Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Evan Rachel Wood Gets Her Nose Pierced

It's short and painful looking.


  1. It's not that painful but my eyes watered uncontrollably when I got my nose pierced. It's been 10 years and I still have it.

  2. Prince Alberts hurt a wee bit more.

    1. I see what you did there...

    2. I see what you did there...

  3. I don't understand why Caucasian people get these piercings, I understand other cultures do it and that's fine but this and those big holes in ear lobes really make me wonder.

  4. I recall having my nose pierced hurt pretty badly, but the piercer was really good and really fast, so it was over quickly. I don't have the nose ring anymore, or the one in my tongue. It just got old for me after a few years.

  5. I will never not love Beck's "drive-by body pierce" lyric...gets me every time! As for the events taking place on this video; honey, that is so 1986 to me!

  6. I'm curious about nipple piercing. Anyone have one? I was kinda thinking about it.....

  7. @rejectedcarebear: I agree, a lot tearing, but not too much pain. Had it done about 3 times - don't ask.

    My navel ring was unbearably painful though. I suppose it didn't help that I had little fat on my stomach back then.

    She sounded like she was getting off on it.

    Why would a white girl like me get piercing, The Black Cat? Well, b/c I wanted to ornament and decorate myself, just like I do today with makeup and clothes. Do you think some cultures are allowed to do this and others are not?

  8. I've had my nose pierced for 12 years now. I found it to be one of my more painful piercings. It's the only one I have left though (over the years I've had tongue, nose, belly button, nips, and various ear piercings).

    @Reno - I used to have my nips pierced. It wasn't too painful to have done and I found they healed very quickly after the piercing was done.

  9. @Alexstrasza - do you have a scar on your navel? Mine is pretty bad. Been told it is terrible if you are pregnant too, but I have no experience with that. Nothing else has scarred on me though.

  10. @Black Cat...I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that piercings was a race thing, and it was a no no for white people. Thank you for enlightening everyone on the site.

  11. I pierced my nose cause I always felt it was misshappen and large and I figured a stud or ring would distract me from obsessing over it. It helped! My navel hurt more than the nose, I only got it done to see what it was like to get pierced. I know, but I was 15!

  12. I had mine done in my early 20's and have since removed it. It didn't hurt so much as it felt really weird.

  13. Did anyone else read "it's short and painful looking" and immediately think of Tommy girl?

  14. @ luckylass~I've had my navel pierced 3 times. I took it out after I got pregnant and it grew up. With my last 2 pregnancies I've kept it in and the scar is no worse than it was when I took it out the first time in high school. Word of advice though, if you do decide to take it out be 100% sure. If you go to get it repierced, you will have scar tissue and that hurts like a bitch to go through.

  15. I've had a nose ring for almost 25 years, hard to believe it. I had to have it done twice, about 2 years apart. First time, it hurt, Second Time, it hurt, and was that way for a few weeks.

    I've taken it out a few times during the years because of jobs and thinking I was getting too old for it, I see other older women with one, and I think it looks odd, but it fits my face, it's a part of me now and I plan to be a silly looking 70 year old with a nose ring and a hot pink pixie cut.

  16. In the 70's I got second piercings in my ears so I could wear two sets of earrings. Nobody else had that where I lived at the time so it was really cool.

    I've since ditched the second holes and that's as wild as I ever got with piercings.

  17. @bobbi_1025: Thanks! It came out while bouldering a few years ago. By the end of the day that shit was closed up. But i have the scar as evidence.

    Now, I am just as every Caucasian apparently should be (ala The Black Cat), piercing free.

    @Lucas - thanks for making me spit on my freshly cleaned screen.

  18. It was all I could do to get my ears pierced.

    As a retired x-ray tech, I would warn people that sometimes you have to take the piercings out, depending on what they're looking for and evidently that can be a real problem for some. I had one patient who thought he had lung cancer and had big nipple rings somehow soldered on his nipples. He had to come back a few days later after he got someone with bolt cutters to take them off. He was a nice guy, I felt badly for him. Not sure how these items used in piercings affect MRI.

    1. MRI's use magnets and would literally rip them out. A few years ago a police off. went in the room with her elderly mother while the test was being conducted and forgot to take off her gun. It pulled it out of her holster and attached to the machine.

  19. Mine didn't hurt at all when I got it. But mine was with a gun. Really quick. I still have it 16 years later.

  20. Yuck, I have no interest in feeling like I have a huge snot stuck in my nose all the time.
    I think those things where your ear lobe just gets larger and larger is incredibly ugly.

  21. I'm having this done (for the third time) for my 35th. Trying to decide between a ring or a stud.

  22. Nose piercings are so unattractive. Looks like you have a booger.

  23. @bobbi_1025 - some metals are allowed in MRI - I had an ankle MRI recently and wore jeans with a zipper, kept my bra with metal underwire on, as well as my jewelry. The only thing they wouldn't allow in was my Kindle.

    1. I think it depends on what kind of metal it is. I've been able to leave my bra on, but they always make me take out my bellybutton. Now that you mention it they let me leave my earrings on. Maybe it just depends on where they have to scan?

  24. I'm 34 and going in soon for a hoop in the side of my lip. I use to have a labret above my chin, but removed it for an X-ray. By the time I was out of the hospital a few hours later, it had already closed :(

  25. What @rejectedcarebear said.

    What's up with the moaning? A sigh of relief when you're done maybe, but...

  26. my nose didnt hurt, neither did my tongue. Stretching my ears hurt like a b!%^&, though...and it takes forever for the holes to shrink back down.

  27. Ugh. Evan Rachel wood thinks she so edgy and out there. She just tries too damned hard.

  28. @luckylass - Yes, I do have a tiny scar on my navel. Just looks like a small dot though, you can barely see it really.

  29. I used to have lots of piercings, most painful was the nipple for me. Nose was also pretty bad, eyes watering and felt like i had to sneeze. And something went wrong so I was bleeding pretty badly :O (not to scare people or anything, but i was like nooooooo, wtf!)

    Navel, lip, tongue, ears etc didn't hurt that much imo. Have taken all the piercings out now, no scars except the navel one. There is still a pretty big hole, so i regret getting that :/

    1. My best friend got her eyebrow pierced and it bled horribly. Even the piercer had a WTF look on his face. After about 6 months she took it out cause it kept bleeding. If she would run, workout, or anything that got the blood pumping it would start.

  30. What I'm wondering though; what is up with Evan Rachel Wood? I guessed her name on a few blinds in the past, but so far nothing has been revealed to be about her (except about her being a bitch towards K. Winslet's divorce).

    For some reason I do think she has issues. It's all a bit too dramatic and show off. Her Twitter is all about smoking pot, being bi and implying bad ass behaviour. If someone asks her directly if she smokes pot she is all vague and kidding around. Also when she was still with Marilyn Manson she looked like a Dita von Teese clone, and talking about how this is the look she always wanted and that she was soooo herself. Relationship ends; hair gets chopped off, she dresses like a boy, is suddenly bi, talks about ex girlfriends no one has ever heard of and talks about pot constantly. What is up with that? Can't be healthy. Maybe late adolescence or something, but okay, it's all a bit too weird for me. Like a turn in the complete opposite direction.

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  32. @Coriander Shea
    Thank you so much for the info! That was very informative. I'm really not sure I'd do well w/ it. Mine are a natural DD and I'm 40, soooooo. They aren't very saggy, but they still weigh alot. I wonder if that would hinder it at all?

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