Tom Cruise is headed out of town after the weekend to start shooting a film in Colorado. Between the time he got back to LA for his 50th birthday and when he leaves he will have spent most of that time discussing how to go on the offensive against Katie Holmes. So far, Katie has controlled the media and got everything out the way she wanted it to spin. She has used every contact and called in every favor and has won because of the timing. Tom thought Katie had agreed to another year of being married and she sucker punched him. She also timed it for when he would be in Iceland. Now though, Scientology is about to act. Beginning next week anything Katie has ever said in auditing that is controversial is going to come out. I would not be surprised if news leaks that she was cheating or has had some kind of mental issues. Tom can't just leave things as they are because no one will ever join Scientology again if this is allowed to continue. It is not about Tom's movie career which has never really reached pre-Katie heights, but about the damage done to what he considers his church if a year of pro-Katie publicity about COS is allowed to go on. The argument inside COS is whether to go full blast against Katie or to just send out test signals to see what works. Some leaders were upset at Tom because he did not let them do or say anything while he was away and the divorce is all anyone is talking about at COS. There has never been more coverage about COS. Even with Nightline specials and the Village Voice going after them every week, the most Google searches have been within the past week since the announcement.
I think COS is screwed.
ReplyDeleteI agree, they're screwed. Some groups poll very poorly among the public, and while they are good at "fair-gaming" their opponents and digging up dirt, I have a feeling that Holmes was squeaky clean during the marriage. And if the CoS try to reveal that she once partied or had sex with men, we'll all just laugh. I mean, she's Katie Holmes, one of the most loveable and beautiful young actresses of her generation. They're screwed if they try slinging mud at her.
ReplyDeleteMore people are bound to believe Katie anyways just because of the hate people have for Co$.
ReplyDeleteEven if she did cheat, which how could she when she is being followed everywhere with HIS people. The public would still side with her. Tom/CoS are screwed.
ReplyDeleteI think Tom Cruise is nice in public and his magnolia character.behind closed doors...
ReplyDeleteOr the tropic thunder Les Grossman ..
DeleteWe are Talking Scorched Earth Katie..
There is no way this is going to work. Katie's divorce will be the last straw in anyone's patience with Scientology, she'll come out a hero for leaving it all behind her.
ReplyDeleteI think if Tom crosses the line, he'll have to deal with a shit storm of epic proportions. Should be interesting...
ReplyDeletewhat could her deepest auditing secret possibly be? that she was bearding for tom? please he should be scared! lol it just seems like she wouldn't have deep dark secrets for them to blackmail her with like they do with tom, john travolta, will smith etc...
ReplyDeleteThe only thing bad they could make up that might stick is calling her a racist. People tend to believe that type of rumor without needing any proof.
ReplyDeleteVery good point.
DeleteScientology=Shit, Fan, Splat!
ReplyDeleteAt this point, shouldn't everyone be smart enough to see the auditing coming and know better than to disclose anything for this reason? I hope so with Katie.
ReplyDeleteBoring! I hate feeling like Im being played and thats what both sides are doing. Pay her the money, find your next beard and shut up. There will still be lunatics signing up to be brain washed. And if they were smart they wouldnt say anything about her. Even the victim looks bad in a one sided fight.
ReplyDeleteI think were over thinking this. I think 7 years ago, Katie had very few options other than marrying well. She's not a great actress, and nobody was really paying attention to her prior to her relationship with Tom. I think Katie, with her dead-eyes played us all the whole time. Get pregnant, marry, black amex card, her own design company, a place in New York. I think she and her family, figured this out during the prenup stage. I never understood, why she didn't fake being happy while married to him. She always looked so dead. But I think this has always been her exit plan. I'm so impressed with her now. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI am going to check out the Scientology message boards defecting members use to air their grievances and connect with each other. Can't wait to see what their take is on this. Will report back in a day or so. :)
ReplyDeleteChasingHeaven -- that's totally out of left field. I'd love to see that go down:
ReplyDelete"BUT - BUT - Katie Holmes is a RACIST!!!"
Everyone else: "Whaaa--?!?"
TheGWU...I think you give Katie too much credit. you said yourself she isn't that good an actor.
ReplyDelete@TheGWU, you're forgetting that katie got in on the ground floor of what's turned into the very lucrative Batman franchise, and she was billed right at the top as Bruce Wayne's girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteTom made her abandon that, which besides being a bad move career wise, cost her a boatload of unearned money.. we're talking Twilight level salaries at this point.
Tom owes her A LOT imho. He'd never have done the same for her.
He didn't make her abandon Batman. Chris Nolan replaced her because there was no chemistry between her and Christian.
DeleteI think the public will side with Katie (as they already seem to be) and anything the Co$ leaks will bounce back badly on Tom. It'll look petty and like they are making shit up, even if whatever they leak is true. People remember the couch jumping, and Tom still comes across as weird, scary and goofy (not in the good way). I'm sure Katie's team has anticipated this, and they have more ammunition in their arsenal. Can't wait to see what happens in the coming weeks...
ReplyDeleteThere really is nothing CoS could tell me about KH that would ever make me change my mind about them. Remember when we thought she was being drugged, she looked so out of it all the time. I would applaud her if she did have an affair while married to TC - it's difficult for a young woman to beard for man. I also don't believe she really had a clue what she was getting into with CoS.
ReplyDeleteIf they were smart instead of just bullies they'd let it go....this could very well be the end for them.
ReplyDeleteI came across a recent article that said Katie was very careful of what she said in those auditing sessions. I hope for her sake that she was.
ReplyDelete@TheGWU- Her only option was to marry well? No, many of us know that Katy DID have talent to be a decent actress. Many of us also remember Katy effusively stating how "amazing" Tom was. I'm not sure why you're trying to convince us otherwise.
ReplyDeleteTom's not a great actor, but that hasn't stopped him. He used her to advance his family man, straight man image. Most people know that image is nothing but marketing.
All I know is that I dream of getting Katie and Nicole in a room with a pitcher of my margaritas A/K/A Truth Serum.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be there for that!
