Florida Politicians Sure Know How To Party
I don't think there has been a political sex scandal this much fun since Anthony Weiner. Of course with him, it was always going to be fun because of his name. This one involves Jennifer Carroll (photo above is with the Governor). She is the Lt. Governor of Florida. That would be a similar role to a Vice-President. Anyway, Jennifer is married. She is also a very staunch Republican. She is against gay marriage. She is also being accused by a former employee of having a same sex affair with her "special" assistant. Apparently the former employee walked in on the couple in Carroll's office when they were in a position which cannot be explained away. Always lock your office doors. The former employee was also told that when the women traveled she was to put them in adjoining rooms. Always. Oh, except for when Jennifer's husband was traveling with her. That happened one time and there was a warning to never let that happen again. The Lt. Governor has denied it all, but some of the details are just too real.