Monday, July 23, 2012

Firewalking Injures 21 At Tony Robbins Event

Apparently even the power of Tony Robbins was not enough to keep 21 attendees at his firewalking experience from getting hurt. The majority of those injured suffered second and third degree burns as Tony encouraged them to walk across hot coals which were burning at several thousand degrees. Although many people did complete it successfully, witnesses said that those who didn't were screaming in agony and required hospitalization. Here is the craziest statistic ever. Since Robbins' infomercials hit the air in April of 1989, they have aired every 30 minutes for 24 hours a day somewhere in North America. So, basically what that means is you have satellite you could have watched nothing but Tony Robbins for the past 23 years.


  1. What the hell are you doing banana hands?

  2. Were the people hanging out and chatting when they were on the coals? I thought it was possible since you walk across them for about 2 or 3 seconds.

  3. Has anyone here ever firewalked?

  4. Can someone explain how it's supposed to work? I don't care what motivational speech I just heard, why would that give me the power to touch my skin, even the toughest skin on the body, bottoms of the feet, to something a thousand degrees?

  5. I thought the picture was of Oprah and just got really confused.

  6. Oh, also, I heard that Tony Robbins didn't even do it himself.

  7. Yeah, IS that Oprah?

  8. teehee @ 'power of Tony Robbins'.


  9. I thought it was Black Dina, too.

  10. @Pookie - if he's on every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day for 23 years, maybe there's something to be said for the 'power of Tony Robbins'.

    Just sayin'. ;)

    1. Yeah, you cld say there is a sucker born every minute!!!!

  11. Ok, I'm really sorry if I offend someone, but I'd rather stay home and clean toilets than attend a "motivational speaker" event. How on earth do people buy into that BS?

    For the record, I pretty much hate everything, though. I also don't do group cheers at sporting events or join fraternal organizations or shit like that.

    No one ever asks me what sorority I was in, either. I must give off a vibe :-)!!

  12. They may have to switch to diving off the roof of the house head first with your arms pinned to your side as a way to give these salesmen self confidence.

  13. It is Oprah - that image is from an old show of hers.

    I can't believe people are stupid enough to do this, just because someone suggests that they can. If Tony Robbins told people that they could fly off rooftops, and then they did just that, well really, what else is there to say.

  14. Anonymous7:45 AM

    What happened to him. He looks like a coke head.

  15. Em, yes. it's called phenomenal marketing, and knowing how to zero in on your niche audience. his people are genius...doesn't mean he lives up to the hype.

    just sayin'.

  16. @Pookie - I'm not a fan of his. I'm teasing. And wondering if he's a) an alien; b) a vampire; c) both.

  17. I believe "Motivational Speaker" was a job category they created for the people who squeeze your hand way too tightly when you meet them. Having no commercially useful skills, they were all hobos back in the 1930's and 40's. The problem was they were constantly harassing the productive citizens on the streets, or outside their van down by the river. Now they are more or less productive citizens. And generally considered harmless until this happened.

  18. Some people are willing to give away far too much of their power, even when their survival instincts tell them to do otherwise.

    This reminds me of the idiots who DIED after being in that hot teepee or whatever in the Arizona (?) desert. They were moaning in agony, but their "leader"/"motivator" told them to stick it out so they did...and died. I had zero sympathy for those fools.

    1. Fig-i read an interesting article on group ghink, and how you arent able to extract yourself from group think.

  19. Did anyone else have that Milton motivational speaker guy come to their high school?

  20. I'm with you, Frufra. I think the majority of motivational speakers are borderline sociopaths because there comes a point where they are no longer trying to help people but trying to promote their brand at any cost. This time it cost a bunch of people the bottom's of their feet. Not to mention the hundreds of dollars they probably paid to get there.

    When it comes down to it, the only person that can truly motivate you is you.

  21. Bottoms - plural, not possessive. Stupid brain. Wake up.

  22. @FSP. haha. Micheal K would be very proud.

  23. @Amber - no, but I did hear Coach Pat Riley give a pep talk to our national sales force when I worked for Aenta. I have no idea what he said - I spent the whole time thinking about how tiny he looked on the stage from where I was sitting. So super effective talk, coach!

  24. @Frufra, I'm laughing at you so hard right now. That sounds like something I'd do. "Wait, what? It's over? Crap."