DeleteI doubt if any women(who are more inclined to read the celeb stuff) have an ounce of sympathy towards Tom after his ridiculous comments about Brooke Sheilds. The only leverage he would have is if she killed somebody. But even that would backfire on him for not reporting it to the police. He’s stuffed! He needs to go quietly into a dark corner, lick his wounds and ‘suck it up’. He won’t get the upper hand when it comes to a child.......he wouldn’t want a Gloria Vanderbilt style custody battle, surely not?
ReplyDeleteTo illustrate your point Enty, I never cared about COS before, i put research @ village voice on my weekend to-do. I never cared for Katie Holmes, now I want everything great to happen for her & her daughter. I'm even interested that Rupert Murdoch commented on twitter about more news regarding COS coming out. I find the smoke & mirrors fascinating, and I hope this time the media supports the underdog- Katie, and helps dig up the dirt on a super creepy cult. Buying a team Katie shirt in 3, 2, 1...
ReplyDeleteAm I naive for thinking there can't possibly be much - if any - legit dirt on Katie? She's always been ssssooooooooooo boooooooooooooring.
ReplyDeleteThis little sneak attack she just pulled off is the most interesting she's been ever.
That picture is über creepy
ReplyDeletePoor Katie. She sold her soul to the devil for money and greater fame...and look what happens.
ReplyDeleteI agree that TC doesn't stand much of a chance. However, who says he is going to use truth in the battle? It could be little things (Katie went out for a girls night out and left Suri at home ALONE - then you read the fine print and see Suri had a babysitter) but the damage is in the headline... it will be interesting to see what comes up.
ReplyDeleteKatie doesn't seem to be holding any punches, which leads me to think if they leak her 'skeletons' she would just turn around and leak anything in regards to TC and COS. Dumb move on their part.
ReplyDeletei agree that a Co$ smear onslaught will be forthcoming...it breaks my heart for poor little suri. i can only hope that security is tight as crap. i first i was boggled that katie would move into a bldg that was smack on the corner of one of the busiest southbound avenues in manhattan, as opposed to some quiet residential street...but i totally get it now. the more witnesses the better. i'm sad to write this...but i truly believe she has reason to fear for her life.
ReplyDeleteKatie should try and come across as America's sweetheart again. Not because it helps her with the general public or makes her seem like she's being attacked, which she will be. She should do it to try and elicit the sympathy of "Anonymous". Everyone knows they have NO love at all for COS so another reason to attack them is probably all they are looking for. Also after that one guy ratted them out to the FBI it's about time for a comeback.
ReplyDeleteI think that the main problem will be whether her Co$ minders will lie under oath about her actions while married.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else when talking about the "dirt" the COS could put out about Katie. I really don't think she has much. She cheated? Can you blame her? She wasn't a loving wife? CAN YOU BLAME HER? It was a contract marriage? Can't bring that up without making Tom look just as bad! I don't see anything nasty coming out about her that doesn't directly implicate Tom/COS at the same time. I think she'll be fine.
ReplyDeleteI think Tom's best PR move would be to just continue to play the victim--you know, he loved Katie so deeply, but he wants her to be happy, so he'll agree to whatever is best for Suri, etc. Then settle the matter quietly. He really could come out smelling like a rose if he doesn't go on the offense.
ReplyDeleteThere are times when it's best to suck it up and cut your losses. I think this is one of those times for Tom.
Why would Tom make her give up the Batman franchise? Just because he wanted a stay at home mom/wife?
ReplyDeleteIt's weird how he is so busy lately, never being home much. What difference would it make is she did have a successful career anyway? He's never around.
I think has something to do with christiAn bale...he based his American Psycho character off of Tom Cruise
DeleteShe needs to stand strong.
ReplyDeleteI always imagined that the worst Enty stories (ie, gangrapes) is what CO$ forced on its members to dehumanize them, so I'm prepared to hear the worst and STILL be Team Katie. Anything she did/said was under duress afaic.
Except marrying Tommy Girl's crazy ass in the first place.
If they even try to trash her, Co$ is screwed. I realize that delusion is part of what they've got going on, but if they think that by going after Katie in any way that they will come out looking saintly, they've got another thing coming. At this point, they could say she's Xenu wearing one of those Mission: Impossible masks, and I'd still be on her side.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure David Miscavige is straining at the leash right now, wanting to go at Katie with both guns like he wanted with Nicole. Nothing they throw out is going to stick. People are onto them now, and are expecting them to try and fling mud at Katie. She's still Joey Potter to a lot of people, and let's face it, America's Sweetheart right now.
ReplyDeleteI never underestimate the power of the media in this day and age. People are fickle and believe whatever they get jammed down their throats (present company excluded). Hell, most people I know think I'm crazy for always stating Tom is gay and I live in California! That said, I can't imagine what COS and Tom could possibly have on her, but my guess is that they will go after her ability as a mother and try to paint her as the new Casey Anthony. That's their only hope of swaying the general public.
ReplyDeleteAnd for those saying she deserves what she gets because she signed a deal with the devil to be rich, yeah okay let's say she did. Everything changes when you have a child. What may have been important to her when she signed that contract is no longer important now. And I applaud her for trying to get her kid away from COS.
I just needed to say this: Katie is not a good actress, at all. She is thin and pretty. But she is not good at acting. Trust me, I've seen every episode of Dawsons Creek and she was the worst part of Batman Begins, an otherwise flawless movie. For her sake, I hope she tells the truth, Co$ has no ace up their sleeve..she could go away with enough money that the world won't have to suffer thru her 'acting'.
ReplyDelete@LizzyMagoo22 I had no idea about Bale basing his American Psycho performance on Tom Cruise, but that is awesome. I can see that.
ReplyDeleteLook at People Magazine's subtle hints that Vanessa Paradis was to blame for Johnny Depp's mid-age crisis. Trash PR "magazines" like that will be the CO$ outlet against KH.
ReplyDeleteI hope the backlash against CO$ and TC will extend to PR outlets like People Mag.
I used to lurk over at the Dawson's Creek boards over at televisionwithoupity.com back in the day and they would gossip about Katie during the run of the show. Again, this was all talked about long before Tom ever entered the picture. The scandalous things they could point at her (if true):
ReplyDelete*She couldn't hold her liquor and had a habit of going home with frat guys.
