Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Demi Moore's Kids Are Thinking Restraining Order

According to Radar, Demi Moore's daughters are considering taking out a restraining order against the actress. Good luck with that. First of all I hate any kind of story that says considering because you can never be wrong if you say the word consider. Most people think about many options to each issue in their life. You might want to scream at your boss, but you would probably never do it. You considered it though. Same goes for anything. I am not a fan of any story that uses consider. That being said, did you see Demi Moore going all Courtney Love on people. I think Demi might be a few steps short of headed into full blow Courtney Love mode. They should just move the two of them in together and film it and then in six weeks if either of them are alive, you can have Dr. Drew open the front door of the house and interview them. I guess Demi is calling her daughters all the time. Is that restraining order worthy? Not if it is your mom. Can you imagine if every child went to a judge because their parent was calling them too much? The line would be blocks long.


  1. I did not see Demi go all CL.
    I haven't heard much about her in awhile.

    A restraining order on my mom so she can't call me 5 times a day? I am considering that.

  2. soooo, can someone tell me why her daughters are not speaking to her?

    whats the deal here?

  3. Also, Demi's skin in this pic!

  4. Wow - my mom calls too much. Never thought about legal action, though. Mark me down as "considering" a restraining order as well!

    I'm actually leaning towards moving and changing my name. Not really, but I'm considering it.

  5. I tried to get a restraining order against my mom because she called too much. She called to tell me I was evil and a demon and I never should have been conceived and she was going to do everything in her power to take my son away. She also stole a key to my house and would drive past several times a day.
    If Demi does things like that, I can see why they would want to get a restraining order, for sure. My mom is a raging alcoholic, and supposedly Demi is getting there, too.

  6. Well, how about Bruce showing the "kids" how to block a number, text, em address, etc. Even I can do that.

    Not buying this story. Something kind of smelly about it ?

  7. That's why god invented VOICEMAIL.

  8. @seaward, so sorry. Horrible and can't even imagine that stress.

  9. Jesus, seaward. I can see my white trash sister doing that, but she's just schizophrenic. And, thankfully in another state. And too lazy to get off her 400lb ass and do something other than write rambling "quotes" from the Bible on Facebook.

  10. seaward, that sucks. Big time. Sorry that you had to deal with that from your own mom. I've been there with someone close to me, and it is horrible. It's really devastating when the person who's supposed to love you most in the world spews that venom. Ugh. Hope your situation is more stable now.

  11. Yup, Vicki. Schizophrenic. Our person is, too (my mother in law). But refuses the diagnosis and of course the subsequent treatment. She's "stable" now, but we're just standing by waiting for it to all go to hell.

  12. Thanks, guys, and it's ok now. I cut her out of my life over a year ago, the only thing that sucks now is family members telling me I need to "just get over it because she's family."

  13. My brother needs a restraining order from his MiL, she is insane. She makes up mystery diseases to get attention and will call MY job to tell me how awful my brother is. I could write a looong ass novel on all the crazy ish she has pulled. I met her about 15yrs ago and she told me all her internal organs were shutting down and she'd be dead in 6mos. She is still here.

  14. Seaward - Sorry to hear about your mom and the folks trying to make you feel guilty now. I have the same issue with my dad. I stay far away from him and have no contact. Now that he's older I get the emails from distant relatives that claim I should make up to him. He'll rot in hell first.

  15. @rejected - please give her my mom's number. They will have lots to discuss. Between the two of them, they could cover every specialist, I'd bet, with nothing diagnosable between them.

    In-laws - you don't think about that shit before you get married. Ugh.

  16. I'm with Agent**It on this - this doesn't pass the smell test. Maybe this leak about "considering a restraining order," if true, was meant as a warning to Demi. Who knows.

    I'm so sorry for all of you who have had to deal with rough family drama, especially from a parent. Not the way it should be.

  17. @rejectedcarebear, that sounds a bit like my deceased great-grandmother. My dad met her when he was 18 and dating my mom (she lived with her dad and grandparents) and said that she was always complaining about her heart and how she was going to die soon--soon turned into 20 years when she was 96 years old.

    On another note, that woman was so screwed up and wanted a daughter so badly (she had two sons) that as soon as her first granddaughter (my mom) was born, she set out to ruin her son's marriage (she was successful) just so that she could finally have a little girl to raise. Crazy bitch.

  18. Totally OT but still involving a brat pack drunk - On last night's Monday Night Raw there was absolutely no mention of Charlie Sheen as the Social Media Ambassador for next week's 1,000th episode. Kind of hard to tweet without a twitter account. The only mention of it on wwe.com now is the post from 3 weeks ago, but it's no longer listed on the events and it wasn't even breathed about on the show last night even to say that it wasn't happening anymore. I sense another breakdown coming.

