Last night while shooting the movie The Hive, Halle was struck in the head by an object and was knocked unconscious. This is just like Kristin Chenoweth last week. Although, Halle does have a history of getting injured on set. I remember she broke and ankle once. I think David Justice once beat her up while she was on set too.
Hope she O.K, but just maybe it knocked some of the bitch out of her..
ReplyDeleteIsn't she always hurting herself for attention or something?
ReplyDeleteNah, Misch. It probably just knocked a little more sanity out of her. Yikes! Girl was not exactly the picture of perfect mental health to begin with.
ReplyDeleteHa, she'll be even more bat shit cray cray now
ReplyDeleteHope this is better than her hit-and-run a couple of years ago.
ReplyDeleteI wonder about that woman.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how sick the above comments are. she got hit in the head and had to go to the hospital and all you can do is insult her?
ReplyDeleteOh, come on. This is a gossip blog, and the comments were said in jest.
ReplyDeleteSick? Wasn't it "sick" of Berry to leave the scene of an accident, where she hit someone? I'm sorry she's in the hospital, but she doesn't have a track record for compassion either.
Maybe it will knock some sense into her.
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was maybe this would knock some sense into her. Of course no one here wants her to be seriously injured. If you can't handle tha snark of this comment board, back away slowly.
ReplyDeleteAlso, she's already been released from the hospital and is 100% fine, so I don't see why the comments are so "sick." Halle has a long track record of being an asshole, so a minor bump on the head isn't really a reason to forget all that.
ReplyDeleteMy 85yr old grandfather and I were talking about her the other day and I told him how crazy she is. Was probably the first celebrity gossip he's heard since my grams died, he was so curious haha.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing The Hive isn't a movie about the best live band in the world. Tick tick tick BOOM!
ReplyDelete^ This
DeleteOMG...Talk about accident prone.
ReplyDelete@Tepestuous Grape
ReplyDeleteI know! The title says it all. What happened to her career? She's with Adrian Brody as an Oscar owner on a downward spiral.
@ seaward , does Gramps have access to the internet? We have a volunteer group(those young whoopersnappers who understand "tech") that go into retirement centers or hold free seminars and show folks how to use the internet, I phones, etc. It's been a huge hit. Comes from High School kids who do it for their
ReplyDeletecommunity commitment or whatever its called:)
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ReplyDelete@Agent, he got rid of it when gramma died. That sounds like a really cool initiative, but he wouldn't do it. He doesn't care about technology, he is actually the most active, busy old man I've ever seen. He wouldn't even have time to get on the internet!
ReplyDelete@Layna - yes, it can be serious, but if it were, the hospital would not have released her.
ReplyDelete@seaward - I'm enjoying hearing about your grandpa. Mine have been gone for many years. Please share Grandpa stories whenever you get the chance.
ReplyDeleteAgent, my FIL went to an "old people computer class" - his discription- and actually learned how to get on the Internet. It was great!
she went to the hospital becuase she threw up and that is a sign of a concussion plus the fact it happend on set for insurance reasons she would have to be checked out.
ReplyDeletei'm sorry but the knock some sense into her line was funny. Some people need to lighten up. It's all done in good snarkiness. No one wants her to die for goodness sakes.
She's been released from the hospital? Then I'm sure she's already called her legal team to find some way of blaming Gabriel Aubry, and making her accident "proof" that he's a deadbeat dad. Somehow, she'll find a way to spin this.
ReplyDelete@Seaward, next time you visit get onto CDAN and we can all say hi to him !
ReplyDelete@Frufra, my Grandfathers were so old they died before I was born. My hubbie says I am the biggest flirt when it comes to men in their 80's and up. Sort of a reverse cougar:)
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ReplyDeleteHead injuries can be very serious. Just ask Natasha Richardson, or Usher's step-son. She's probably okay or we would have heard the bad news by now.
ReplyDeleteIf only the judge had let her take her daughter to live in France. No one gets hit on the head there!
ReplyDelete@Layna Day I get what you are saying and if she was in a coma, or brain dead I would 100% agree with you. But she is fine and she is still an asshole to me and others. I think what she had done to Gabriel Aubry is deplorable and Halle has mental illness issues that people give her a pass on becuase she is so flawlessly beautiful and she knows it and works it.
ReplyDeleteanother reason to move to france!! This never happens there, lol Seriously, wtf goes on on these sets that the stars- you know, the people you need to do the project- are getting hurt. I think that should be looked into!! and i hope shes okay.
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ReplyDeleteRight on, guys! He loves attention, I will def have to let him say hi sometime.
ReplyDeleteFrufra, here's a good one: there was a coyote running around his neighborhood, but it was friendly and grampa would feed it and he loved that the coyote would get within 10 feet of him. He went around to all his neighbors telling them it was friendly and not to shoot it. There was one neighbor who, I don't know if gpa didn't get to him or if he's just an ass, but this guy killed the coyote. So grandpa went to that guy's house and yelled at him, then uninvited him from the neighborhood July 4th party.