*She was not very pleasant to fans sometimes
*She may have been bulimic
*She may have gotten an STD at some point
*She cheated on Chris Klein with Josh Jackson
These are the Oh! So! Shocking! things I can remember off the top of my head. Any of these things worse than what will come out about this cult? I think not.
And not one of those is true.
DeleteThis is going to be so much FUN!
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda looking at those pap pics differently, the ones that were posted a week or two before she filed. The ones where she's taking Suri around town for ice cream, playdates, whatever, and they look pretty much like any other decent mom/daughter I've seen at the grocery store, the zoo, etc, etc. And the pr spin c/b Katie _was_ at home in New York with the kid while Tom was in Iceland shooting some movie. As it pretty much has been since they got married - I'm really scratching my head as to what Katie has done since being married to Tom and all I can think of is some guest TV appearance on American Idol (I think..?).
ReplyDeleteGood luck Katie! You clearly have a ton of fans rooting for you in this neck o' the woods. Including this one.
Loved Vicki's comment about how hopefully Katie made up random shit during auditing. That would be hilarious.
ReplyDeleteId cheat on Chris Klein with Josh Jackson too..Pacey girl for life!
ReplyDeleteWell, after this weekend I have a completely free week, starting Monday. I can make up a new email address and sign up for every damn celeb forum out there and post all day about Tom and COS and what they are doing to poor Katie. I'll be a one woman PR machine to counteract their smear campaign, if they are stupid enough to go that route.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the comment above, cut your losses Tom. Make a lot of noise about doing what's best for Suri and end this quickly. If you are lucky, everyone will forget about your personal life by the time the Olympics are over.
Meredith: Invite me to your party!
ReplyDeleteIF Katie were smart..She would mass release the video of Tom at Oprahs and the Scientology video all over the media BIG time..Have her own SEO who makes that come up first and foremost..That would kill Tom immediately. I swear I watched those for the first time now and it truly creeped me out. Sadly it would also ruin the rest of Oprah's career too. She looked just as complicit.
Anyone remember the old HollywoodAList gossip site? I can't find it anymore, but it had pre-TC dirt on KH, but I don't remember exactly what it was, but she was worthy of having made the site---
ReplyDeletePre-TC, Katie wasn't A list. Or B list. Hell, Cruise wasn't A list; "TomKat" is what got them any attention, and it was just pity attention.
ReplyDeleteTom has been A-list for decades. Dollar for dollar he is a very bankable actor. He's going to have to do Mel Gibson level of batshit crazy for that to change.
DeleteCK76: Here's the link for it.
Only gossip on her is "Obsessively searching for drugs to enhance and prolong orgasms."
But really, aren't we all?
Where's Shelly ?
ReplyDeleteI may take a little side trip up to Clearwater while on vacation....
Co$ is so going to lose.
Let's hope they limit themselves to a negative PR campaign and not something worse. It doesn't matter whether Katie has anything to hide, you know the CO$ will make up any crap they can to smear her, probably questioning whether she is fit to be a mother and her judgement. They'll probably argue she engaged in behaviour/conduct that resulted in child endangerment. They'll fight dirty and nasty and conjure up dark magics with all those Thetans or whatever floating around.
ReplyDeleteI hope Katie can withstand the onslaught and gets out of this mess safely with Suri. I feel bad for her, she'll always be watching her back from here on for the rest of her life. As we've all read from the stories, those CO$ crazies do not relent when they feel their Church has been insulted.
If Cruise was really in charge of her acting decisions he really messed up big-time dumping the Batman series for Jack and Jill?? Not understanding that choice other than trying to sabotage her career?!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Enty, though the strategy will definitely fail. Tom is a 50 year old man; Katie is a 33 year old woman who many still think of as a "teenager" because of her role on DC. She has that youthful look back, and she's doing daily photos with Suri to show how close their connection is (and has always been). To release negative personal information will be met with disgust from the public. It seems petty & childish for an adult man and a huge organization to do this to an individual, especially when a child is involved.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure CoS is furious at Tom right now for not taking control of the situation. I think he was too comfortable and too confident with the control he thought he had. After all, he "won" when it came to Mimi and Nicole. But Katie blindsided him with the divorce and has control of the message. She took the page right out of Tom's playbook. She has not bashed Tom at all; only questions regarding the CoS "religion" have been brought up...nothing personal about Tom has been released.
The best thing they can do is settle things with Katie ASAP and move on. Otherwise they will just verify how horrible of an organization CoS is, along with the members at the highest levels.
I guess it wouldn't really surprise me if they announced a reconciliation and we heard from a more understanding kinder Tom. She married for $$$ and a career boost, maybe she'll get an offer she can't refuse.
ReplyDeleteI hope not. I can't see her letting Tom send Suri to the Sea Org boat/school, or whatever it was. It would make me sad if Katie sold out on that.
DeleteWhy does everyone automatically assume that Katie is this sweet innocent thing that was somehow "tricked" into this?? She is a grown woman that decided to marry into this. COS and Tom Cruise are sketchy but I wont look at her as being innocent here. She made her decision, this wasn't a forced marriage.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it whenever any Hollywood couple divorces, the wife is automatically portrayed as a saint and the husband is some crazed maniac?
Pharcycle, because in this case the husband really is a crazed maniac!
ReplyDeleteI do agree that she chose to marry him, but I also think she was head over heels - I mean come on Tom Cruise? We know the CoS crazy, but the Majority of Americans do not.
I highly recommend reading the CoS colums at the VV - many of the commenters are ex-CoS.
@TheGWU - People say that she looked dead in the eyes when with Tom because she was being audited constantly and deprived of food water sleep etc. That's why it was hard for her to fake happy.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that she is the best actress, but if the accusations of what Scientology are true, and I have a feel that they are, she deserves to get away from that man and give Suri a chance at a normal life.
Tom was on a repeat of Jay Leno last night, he still called her Kate. I get that is her given legal name, but if her parents call her Katie, CALL HER FUCKING KATIE YOU LUNATIC!