  25. @lazyday - +100 awesome points for the use of the word "hobo" and the phrase "van down by the river". I love it!

    My youngest kid was obsessed by hoboes when he was little. It was very strange and entertaining.

    1. Throwing this out as weird info: "hobos" or " trainular americans", as they prefer to be called- kidding! Anyway, now a vicious, murdering band of psychopaths, not the romantic wanderers of yore. Do not attempt to mingle!

    2. @auntliddy - I have been giggling for 20 minutes due to your "trainular americans" warning. Good stuff lady :-).

  26. "Shallow Hal needs a gal"

  27. Really should say obsessed "with" hoboes, not "by" hoboes. Makes it sound like they were stalking him or something.

  28. Ok - I'll be the one to come to Tony's defense :)

    Tony Robbins has mentored some of the most brilliant minds in the world, Presidents of the United States, and famous personalities such as Ms Oprah herself. My husband (who has been an entrepreneur most of his adult life) got super inspired my Tony Robbins's audio cd's and wound up subscribing the Money Masters cd's that each feature a different ultra successful business person about how they think, how they achieved their goals etc.

    In a lot of ways, it's basically just teaching you to get out of your own way to get what you want. The whole motivational thing isn't necessarily my cup of tea, but Tony's stuff has been instrumental in getting where we are today.

    Go Banana Hands (I don't like the hot coals thing though)

    1. Strangely I get him. I have never really listened or read anything of his. But I like the idea that he stands behind. I try to metally motivate myself through out the day.

    2. I cldnt take advice from a man who had affair during marriage, got divorced, and is estranged from his kids. Hes a charleton.

    3. And dont even get me started on opeah!!!! Us there nothing she wont do!!?? Ugh!

  29. @Em - I love that you get me!

    And I was a terrible salesperson.

  30. Em, log my vote in for option C. ;)

  31. Whenever I see Tony Robbins, I immediately think of Jim Carrey on In Living Color. lmao

  32. insane...people are plain crazy

  33. @Frufra - but wait, there's more: The Short One has also recently become interested in/with hobos, asking lots of questions, etc.

    The other day, I saw him talking to a stranger on our beach. I went and got him, told him he needed to only speak to the neighbors he knew. This dude was clearly homeless. I told TSO this and he stopped, said "WAIT - he's a HOBO?!" It was as if he'd struck gold.

    I have no idea where he got this term. You don't hear "hobo" very often.

  34. Are you sure @disco? Kittens can be very motivating!!!

  35. @Em and @Frufa
    Can I jump in here? 2 words that have always been guaranteed to make me laugh out loud: Hobo. Pew. There ya go

  36. Tony Robbins is the hand of the devil in disguise. Like a snakeoil salesman, he has his pitch perfected.

  37. There is nothing more painful than a bad burn. Not even close to worth chancing it.

    1. Agreed. I fell into a campfire when I was a stupid teenager. I had 2nd deg burns from wrist to shoulder. Cannot verbalize even now more than 10yrs later how much it hurt. I don't care if Tony Robbins shits diamonds and farts rainbows, I would NEVER consider something this stupid.

  38. Ooooo.... you're right, dia! Okay, motivation can only truly come from yourself and animals in miniature!

  39. @Frufra and @Em - I am not a big joiner and spent my college years with gay men listening to techno music instead of doing the sorority thing. It just all seemed too Cult-y. And no one likes a cult regardless of the packaging.

    I was also strangely obsessed with Hoboes when I was younger. I wondered how everything fit in the red bandana and thought sleeping in train cars would be cool. Appealed to my gypsy nature. I guess.

  40. I don't know if it's the content, the conversation, or the individual comments, but ya'll are seriously amusing me today. Thank you. You guys are great!

  41. Thx @disco! Haha! Couldn't resist. I totally agree that true motivation can only come from within.

    I want to like and listen to people like TR, but I never want to get so caught up that I would lose sight of who I am.

    I did take a hot yoga class a few times. One time I was totally gonna throw up and forced my way out of the room. I got a stern lecture from the instructor about how you're supposed to fight through the pain. Leaving the room is bad bc others will follow. Maybe I am a leader after all. I remember thinking F this, you crazy skinny yogi

  42. @Sunny - I don't take issue with strategists. If you can actually learn something from someone, I think that's a whole different bunch o' nanners.

