Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jessica Simpson Gained 70 Pounds During Pregnancy

Jessica Simpson gained 70 pounds during her pregnancy which means that she topped the scales at just about 200 pounds. According to US Weekly, she has to lose 30 pounds of that by the end of August or she does not get paid by Weight Watchers. It can be really hard to lose weight at any time in life as I have discovered, but it is really hard when people are watching you all over the world and judging whether you have gained or lost a pound each time they see a photo. I think if you had nothing else to do but exercise and had a trainer and no other commitments other than taking care of your baby that you would have a decent shot at losing the weight that she needs to lose. The problem I have is that it's so easy to tell yourself that you can start tomorrow or that one snack or one extra drink is not going to really hurt anything. The next thing you know, you have gained 20 pounds and need to dig to the back of your closet and get out your big clothes. That is always depressing.


  1. $4 million dollars is a pretty good incentive. I could easily (maybe) give up wine for $4 million dollars.

    I have no sympathy for her. She signed the deal. I'm biased though, I hate Jessica Simpson.

  2. Kate Hudson gained 60 pounds during her first pregnancy, but as most of us saw she didn't do it for the second. It is not necessary and it's unhealthy, being pregnant is tough on the body, Jessica abused her body and now she's paying the price.
    I wonder what she lost after in baby weight and bloat.
    She's not tall this must feel awful.

    1. I'm pretty sure they're saying she is 200 pounds AFTER the baby. I may be wrong, but that's how I read that.

  3. Have no room to judge. With my first daughter I gained about 65lbs. I lost it all pretty quickly but struggled much more with my 2nd. She should just focus on being healthy and happy.

  4. Putting aside Jessica's huge payday for a moment, I can NEVER lose weight if I'm trying to. Over the winter, I didn't think about my weight or exercise and I was the thinnest I've been since high school. When I decided to shape up for summer, I put on 5 pounds and can NOT take it off (I eat like crazy when I'm running regularly). Just decided to give up wine for a week to see if that makes a difference. It's going to be a long week

  5. Yeah, she's like the only oerson i know who HASNT lost weight aftr giving birth! Not even baby weight? I think yhen all of a sudden, she will be slim, lol. Good luck to her, its brutal.

  6. Jesus I've put on about 24lbs and feel ginormous!!! Although in fairness to Jessica you can lose up to 25lbs within 3 weeks of giving birth, between the baby, placenta, fluid, water retention etc. So she should be fine.
    I dunno how she managed to put on 70lbs without any medical complications during the pregnancy, I would have though GD or High BP would have been a given for putting on that much weight in a short space of time, it's a lot of stress for your body, never mind a pregnant body.

  7. What's the healthy weight gain for a pregnancy? I know my mother only gained 17 pounds with me, and I was 9 pounds at birth but she's a freak of nature I'm sure.

  8. It was so dumb to announce this before any results. I have a feeling Jessica is one of those women that it takes a full year for the weight to come off, in other words, a normal woman.

  9. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I don't know how she can healthily (i.e., doing Weight Watchers) lose that much in six weeks. She'll have to do the "Biggest Loser" routine, which is sort of hypocritical if you're touting Weight Watchers.

  10. @rejectedcarebear I've been told 25-30lbs depending on your weight beforehand. Although they don't monitor it closely here, unless you're obviously putting on a lot of weight, but 80% are routinely checked for GDib here.

  11. Why doesn't she get advice from Beyonce? She bounced back soon after she had her baby. Such an inspiration

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I don't know how she hasn't lost most of the weight already. If you are crazy overweight and you eat appropriately and breast feed you should lose the weight pretty quickly. Plus I realize that she is short, 5'3 but that would mean that she was around 130 when she got pregnant. She was much bigger than that. Part of me thinks that she was getting fat and then got pregnant so she could continue to eat with reckless abandon. Sorry, I know that sounds super mean, but I think that's what happened.

  13. Didn't I read somewhere that WW denied putting any pressure on her to lose weight? Call me crazy but I consider a 30 lbs in 6 weeks deadline pressure.

