Monday, July 23, 2012

Holding Hands With Strangers - Part 2


  1. I actually subscribed to this guy a few weeks back he posts a new "awkward social experiment" video every Monday. I know it's stupid but I can't help it laugh.. love this guy! lol

  2. These people don't seem to understand that when a male stranger walks up to a woman and 'breaks a social norm' by holding her hand, we females are afraid he has bad intentions, such as rape. He is scaring people needlessly with his idiotic experiment.

  3. None of my friends will film me while I do this. They are no fun :( I think Seattle would be a great place to do this!

  4. Lol that girl with the black dude. The black dude was like DAMN and his girl was about to kick some ass HAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. In this day and age a strange man who touches a woman he doesn't know is looking for bad trouble and is likely to find it, not funny.

  6. Yeah, not funny. These idiotic pranksters are lucky they don't get their asses kicked. Like that guy in Florida with that bomb scare prank.

  7. Touching someone without permission, especially in a way that can be interpreted (in some cultures) as "in a sexually forward manner," is grounds for an assault charge. Not even kidding. Intent be damned.

  8. This is not okay. If somebody tried that with me, they'd get a huge slap. Not on purpose, it'd just be reflexive with someone invading my space like that. I like the concept of challenging social norms, but there are much better ways to do it. What if you picked someone who had been assaulted? Can you imagine how traumatic that would be?

  9. Aww, Lake George village!

    I do enjoy watching the reactions but totally agree it isn't a good idea because you don't know how people will react.

    And I'm with Mooshki on the personal space thing.