  43. @EmEyeKay
    I've actually done a firewalk - it was on my bucket list. There should be a person who is qualified to build the fire, spread the coals, monitor the temperature and provide instructions when the coals have reached the appropriate temperature (around 1000 degrees F). By the time you walk, the fire has burned down to embers. You can see some glowing ones, but they are fairly ash covered by the time you walk. They instruct you to start walking toward the coals, at a steady, even, brisk walking pace and do not, under any circumstances, stop. It wasn't painful but I could feel the heat. It's the same sensation when you stub your toe and it takes a few seconds for it to register. By the time you really register heat, you're off the coals. Sometimes an ember will stick to your foot so they have a pool of water to step into after you're off.

    And I'm pretty sure Tony Robbins is the anti-Christ.

  44. @discoflux

    Oh, I was never insulted and found everyone's comments amusing. When my hubs bought the cd's, I did my inner eyeroll as well (I'm great at that btw). I just know that I have been working for someone else the majority of my life, and when my spouse and I opened up our store I didn't realize the blood, sweat, tears, worry, fear etc that would be involved. That shit is not for the faint of heart :)

    1. Here Here @Sunny!

      So maybe I should but his books so my biz will be as successful as yours and hubby's?

      *wink wink*

  45. this event happened in my hometown this weekend, these chumps paid $1000 each for the priviledge (sp?) of walking on these coals. A couple people did do it okay or with only blisters but a LOT got really hurt. So Tony Robbins walked away with $3 million from this event. Nice con.

    A bunch of people err chumps commented on the local paper's board saying how "you gotta get in the right mindset" and it was the people's fault that they got hurt cause obviously they weren't in the right mindset right? /facepalm. No, dickwad, it's like physics, dude. Coals plus a big covering of ashes and some steam from your skin and running very quickly = not getting hurt or at least very minor injuries.

    I guess according to the local paper, shortly before the firewalking, the event people raked out the coals into several 12 foot long lanes so you have fresh coals with no ash covering and looooong lanes, so one's feet have a long contact time. That's a recipe for injury there. Luckily, they were required to have the fire department on hand.

    Hope the dickwad gets sued but I doubt he will, but who knows - this is sue happy California after all! *crosses fingers*

  46. heh suckers.
    If I had any motivation at all, I'd find a way to part people from their money like this. Or start a religion. Either way.

    Guess I need a motivational course to get motivated to start a motivational course to motivate people to get motiv...oh you get it

  47. Wasn't Matt Foley a motivational speaker?

    Didn't he live in a van down by the river?

  48. They make fun of "hoboes" (how the hell do you pluralize it properly?) on iCarly--I think it's kind of a thing for this generation for some reason. Lord know we need to encourage our children to think the homeless are a punchline.

  49. Awaken the Idiot Within.

    I can't believe this guy has made a career of having acromegaly.

    BTW, where is the line between "motivational speaker" and "cult leader?"

  50. @Kitten... thanks for the info. I don't know anyone who's done it, and I've always wondered.

    @djphob - that explains it. TSO watches it.

  51. Twenty-one fools burned? After the first 1-2 people got burned, what compelled the other 19 to think it was OK to try it.

  52. @dia
    ha ha! I'm sure you could get similar motivation from some highly recommended business books, but I know my spouse got a lot out of the cd's. He and I are very different in that regard though. For example, he gets really motivated by working with a fitness trainer, and I shudder at the thought of someone standing over me watching my face turn red.

    I will say that our businesses did NOT wind up being highly successful, but we weathered the storm of the crappy economy when businesses all around us were folding. Staying in business put us him in contact with an associate who recognized my man's brilliance and hired him as an Officer at his startup. I think if it weren't for the strategies from Banana Hands (that always makes me laugh) that J wouldn't have had the confidence to take the position. Fingers crossed - we are probably going to be set for life

    Anyway, Dia, I love the work that you do. I am a full supporter of the healing powers of acupuncture. It saved me from excruciating knee pain, and helped my friend with severe pain due to a fractured pelvis from a snowboarding accident over a decade ago. Thanks for what you do :)

  53. I'd never watch his show because I'm too distracted by his giant cranium.

    1. Right???!! And that gigantic mouth with enough teeth for 2 people! Whats that about?!

  54. Isn't life painful enough without having to go & look for (stupid) ways to hurt yourself?

  55. @Sunny, that was so sweet. I just got all teary...