  14. if she's nursing the weight should come off pretty fast. I gained weight after DD weaned ~sigh~ It's still here.

  15. It's easy to gain that much. Some women gain a lot without indulging. With my first pregnancy I didn't gain any weight for 6-7 months, then it started packing on so fast I got a hairline fracture in my foot due to the stress off sudden weight gain. And I was sick the whole pregnancy. Couldn't eat fast food, anything fried or too sweet. I literally lived off of raw carrots and salads and still gained 70 I think. With my other 2 pregnancies I gained 90 and 105!!! I would diet and nothing would work. Then with all 3 after a few months the weight started falling off. It's frustrating I know and I really feel for her, nobody wants to have their weight scrutinized everyday. That's how eating disorders form.

  16. jac is right, it's about 30 pounds. That's the combined weight of the baby, the placenta, etc, even includes the extra blood you need during pregnancy.
    Much over that, and it only gets harder to EVER lose it.

  17. Despite the payday, I do feel badly for her. I didn't have excessive weight gain during pregnancy, but have a few friends who did. They were so ravenously hungry that they couldn't be stopped. I really think hormones play a large part in that. It was a little crazy to watch.

    Of three I know who gained 70-100 lbs., one lost it all, one finally had lapband and lost quite a bit, and one didn't loose and has in fact gained more in the years since. It's horrible, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

    My money's on Jessica not loosing it all. But show biz makes you be a tough broad, so she may surprise me.

  18. No sympathy for her. She was working on this contract when she was around four months pregnant, before she gained most of the weight. Part of me wonders if she gained so much during her pregnancy so it would be more dramatic when she lost it. I guess it's harder than she thought, but she's the one who signed the deal.

  19. I'm just a normal, fat girl and I could easily lose that weight by August. I've lost 17 pounds in six weeks by low carbing it and working out. That six weeks includes a two week vacation with my mom out of the country. It's not *that* hard. You'd bet my huge ass that I'd be dropping a pound a day if I had four million dollars at the end of the buffet!

    I think so many of these celebrities are very weak. They cannot overcome the tiniest of obstacles.

  20. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I'm going to say it. She is fat. There is no excuse for her gaining all that weight. She wasn't on bed rest, she didn't have a problem pregnancy??? She has trainers and dieticians available to her. She didn't have to gain that much.

    I am only 5'2" so I stuggle with being under 130. I like to eat & drink. I gained 40lbs with my 2 pregnancies and my dr would say stuff to me about my weight gain. He only wanted me to gain 30. Each time I would lose the baby weight by 4 mos but I wasn't firm. That did take time.

    I don't feel sorry for her at all. She should've been exercising the whole time. Everyone told me the 1st time to exercise and I didn't. I made sure I did the 2nd time around. I still gained the same but I felt more fit.

    Is she nursing? That burns weight. Her team shouldn't ve leaked the WW story.

  21. And I don't know if this topic always comes up when we talk about Jessica's pregnancy weight, but is it possible to gain that much and then be bikini ready WITHOUT a tummy tuck? I think a lot of it has to do with age and your skin's elasticity, but I don't feel my stomach will ever have the same tautness (sorry if not a real word) after my2 kids, and I only gained about 25 with each of them. But I'm old :)

  22. She can do it, she can afford to pay an army of people to watch her and keep her exercising, feed her only healthful foods. I don't feel sorry for her, she reveled in packing it on.

  23. @Sunny thats my biggest fear, 39 weeks now and no stretch marks, but I am scared of the "baggy belly"

  24. According to CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), the best way to lose weight is to keep a food journal. I guess I better go get myself a notebook.

    1. Try I use it all the time and it's free. It really opens your eyes to see where all your calories are going.

  25. @Sunny and that sounds wrong, didn't mean that you had that issue, just I'm afraid I will, and stuff won't go back to where it belongs. Actually not being able to wear my wedding and engagement rings really upset me, it doesn't feel like my fingers are swollen, more that my knuckles are too big now...:(

  26. I have to add, I went from 120lbs to 200 when I was pregnant with my second child. I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I had absolutely no control and a damn Krispy Kreme opened up across the street from my apartment. The universe conspired against me.
    I am extremely lucky to have lost all the weight. I am 5'11 though so it was probably easier for me.