  19. Demi Moore needs to step up and take responsibility for how she has singlehandedly decimated the entire American Cougar population.What self-respecting 40something woman now wants to hook up with a younger man, when all it leads to is this? They used to make movie stars of stronger stuff. Where is Mae West when we need her??!

  20. This bitch also called me at work one day and told me my niece went missing cause she wanted to see how fast it would take me to get to my brothers house. I wanted to punch her out. I was LIVID! I hate having to share my niece and nephew with her, she is beyond nuts. My sympathies to you @seaward and @frufra et all, I feel your pain!

  21. Oh, good work, discoflux! My WWE fan had baseball last night, so we dvr'ed it. Excellent sleuthing there. We'll be standing by to see Charlie's next move.

  22. Denise, that is what one's skin looks like at 50. It's not bad skin at all, but for those unaware from staring at movie star pictures every day, eventually skin grows drier as you get older and even gets -- sit down for this! -- wrinkles. You know, those little lines and creases that Russian babushkas get? Turns out we all get them if not permanently on a Botox IV drip.

  23. @Denise - I think it's just the quality of the photo. Her shirt has that same "texture" as her skin. But there's something VERY wrong with her eyes.

  24. @McSpanky - you speak the truth! My skin looks like crap if I don't moisturize, yet the area around my eyes gets so oily that by 6 p.m., I'm running in pain to remove my eye makeup, which has slid off, courtesy of said oil, into the eyes themselves. Cruel, cruel aging tricks.

    But, ya, I still bring it most days :-). I make crow's feet and that slight crepe to my skin (that we all dream of) look good :-)!

  25. I have a close friend who is succumbing to severe hysterical hypochondriasis as her life stress goes up. It's disheartening, and her doctor recently took her by the shoulders and shook her and said, "There is nothing wrong with you. You have low iron because you eat nothing but pizza and starve yourself, but otherwise you are fine." Then my friend went home and worked herself up to a simulated asthma attack and claimed she couldn't get off the floor. I'm actually wondering what kind of psychiatric interventions are called for. Hypochondriasis is a very troubling disease when the person loses control over their hysterical fits. I feel for y'all.

  26. McSpanky,
    yes, I know what wrinkles are. Well aware. :)
    But the right side of her face doesn't look wrinkled, it looks as though she has burn scars.
    Like Cathy said, it might be the pic quality.

  27. McSpanky,
    yes, I know what wrinkles are. Well aware. :)
    But the right side of her face doesn't look wrinkled, it looks as though she has burn scars.
    Like Cathy said, it might be the pic quality.

    1. Don't know why that posted twice bit can't delete from phone.

  28. Jesus, what the hell has she done?? Mb its tough love- get help or we getting order. I get a whole snotty vibe from these three girls.ike " ewww, mom's such a downer, im really, like, done with her !" said in valley girl speak.

  29. @Frufa - I found the most amazing eye cream from MAC - you must get yourself some.

    It's called Fast Response Eye Cream, in a silver tube. Just dab a little under your eyes. It has caffeine in it which helps reduce puffiness, and your skin, even with make up on, feels like silk. An amazing product (and no, I don't work for MAC, lol!).

  30. I think her skin in the pic is the pic quality...blurry end of a long lens.
    When did she go "Courtney Love"? Where?

  31. Thanks, surfer! Great tip - I will check it out.

  32. Barton,
    Psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and antidepressants
    are the most common treatments per Mayo clinic.

  33. @seaward I never got a restraining order against my mom, but I empathize. My mom is also an alcoholic. After too much drama, being "disowned" every week (one time I was disowned and told we should go out for dinner in the same conversation) and a lot of emotional abuse, she is no longer allowed in my life.
    It's sad when it comes to that. In my case, I have to protect my children first.

  34. @surfer
    Thanks for the reminder about thar Mac eye cream. I used it years ago and it was incredible. Do you use a different eye cream at night? I am obsessed with this stuff

  35. @Barton, Agent - it has been my life experience that the person with the hypochondriasis has to be willing to 1., acknowledge the impact of stress on their health, and 2., accept the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. And good luck with all that.

    Even though my mom is under enough stress to kill a horse (thanks, Dad), she generally refuses to believe that said stress could be impacting her health. Sickness has always been an acceptable "escape valve" in her life. you know, you can miss church or that uncomfortable work function if you're home sick. It's like a kid with a fever who gets to miss school.

    She has quietly admitted to me on several occasions that most of her problem is probably "living with him", but she'd never admit that to an outsider, or God forbid, a doctor. It's really quite the situation.

  36. @Sunny - honestly, I think night cream vs day cream is one of the biggest scams in the industry.