    When I start to get discouraged about my profession, someone like you will share an amazing story about how acupuncture helped them. It's so rewarding to do this work and I love helping people be the best they can be. Just wish it was more mainstream...

    Great news for you and your man! Congratulations.

  56. Anonymous10:22 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. How does this fire walking work - someone asked? If I remember correctly it is all about force and pressure. Something I learned in my class of Physics in 2nd yr of college.

    In the theory of physics, it is all about pressure. Example: you can press your finger directly on top of a nail without puncturing it if you don't apply too much force or pressure; if you press more, the nail will goes into your skin. That's how the Yogi's nail bed works: it's about how many nails/square inch (distribution) and how much you weight you have (force- that works like a hammer); the less you weight, the less force will be and the more nails the better to absorb the weight.

    That's why a nail bed never works for overweight people. You got to be fairly skinny to lay unharmed on a nail bed.

    I think similar principle works with fire walking; the coal must be placed correctly (distribution per square foot) and the person must be fairly thin and fast in their feet so that the sole of their feet only "touch" the coal - not sit on it.

    In short, to avoid getting burn, the coal must be set in the right way, and the person must be fast on her feet and has an optimum weight. Burning will ensure if any of the 3 factors are missing,

    So - I think these burned victims were either slow walkers or overweight or a combination of both.

    1. I thought the same thing while reading the story! If the ran instead of briskly walked they could have kicked up some new hot coals, then someone behind them overweight comes across and bam! You've got yourself 3rd degree burns.

  58. Anonymous10:24 AM

    "Since Robbins' infomercials hit the air in April of 1989, they have aired every 30 minutes for 24 hours a day somewhere in North America. So, basically what that means is you have satellite you could have watched nothing but Tony Robbins for the past 23 years."

    Show me some VERIFIABLE statistics or I call BULLSHIT (and I'm no fan of TR at all) - making shit up for hits. Really? ---- I live in a MAJOR media center and I have NEVER seen that many of his commercial to even notice.

  59. @dia papaya
    Oh, my pleasure. Just speakin' the truth. I belong to a "secret" facebook group of Mamas that try to address issues with natural and homeopathic remedies. We are ALWAYS talking about acupuncture for fertility, lactation help etc. I will say that acupuncture seems to be one of those things that you have to experience in order to become a believer. I know that was the case for me. Hang in there - I can see you are passionate about what you do. Congrats to you too :)

  60. I wonder if Tony Robbins will get raked over the coals for this ;-)

  61. @Em, dia - we do watch iCarly, too, but my kiddo is almost 11 now, and this hobo thing started with him when he was about three, so I don't think we can blame Nickelodeon.

    Hmm..maybe some book I used to read him? Maybe Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry? I just always assumed it was because we lived really close to train tracks. Kids are just so weird and wonderful!

    @Sunny - hobo hobo hobo!!!

  62. Anonymous11:07 AM

    And the tripped out part is that there is a Tony Robbins Google ad right below the comments that the webmaster gets paid for. So who gives a fuck really? (make sure you click it!!!!!)

  63. @Frufra - My dad loved trains. I spent a LOT of time on steam train excursions, playing on train tracks, doing the penny thing on the tracks. This was late 70s / early 80s and no one seemed to care that much. Prob couldn't do this stuff now.

    Hobo, Hobo, Hobo. I also watched a lot of Bugs Bunny.

  64. Busted on the hobo source. Emma Stone was on The Tonight Show several weeks back & said that iCarly was the funniest show on television. So I started Tivoing it & watching it. That's where I got the term hobo from. Obsolete vocabulary is always funny.

    1. The weirdest part is... I have never watched iCarly. I can't figure out why I knew that. Maybe I should be a psychic... Have you lost someone with an S in their name?

  65. Anonymous12:08 PM


    Do you know how to suck a dick and make a man spurt hard?

    Just curious.

    1. I saw you deleted a comment and assumed it was this but alas. You intrigue me, troll though you are.

  66. Anonymous12:14 PM

    re auntliddy..are you shocked or are just bad at it?

  67. This really isnt what we are about here. Go elsewhere for this sort of conversation.

  68. I firewalked in Haiti. I also put my hands in fire for Haitian Vodou ritual.

    Basically the Tony the Green Giant did it wrong! You're not really walking over burning embers, but burning ash. Whoever was manning the coals didn't get the concept though.