  27. @G, it's true. When you write it down, you become very aware. That's a major part of WW, the point system makes you record everything.

    @Sunny, I find when I can make it through the week without wine (it's rare), I notice such a difference by Friday. I'm less bloated. Of course on my way home from work on Fridays, I hit up the liquor store. But I only buy the 1/2 bottles.

  28. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Get a belly bandit and put it on the day after you give birth. Ci wore myrna religiously and lost all the baby weight in 1 month. Granted I was overweight when I got pregnant, but nothing crazy...maybe 20 pounds. It will help a lot. Keep it as tight on you as you can and wear it all the time except to take a shower. I had two csections and it saved me each time. After that, stay off sodas and drink plenty of cranberry juice in the hospital. It keeps you from getting a uti and helps with bloating. I have a 5 1/2 month old and my stomach is getting better everyday. I still have the csections shelf but it is getting better. Once your doctor oks an work do leg lifts, where you lay on the floor and grab the bottom of your couch and slowly lower and lift your legs. Get you legs as close to the ground without touching. It will help strengthen your lower abs, but will hurt a lot in the beginning. Good luck with your little one!!!!!

  29. @Jac
    Congratulations!!!! You are so close! Are you having nightmares about your water breaking in public?? In hindsight I find it hilarious that that was my biggest concern. And no offense taken - by the grace of God I didn't get the baggy belly but I certainly don't look the same in my bikini. But then again I drink wine every night and I never do stomach strengthening exercises or yoga anymore. Maybe I should look into that :)
    Good luck, lady!!

  30. I have a friend who was put on full-time bed rest with her pregnancy. She was so careful with what she ate because she was getting absolutely no exercise. I admired her strength because I doubt I would've been that strong.

  31. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Sorry for the typos, I'm using my phone

  32. I guess I had it easy, I'm 5'2", I gained exactly 20 pounds with my only child. I weighed less two weeks after the birth than I did before the pregnancy. I did nurse.

  33. Thanks Christina and Sunny :)
    I am Sunny, every time I get out of the car seat I take a second to check everything is ok :D and I've moved to the spare room as our bed is a full memory foam mattress and if the waters go in that it will be fit for the dump! :)
    Fingers crossed I'll be back running and weight lifting as soon as I can healthily D

  34. @anita
    That's what I am hoping. I'm the idiot that always keeps wine in the house, so after all day with my 2 young kids I always pour a FAT glass when they go to bed. I think I'll start using your strategy :)

    @Christina and @Jac
    Christina - that was a great suggestion. My sister who has 4 kids told me to use one of those and I didn't for whatever reason (actually the reason was because I knew i would sweat like a pig that first week post-partum and didn't want to bother. Idiot!) I would highly recommend taking Christina's advice. My sister looks amazing and you would never even know she has had children (well, except for the 4 kids that are always hanging around)

  35. Good luck, Jac! It will all be ok. My water did break in public with my first - standing at the fax machine at work. It wasn't how I'd pictured - more like I'd peed in my pants. Much less humiliating than you would think :-).

    I'm very jealous that i didn't have one of those belly bandit things when I had my kids 10+ years ago - sounds awesome.

    Oh, and with reference to my first post - I have a horrible time confusing "lose" and "loose". Please forgive me!

  36. I agree with most of what Christina said. I didn't think she was 130 pre pregnancy either. I think she was more like 150 or something.

    She was just having a good time, enjoying her life and successes and eating/drinking too much. It's extraordinarily easy to gain weight. Especially when you get older. Your metabolism slows way down. It's also harder to lose the weight.

  37. I know at the end of the day she's to blame but you'd think her doctor would have mentioned something to her about the hugh weight gain.

  38. It's a myth that breast feeding will help peel pounds off. I breastfed exclusively with both my kids, ate normal & healthy...aside from the normal weight loss after giving birth I struggled.

