Friday, July 20, 2012

Four For Friday - Kindness

It's Friday again, which of course means announcements. Tomorrow will be a Saturday reveal as I dig something out from the archives. I would love for you to follow me on Twitter and you can find the bird thing over there-------->. Be safe this weekend. I fear that this whole Colorado shooting is going to spawn some ridiculous copycat. I want to see you all back here safe.

I wanted to tell you today about an Emmy nominated actress. She has been in the business for what seems like forever, but she is still young. She has done movies and television and is a great actress. Solid B+/A- list. Everyone knows her. Through one of her recent co-stars, she got involved with a group of people who help injured soldiers and their families. She met a group of injured soldiers who had lost limbs and heard they didn't have enough money to always get the bast prosthetic limbs. There was also the matter of transporting families to where the soldiers were hospitalized. Our actress not only has donated $2M to this cause, but also leased 10 apartments that are within walking distance of one of the hospitals where returning soldiers are sent. All of the apartments are fully furnished and each family is allowed to stay up to two months in the apartments free of charge so they can be close to their loved ones. As a new unit becomes vacant in the complex, she rents out another and has encouraged all her co-stars to help out. So far, they have done a tremendous amount and none of them have asked for or sought any publicity for their actions. She might not always look happy, but this actress, has definitely made me smile and now I know, I will never utter a bad word or slight about her again.