    I've always had really dry skin, so I use a heavy moisturizer. I'm now using, also by MAC, a moisturizer called "Studio Moisture Cream." Then I put the eye cream on top. Truly, my skin has never felt so soft.

    The great thing about MAC is they are always giving you samples to try - sometimes they'll give you a few, and mark them, so you know which one works best.

  37. As long as those girls are taking Demi's money they should shut up...
    Do any of them work for a living...?

    1. Yes they work! *eye roll*. They are all actresses! In great demand!! NOT!!!!! Lol

  38. @Mischievous - wait a minute. Is your mom and my MIL really the same person? Holy cow - that disowned thing is to the letter. And yup, you have to insulate your kids from that level of crazy. I have so been there.

  39. Thanks, Agent -- Her husband is kind of at his wits end and I finally suggested that he needs to sit down with her doctor and pastor and try to hammer out a plan to address it all. What scares me is that she seems to actually believe she has asthma, is bleeding to death, has a fever of 108, etc. I wish she were just faking and not believing it.

  40. I forgot to add, that's why I suspect Frufa you're right, there has to be some consciousness and willingness, and with this, there's none. It's "ego-syntonic," as they say, in line with the person's thinking and part of self-perception. Scary stuff!

  41. I wish we had bold type here...

    "In-laws - you don't think about that shit before you get married. Ugh."

    So very true.

    And toxic parents. It is a hard one to mentally process and deal with. My father wasn't nearly as bad as some but still managed to fuck me up a bunch.

    Hugs to everyone around.

    Now about Demi. I just don't know if I buy the 'its all Ashtons fault' story anymore. I have a feeling she was going off the rails for a quite a while (This does not give him reason to cheat.. man up get out first) And I think the girls are actually doing this for their own peace of mind and soul.

    She may have been a good mother for a long period of time, but not now. And sometimes it is just best for the kids to remove themselves from this situation.

    Like I said, my father wasn't nearly as bad as some here, but it would have been nice to have a sibling to go through it with. Hopefully the girls can come out stronger in the end and be mostly okay.

  42. mental illness + addiction + break-up/divorce + menopause = very troubled woman

  43. Bless her heart has she just gone bat-shit crazy or what?

  44. Anonymous9:13 AM

    What she could have had done is chemical peels? Where they take off a couple of layers to reveal the "young" skin. It looks great, but she seems like the type to overdo it. Plus if she's going in to convulsions from coke and whippets, drinking nothing but red bull, starving herself, fake tanning, drinking, etc. The poor woman is headed for a breakdown, suicide, overdose. I think that she should beg Bruce to take her back. Date someone her own age, get her groove back. Ashton Kutcher is not the be all and end all of men. She must be so so messed up the poor thing. She needs to get it together and find some peace.

  45. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Barton- as far as the hypochondriac, they are addicted to the attention, putting people through the pain, worry, fear and hysteria seem to be the motivation. Wanting all that complete, devotional, undivided, attention, care and concern. It's like when you were a kid and your Mom stayed home with you, brought you chicken soup, you got to watch whatever you wanted, and just focus on yourself and getting better. That only happened once or twice to me btw. Mom was the sole breadwinner and couldn't take off work.
    The person is addicted to the reaction they get from other people. They can't just be living life and going through things like the rest of us, it has to be all hand to the forehead, drama, sighs, announcements, whining, poor me, etc. The only thing you can do is get far far away from that person and not feed in to their demands for attention. It only makes it worse. Maybe after everyone has left them they may start looking at themselves. This ties in to the mother in law thing: I had a boyfriend for a couple years, who's mother was a hypochondriac/clinger rich widow, she was all over my life, stopping by, calling, texting, wanting to spend time with me, had to spend the night at her house a couple nights a week so she wasn't lonely. She said terrible things about me and there were issues constantly. Some people need drama and intrigue in their lives. Now after I've been out of that relationship I hear that she says I was an angel and that she loves and misses me so much! What the hell?

  46. ^Sorry to hear of your crazy family members.

    I have always liked Demi and I hope she gets it together.

  47. Could they not want to talk to Demi because they're sleeping with Asston and don't want to face her?

  48. about 16 years ago, when my husband and i first started, ahem, dating, my mom started showing up at our house at all hours. day, night, morning. sometimes a couple to a half dozen times in one day. it was always when we were in the middle of something (yes, that's innuendo). it got so bad, that i became paranoid whenever we started doing anything where pounding on the door and 'is anyone home?' wasn't a welcome sound. if i would have thought of it, i so would have gotten a restraining order.

  49. @Frufra When I read about your mother-in-law I thought the same thing. I am an only child (as far as I know), so they can't be the same person. The hypochondria everyone is mentioning sounds like my mom, also. She is always dying. To the point that I was surprised, a year ago, to find out she is still alive.