  39. Not so sure I believe half the stuff published in Us Weekly. Good luck Jessica, do whatever is healthy and works for you. WW drove me nuts, but it seems to work for some people.

  40. @Sunny, I can't keep it in the house. And if I buy a whole bottle, I'll probably drink it. Damn tolerance. Sigh. Nothing beats a huge glass of wine (because I know we all have those glasses that can hold a 1/2 bottle).

  41. aw, you guys are all suckers. this is the beginning of her public weight loss - by some stupid "news" like this of how she can't lose the weight, blah blah blah, she gained 70 pounds, blah blah blah.

    i don't even know why people are interested.

  42. I totally agree with Christina. Jess was packing on the pounds before she was pregnant. She got pregnant so she'd have an excuse to gain even more weight. Now she's gotta dig herself out of a very deep hole.

  43. I'm a big WW supporter, I joined in my early 20s after gaining about 35 pounds (those newlywed pounds). In four months, I'd lost nearly everything I'd gained. I also learned portion control, what foods to eat and what to avoid, and how important it is to get your fruits, veggies, and dairy. I've always been a healthy eater, but just way too much. Now, I'm almost OCD with our eating, but I'm happy and healthy.

    The journaling is key. I still journal, 8 years later. I hope Jessica learns the same way I did, and sticks with the lifestyle change even after she's shed the weight.

    Also, on wine, I am guilty as well of overindulging. I'm happy to know I'm in good company. :)

  44. @kathrynnova, so according to you we're all "suckers" and you "don't know why people are interested" yet you read Enty's post, read the comments made, and even made a comment yourself... Interesting way of showing your disinterest. Hypocrite.

  45. i could've sworn weight watchers said they weren't pressuring her to lose a certain amount of weight in a short amount of time...this seems like pressure to me.

  46. I vaguely remember a blind under a year ago about a celebrity that was going to sign a WW deal after pregnancy but it didn't matter because they were planning on having surgery any way. Any one else recall that?
    She'll make it. But not with WW. $4M is a huge incentive to lie, moreso than to get an ass onto a treadmill.

  47. I gained 100 lbs. with both of my pregnancies. I seriously ate like a woman possessed. I'm 6'1, so at least I didn't have the "weeble wobble" factor, but it was really tough getting the weight off. Luckily I was fairly young and still had a decent metabolism. Since I've hit 30, it's turned to shit. But believe me, if I was getting paid $4 mil to lose my baby weight, I'd eat my steamed veggies and smile all the way to the bank!

  48. Jesus, listen to all you people who have obviously never had a baby. Let me throw this out here so you all can take your "if a woman gains over 30 pounds during pregnancy she's a beastly fat slob!"bullshit and shove it:
    I'm 5'9", I weighed 125 before I got pregnant. For the first 6 months of pregnancy, I gained 10 pounds a month. I tracked my calories (only ate 1700-1800 a day when 2200-2400 is recommended for pregnancy), only drank milk and water, exercised, and had never eaten as healthy in my life.
    I was berated and yelled at and made fun of by my doctor. Let me tell you, that was really fun. After 6 months of me telling her it was because of my thyroid, she decided to go ahead and give me a blood test. Surprise, my TSH levels were off the charts and I needed a higher dosage of synthroid.
    The next 3 months, I gained nothing.

    Now granted, I don't think Jessica Simpson had the same problem, and I am by no means a fan of hers, but you people seriously need to sit the fuck down with your holier than thou self-righteous attitudes towards post-pregnancy women.

  49. Boohoo. Problems of the unfairly rich.

  50. @seaward, fair enough, and not every woman that gains too much weight during pregnancy has a choice about it. It sounds like you had a sh!tty doctor who needs to take his/her patients input a lot more seriously.

    BUT, I have personally heard quite a few of my pregnant friends say things along the line of "yes now I can eat whatever I want and as much as I want". I don't understand that attitude. I think when you are carrying your child, and everything you eat affects the baby, that is the time in your life you should be MOST CAREFUL about what you put in your body. It is not an excuse to gorge yourself. I'm not saying diet, but eat healthy food and not too much. Gestational diabetes is not healthy for the woman or the baby.