ReplyDeleteYou can see why he was so desperate to stay married another year. He needed that year to break in CO$ to Suri so she would "disconnect" from Katie when they eventually divorced.
I really think the real hero is Katie's father as a divorce attorney he guided her through the rough waters and saw what was coming down the barrel and her parents supportive nature seemed to give her the confidence to get out out a hopeless situation. Albeit one with private jets and luxury homes. But when you are empty on the inside money really doesn't matter.
I think Katie has something up her sleeve. I think her team of lawyers has information in anticipation of any nasty stuff they might try. Just like finding the vulnerability in the DeathStar. I think CO$ is going to be very surprised at how well her team will fight back. I just have a feeling..Especially if she supposedly promised another year and then hit him anyway. She's ready for it!
ReplyDeleteCould you imagine living a life like some Grisham novel where you are seriously afraid of the goons hiding everywhere? Imagine what that does to you. No wonder she wants to get away.
I don't think Katie would be doing this if she had let out any devastating secrets during the autiting so I'm very excited to see what CoS comes up with. I'm just afraid they will fabricate lies and forge documents like I'm pretty sure they did to prove John Travolta was in another city when one guy accused him in another city. Wait, what's going on with John Travolta I haven't heard anything about the lawsuits, are they still pending?
ReplyDeletemsgirl- So being head over heels excuses better judgment?
ReplyDeleteI agree that in this case Tom is a crazed fool but that doesnt mean that in every divorce the man is crazy and the woman is a saint.
I think the very reason Katy was 'selected' for this marriage is the very reason they should cut their losses and walk away. You know the cultists did research, fact-finding, and intensive decision making strategies before selecting Katie as the appropriate person to further their cause...they need to shut up, pay up, fold up.
ReplyDeleteA rather random thought: There was a BI about someone being very displeased and wanting out of the cult and most guessed it as Travolta. (It was after the death of Jet.) If this is true, maybe Katie will have some 'underground' support. If it falls, everyone else if free that otherwise couldn't get away!
Rose-colored glasses...
I have film of Katie whacked out on ecstasy from 1999 if the COS needs it. It was in a movie called Go.
ReplyDeleteApparently, she did. She was very limited on what facts she divulged and made up the rest.
ReplyDeletePharcycle - I'm saying the being head over heels means good judgment is GONE! No excuse, I'm saying she was young and probably crazy in love.
ReplyDeleteBut your main point of the man always portrayed as the criminal - there is something in that the knee- jerk reaction is to think that. Many men who have been through a divorce complain about how the courts lean towards the mother, and it's on the man to work much harder to try to get custody.
I am making a pledge here and now....nothing Katie could have done will turn me against her. Who's with me?
DeleteI am! I am! I am!!!!!
team katie
DeleteWhat I wouldn't give to be a fly on David Miscavige's wall during this last week.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling his wife might resurface in support of Katie and Nicole Kidman will be subpoenaed.
DeleteTeam Katie all the way!
ReplyDeleteIf Shelly resurfaces (which she very well might, at least for a photo op to couteract all the questions being raised),she hasn't 'blown' yet. That means she is unlikely to be anything more than a mindless drone who still is loyal to the cult and her (ex?) husband.
Team Suri!
ReplyDeleteIf the CO$ is stupid enough to pull out all stops (and, I believe they are a bunch of ego maniacal, bumbling idiots!)then let them.
Not only will it be epic from an entertainment, gossip standpoint but then more light will be shone on their soon to be crumbling house of cards. It would be amazing to see them come tumbling down because of their own arrogance.
I also believe those pics of disheveled Katie were the result of those 'audit' sessions.
To begin with TC persued Katie in a creepy preditory way, but she was very much in love with him. Because she loved him so much she agreed to participate in the COS, and what woman hasn't made stupid decision in the name of love. Suri is the product of Tom and Katie. I'm not saying she was conceived the old fashioned way, but she is biologically their child (you should see baby photos of TC. They look exactly alike as babies). As a mother the rules change when your child is born. What you found acceptable prior to motherhood many times is no longer acceptable. For Katie that was COS. Katie and her father have been planning this for over a year when it became apparent the Ton's plan was to raise Suri to be a high ranking leader in the church and that training begins at 6 or 7. Last year she enrolled Suri in a catholic preschool in NY which infuriated Tom. As for her establishing residency, she's been in NY for the better part OC 2 years. With Suri registered in school and her address listed as NY that establishes Suri as a residence, and by extension Katie.
ReplyDeleteI'm 99% certain Nicole Kidman is going to be subpe
The more CO$ goes after Katie and tries to make her look bad, the worse it will make them look. And if they release tapes or whatever of her audit sessions, it will backfire on them and make them look like the controlling cult they really are. Seems to me their and Tom's hands are tied.
ReplyDeleteI dont care what comes out. First of all, that wld be unethical, and who wants to join a cult that doesnt respect your privacy. Secondly, no one is gonna believe any of their crazy spin. The damage is DONE. COS shld just stfu, and cede this round.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, at her age she can get away with anything.
ReplyDeleteSexual experimentation? "I was young..and doing fooling things."
Anything about religion? "Searching for answers, and I didn't find anthing that stuck with me."
Drugs? Blame it on youth.
Bad parenting? "It takes two to raise a child and all mothers can tell you it's trial and error, but Suri is a happy child and that's all that matters."
Bad wife? "it was my first marriage, so I made a few mistakes. As his third, you'd think he'd know better."
I'm 99% certain Nicole will be called to testify on Katie's behalf. Tom filed for divorce after Nicole miscarried and part of the settlement was a gag order and that he got custody of the kids with no visitation rights. She too is Cathloic and planned to raise the kids on the Catholic church, and he was having none of that. He needs to stop pursuing Catholic women. Hell, Penelope Cruz (another catholic) dumped him because of the COS issue.
ReplyDelete^whocaresnow12, so did sofia v. (when they were auditioning her).
ReplyDeleteVery true. It's was a super short list of women, all we're Catholic. I dated a guy way back in the mid-90 's that was a D list actor (at best) who was raise Catholic but converted to COS. they go after Catholics because it's the largest religion in the world and want to be as powerful as the Vatican. Needless to say the church told him to bring me in, I politely declined, and 2 days later he broke up with me because I didn't have the church's best interest in my life which meant I didn't care about him. It still makes me laugh.