  50. There are separate purposes for day and night creams so please don't go by what someone with "really dry skin" said bc I'm guessing she's had to ignore any extra benefits while searching for extra moisture.

  51. That photo is grainy and probably taken (as mentioned) from a telephoto lens and then cropped and blown up. That doesn't mean her skin doesn't look weird because I think every actress (and actor) has weird looking skin in Hollywood. Jennifer Aniston looks the oddest to me - her face isn't falling where my eye wants it, too. You are over 40 ladies - accept it.

    I'm sorry to hear about the crazy family members some of you all are dealing with. I just got home from talking to my therapist about cutting my sister out of my life. It is very sad but I was relieved when my therapist told me she thought it would be a good thing.

  52. She looks she's going to start gnawing on her finger and move on to the rest of her hand until her personal assistant restrains her.

  53. I may be alone here but I feel sorry for her. Didn't her mother have issues? What if she's having a breakdown and it's menopause or something? My impression of her daughters is they are users, going with the more popular celebrity right now. Maybe it's just that he's closer to their age and seems more fun and Demi did make him an important part of their lives but she looks so sad and alone that the idea of her calling her daughters all desperate for them to talk to her sounds awful. And would the daughters come rushing back if she started dating another well-known celebrity?

  54. Well last week Enty had a blind about Ashton sleeping with both Mila (current gf) and Demi (ex-sex). Her girls can be so upset with her for tryin to get back with Ashton. I know I would be if my mom was back to banging the guy whose cheating sent my mom over the edge.

  55. If its really that bad, Demi has probably had a very long standing mental illness. You don't just separate from your mom less than a year after a bad divorce without a long history of histronic behavior on her part.

    Now it makes more sense why Bruce moved her out to Middle America while they were married. He was probably thinking the less stressful environment was good for her.

  56. Congratulations to those of you standing strong against the crazy. Well done.

    I'm not surprised PTSD therapy isn't recommended in many of the cases mentioned above. Big pharmacy would never want Drs doing things without drugs! And after Ashton I wouldn't be surprised if this is what would help Demi.

  57. @rejectedcarebear - I hope you have codes worked out with your colleagues for when your brother's MIL calls, you know, "waving stapler wildly over head = call me into a staff meeting" and "throwing paperclips at nearest colleague = district manager is on hold asking for you" sort of thing

    @ McSpanky - LOL @ Demi decimating the American cougar population!

    @ JoElla - You can bold type by this mark up: text

    Here ya go!

    "In-laws - you don't think about that shit before you get married. Ugh."

  58. One of my sister-in-laws rang my husband up at his work to tell him their mother was dying. He rang me, I talked to my boss, his work cancelled a training day the next day for him and as he works all over the state they were working out how to get him home. He rings me again because the nursing home wouldn't give him any information. I told him to ring one of his other sisters and it turns out that his sister had overreacted! We will practically need a death certificate before believing it next time.

  59. Since we are venting about MILs... We let the MIL move in when she was having a hard time making ends meet. She had practically the entire lower level to herself with her own bathroom, bedroom and living area. Didn't have to pay a thing. She liked to leave the bathroom door open, but only when my husband was home alone...then try and get him to come talk to her while she was using the restroom!!! She is the only woman I know jealous of her only grandchild. She treated her so badly, and one day my husband had enough and told her off. So, she tore our daughter's picture up in front of him. Her ass was out of the house at the end of the month, and he has not spoken to her since.

  60. If I had a dime for every time I considered a restraining order for my mom.......


  61. Mischievous Angel, "she is always dying" is the best description I've ever heard of this thing!

  62. OMG! Speaking of attention! My hubby was like that. He has a congenital heart problem and gosh he use to work it! Whenever he wasn't getting attention, he would bring up his emergency room visits (the ER doctor LOATHED him) and how he didn't have many years to live.

    Luckily, he did this while we were buds and not dating. I started to ignore him and told him point blank to stop manipulating me. When he saw he couldn't get the attention he craved, he changed his behavior.

    I think this learned behavior though, because he learned it from his family.

  63. I feel sorry reading some of your mom stories. I talk to mine 5 times a day because I like her. She's the goddamned sweetest little old lady, I just want to carry her around like a doll. When I'm ready to choke her for telling me the same story for the 3rd or 4th time, I remind myself someday I'll wish she was here repeating herself.

  64. when i went through my dvorce and my ex was calling all hours of the day and night (screaming, threatening, etc), my attorney brought this up. the judge told him to cut it out, because she knew what he was trying to do; control our household. the difference is these girls can change their numbers (i don't think $ is an issue)and they are not minors. if she's calling when she's high or drunk, i can see where that would be upsetting and disturbing (she IS their mom). but i doubt thats enough for a restraining order.