    I'm sure Jessica has the best doctors and best weight loss experts helping her out, so hopefully she'll figure out what works for her. She has always had weight issues though, and I'm sure the pressure of the deal is not helping things. I'm not saying I feel bad for her, just, well maybe we should just all stop talking about it (after I just spent 3 paragraphs talking about it lol)

  51. She can kiss that WW paycheck goodbye. I think she is a lazy spoiled person who's never had to work for much. Must be a real slap in the face for her to actually hear somebody say "Get to work or you won't get your way this time".

    If she really does lose 30 lbs by the end of August there ain't no way it will be by following WW! It'll either be a surgical procedure or a starvation diet. Someone upthread brought up Kate Hudson which reminded me of how she lost the baby weight with that first kid. I remember Kneepads mag saying she worked out for hours every day and as a "reward" she got a smoothie made with something like four berries and half an apple. Jessica is going to have to do the same thing to meet this goal.

  52. The best diet I ever went on immediately after having a baby was actually after my 3rd child was born. I called it the who the fuck has time to eat diet.

  53. Listen. I'm not about to say if I did it so can you. That's fucking annoying. I did lose 50 pounds last year, now I have 20 more to go. It's been 14 months and my habits have not changed since the DAY my dr told me the plan. The life plan, not a diet. I decided I was sick and tired of being unhealthy, in pain and on dangerous medication so I gave myself to the process. When you are ready, you do it. Nothing temps you, nothing gets in your way because you are ready to change your life and do what you know you were supposed to be doing the whole time. Sorry it's OT but I skimmed through a few comments and like I tell my overweight family members who complain all the time (I didn't notice anyone here complaining) that I'm not going to baby you. When you are ready I'll help. Just think, does that cake/McDonalds/potato chip taste as good as being a size 18, out of breathe when you walk up the stairs, and do you have random pain that your dr can't explain? It all disappears with the extra weight. Sometimes if I forgot to plan my meals and my parents ordered a pizza I'll think about having a slice bc I feel too lazy too cook and then I think about how I used to feel. The dr wanted me on some fibromyalgia medication with awful side effects, and a lupus med with a side effect of SUICIDE but I said no thanks let me first get healthy and then we can reevaluate my medical condition. The fibromyalgia, which is a questionable disease, they usually diagnose any pain they can't explain as that, is usually inflammation. So eat an anti inflammatory diet and it disappears. If Jessica wants her money she will get it. If she wants all the horrible symptoms that go along with being obese, let her enjoy them. But if anyone claims they work out yet can't lose weight I'd love to raid their fridge!

  54. and Jessica's a $$ hungry dumbass for signing up for this. Can we PLEASE stop paying out huge contracts to watch a fat person try to lose weight? 4 million would be better spent on a charity & would generate a lot more positive publicty imo.

  55. "The fibromyalgia, which is a questionable disease, they usually diagnose any pain they can't explain as that, is usually inflammation."

    It's NOT a questionable disease. It is an absolutely very real disease, and I have it, and I live with pain every single day. I've TRIED an anti-inflammation diet, and I was vegan three times. It did NOT go away, and it doesn't for most people who have tried it. A few, but not most.

    It's clear that you're not a doctor or a nutritionist, so why are you weighing in on something you know very little about?

  56. It's kind of been my experience that weight loss comes from cutting the calories, and the working out is just the healthy "icing on the cake". I can't just work out and lose weight, the calories have to change too

  57. @mygeorgie, that would be a great idea, for WW to pledge money for a good cause related to food, like funding healthy school lunches for low-income children or something. Great PR for them and also help for those who need it-that would be a way better idea than paying a rich person $$$ she doesn't need to stop eating buttered Pop Tarts. Too bad they won't do it since it wouldn't get them on the cover of "UsWeekly". (Sigh.)