DeleteIs it possible that Katie, er "Kate," was drugged through the marriage and that is why she looked so hollow?
ReplyDeleteNo. She's was emotionally battered and broken down. Have you seen photos of her this week? She look radiant. I truly believe all she needs in her life is Suri.
DeleteI won't lie, deep down inside I want her and Michelle Williams to get the girls together for a play date while they discuss how to make a Dawson's Creek reunion happen. Then Jason Segal can set her up with a friend and they can double date.
A girl can dream of the impossible
I hope you are all right and that the CO$ goes down in flames on this one, but I'm still scared for Katie and Suri. This is going to be ugly, and my pessimistic self sees a freak accident or something worse befalling Katie. I hope I am very, very wrong. Good luck, Miss Holmes! We're on your side!
ReplyDeleteWell the most important thing is Co$ is getting bad publicity and the more people that hear about it, the less people are going to turn to Co$. Let's hope, right?
ReplyDeleteTwo days after the divorce story broke, Katie went out with her hair colored again, wearing beautiful subtle makeup, in a very flattering dress and HIGH HEELS! She looked very much like a woman who felt free and born again. And she was smiling a lot.
ReplyDeleteShe was shooting Project Runway
Deletelet's hear it for Katie's Dad. Lawyered her up from the beginning with the prenup. And take a look at the latest pictures of Nichole Kidman. Yeah, bring it on Tommy. And if anything would happen to Katie, God forbid, her parents will raise that child. And let's not forget Lisa Marie who will finally feel some support. And John Travolta who will bolt to the light. TEAM KATIE!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe CO$ is so screwed right now. Whatever campaign they start next week will bring their cult under further scrutiny. Katie has hit the ball out of the park. She got ahead of them in the press and got rid of them in her life. After that, just about everyone is expecting them to retaliate against Katie but many people looking from the outside in are ready to support and defend her. The best thing for the CO$ to do is to keep their strategies to deal with Katie quiet but that will not work because Katie will be taking notes.
ReplyDeleteMessage to Katie:
ReplyDeleteThe world is with YOU! You think any of us are perfect? Don't sweat anything they may say about you...true or false, it doesn't matter. WE believe in you! Stay strong!!
Haven't read the above comments yet. Waiting on a fresh iced coffee and time to sit and enjoy first. :D
ReplyDeleteI think this is the beginning of the end of COS (gods I hope so!!!)
Also, if this goes the way Enty has shared I hope it destroys TC's career permanently. He should be thinking about the child involved, not his ego.
my apologies if this link has already been shared.
Wondering if CDAN has experienced any of this yet? The best comment after the story was, to paraphrase, bringing a squirt gun to a nuclear war.
Delusional if they think they can control this
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong on a few things. Kidman and Cruise had joint custody of the children. It was Kidman who gave that up. She could have fought it in court but her career, looking for a new man (Stephen Bing, Q-tip, Lenny Kravitz and then Keith Urban) and the money Tom was and still pays her was more important. Kidman won't speak out against Tom or COS. If she is called to testify, I see her suddenly being out of the country. She still speaks lovingly in interviews about Tom. Says she still loves him, even though she is married to someone else. Kidman may be afraid of COS but I believe it's because they have things on her that could hurt her career. Which at the end of the day, is the most important thing to Kidman.
Just read this at the village voice and think this is the crux of it...it will all come tumling down, because they are delusional...
ReplyDeleteRathbun says Cruise simply isn't in the same position he was eleven years ago.
"When we were handling the Nicole divorce, she started to raise the specter of wanting the kids more than half the time. She hinted through her attorney that Scientology was going to be an issue. So we went in hard. 'Go ahead, bring it,' we said. And she backed off," Rathbun says.
"Tom may think he can do that now, and if he does, he's had it. Because 2012 is not 2001. The landscape has changed drastically."
Word on the street is Kirsty Ally and possibly John Travolta and Kelly Preston are about to step away from COS
ReplyDeleteHow awesome would it be if Katie helped bring down the entire Scientology operation? She would deserve the Nobel Prize for that shit.(First time commenter: this whole thing has me so excited I've crawled out of the woodwork :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to wonder if she has anything that can affect the "Religious" status of the church. Tax record violations, non-compliance, etc. Man, that would be AMAZING!
ReplyDeletethe people site has had cruise/holmes stories as the top 5 stories for an entire week. on 7/4 the server was busy and there was a time you couldn't even get to the site. it's obvious that COS people are posting there, their comments are mostly lame (katie is a greedy slut...katie knew what she was getting into). but they are obviously COS. and posters are rabid at them. the hate for COS is huge.
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs to read the link @Rins posted. It answers a lot of blind items.... I haven't even made it to TC yet!
ReplyDeleteOK, a few things:
ReplyDelete"I think that the main problem will be whether her Co$ minders will lie under oath about her actions while married."
When, not if. Those minders will have been picked out for their reliability to perjure themselves as needed, among other qualities. But their testimony will have to be corroborated by disinterested parties in order to have much effect.
Tom has been A-list for decades. Dollar for dollar he is a very bankable actor. He's going to have to do Mel Gibson level of batshit crazy for that to change."
Tom's box-office appeal is way down. He was no longer "very bankable" before he jumped the couch, and his numbers have continued to fall since then.
"As for her establishing residency, she's been in NY for the better part OC 2 years. With Suri registered in school and her address listed as NY that establishes Suri as a residence, and by extension Katie. "
Doesn't work like that. She's going to need to show "continuous residence" for a year or two, and if Suri has spent significant time with Tom outside of NY, that becomes an issue. The factors you cited are just factors. Also, residency of the parents determines residency of the child, not the other way around.
Any clause in the prenup predefining venue of divorce trumps all this anyway.
And please, let's drop the nonsense about Nicole being supoenaed. It's a divorce action, not a criminal trial. You don't get unlimited power to subpoena in a disso.
