Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cookie Monster - Share It Maybe

Yes, I too have had enough of the Call Me Maybe parodies, but this is Sesame Street and the Cookie Monster, so I cut them some slack and will break down and show another Call Me Maybe parody. This one is called Share It Maybe and I think we know what the Cookie Monster wants shared.


  1. YAY!~ My friend is in this video in the dance scenes :)

  2. That's cool, Amber!

    Cookie Monster could read the phone book and it would be pure entertainment. I love him!

  3. One of my future-nieces told me they got rid of him & that he was the Veggie Monster now, but I see that she is mistaken. I am glad for that.

  4. They did "update" him because a lot of dumbass parents thought he was a bad influence. Because, you know, it's illegal to tell your sneauxflaqhue "no" when he wants a cookie.

  5. OFFS. People really need to learn that while it may save some crying/screaming/arguing in the moment, saying 'yes' to your kid all the time is really setting you up for disaster later.

  6. Sesame Street workshop does songs better than Glee. ;)

  7. a friend sent this to me yesterday and my one year old started dancing and going nuts - i had to play it ten times in a row and im still not as sick of it as the original

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM


  9. Sesame Street is always awesome!!

  10. Ok, just got through playing this for my 3 year old about a dozen times. He is still requesting more.