  58. I lost my weight within a week. C-section, full time bed rest, and no breast feeding. You need to gain the appropriate amount the doctor tells you to, if not you are in trouble...

  59. eh. she can pay people to feed her whatever she wants to eat and make it the right commbo so she takes off the pounds. and she can work out with the best. would anyone with just a little will-power have difficulity with that?

  60. I really hope she's not one of those women (like me) whose body holds on to every pound of fat while you're breastfeeding because it will be impossible for her to lose 30lbs by August if so. I am 11 months pp and still have to lose all of the 50lbs I gained, but breastfeeding my son and giving him the best possible start in life is more important to me.

    I hope she doesn't wean her daughter early just to lose the weight like some celebrities have admitted to doing.

  61. She's fine, she's gorgeous and healthy. I had my first at 33, (a boy) ate like a horse and gained 68 pounds all on fruit, veg and a particularly grainy bread I loved. Took a year, the weight came off. Had my second at 37, (a girl) didn't have the cravings like before, gained 33 pounds, lost that and then some. Nursed both for 1+ years, just for the record.
    She is a beautiful, new mother and that is just plain what it looks like! (More often than not)

  62. @AKM you must be ingesting some substance that you are allergic to and is causing inflammation. Maybe that statement can help you.

  63. If you are a large lady, like me, then cut the weight down to about 15 pound gain. If I had gained anything over 25 pounds, I would've been too large.

    Her doctor should have warned her about the weight gain, or the doctor warned her, but she didn't listen.

  64. @Sunny
    I am an absolute starving pig when I up my running! Add in weight lifting and it is all over. I could eat a horse. I'm in the same position right now. I've gained 5 from slacking on my exersize and am upping it now to lose, but I'M STARVED TO DEATH!
    Any useful tidbits anyone?

  65. I cannot believe weight watchers would want anyone in their program to lose 30 pounds in two months. They are all about taking your time to lose your weight. The first goal is 10% of your weight, but there is no time limit on it. They suggest you lose no more than 2 pounds per week. I have been a member of weight watchers and have friends who are employed by them. While they stress that their employees maintain their goal weight, they are very adamant about maintaining goals that are attainable. I call this story bull!

  66. I don't mean Enty is bull, I mean US Weekly.

  67. i remember how i was bashing on CELEBITCHY when i wrote she looked huge when she was pregnant of 4 months and it was not heathly.

  68. Totally agree with Char. I think when people criticize or judge women who have gained a ridiculous amount of weight here are not talking about women who have issues or conditions they can't control and just let themselves go.

    Brenda--That is absolutely false and working out is not just icing on the cake. I'd say it's 60-40 diet to exercise, but exercise is still so important, especially if you want to lose it faster. Also, once you reach your goal weight by just diet and go back to eating more it is so easy to just gain it right back. Diet will not raise your metabolism but working out AND lifting weights will. Incorporating weight lifting a couple times a week is the best way to lose weight and keep it off because more muscle means a higher metabolism. I cannot discourage solely diet as a means to lose weight. And don't even get me started on the benefits for your overall health and heart.:)

    RenoBlondee--try bulking up on veggies. I'm one of those people who like to feel full and satisfied after a meal, and filling up on veggies definitely helps me to stay full and not go reaching for something crappy. Get some veggies that you love and go crazy. Use spices and herbs or add a tiny bit of low fat cheese to make it a little more appetizing if you don't like plain veggies. Also eat lots of fiber. It fills you up tremendously.

  69. I cannot discourage solely diet as a means to lose weight ENOUGH....oops.

  70. @renoblondee
    It's so so hard for me to cut calories when I'm exercising - ARGH! I don't think I'm as motivated to do what I did before (logging my calories and workouts on the My Fitness Pal app, eating higher protein and fewer carbs and exercising 5 days a week). So this is my plan this week: No wine, eat lots of fruit and carrots for snacks or with my brekkie/lunch and start my day with big breakfast like egg whites and natural chicken sausage. I also love Knudsen's low fat cottage cheese with crushed pineapple on top as an alternative. I'll report back how that goes, but I think I'm too cranky these days to try to do low carb :)
    Good luck!!

