Sunday, July 22, 2012

George Michael Even Gives Up Pot

I guess George Michael will never have that tour with Snoop Dogg that he wanted so much. It turns out that George is so serious about his recovery and his near death last year that his friends told The Sunday Mirror that he is even giving up his beloved pot. George has said he does not want to be near it or smell it or ever see it again. George nearly died last year and was in a three week coma after being struck down by what he keeps calling pneumonia. I don't really care what he calls it, but I'm glad he is alive and hopefully he can stay with his recovery program and live a very long life.


  1. 3 week coma?
    Can the flu do that?
    Honestly just wondering. That's scary stuff

  2. So what does pot have to do with it ?
    George can call it the flu but it was probably pneumonia , he better start taking better care is right.

  3. No, he called it Pneumonia. But a 3 week coma is something serious that doesn't just happen from Pneumonia. I wouldn't be surprised if he has AIDS.

  4. I love George Michael. Always have. If he wants to be healthy and live a happy life then more power to him.
    Maybe he doesn't want to smoke pot anymore to keep his lungs clear. It took my mother nearly 2 years to get her breathing back to normal after pneumonia.
    Good for him.

  5. I love George Michael. Always have. If he wants to be healthy and live a happy life then more power to him.
    Maybe he doesn't want to smoke pot anymore to keep his lungs clear. It took my mother nearly 2 years to get her breathing back to normal after pneumonia.
    Good for him.

  6. There was a blind a few weeks ago about a singer who's really sick with HIV but not admitting it and has been publicly ill for a long time. It has to be him. Or if I'm remembering wrong and it's not HIV, George Michael has to have something else that's serious.

  7. Anything that damages the lungs is dangerous for a person in poor health, pneumonia likes to strike the weak.

  8. If he's HIV+ he can live a long and productive life, the drugs are so much better and George can afford the best care....I wish him well.

  9. I'm just glad he's not driving any more. As sad as it is to watch him destroy himself and his talent, it would be even sadder if he ran down some innocent passerby, which he has come close to doing more than once.

  10. I love him so much and I always will. Stay healthy my first love of my life.

  11. M'kay, George. Just make sure your mouth isn't writing a check that your ass can't cash.

  12. not sure what that comment means but it sounds not nice.

  13. Smoking pot in high school almost destroyed the upper portion of my esophagus. Yes, I know that the esophagus is a food tube and not part of the respiratory system, but the heat and the tar managed to damage it nonetheless. Bad news.

  14. I love him, too! George Michael and Pot. You guys will never have any idea how weird it is seeing this story after what I went through last night. Let's just say if someone who's been on a Sasquatch-hunting trip offers you a cookie they got from a fellow hunter, be prepared. I wasn't. At all! But at the end of the night we ended up watching George Michael videos, and it was all good, LOL.

  15. I love him. We went to see him on tour a few years ago. Fantastic.

    I wish him well and hope he gets his shit together. Don't want him to check out early...

  16. I think this could happen to anyone but it just adds to the weirdness

    George Michael 'woke from coma with West Country accent'

  17. I'm guessing he has something a lot bigger than pneumonia. He has been so reckless for so long. Didn't his husband leave him for chronically cheating recently??

    George Michael we love you but you gotta love yourself, honey. Take care

  18. @G i am almost sure its AIDS,

  19. @Katsmo i think that blind was about Natalie Cole, its like a raging gossip going on that she has the AIDS

  20. omg I didn't know that @ittokforever!!! I need to go read that. I kept thinking GM bc why has he been sick for so long and I keep thinking of the Wham! video with his white t shirt with I forget the safe sex/HIVawareness motto they used. Choose life?

  21. I thought herb was good for ppl with HIV?

    He could eat it (via herb butter -which is delish), I know I've had it in an oil form, via a drink in cannabis clubs in cali or he could use a vaporizer.

  22. I want to know more about the Sasquatch hunting trip.

    *sits at Madlyb's feet*

  23. Really like him and his music, so I hope he lives a long prosperous life, and if he thinks cutting out the pot will help, more power to him.

  24. George has the most beautiful natural untrained voice, but he is notorious for NOT taking proper care of his throat. He hates cancelling concerts and he sings while he's sick. Hopefully this near death scare will finally convince him to take care of his health AND his throat so that he can be around a while. I haven't seen him since his Wham days and I really want to see one of his solo shows.

    He didn't actually have a 'husband' just a long term boyfriend. They broke up last year, lots of problems there including distance if I remember correctly. George seems much happier and much more public with his new guy.

  25. Pneumonia is NOT the flu. It's so much worse, and yes, you can wind up in a coma if the body is shutting down. Most people have pneumonia for a couple of weeks before being diagnosed. F you ignore it, the symptoms can progress quickly and literally knock you on your ass. Then add in smoking anything and it's a lethal combination.

    I don't care who you are, and what a huge pot supporter you are, smoking ANYTHING is bad! It burns the esophagus and lungs which can in turn lower the immune system and be a breaking ground for bacteria and germs

  26. Agree with whocares. Pneumonia is terribly dangerous and can kill even the otherwise healthy if let go too long without treatment.

    And I loves me some George Michael, from Wham! (teenage swoon!) til today. He absolutely killed with Queen during that Freddie Murcury tribute @ Whimbley a few years back. Sang Somebody to Love - you must google it if you've never heard it. The only voice who can one close to Freddie's, IMO.

  27. Should be Wembley Stadium - sorry.

  28. Natalie Cole is known to have Hep C. and has for some time. She could also have AIDS but she had a liver transplant a couple of years ago - would they do that if she has AIDS?

  29. I thought he was the common guess for the blind about a singer with HIV.

  30. I hope he takes that coma as a wake-up call to take care of himself.

  31. I rocked out to Wham!, I'm not a big Limp Bizcut fan. (Though my SUV is blue). Which is to say, I love me some GM, no matter what. I sincerely hope he's not sick with anything that a good long period of sobriety can't cure!
    His was the first live concert I ever saw, way back in 1988, and my sister and a I went to see him again a few years ago and had a fabulous time reliving our teenage glory years. I want to have the opportunity to do it again sometime!

  32. I find this to be fantastic news. I hope he has a MAJOR comeback and gets the props that he so deserves. His songs are amazing.

  33. I really hope that he hasn't had HIV and the pneumonia wasn't AIDS-defining. Drugs and gay sex are such a bad mix because when you're high you share needles and go bareback. I really hope this isn't another Freddie Mercury-like tragedy.

  34. I ALSO want to know more about the Sasquatch hunting trip.

    Scoot over....
    *siting at @Madlyb's feet*

  35. I heard GM's "Praying for Time" yesterday on Sirius. I love him. I'm glad he's not smoking anything, it's bad for the little cilia in your lungs that oxygen. I hope he has a huge comeback. I read that Yahoo story about his funny accent, and his single is "White Light" about a near death experience. YouTube it!!

  36. I have s'mores fixins!

    *joins the group at MadLyb's feet*

  37. Pneumonia? Kaposi's Sarcoma? HIV? Dang.

    I try to only use my vaporiser...

    I sing Careless Whisper at karaoke all the time. It's totally in my range.