Team Tom here. Katie is classless
ReplyDeleteI think they could go after Katie for being a horrible mother. Motherhood is so revered by the media and by our culture. It would be really easy to bombard the tabloids with stories about how Katie mistreats Suri, and she already made a tabloid list for the penis candy incident. This way, Tom could also sway public opinion for custody, and the COS could damage her image.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Shelley Miscavige?
ReplyDeleteWhy are children as young as 8 signed over to slavery by their parents?
(see village voice, search scientology)
I feel so bad for the unpaid you-know-who's (who we regular CDANers have NEVER heard of), trying these weak-ass defenses of Tom, and AGAIN with the smearing Nicole.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for them, because they are being brainwashed and ripped off. Please, call your parents, or if they're Co$, call any damn suicide hotline, just to talk. People who work those hotlines will always listen, and will take the time to find you the right people to help you get out of Co$.
That's my concern-trolling-for trolls duty for today. But after what I've read, I actually get misty thinking that these very defenders of the 'Church' here, could be trapped in that horrible SeaOrg, as slave labor.
Anyhoo---Team Katie, no matter what. I was never a fan, actually disliked her b/c I thought she was happily contracted in TC's perpetual fraud. The way she's handled this, she's earned A LOT of respect, and a new fan here!
In my dreams, relieved ex-Co$ Hollywood will give Katie the humanitarian award at the Oscars next year! lol!
"Public opinion" isn't going to matter in the actual custody trial, if it goes to trial. Tom will have to show how exactly Katie is a bad mom. Barring a smoking gun, Tom's chances of impugning Katie's parental fitness to the point of getting control over Suri are extremely remote.
ReplyDeleteLet the CoS say whatever the hell they want. Their attempts will be all for naught, and will just provide more fodder for the rest of the world to continue to mock, laugh, and hate them.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous is just waiting for CoS to make a move. I'd imagine that David Miscavige is shitting his pants right now, because he is not sure whether he should be more worried about whether or not Katie is going to spill all the dirt she has, or what/when/how Anonymous is going to make his life hellish. The CoS is absolutely backed into a corner over this- they WILL try to sling as much mud as possible, but they are pretty much screwed regardless.
The press is using Katie to create a noose and they are just waiting for CoS to start stick its head in that noose as it starts a smear campaign.
ReplyDeleteI've already seen a couple of reports from "friends of Tom" that report him being "heart-broken" and "crushed" which I find very hard to believe.
If you told me he was "livid" or "enraged" that Katie pulled this off without consulting him, I would believe that.
If anyone is bored or just wants to counter all of the CoS goons that are popping up around the internet, attempting their lame smear campaign: below, I offer you some of the finest Scientologist repellant. Share, spread it, have fun, and watch the chaos ensue.
ReplyDelete*Ask where Shelly Miscavige is
*Ask why there is a volcano on the cover of Dianetics
*Ask why Quentin Hubbard, son of L. Ron, committed suicide
*Tell them they are enturbulated
*Ask what David's plans are for the incoming Marcabian Fleet
*Post about the schematics of the model DC-8 airplane
*Remind them that glycol does not freeze
*Ask how/why Lisa McPherson died
*Ask for their fax number and inquite as to whether their machine has enough ink
*Tell them you saw e-meters for sale on ebay/craigslist
The Australian media is going to town on this. One headline: Mission Possible- How Katie and Suri escaped.
ReplyDeleteFront page!
@Bprofane: Nichole would testify to his fitness as a parent and the tactics he used to alienate the kids from her through their religion. She actually wouldn't need to say very much at all other than he doesn't encourage the kids they have to love her. A couple of examples along those lines and any joint custody is out of the question. She also knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak. An expert witness to testify to how damaging a cult can be and tom will be lucky to see the kid on a magazine cover in the grocery store. Not that he shops.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that there has been so little shill-posting, relatively speaking. Enty is outright baiting them to attack. They may have their hands full trying to jam the commentary forums of the major media outlets.
ReplyDeleteI do question the content of this blog entry. It implies that Enty has sources inside of COS or Tom's inner circle, both of which I find extremely unlikely.
Yes, Nicole could choose to provide evidence in support of Katie, and "parental alienation" is a specific statutory basis on which you can challenge parental fitness under CA law. (Statutory = explicit defined in law.)
ReplyDeleteBut...Katie's counsel will need independent corroboration to make that stick. Not impossible. Falls under the ambit of the "wide latitude" that CA family law judges are allowed to apply.
ReplyDeleteThere are more people, according to Australian census, that identify with Jedi as a religion than Scientology. Less than 100,000 members works wide now it's estimated. I except federal criminal charges to be brought up against Co$ in the next few years at the most.
ReplyDeleteCo$ is definitely on its way out
FYI, all, I will be less specific as to citing personal experiences and advice from attorney friends going forward, because I don't want to make it easy for COS to track me down and hassle my friends. If I cite CA family law on some aspect, you can easily look it up for yourself if you doubt me.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone sees legal opinions from NY family law attorneys about the custody issues in press accounts, please post the URLs. I'm really curious to see how the relevant law is different in NY state, but I don't have the time to read up on that myself. Especially conflicting religious practices in contested custody fights.
@123xyz - sure if that's what you want to believe. The reason Nicole Kidman doesn't speak ill of TC is that she's finally rebuilding a rlationship with Isabella. I'm sure once Connor is 18 they will work on rebuilding their relationship as well.
ReplyDelete@B. Profane -this case is under NY law, not CA, and NY law is going to work more in Katie's favor.
"@B. Profane -this case is under NY law, not CA, and NY law is going to work more in Katie's favor."
ReplyDeleteYou know this how? Custody law these days tends to have a lot of commonality between the most populated states (Texas excepted), so CA custodial law is a pretty good baseline for nationwide standards. Also, I've already explained why the divorce is likely to be ultimately adjudicated under CA law.
Everyones always going to be on her side. Hed do better as a single person anyway. His only hope is taking the high road. Retreating. Giving concessions.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like COS has their hands full trying to get comments removed from various websites:
@Eliz: great link...the comments were great reading and very informative.
ReplyDeleteThis link was in one of the comments and I thought worth posting....
