Friday, July 06, 2012

Everyone Jumps On The Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber Break Up Bandwagon

For the past several months I have been telling the world that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have broken up and got back together bunches of times. They are just like any young couple and it makes it really tough to write about them. They get in a fight or Justin does something cheatalicious and they break up so I write about it, but then Selena forgives him and a week later there they are happy as clams. I prefer the more mature relationships in Hollywood. The ones where the split is forever and nasty and you know they are not getting back together. when people go back and forth you never look good. It is kind of like trying to report that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant. You just kind of go numb to it all after awhile. Now though, Knee pads and TMZ have got on the break up bandwagon. In fact, TMZ went so far as to say their report was exclusive. Huh?


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