to do it. He just had the standard free plate in the ground that came with the burial plot so all of Elizabeth's siblings chipped in to buy her one after asking John several times and him saying no or he was too busy. What a prick. Look. I understand if you found someone else to replace your wife but she was also the mother of most of your children. Don't you think they would have liked to have her wishes respected and the tombstone made and installed? You were married to her when she died. You did cheat on her while she was dying of cancer. Don't you think you could at least have bought her a tombstone?


  1. God, could he be more of an asshole?

    1. Asshole? Obviously, but I'm thinking to avoid it being overrun with gawkers maybe he wanted to wait a bit? Or maybe he really is that awful.

  2. congrats John Edwards..you just won the unbelievable prick of the week award.

  3. I can't even put what I'm thinking into print...shithead

  4. Prick of the century is more like it! What a complete and total asshole.

    He and that Kennedy douche should start a club...

  5. He is a repulsive human being.

  6. I'm so ashamed, because the year that Kerry ran, I first hoped that Edwards would get the Dem. nod, and then I voted with a fervent hope that he would be my next Vice President. I actually remember telling people, "You can just tell he means what he says, he's more honest than the rest of them combined". And yes, I know about the old adage, "All politicians lie", but I was young, impressionable, and his support of the working man appealed to me, as my husband is an industrial mechanic. I don't know if I've ever been so wrong.

  7. And to think....he was a serious presidential contender.

  8. Awful, but why hasn't their daughter made arrangements for one then? This makes me wonder if perhaps there's a reason for the delay.


    That truly defies belief.

    @Em En Cue, you weren't the only one. A lot of us were fooled by him, much to my chagrin. Sigh.

    RIP Elizabeth. I don't care if you weren't such a saint yourself, no one deserves what you went through in your last years with this sociopath.

  10. With morals like this, this asshole should be a politician...oh, wait

  11. what an asshole...

  12. Ugh his assholery is ENDLESS.

  13. @Em Cue Em - I thought the SAME thing. It's so troubling to get older and more cynical, isn't it? But those who disappoint us are the ones who do it, I guess. :-(

    John Edwards is a prick. I can't actually think of a word bad enough to call him.

    @angel - I'm kind of wondering why the kids didn't take care of it, too. Not that that makes John's neglect any better or anything, but still. ???

  14. There are no words to fully express what a fucking shitbag this man is. Fucking shitbag doesn't even begin to cover it.

  15. When he dies, perhaps no one will bother to claim his body. Now wouldn't that be karma.

  16. It's an asshole move for sure. BUT... I think what would happen if someone asked/expected my ex-husband to buy me a headstone because I am "the mother of his child" - he would die of laughter I'm guessing. At what point does it become an asshole move? I've been divorced over 10 years. If you're divorced a month, would you be an asshole to not buy a tombstone? Twenty years? Just wondering what the guidelines are. I also think that if she had cheated on him and he had died, it wouldn't even be a story if she didn't buy him a headstone. Strange story.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      They were married when she died.

  17. this guy is a straight up f*cking monster. He has not one ounce of empathy and puts on such a smooth show... correct me if I'm wrong but that's borderline personaltiy disorder behviour right there. Disgusting. I feel so awful for his children, all of them. Even the one with that Rielle Hunter, I bet within 5 years he has nothing to do with the kid.

  18. Good call foggy. I hope all the kids are OK.

  19. @Em Cue Em - I feel the same way and I think he had Elizabeth fooled too :o/

    What a piece of shyte!! Might sound terrible, but glad to see him lose everything. It's too bad that their kids don't have a mother or a father because a real father would never disrespect his children's mother by not honoring her last wishes like that. He'll be a miserable and lonely old man.

  20. Figgy. I meant good call figgy. I hate this iPhone autocorrect !

  21. Is it possible he ordered the headstone and it hasn't been placed yet? It took over a year for my aunts headstone to be unveiled. Not to defend Edwards, who is reprehensible.

  22. My brother’s ex wife died and we clubbed together to pay for the funeral and tombstone etc. It was the right thing to do.......because their children deserved to have their mother properly taken care of. And now my niece is buried with her.

  23. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I googled it. They have 3 surviving children. The oldest, Cate, is 30 and from what I read is constantly by her father's side. The other two are 15 and 12, so they probably can't afford it on their own.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Oh, that was in reply to peeps wondering why the kids didn't just buy the tombstone.

  24. Actually as sad as it is, it is not suprising. He is a naracissitic prick, he didn't respect her when she was alive, why would he would he all of a sudden respect her in death.
    She is off his radar, he doesnt even think about her unless it is for show.