Katie Holmes and Scientology Some Tips from an Ex on How to Survive Leaving
NEVER NEVER LET THEM GET TO YOU, AT YOU, OR GET YOU BACK. Be safe Katie, best wishes, stand strong; If you know you are right, square your shoulders and go forward.
Holy cow does this mean I can retire my "v" mask? Team Katie!!!
ReplyDeleteSo it was a five year contract but she agreed to stay one more year? But blindsided him instead? Also, why did he and Nicole break up, exactly? Does anyone finally know?
ReplyDeleteI agree with the person who said katie was the worst part of that Batman movie! I think katie showed that she may look innocent but will kick a dude in the balls if necessary. I like that! But still im in support of the child and hope this can be resolved.
ReplyDeleteI had a brilliant flash of insight this afternoon that I'm just sure y'all will find fascinating :).
ReplyDeleteWhy do celebrity Scientologists seem so freaky? I mean, seriously, I think Tom Cruise comes off crazier than Mel Gibson - Mel's just a bigot and a racist and a nasty guy, but Tom is, like, really crazy.
Then you think - American movie stars are among the most pampered, privileged, insulated, isolated, coddled people on the planet. Tom Cruise enjoys a level of privilege some European royalty would envy. Even D listers like Kirsty or Jenna or Juliette Lewis have a lifestyle most of us don't.
Then you also think - most "real" religions (note: I'm a practicing Catholic) involve a higher power, something or someone outside the believer. Sure, some churches make a big deal out of their famous adherents - the Kennedys can always get a priest to sit in at trials and such to make the family look better, and celebrity rabbis love to hang with Madonna - but those religions don't tell their celebrity adherents that they have a fast track to salvation.
But in the "Church" of Scientology, the believer IS the higher power. If you spend years and years and 100s of thousands of dollars, you're told, you'll eventually achieve a level of superhuman immortality or some bullshit like that. Scientologists really do believe they're stronger, wiser, smarter, etc. than the rest of us mere humans. You've seen the Cruise video from 2004, when he talks about how a Scientologist has to stop at a wreck b/c they're the only ones who can help? He seriously believes that. They all do.
That's enough to make any normal person a freak, as we've seen. And celebrity Scientologists are freaks to begin with. Once Miscavige and his goons get hold of them, they're monstrous freaks. A guy with an ego and a level of entitlement like Cruise? I can't imagine the nightmare of living with that.
It's always interesting when a formerly powerful institution or group discovers that the world has changed fundamentally and they weren't ready for it - the Catholic Church after Gutenburg, European royalty after WWI, the Soviet Union in the 80s, the whole world after the Internet.
The whole world, that is, except for Scientology, until now.
I've stocked up on popcorn, and I've brought enough for everyone.
"American Psycho" director Mary Harron reveals that Christian Bale based his murderous character Patrick Bateman on Tom Cruise.
ReplyDelete"One day he (Bale) called me and he had been watching Tom Cruise on David Letterman, and he just had this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes, and he was really taken with this energy."
..accompanied by a crazy, smiling Tom photo that is plain creepy. See it here:
@Kinsey Holley--You've got the arrogance side of the appeal of COS, now add in the insecurity side for celebs. Trying to make it in the biz is a soul-destroying slog. You're getting shot down in auditions day after day. Everything about trying to make it steers you towards self-doubt and expectations of failure. Now, along comes this "religion" that just seems like self-help therapy at first. They're not asking you to believe in holy ghosts, they're just trying (so it seems) to help you be all that you can be. They heap on gobs of affirmation, and their cheap parlor tricks do seem to alleviate the defeatism holding you back.
ReplyDeleteAdd in the fact that most celebrities are not all that well-educated, and are particularly deficient in psychology, let alone the empiricism of hard science...and voila! You have a faith tailor made for Joe or Jane Wannabe.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy Nicole Kidman cared about her first kids with Tom! I remember an interview she did when she was "pregnant" with Sunday Roast and said it was her "first" child. How did she forget her first two?
ReplyDeleteNicole had TC when he was at his peak and Katie got the crazy left overs. When Nicole was with TC, it helped her career. TC's connection to COS was not as publicized and the Internet was fairly new. Due to timing, Katie did not get Nicole's breaks except in winning the public over.
Nicole is going to stay mum and keep working.
Wouldn't the CoS leaking her auditing sessions discredit their congregations confidentiality and rights?. If I were in the CoS or even contemplating converting I would be hesitant to ever do another auditing session. Of course, I am sure most CoS members are brainwashed. All of this has and will continue to be very interesting to watch unfold.
ReplyDeleteWhere's shelly. Proud of you guys.
ReplyDeleteThe congregations have no confidentiality and rights within the cult as they forfeit them upon joining their ranks... CoS requires members to sign ten miles of contracts and legal paperwork when they join. They use lots of vague phrasing and legal jargon that most normal people don't even fully understand.
ReplyDelete"Wouldn't the CoS leaking her auditing sessions discredit their congregations confidentiality and rights?"
ReplyDeleteGood theory, but you're forgetting the Ponzi Scheme aspect of COS. You're also assuming that the intelligence of senior COS leadership tempers their arrogance, and the evidence of the last fifteen years or so belies that.
ReplyDeleteThat's all PR. put out by her people. It makes Kidman look less like an Ice Queen and more like the every day woman that she wants the minivan majority to think she is. Kidman loves playing the victim. She hasn't seen either child since 2007 when she was making Australia. Bella's not leaving COS and she would have to to be, to be having a relationship with Kidman. Who she doesn't even think of as her "Mom" anymore. I'm not a member of COS. I may not live on this message board but I have posted here before. I'm team Katie all the way!!
The Kidman/Cruise divorce. I don't think anyone but the two of them know the real reason their marriage was over. There have been many rumors. #1 they had a 10 year contract and it was up. Although, it actually went a little over that 10 yr mark and Kidman thought she was home free. Then Tom blindsided her with divorce papers. I don't believe that she was pregnant at the time.(Or anytime for that matter. Think earlier version of Beyonce.) She would like people to believe she was. Just a ploy to garner sympathy from the public.