    Tony the Green Giant is just a snake oil salesman. There are TONS of them out there now. They all come from three big books Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. and the New Thought Movement with Florence Scovel Shinn's The Game of Life and How to Play It.

    Everything I've read on these motivational charlatans comes from these three works, which actually can be traced back to the Roman Empire and Marcus Aurelius. It's bastardized Stoicism.

  69. Oh I forgot to mention, the participants blamed the ones who got burned for not being in the "right mindset." What a bunch of a-holes.

  70. Not laughing at u CJ but *shits diamonds and farts rainbows is just giving me life right now...have to use that!!!

  71. @auntliddy - You OK? You're writing all weird. Did laughing at Mike Jones' dumbness send you into a stroke-like episode?

    I'm still laughing at "Trainular Americans"!

    All abord! Toot Toot.

    *yes I decided to support puppies. spread the love amongst our small furry friends.

  72. And somewhere out there, the Co$ really wants to meet some of these people that participated.

  73. On the view today they said that the people who got burned were not listening to the instructions.

    I think if i was # 3, or 4 or 5 and I saw people screaming and getting burned and hurt i would think twice and maybe do it some other time, TWENTY THREE lemmings followed suit. And why didn't some of the handlers stop it once people started getting hurt?

    If it works for you--have at it--I watched the Oprah specials with Tony and his style of hyping people up just doesn't work for me. Probably why I don't have the money he and Oprah have.

  74. @car54
    Because the "handlers" are just as brainwashed as everyone else!

    Heck, look at that guy who let everyone die in the sweat lodge. He already had a few mishaps, but STILL people went.

    Can't talk to crazy.

  75. I am not one of those people who gets anything out of motivational talks. Happy for those who do.
    Inspiration wise, I am back in a pair of pants I couldn't fit into immediately post hysterectomy. Anyone else who has had the op, keep going. It took me 9 months. Slow and steady.

  76. Dia- thanks for concern. Have zero idea what mike jones was talking about or why he choose me to direct comments to. Thanks for caring! :)

  77. First...the folks who work for him aren't smart or marketing geniuses. 99% are punch drinkers. Tony himself made the company what it is.

    The folks working the event? Mot actually PAY to work the event! In most cases over $10k.

    My husband worked in a high profile position there for 5 years and worked with idiots. He couldn't stand Tony and wasn't afraid to say so. He was one of the few employees not required to attend the events.

    In the end, if you're a lemming you're an idiot and responsible for your own health.

    Don't drink the punch people!

  78. dia papaya, wow. "Fight through the pain?" I don't know what that was, but it wasn't yoga. Yoga is all about respecting your body, and listening when it tells you something isn't right. Pushing through discomfort is one thing, but pain is a sign something is wrong.

  79. @mooshki

    I know, right! This was Hot Yoga so maybe the rules are different? The instructor/owner said that in India they lock the doors to keep people in. Being in the heat helps you purge toxins and your natural reaction is to fight the healing purge - or some other BS. I should have thrown up on him!!! Thats why I left the room. I went back one more time and was able to last the whole 90min.

    The whole thing was so creepy. Not a fan. Yoga cult!

  80. It's "charlatan", auntliddy.

    Mike Jones, why don't you take some fucking yoga and suck your own nasty choad until you choke on it.

    Yes, there is a sucker born every minute, according to PT Barnum.

    This story made me laugh really hard for a second (it's just surreal-ly fucked up), and then I got disgusted, because either way this sociopathic scam artist got all those peoples' money.

    The whole hobo thing sux. What is amusing about making fun of homeless people? Only a total asshole would do that.

  81. Hot/bikram yoga's a scam and it's really dangerous. Want to detox? Work up a real, live sweat- by exercising.

    1. @doctress what about the sweat I work up in 100 degree heat with no A/C? ;) I can't wait for fall! 75 degrees and I'll be freezing.

  82. Actually, P.T. Barnum never said: "There's a sucker born every minute." It was actually David Hannum, who sued Barnum. Here is the great story about it:

  83. Jeez, you gotta wonder about people. It's like, who was the 21st asshole who looked at the previous 20 people with burnt feet and still decided to go for it? Did they check their brains at the door? I think Tony Robbins is a used car salesman of the human spirit, but apparently people make it too easy. Maybe this is actually a list of 21 people who should ask someone else to hold their next $1000 for safekeeping.