    Still a HUGE fucking asshole, though

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. There aren't words bad enough to describe this man, though it is interesting to see people try to do that. Meanwhile his oldest daughter has enough on her plate without having to worry about this too. Isn't she raising her prother and sister along with handling her mothers affairs? Is it really too much for him just to take care of this after how miserable he made the end of her life?

  27. Same sentiments as everyone else.

  28. I hate this asshole.

    I'm sorry, if I was in his eldest daughters position, I would have nothing to do with this pathetic poor excuse for a man. I understand it's her only surviving parent, but I wouldn't be able to have anything to do with him if I were her.

  29. He even manages to treat her like shit posthumously. A real stand up guy, he is.

  30. The only possible excuse he might have at this point would be if he has ordered a stone, and it's taking longer than expected to get it...but somehow I doubt that's the case. And yes, I was one of those fooled by him, too. *sigh* I'm glad her siblings are at least stepping up to the plate.

  31. He is a disgusting piece of trash, whether or not he has some better tombstone on order. This would just make him even more despicable.

    Princess, they weren't divorced were they? I thought they were just legally separated.

  32. http://www.wistv.com/story/18985022/elizabeth-edwards-grave-marked-with-footstone

  33. @EmCueEm -- yep felt the same way, so you're not alone!

    Absolutely sickened by his behavior at this point.

    Anybody see "Game Change"? Very interesting movie. One thing they talk about that rings true is how political candidates need "movie star charisma" to be successful now

  34. To be fair, he was married to her. As the saying goes, "somewhere, someone is tired of putting up with her shit"

    Sure she may appear to be Mother Teresa, but that's just media. Maybe she was more like Mrs. Manson.

  35. In no way defending the gape-hole that is JE

    It took about a year for my brothers headstone to be cut, carved, transported and placed. It depends on what you want. If you get marble or casted cement, carving designs and text.

  36. My father did this to his mother, my grandmother, and I was going to get her tombstone. He finally was shamed into doing it.

    Why hasn't his daughter taken care of it?

  37. Princess, I don't think they were divorced yet.

    add me to the list of those fooled.

  38. They were divorced when she died and I would think Elizabeth left a significant estate --and I think Kate was the executor, wasn't she? So it seems like the expenses for burial and a headstone would have come out of that money, not from John or her siblings so this feels off to me.

    That said, a headstone is not a huge amount of money and John is a multi-multi millionaire and he missed a huge opportunity to look like less of a dick by letting this get to the press. He could have dropped a few dollars and looked decent to the public and his children and he chose to be too busy.

    Technically not his responsibility but given his position and his resources, yet another stupid move on his part if the story is true.

  39. What a dick. Wasn't it enough that he made her life miserable? Now he's sticking it to her in death. John Edwards is a horrible excuse for a human being.

  40. AND...it may well be that Elizabeth would not have wanted John to be involved in her final arrangements. She was pretty angry with him at the end and we don't know who made her funeral arrangements. I'm not defending John....but given how angry their ending was, there are all kinds of reasons for this that we might not know about.

  41. I am more embarrassed that I voted for Edwards in the primary than George Bush Senior in my first election. At least I can claim I was young and stupid at 18 when I first voted!

  42. "...this guy is a straight up f*cking monster. He has not one ounce of empathy and puts on such a smooth show... correct me if I'm wrong but that's borderline personaltiy disorder behviour right there."

    No, not BPD. That's more characterized by clingy behavior that's replaced with crazed rage upon "rejection," either real or imagined. Think Alex from FATAL ATTRACTION.

    The slick demeanor and lack of empathy is more indicative of narcissistic PD. Possibly antisocial PD as well, but they often don't put up the smooth front because they don't really care. Some do, but some don't. Ted Bundy is an example of one who did to get what he wanted, though.

  43. I hope she fucking HAUNTS him!!!!

  44. Her estate should bear the cost. She also could have made the arrangements herself before she died, it's not like it was a surprise. Who paid for the grave?

  45. I'm not going to defend the douche-dom of John Edwards, but as a resident of NC (and as such, receiver of much Edwards-related news), a somewhat elaborate headstone has supposedly been in the works since her death. The sculptor who made the headstone for her son Wade, whom she's buried near, is supposedly working on it.

  46. I know this sounds tasteless but - friends of mine with terminal illness have bought their own tombstones and had everything engraved but the date of death or they paid for it and the funeral home takes care of it when it's needed.

    They were divorced, so I'm surprised she didn't make some sort of arrangement with her eldest daughter to have it taken care of. It would have been nice for him to do it but not really his responsibility.