ReplyDelete#2 They had an open marriage but Kidman was getting sloppy with her affairs.
#3 Kidman gave an interview where she said she was open to all religions. A big No No to COS. Hense the "Nic knows what she did" from Cruise after their break up.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou MUST be a COS plant because all the sites I've read are pro-Katie!
IF Katie is a bad wife and mother, it makes TC look bad for putting up with it! TC has had a public relations problem for some time now. The only love he gets is for calling Matt Lauer "glib."
COS has been imploding for a while. This mess for TC goes along with everything else that COS has been having problems with.
I hope you didn't pay a lot of money Niki for the audits.
"...there'd be nothing to stop "sources close to Tom" leaking details about how bad a wife and mother she was."
ReplyDeleteJust to keep things clear, there's going to be the PR fight for public opinion and the legal fight for actual custody terms during trial, if it comes to that. All the sources-this, sources-that shite won't mean a damn at trial. I know.
@123xyz "Bella's not leaving COS and she would have to to be, to be having a relationship with Kidman." That says it all. Former Xenu worshipers have said the kids were drilled daily that Nicole was a sociopath. With Tom, it's his way or no way. Which is why Katie really had to make a move this year and she would have lost Suri the same way.
ReplyDeleteNiki, I haven't seen one single site sympathetic to Tom. Not sure what you're reading there unless Xenu is working on creating a site as we speak. I agree with Henriette - hope you haven't spent too much on those audits.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTom had better hope that Bella is loyal. She is, in theory, the one person on the planet who could cause Tom to decisively "lose" a custody trial single-handedly.
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone join something knowing they're going to crap on you if you do something they don't like? How could leaking info collected in auditing sessions possibly be beneficial to them? I can see how it might intimidate someone to not leave the fold, but Katie has already flown the coop. Leaking anything about her at this point won't help the church at all and it won't get her back...it will only prove how little Tom truly is.
ReplyDeleteWhy Katie May Win Custody:
The Best Scientology Long Reads:
Lots of good info in that first URL. Take note especially of this quote:
ReplyDelete'Even if Holmes signed a pre-nuptial agreement in which she said she would raise Suri as a Scientologist, the court could throw it out, says Hennessey. “Nothing about children is enforceable, unlike spousal support items. The court won’t sacrifice the well-being of the child just because five years ago someone said they would raise the kid that way. And Katie could get around it by saying that at that point she didn’t know what it entailed.”'
I assume that she is referring to NY family law, but this is also ABSOLUTELY TRUE in California as well. I had that straight from the (very expensive) family law attorney who drew up the prenup for my first marriage. Anything in the prenup about custody or parenting conditions goes right out the window.
I think they're glossing over the change of venue issue, but I hope they're right about the judge to whom the case has been initially assigned in NYC.
@ Elizabeth,
ReplyDeleteAre you calling me a former COS member? I can assure you I am not. I'm team Katie although, the truth be known, I really don't care that much about either Tom or Katie. I respect her more now then I did say 2 weeks ago. I am someone who has had an interest in Nicole Kidman's career because of how it relates to Keith Urban's career. So I've seen and heard a lot over the last 7 years. Things that people who maybe have seen of few of her movies or see photos from time to time in magazines probably wouldn't hear about her.
Isn't that interesting - Niki deleted her posts.
ReplyDeleteHA HA HA HA ... if the COS "leaks" ANYTHING.. .no one will join the church! They can't do anything! That is their best move. They need to let her walk. The normal public already know they are a cult!!! And hold people against their will. So leaking things that Katie may have said in their evil abusive tests shows they hold nothing in private.. and YOU TOO could be "leaked" upon!
ReplyDeleteEveryone will be for Katie...
When are all the studios going to figure out that TOM is done making movies! I haven't seen a Tom Cruise movie in over a decade! .. Not even on video. He ruined the Mission Impossible... I would have loved to have seen them.. but he turns my stomach too much..
Who wants to watch a pyscho-hyper-ego-driven-little-man-complex Tom Cruise?? Hes not even cute!
No surprise, but COS is disavowing the OSA "hatting" e-mail that Rathbun posted.
ReplyDelete(You can make URL's live by using the anchor tag. Duh, I can't believe I forgot that.)
"I [expect] federal criminal charges to be brought up against Co$ in the next few years at the most."
ReplyDeleteIf Obama is reelected this fall, I predict we'll see DoJ file a comprehensive RICO indictment against the senior leadership of COS within a year. It wouldn't surprise me if they've already got informers inside taping meetings and such.
B's right, of course, that a judge won't pay any attention to public opinion, should the divorce wind up in court. But the Daily Mail (I know, I know) says "sources" are reporting that Teams Holmes and Cruise are negotiating and trying to dial it back a notch, which I have to believe was Tom's idea.
ReplyDeleteHe's getting counsel from two sides - Scientology and Hollywood. Scientology will want him to go the full Attack, Don't Defend route b/c they still don't understand how bad they look, how their traditional tactics are no longer working. Hollywood, OTOH, knows exactly how bad Tom and Co$ are looking and they don't want to lose money on all the projects he's committed to.
And, while the judge won't care about public opinion, I think Tom's lawyers are paying attention, and I think public opinion will influence how they negotiate and whether they go the hardball route or treat Katie with great respect and gentleness which, if they're not f'ing morons, is what they should do.
The nasty, stare-at-car-wrecks part of me wants to see this go to court and cause huge massive f'ing losses for Co$. The decent part of me suspects that child is already plenty messed up, and her parents need to settle this quickly and quietly with no animosity. And quit buying her couture clothes and $1000 shoes and carrying her everywhere b/c holy shit, they're going to turn her into a freak.
Also, I think a Romney DOJ would be plenty interested in Co$'s activities too.
Just came across this site at TMZ comments...OMGOSH...http://www.exscientologykids.com/voicesinunison.html
ReplyDeleteHow can this continue to happen in our modern day world???!!! Unbelievable.
I hope that this divorce heats up the inquiries of this cult instead of money making it all go away! There is no way it should go back 'under the carpet'!!!
So her Daddy the Lawyer did take care of her. Go Katie's Dad!!! Makes me miss mine. :')