  71. ^Low carb isn't as great of a diet as people think. When you cut carbs and lose weight, most of what you're losing is water weight (carboHYDRATE). It's way better to eat the RIGHT kinds of carbs than none at all. Whole wheat/whole grains (whole wheat bread, whole wheat pitas, etc). You need that in moderation to successfully lose weight and keep it off (AND you get to eat carbs!)

  72. @Jolene Jolene
    Oh, I 100% agree with you. I just did it before for a couple of weeks when I was trying to lose the rest of my baby weight from the second bambino. Typically when I'm at my goal weight, I keep it there because I'm so happy that my butt looks good in my jeans again :) Makes saying no to a big helping of cake or a second glass of wine a lot easier. Thanks for the tips!!

  73. I don't lose weight from exercise, only by cutting calories so for my body, I agree with the fact that adding exercise is just a bonus. That said, I HATE exercise. I wish I was one of those people that love it but I hate it so much.

    I stopped at the liquor store and picked up a 1/2 bottle of Wolf Blass. Now to stare at the clock until it's time to have a glass (it's too early now, I need something to look forward to).

  74. @anita
    Surely you must be in Hawaii if you think it's too early. Enjoy!

  75. Thanks for the tips @Jolene and @Sunny

    Going low carb_ISH helps me keep my cravings under control, but I do include a small amount of whole grains for energy to run. Just try and stay away from sugar and anything white flour.
    I am an apple shape and carry all my weight in my tummy, so I have more of an insulin thing goin' on.
    I will try to add more veggies and lean protein. Lots of water and yes, cutting down on alcohol (boo hiss).
    Good luck to you too Sunny!

  76. @Sunny, no, it's 8:30 but I am a night owl. I'll push it to 11:00. Sigh :( Is being sad about this the definition of first world problems?

    I know Skinny Girl has wine, does it have red wine? If so, is it any good and does Betheny Frenkel get any money from Skinny Girl purchases? Does anyone know?

  77. @anita--sure it's possible to lose weight with diet alone but not exercise alone. Excercising without watching what you eat is totally pointless. No one would lose a pound. Doing circuit training/high intensity intervals of cardio and lifting weights (the only exercise I do) a few days a week AND watching your diet, you'd be surprised at how fast one can lose weight. Circuit training is getting really popular because people keep saying its the fastest way to lose burn fat. I've been doing high intensity circuit at a studio in Chicago for a while now and I LOVE IT. And I used to hate working out. It's addicting. Everyone should find something they love :)

  78. Jessica Simpson is beautiful whether she's heavier or thinner.

    Whole wheat/whole grains are poison and lead to a big, bloated tummy. Eat real, whole foods like avocados, grass fed meats and dairy, olive oil, veggies and a little fruit. The pounds just melt away.

  79. I haven't found anything I like doing since I stopped doing taekwon-do. My school closed and I haven't looked for another. I'm so lazy it's unreal.

    Although I do walk 30 minutes to work and 30 back. It's brutal in this heat but I make myself walk briskly. Especially cutting through the mall.

  80. @pilly: Beyonce never had a kid, she took Prednison to look bloated. She never even looked legitimate pregggers.

  81. I recently downloaded an ap called Lose It, which like WW tracks your daily calories from food and if you've exercised it subtracts from your calorie total. Plus, it shows you where you're at on your calories limits. I love it soooo much. I clicked the option to check in with me at 9 AM, 1 PM, and 7 PM to make sure I recorded everything I've eaten. The most you can lose is a healthy two pounds a week within their system.

    AND, it was free!

  82. She won't make the deadline - not unless she starves herself which would be really unhealthy.

    I've spent most of my life moving up and down the weight scale. To lose weight you have to want to do it and then stick with it.

    In the last 2 years I've lost 60 lbs. Its a slow process, especially when your my age (46), but it can be done.

    Best Wishes Jessica!

  83. @katsm0711 - You are not a doctor, and you can barely construct a proper sentence or paragraph. Would you like to know just what you can do with your "advice"?