  47. He's an ass. I guess they were divorced when she died and I highly doubt her wealthy family had to "chip in" like they were taking up a collection, so I don't think this is all on John Edwards. However, I would think the man would go way out of his way to make amends to her memory and to her family and friends every chance he gets considering how bad he looks. Nothing will ever make up for the things he did, but he doesn't need to compound the old bad memories with new bad memories. What an idiot.

  48. Elizabeth was so beautiful when she married him. He sucked the beauty right out of her.

    Him and his whore deserve each other.

  49. guess this shows that the arrogant, self centered A-holes are on both sides of the fence.

    //yeah, I'll admit I voted kerry/edwards. But did so as it was the lesser of two evils (which in itself is a shameful act), as I never cared for Edwards. And might I add, how easily was all forget. Before BO he was the great white hope.

  50. @mikey they were not divorced when she died. They filed but she died before it was finalize d in the court. She did make sure her kids inherited everything even making sure that Reille and her kid couldn't make any claims on their houses. At least she got to fuck over John financially.

  51. @timebob, I knew she made sure her will was tight but I had no idea the divorce wasn't finalized by the time she died. I'm glad her portion of the money stays with her kids.

  52. I saw an article about this recently. That was a temporary one, there is another one one the way. I have no idea who is paying for what, but if I can find the article, I'll post a link.
    The guy may be an ass, but at least the poor woman will have the tombstone she wanted.

  53. That was easier than I thought - here's the article


  54. What an absolute scumbag. I'm sorry to say that I too was a John Edwards supporter during his last run. *bangs head on desk* Stupid, stupid, stupid!

    I was always a fan of Elizabeth and Cate Edwards, they deserved so much better.

  55. Many, many places no longer allow for actual tombstones, but rather a headstone, and now the headstone sizes are being limited due to space issues. I'm surprised that a small statue was permitted next to her headstone.

  56. What? He had No money left after buying too many hair products?

    Slimy disgusting slug.

  57. "Anthem" is a great song. I'm glad i got to see Leonard sing it live 4 years ago. Elizabeth had wonderful taste in music and horrendously shitty taste in men.

  58. Do you know what line from Anthem she wanted on her headstone?

  59. I hope he rots in hell along with my former sister-in-law who has done the same thing. The only thing is that she will not let us purchase a headstone a d because she is the next of kin there is nothing we can do. My brother's grave only has a temporary tin cup for flowers with a sticker on it for his name. Makes me so ill thinking about it. She will get hers!

  60. Don't know if anyone has posted this yet (sorry, I'm at work and I'll have to read this through later) but I think her *daughter* is her executor. Maybe she's waiting one year, or it's taking a while to sculpt the tombstone. That may be why her creep hubby told the sibs "no" -- because he's pissed her daughter controls her estate, not him.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I'm pretty sure John Edwards now polls below syphilis.

  63. He's a huge jackass, but this isn't a reason to hate him, as apparently there IS a marble footstone marker at her grave site and a more elaborate headstone that her family commissioned on the way.
    Thank you "unknown" for the link to the wistv.com article.

  64. My husband passed away in May 2008 and his memorial tombstone was placed on his grave in August 2009. It would have been completed and in place within a year of his passing, but we had trouble finalizing the design. It was expensive - $8,000.00 (we asked friends and family to donate as he was much loved by many) and was custom made and had a carved design, his photo, and a couple of etched quotes. I don't buy any excuse for a delay. He's a BUM.

  65. @Penelope I'm sorry for your loss. I had a sister pass away not too long ago and it took us about a year to get her tombstone as well. That's an absolutely normal time frame for HARDWORKING AMERICANS to finalize their loved ones last wishes, but this imbecile has no excuse. He has the money he just doesn't have the human decency to call and order a tombstone for his late wife. We dodged a bullet when his cheating scandal was exposed.

  66. Simply in terms of the practicality of it all, if a headstone can be bought while the terminally ill person is still alive, it saves the heartache and headache later. Plus the terminally ill person can help choose what he/she likes best. In addition, as it was presented to us by the nursing home when my father in law got sick and we were selling his house to pay for his care (plus he wouldn't be returning home again), it is one way of spending down the person's savings to get them onto Medicaid. We did not go that route: he did not want a funeral or a burial, or to discuss such things when he was fighting for his life, but a person who knows and has accepted that they are imminently terminal might have a easier time having these conversations. (Disclaimer: I do not support family members spending down the money unnecessarily just to get on assistance, as a person should pay for as much care on their own as they can, but a headstone is something that to me seems like a legitimate expense when someone is figuring out their finances for end-of-life care.)

  67. Oh Shell - Sorry if the facts got in the way of your hatefest. I'm sure it's easier to criticize the "unknown".

  68. Even if its on order, he's still a douche. When he dies, his tombstone should be a Massingil box.