Now he has a bag of dog food by his back door and is feeding 2 raccoon families, although one of the babies got hit by a car about a week ago :(
seaward, I love it! Go Grandpa! That right there is why I can't wait to get old - living on your own terms and don't care who knows it! We're barely keeping it in the road for the sake of our kids, but, oh, man, watch out world. In about ten years, the double-freak Team Frufra will be up in your face!
ReplyDeleteI do hope she is ok.
ReplyDeleteThat said, the very first thing in my head was "I hope it knocked some sense into her". That woman is cray cray.
@Layna, did you see yesterday's Charlie Sheen comments? He's now misunderstood.
ReplyDeleteI used to really like Halle and feel sympathy for her repeated bad luck with men. Even if you're a bad chooser, I don't wish to see anyone get abused or cheated on, but I think the more I see of her I wonder at her contribution.
ReplyDeleteGabriel Aubrey was by her account a loving boyfriend and father, what she's done to her daughter and her father by trying to replace him with the flavor of the month is appalling. Let me tell you, I HATE my ex, but my kids don't. I'd never take them away from their father.
Does Halle really think her daughter won't hate her for this? She will.
I smell exaggerration here. Hit in the head with an unnamed object (i.e. a copy of the script) and was knocked inconscious (said 'oh my' and sat down for a moment), was rushed to the hospital (protocol per our insurance policy) and was released shortly thereafter ("Did someone notify Entertainment Tonight yet? I'm back in court with Aubrey next week).
ReplyDelete@Layna if it is too much for you emotionally to read these comments you might want to skip the comments for certian postings if it is too close to home.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes I know Halle we have been reading about her bat shit crazy antics for years now.
I just can't chuckle at possible head injuries. It's too much for me, even in jest.
ReplyDeleteTake away the "possible head injuries" and substitute any of hundreds of other thing that are joked about here and we've all probably been there.
On the other side of the equation, unless a poster only ever leaves completely positive comments, we've all probably said something that has made someone else shake their head and think "I just can't laugh at that." We all have our own lines in the sand; expecting other people to abide by them, though, would be rank foolishness.
The only cure for it is skipping comments when I know I can't handle seeing negativity about someone or something. Or finding an entirely different kind of gossip site (almost definitely the unfun kind) to get my news from.
If it wasn't a documented on-set accident I would think that Halle had had a fight with her current flame and this was a cry for attention, because that's the sort of stunt she'd pull.
ReplyDeleteTimbob, so you know Halle personally and she's been an asshole to you? And what other asshole things has she done, please enlighten.
ReplyDeleteAnd sorry, but Gabriel is no more innocent than she is. It takes two to tango. And as a mental health care professional, could you please share her various mental illnesses?
Charlize Theron does bat crazy shit and everyone justifies and makes excuses for her. Oh, she was treated horribly by men, her father beat her mother, her mother killed her father, blah, blah, blah. Charlize is our golden haired saint. Anyone else, not so much.
Personally I hate Charlize.
DeleteShe looks like her neck shit out her head, but I know I'm in the minority here :)
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ReplyDeleteLayna don't you go budge girl. We all don't have to agree.
ReplyDeleteI do find it ironic though, Enty making his little crack about David Justice beating her up on the set of a film, but Chris Brown is the second coming of the Demon Seed and I've yet to hear him joke about that, not to mention as big as an asshole as Chris Brown in fact is, I don't know him to be a serial woman beater. So being a twat aside, hopefully he's learned his lesson and never touched another woman in anger. But the way Enty makes cracks, he's Charlie Sheen or Sean Penn.
oh don't get your bubbles in a twist say what you want who cares nobody is going to read it anyway when its boring, condescending bullshit. Was offering some helpful advice. Cliche or not, its still the truth. Oh, and cliche is talking down to people about their funny posts. Becuase it offends their deep seated morals of a movie star who got a boo boo.
ReplyDeleteSo post away or not, i'll just skip what you say and move on and comment to the funny, cool people here in CDAN that deserve to be recognized for their interesting posts.
Didn't RDJ break her arm on Gothika?
ReplyDeleteThanks for call me a condscending bore, timebob. Makes my day. I guess I can't sit at the cool kids table? I don't deserve to be recognized? Wow. Why don't just call me an asshole of a jerk and make the slapdown complete?
ReplyDeleteI didn't know this place had a clique.
This had nothing to with Halle, but the attitude that one person can be laughed at for an injury and another deserves our sympathy. It's a double standard. Which is fine, but calling it for what it is seems to get one the label of 'oh, they're so sensitive, whiny fucker, let's laugh at them.'
I was simply talking about how most everyone here in this post was fine with laughing at Halle. Majority rules, and I'll move on.
Sorry I don't interest you and I'm such a drag on your lovely disposition and I offend you and your friends around here.
Somehow he's convinced himself that reading things about people is the equivalent of knowing them. Did she seduce a co-star as a bet ala Russell Crowe, no. Did she go all Chris Brown on Good Morning America and storm out of the studio? Unless you work for Gabriel, I'd like to know how you think of all the relationships between two people, he happens to be the one human being who is free of culpability in that entanglement? But what do I know. Maybe you're RDJ and you know her personally, hence guessing her as the actress who tried to nail her co-star. If it is you, you would know.