    It's people like you who make people ashamed to admit that they have fibro. Stop your ignorant judgment of things you know nothing about.

  84. @Jesse D--I have no idea where you got that ludicrous idea, but whole grains and whole wheat are not poison nor do they give you a bloated stomach (unless you eat too much). That's just absurd. Healthy grains IN MODERATION are a good thing.

  85. Oh, that is unless you have a wheat allergy. Then yes, wheat is bad and will cause a bloated stomach and considered poison.

  86. 30 pounds by next month? That is completely unhealthy.

  87. You guys!
    I think WW means she needs to lose 30 pounds by August since WHEN SHE GAVE BIRTH. Not since right now. That's completely doable.

  88. There is no way to lose that much in that small amount of time unless she does the Goop cleanse. And as witnesses in the comments, everyone is different w/ pregnancy weight gain (and weight gain in general), but Jess admitted to eating a lot of really unhealthy junk food when she was preg and completely stopped working out so those two things together means she has a long road ahead of her.

  89. As someone who suffers from both lupus and fibro I am offended by those who are trying to give medical advise about illnesses that they know nothing about. I do and a host of others that I won't list as you will also try and claim they are also bogus lol. But I bet my neuro, rheumatologist, interist and host of other specialist I have to see monthly would discount you.
    Unless you live DAILY with these then I don't want to hear you try and prove you bias. I have been battling chronic and serious illnesses for over 15 years now and many people like you that say if you would exercise or eat right you would get well. Guess what I do exercise and I do eat right. I belong to a gym and I do what my body allows me and what my physical therapist tells me that I am able and allowed to do. I also do not drink and eat very healthy foods. We have our own garden and my family supplies many of the meats that I eat so I know I am not getting any by products there. My family cans and freezes stuff so that we have stuff all year long so that I probably eat better than you.

  90. @Snowowl - AMEN. Gentle hugs to you.

    I believe in supplements, vitamins, good diet, exercise as tolerated, massage and chiropractic, etc. I also know that I have a bonafide disease and I need meds and a doctor's care for it, too. And I don't need uncaring, uneducated people on the internet telling me that it's all in my head, it's "questionable," it's a "catch-all disease," etc.

    Dissent on a gossip site is one thing, but when people start talking about things like fibro or CFS in a disparaging and patronizing way, it's one of those things that makes me very angry to hear.

  91. If she is on the drink again (betcha she is), she won't lose it. That's lush weight. She doesn't want to stop...then she'd actually have to face the fact that her baby daddy is with her for the money.

  92. So didn't Milla Jovovich.

  93. I skimmed the previous comments because I consider myself informed when it comes to obesity and weight loss because I am a fat bitch on a diet.

    I was in agreement with katsm0711, however, and make no weight loss judgement about Jessica Simpleton (although you can see I'm no fan) and the weight gain due to pregnancy. Since I am a member of weight watchers and she signed a contract with them, however, I feel free to comment.

    I've been with weight watchers for the last year. In that year I have lost 45 pounds (with another 40+ still to go) and that has been through an increase in physical activity and a serious reduction in the amount and type of food I put in my mouth and swallow. And a serious decrease in the amount of booze I ingest, goddamn it.

    This shit is not easy.

    I have struggled with weight my whole life, but i didn't get obese until the last ten years. Once obese, it became almost impossible NOT to gain more weight--I was already fat enough to be judged by others and to hate myself, so why not eat more?--it always feels good, and skinnybitches can shove it, fuck their genetics.

    Losing weight requires a shift in your relationship with eating, and eating is something you have to do every single day to live (unlike snorting coke or drinking booze). You have to get to the point where it is more important than anything else, and Missy Simpleton is not there yet, so a contract for money she doesn't really need (bitch made $750 million last year according to Time magazine) is not going to get her with the program. She has to want it bad.

    From my perspective she has no need--she gets press (still?!?) for being fat, so she doesn't have to have affairs, have her trophy husband get caught with strippers, and she can get good press to promote her brand and stay in the photos every week.

